Since 2006, the Library provides recorded local TV programs from three free TV broadcast companies (ATV, RTHK and TVB). Programs are mainly subjected to news and public affairs. For effective preservation and easier access for Library users, some licensed episodes produced are converted into online streaming videos. Users may login to access restricted resources through HKSYUtube for online viewings.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I access the videos off-campus?
    Yes, the TV streaming videos are configured to be accessible in HKSYU campus or off-campus with authentication.
  2. How can I access the streaming videos?
    If you are our current staff or student of HKSYU, you will be asked to login with your data before you can access the streaming videos. Remember to close your browser before you leave your computer.
    Staff login: Same as Veriguide, Webmail and Moodle
    Student login: Student number and password
  3. Can non-HKSYU person view the streaming videos?
    According to the license agreement between TV companies and HKSYU Library, only current staff and students of HKSYU are permitted to view the streaming videos.
  4. Can I play the streaming videos in class?
    Yes, staff and students are permitted to play the videos in class for teaching or learning purpose only.
  5. Can I download, copy or edit the videos?
    Downloading, coping or editing is NOT allowed for any purpose according to the license agreement.