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information Restricted Resource Full text availableAssociated Press Collections Online (Gale Primary Sources) Help Guide
Descriptions: Associated Press Collections Online (Gale Primary Sources) is a publishing program focusing on making varied treasures of the Associated Press Corporate Archives, AP Images, and AP Archive available to libraries worldwide. Exploring the history and back story of the venerable Associated Press---decades' worth of wire copy, correspondence, memos, internal publications, and more.

Users can browse Asia-Studies Full-Text Humanities module through http://www.hksyu.edu.hk/lib/db_campus/dbrec.php?brief=asia_humanities.
Sources: Associated Press archive
Language: English
Features: Search/browse/download/print

information Restricted Resource Full text available Resource contains video Resource contains audioChina-Global South Project (CGSP)


The China-Global South Project (CGSP), formerly known as The China Africa Project, is a non-profit independent multimedia organization dedicated to exploring every aspect of China's engagement with Africa. The project has a full-time team of editors and analysts in five countries in African and Asia working every day to produce daily news and analysis. The site produces a mix of editorial content that combines original material with carefully curated third-party information.


The current CGSP production output includes:

  • The China in Africa weekly audio podcast
  • The China Global South Project Facebook page
  • The China Global South Project on YouTube
  • The China Global South Project on X
  • Le Projet Chine Afrique
  • AfrikChine Podcast (French)
  • Akhbar AlSin-Africia on X (Arabic)


  • Trending Stories
  • News Feed 
  • Analysis 
  • Podcast 
  • Video 
  • Newsletters 
  • Special Reports
  • ChatCGSP (beta)


  • Simple Search
  • Podcast 
  • Share (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Weibo, Email)





information Restricted Resource Full text availableEBSCO: Newspaper Source Plus Help Guide
Basic Searching Help
Descriptions: Newspaper Source Plus provides a full-text digital collection of the world's major news content. It includes millions of articles from newspapers, newswires and news magazines. In addition, it offers television and radio transcripts and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources.
Features: Email / print / save articles, abstract / full-text / page image available, functions: marked articles, etc.
Sources: Newspaper, newswire and new magazine and Radio & TV News, etc.
Language: Many languages (Mainly in English)

information Restricted Resource Full text availableEBSCO: Regional Business News Help Guide
Basic Searching Help
Descriptions: This database provides comprehensive full text coverage for regional business publications. Regional Business News incorporates coverage of 75 business journals, newspapers and newswires from all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States. This database is updated on a daily basis.
Features: email / print / save articles, abstract / full-text / page image available, functions: marked articles, etc.
Sources: Business journals, newspapers and newswires
Language: English

information Restricted Resource Full text availableFinancial Times Historical Archive (Gale Primary Sources) Help Guide
Descriptions: The Financial Times Historical Archive is the complete searchable facsimile run of the world's most authoritative daily business newspaper. Every article and advertisement ever printed in the paper since 1888 can be searched and browsed. This is an essential, comprehensive and unbiased research tool for everyone studying public affairs, and economic and financial history of the last 120 years.
Features: Search/browse/download/print
Sources: Financial Times
Language: English

information Restricted Resource Full text available Resource contains videoGeneral OneFile (Gale) Help Guide
Descriptions: General OneFile (Gale) is a one-stop source for news, magazine, and periodical articles across a wide range of general interest topics and academic disciplines. With millions of articles available in both PDF and HTML full-text, General OneFile serves a wide audience of readers.
Features: Search/browse/download/print
Sources: Journals/books/news/videos…etc.
Language: English

information Restricted Resource Full text availableInternational Herald Tribune Historical Archive, 1887–2013 (Gale Primary Sources) Help Guide
Descriptions: This archive includes The New York Herald, European Edition followed by the New York Herald Tribune and finally the International Herald Tribune, retracing the history of the 20th century from luxury travel and opulent entertainment, to international conflicts, the spread of American culture abroad and globalization. This American newspaper published in Paris had an independent editorial spirit throughout and offers a strong focus on objective reporting of international news.
Sources: "International Herald Tribune" newspaper
Language: English
Features: Search/browse/download/print

information Restricted Resource Full text available Resource contains video Resource contains audioLearning Network - The New York Times Help Guide


Integrated our subscribed The New York Times and The New York Times in Education, the New York Times Learning Network connects classrooms to the world with The New York Times contents and provides opportunities daily for teenagers to both learn the issues that matter to them and raise their voices in response to it.


