Service Points

A. Circulation Counter

The circulation Counter is located on the G/F where you can borrow and return Library materials. When you wish to borrow Library items, please bring them together with a valid University I.D. card / Library card to the service counter.

Borrow and Return

Library users can borrow the Library materials at the G/F Circulation Counter.

To check your borrowing loan quota, loan period and maximum loan period, please refer to the details of your borrowing privileges.

Our Circulation Counter service hours are:
·        Monday to Friday 8:30 am – 8:45 pm;
·        Saturday 8:45 am – 6:45 pm;
·        Sunday and public holidays are closed;
Special opening hours will be posted on the Library’s notice board at the G/F entrance.
Self-Check Machine

Self-Check Machine is located at the Library lobby.

Users are welcome to use the machine to check out normal-loan books during Library’s opening hours.

External Reader Cards

The Library has several reader cards to other academic libraries in Hong Kong and Macau. HKSYU staff and students can borrow them at the G/F Circulation Counter.

The loan period for staff and students are 14 days and 3 days respectively.

For more details, please refer to our services

Books on Hold Shelf

If a book is on loan, you can reserve it through Discover@ShueYan. Once the book is returned, it will be placed on the hold shelf and on reserve for a patron to pick up at the G/F Circulation Counter.

For the procedures of online reservation, please refer to our Library User Manuals.

Please note that the maximum numbers of books for staff to reserve are 20 items and for students to reserve are 10 items.


Book Drop Service


The Book Drop is located near the Library entrance, to return Library books.

Please note that the overdue books, non-print materials, ILL items and bound journals should not be returned to the Book Drop.

Click here to read the service details.

UV-C Book Sterilizer


The Library has installed an ultraviolet (UV-C) book sterilizer on G/F for the sterilization of books and multimedia materials.

You can put up to 6 items at a time into the machine for a 30-second cleaning process. Please do not place any wet materials.

Click here to follow the instruction.

Detection Alarm System

The security system is installed in the Library. Please check out Library materials when you leave the Library.

If you hear our security alarm on while you are leaving, please do not push the Library gate. It would be much appreciated if you can bring along with all Library materials to the Circulation Counter for checking out again.

B. Information Counter

The Information Counter is located on 3/F.

Our Library staff provides assistance in the following aspects:

  • Providing subject support and research inquiries;
  • Claiming and reporting lost properties;
  • Using the Library searching platform: Discover@ShueYan;
  • Using facilities such as printers, photocopiers, and SEN Corner etc.;
  • Accessing electronic resources;

You can submit your enquiry by email: or by phone: (852) 2806-5113.