Giving to the Library

The Library welcomes inquiries from all donors regarding potential donations of books, manuscripts, multimedia materials, and other materials that can enrich the library collections and support the teaching and research activities of HKSYU. Requests could be sent via

1. Notes to Donors

a. All donations must be submitted with a Gift & Exchange Donation Form [ Word / PDF ];

b. Gifts are accepted with the understanding that they will become the Library’s property;

c. The Library reserves the right to accept/decline gifts, add them to the collection at its discretion or dispose of them if they do not meet the gift acceptance criteria;

d. Any inappropriate gifts will be disposed or be exchanged with other institutions or sold to public for the fundraising purposes. The Library can dispose of the items without prior notice

2. Gift acceptance criteria

The Library will base on the following factors to screen all donated items to decide whether to incorporate them into the library collections:

a. Relevance to the teaching and research needs. The gift must be relevant to HKSYU’s curriculum and be able to support university staff and students research;

b. Good Physical conditions. Gift materials must be in good condition. The Library does not accept items that are badly damaged, yellowed, brittle, or mouldy or have torn pages, missing covers;

c. Readable Format. The Library accepts CD, DVD, Blu-ray format, items in the format that are no longer supported by the Library equipment like cassette tapes and vinyl recordings do not be accepted;

d. Language. The Library accepts donated item in Chinese and English language;

e. Single copy. The Library only keep a single copy of each item, donated item that already held in the Library will not be accepted.

3. Send Email before donated

  1. Items in foreign languages;
  2. Large donation (equal / more than 30 items; The Library strongly recommends the donor use this template (Chi / Eng) to create a donation booklist before sending a donation request to the Library.);
  3. Organization donation;
  4. Serials (e.g. journal, magazine, annual reports)