Lessons and Teaching Ideas

  • Lesson Plans
    Short lesson plans based on Times content.

  • Teaching Ideas
    Ideas and inspiration for teaching with The Times.

Writing Prompts

  • Student Opinion Questions (Daily)
    Daily questions inspired by Times content from across sections.

  • Picture Prompts (Tuesday-Friday)
    Accessible, image-driven prompts that invite a variety of kinds of writing.

  • Current Events Conversation (Weekly on Thursdays)
    A weekly round-up of our favorite student comments on recent news and issues.

Quizzes and Vocabulary

  • Word of the Day (Daily)
    Learn vocabulary with The New York Times.

  • Student News Quizzes (Weekly)
    A current events quiz that tests students about the biggest news stories.

  • Geography Quizzes (Monthly)
    Introduce students to over 150 countries via Times maps, photos and journalism.

Photos, Graphs & Videos

  • What’s Going On in This Picture? (Weekly on Mondays)
    Times images without their captions and an invitation to students to discuss the live.

  • What’s Going On in This Graph? (Weekly on Wednesdays)
    Graphs, maps and charts from The Times and an invitation to students to discuss them live.

  • Film Club (Weekly on Thursdays)
    Short documentary films and related discussion questions.

Contests & Challenges

  • Contests
    Ten challenges that invite teenagers to engage via writing, photography, audio, video and more. 

  • Accessible Activities
    A curated selection of student activities for a broad range of readers and writers.


  • Basic Search 

  • Comments

  • Share Options 
    Copy link/Email/Facebook/X/Telegram/LinkedIn/WhatsApp






To activate your Academic Pass for access to The New York Times, please follow these steps:

  1. Visit here,
  2. enter Shue Yan University,
  3. create a free NYTimes.com account using your university email address.

(If you already have a NYTimes.com account associated with your university email address, log in with those credentials. Remember to login out when you leave the platform. You may download NYTimes mobile apps via Google Play.)

information Restricted Resource Full text availableNews (Gale OneFile) Help Guide
Descriptions: News (Gale OneFile) provides access to full-text newspapers and allows users to search articles instantly by title, headline, date, newspaper section, or other fields. The database offers a one-stop source for current news and searchable archives.
Features: Search/browse/download/print
Sources: Newspapers
Language: English

information Restricted Resource Full text availableSouth China Morning Post Digital IP Access Program
( Please ignore the SUBSCRIBE button, we can access the unlimited articles now )
Descriptions: The database brings the editorial content of the South China Morning Post online edition together with breaking news and videos. It also allows users to retrieve any article, image or key word published in the database in the past 10 years. Users can also sub-select by subject and section category.
Features: Browse current content and search keywords for archives in the past 10 years
Sources: News with text, images, or videos
Language: English

information Restricted Resource Full text availableSunday Times Historical Archive, 1822-2016 (Gale Primary Sources) Help Guide
Descriptions: Since 1822, The Sunday Times has provided thoughtful analysis and commentary on the week's news and society at large. Murder, theatre, sport and politics - all collide in its pages in an abundance of glorious narrative detail. In more than 800,000 pages, The Sunday Times Digital Archive is a gateway to the greatest crimes, careers and culture of the last 180 years.
Sources: "The Sunday Times" newspaper
Language: English
Features: Search/browse/download/print

information Restricted Resource Full text availableTimes Digital Archive, 1785–2019 (Gale Primary Sources) Help Guide
Descriptions: First published in 1785, The Times of London is widely considered to be the world's 'newspaper of record'. The Times Digital Archive allows users to search over 200 years of this invaluable historical source.
Sources: "The Times" newspaper
Language: English
Features: Search/browse/download/print

information Restricted Resource Full text availableWisers One (New platform of WiseEnterprise) Help Guide
Basic Searching Help
Full-text Titles List (Excel) -- By Title
Descriptions: Wisers One is the new platform of the WiseEnterprise. It includes the new layout which would make the users feel more convenient to read the news articles. Moreover, it can allow the users to switch the platforms between WiseEnterprise電子剪報 and WiseSearch.


