
Most library materials can be returned at the G/F Service Counter during the library opening hours.

A. Book Drop Service

  1. Users are welcome to use the Book Drop, which is located near the Library entrance, to return Library books.
  2. Books in the Book Drop will be checked-in during the library opening hours as below schedule:

    Book Collection Time 9:00 am (Mon to Sat)

    2:00 pm & 7:30 pm (Mon to Fri);
    2:00 pm & 6:00 pm (Sat)

    Return Date Adjusted to the previous opening day

    On the same date of collection

  1. Users are encouraged to check their updated circulation records one hour after the collection time.
  2. The following materials cannot be placed in the Book Drop and must be returned to the G/F Service Counter during opening hours:
  • Multimedia materials
  • Technology items (e.g. notebook computers, tablets)
  • External Reader Cards
  • Course Reserve items
  • Books with accompany materials
  1. Do not force books into or leave them outside the Book Drop. Please do not use the service if it is full.
  2. The Library will not be responsible for damages or loss of materials in the Book Drop.

B. Fines

Overdue fines may be charged according to different items. The borrowing privileges may be suspended if the items are overdue for 30 days from the due date and not returned.

Please refer to the Borrowing Privileges for more fines details.

C. Loss or Damaged Items

Users are responsible for taking care of the borrowed materials. Books should never be written on, marked or damaged. The user will be charged the full replacement cost at a current market price plus a HK$50 processing fee per item for lost or damaged items. If a full replacement cost cannot be verified, users will be charged an estimated replacement cost.  The Library does not accept physical copy of the lost or damaged title provided by users as replacement.  If the title is found and returned before the payment is made, replacement cost will be waived.  Nevertheless, users are still required to pay the processing fees and the overdue fines.  All fines and payment once made, are not refundable.