Application of HKSYU Library Cards

A. HKSYU Staff & Students

All staff and students are automatically entitled to use the services and facilities provided by the Library with valid staff or student identity cards. Others need to register at the G/F Circulation Counter.

B. HKSYU Alumni

HKSYU awarded local graduates are eligible to apply for Alumni Reader or Alumni Borrower Cards. Other joint courses graduates will be assessed individually. (Application form / Online Form)

Card Type Fee Borrowing Privileges

Alumni Reader Card

(two years)

(four years for HKSYUAA members)

  1. Cardholders can access the HKSYU Library and use the collections within the Library. The Card does not include any borrowing privileges throughout the entire valid period.
  2. Access to online databases (on-site / remote access).*

Alumni Borrower Card

(two years)

(four years for HKSYUAA members)

  1. Cardholders can access the HKSYU Library with borrowing privileges (12 items of books for 30 days) throughout the entire valid period.
  2. Access to online databases (on-site / remote access).*
The HKSYUAA membership is limited to General members, Associate members, and Honorary members.
For more information, please contact the Hong Kong Shue Yan University Alumni Association.
*Cardholders of Alumni Reader / Borrower can access to online databases on-site, also they can remote access to selected online databases (see the below list):

The list is subject to change from time to time based on license agreements.

Remarks: Alumni users could also access the open access databases via Database > Type

Method of Application

Applicants should bring along the graduation certificate or other equivalent documents, one 1.5 x 2 inch recent photograph and the application fee (by Cash or Octopus card) to the G/F Circulation Counter to apply for the Alumni Library Cards.

Applicants can also submit the Online Form with their e-photo, and a copy of proof of graduation to in advance and pay the application fee in person.

Notes to Users

  1. The Library reserves the right not to offer services to any individual based on his/her past conduct in the Library.
  2. The Alumni Reader and Borrower Card are not transferable to another user.
  3. Loss of the Card must be reported immediately to the Library Circulation Counter at 2806-5113.
  4. A replacement Card for accessing the Library or borrowing before your current service valid period expires could be applied by submitting (i) a recent photo and (ii) a completed application form to the Circulation Counter of the Library. All replacements must be applied in person.

C. Staff Family Members

Family members, who are over 12 (Twelve) years old on the application date, (including spouses, children, parents and siblings) of the HKSYU staff can apply for the Card free of charge. The Card duration is the same as to the staff’s employment period. However, a staff family member who stays in Hong Kong for less than 15 days is not eligible to apply for the Card (Online Form).

D. External Individual Readers

The Library may accept non-HKSYU members who need to locate our materials to conduct their research projects. The Library reserves the right to reject any application. The application of the External Individual Reader Card, Card duration and terms of usage are subject to the approval of the University Librarian.


  1. Requests are considered on individual basis.
  2. A written request, which includes a brief description of the research, may be submitted by person or mail to “The University Librarian, Hong Kong Shue Yan University Library Complex, 12 Wai Tsui Crescent, Braemar Hill Road, North Point, Hong Kong”.
  3. The request should be accompanied with supporting documents related to the research (e.g., a valid student card or tuition fee receipt); professional qualification (e.g., membership of professional associations); and/or recommendation letters from the academic supervisors.
  4. The Library will reply within five working days upon receiving each request. For approved request, the applicant is required to bring a recent photo (1.5″ x 2″) and come to the Library to complete the application form. When the Card is ready, the Library will contact the applicant for collection at the Circulation Counter.
  5. The Library will consider requests for Card renewal based on the same principles and arrangements listed above.
  6. The Reader Card does not include any borrowing privilege.

E. VIP Members

The HKSYU Library accepts individuals who make contributions to the Library to become VIP members. The application and borrowing privilege is subject to the approval of the University Librarian.