Users can monitor all articles under each monitoring item and proceed with article screening and browsing based on date, media category and media type of monitoring items according to daily usage habit. This bilingual database is updated daily to include today's news.

The news is from most local Chinese and English newspapers and magazines from China, Taiwan, Macau and United States.

The Hong Kong newspapers available are:
  • Hong Kong Commercial Daily (香港商報)
  • Hong Kong Daily News (新報)
  • Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報)
  • Hong Kong Economic Times (香港經濟日報)
  • Metropolis Daily (都市日報)
  • Ming Pao (明報)
  • Oriental Daily News (東方日報)
  • Sing Pao (成報)
  • Sing Tao Daily (星島日報)
  • SCMP.COM (南華早報網上版)
  • The Standard (英文虎報)
  • The Sun (太陽報)
  • Ta Kung Po (大公報)
  • Wen Wei Po (文匯報)
Features: Email / print / save articles, functions: marked articles, etc.
Sources: Newspapers & Magazines from print publications and online medias
Language: Simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese or English
System Requirements: Browser: Google Chrome is suggested for the best usage results. In addition, the Platform supports Internet Explorer11.0, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, 360 extreme speed browser, among others
Coverage Date: 1998 to present

information Restricted Resource Full text availableWiseSearch Help Guide
Basic Searching Help
Full-text Titles List (Excel) -- By Title
Descriptions: WiseSearch is the platform which can be switch from Wisers One.

Based on the world-leading all-media business intelligence database, WiseSearch provides reliable market research, brand research, industry research and business intelligence, thereby facilitating users to make business decisions.

Apart from searching the news, this platform could do the comparison for you after you set the criteria on the specific topics.

The news is from most local Chinese and English newspapers and magazines from China, Taiwan, Macau and United States.

The Hong Kong newspapers available are:
  • Hong Kong Commercial Daily (香港商報)
  • Hong Kong Daily News (新報)
  • Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報)
  • Hong Kong Economic Times (香港經濟日報)
  • Metropolis Daily (都市日報)
  • Ming Pao (明報)
  • Oriental Daily News (東方日報)
  • Sing Pao (成報)
  • Sing Tao Daily (星島日報)
  • SCMP.COM (南華早報網上版)
  • The Standard (英文虎報)
  • The Sun (太陽報)
  • Ta Kung Po (大公報)
  • Wen Wei Po (文匯報)
Features: Email / print / save articles, functions: marked articles, etc.
Sources: Newspapers & Magazines from print publications and online medias
Language: Simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese or English
System Requirements: Browser: Google Chrome is suggested for the best usage results. In addition, the Platform supports Internet Explorer11.0, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, 360 extreme speed browser, among others
Coverage Date: 1998 to present

information Restricted Resource Full text available人民日報 (1946 - Present)
(繁體) | (簡體)
簡介: 《人民日報》自1946年6月創刊至今,是中國最具影響力和權威性的報紙。《人民日報》 作為中國政府的喉舌和唯一陣地,向中國和世界民眾發佈中央政府和中國共產黨的政策法規,政治動向,經濟資訊等。
特徵: 檢索/打印/個人中心/簡繁體
資料來源: 報紙
語言: 中文

information Restricted Resource Full text available端傳媒 Help Guide
Initium Media
簡介 《端傳媒》是一家總部位於香港,面向全球華語讀者的原生網絡新聞機構。端傳媒以手機應用程式和網站為平台,以原創深度報導和數據新聞為特色,深入剖析大中華地區及國際事務。   自2015年上線以來,《端傳媒》已獲得超過45個新聞或攝影大獎。在2017和2018年連續兩屆於亞洲出版業協會(SOPA)「卓越新聞獎」摘獲六項大獎,蟬聯華文媒體之最。2020年,在被喻為亞洲人權新聞報導最高榮譽的「人權新聞獎」中,亦取得兩項優異獎。
資料來源 華語媒體網絡新聞
語言 中文

Databases by Subjects

Chinese Language and Literature
Commerce & Law
Counselling and Psychology 
Dictionary & Encyclopedia
Economics and Finance
Journalism and Communication
Language and Literature
Library and Information Science
Psychology & Counseling
Science & Information Technology
Social Work, Sociology, Psychology and Counseling

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