Welcome to E-resources Week 2023 at HKSYU Library! Our goal is to promote the E-resources available to all staff and students. By joining us, you can:

  • Explore a wide range of databases and other online resources that are subscribed to by the Libraries.
  • Improve your search strategies and information literacy skills, allowing you to find the information you need more quickly and effectively.
  • Win prizes, including an iPad, Apple Watch, and E-ink reader, by attending our workshops and answering our online quiz.

We have prepared a variety of activities for you to participate in, including:

  1. Booth
    Visit our booth to get help with using our electronic resources and downloading useful apps.
  2. Workshop
    Attend workshops to learn effective search strategies, accessing and using e-books, and citation management tools.
  3. Quiz and Prize
    Attend our workshops and answer our online quiz for a chance to win prizes.

We hope you will join us for E-resources Week 2023 and discover all the resources and opportunities that are available to you through the HKSYU Library.

For enquiries, please contact: libinfo@hksyu.edu