University Library Regulations


Admission to and use of the University Library (the Library) is conditional upon the observance of the Library regulations (the regulations) made by or with the authority of the Library Management and Development Committee. All members of the Library staff are empowered to enforce the regulations. Anyone who is believed to have violated the regulations, disturbed readers or damaged Library materials may be excluded from the Library and all privileges of using Library services may be suspended. All Library users are resumed to know the regulations before using the Library services and facilities. If users breach the regulations, serious cases may be referred to the relevant University Authority. In case of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the Chinese and English versions of the regulations, the Chinese version shall prevail.


  1. 進入圖書館
    1.1 所有使用者進入圖書館時,必須出示有效的大學學生證或職員證,或其他有效的圖書館證件。
    All users must present valid University Identity Cards or any valid Library cards when entering the Library.
    1.2 遺失大學學生證或職員證,或其他有效的圖書館證件,必須立即分別向註冊處和圖書館報失。
    Loss of University Identity Cards or any valid Library cards must be reported to the Registry and the Library respectively without delay.
  2. 圖書館使用者行為
    Conduct of Library Users
    2.1 不得將食物帶入圖書館二樓至六樓。裝在防溢容器中的飲料(不含酒精)則可帶入圖書館所有樓層。
    No food may be taken into the Library 2/F to 6/F. Beverages (non-alcoholic) in spill-proof containers are allowed on all Library floors.
    2.2 圖書館內嚴禁吸煙。
    Smoking is prohibited in the Library.
    2.3 不得在圖書館內進行非學術用途的遊戲。
    Games for non-academic purpose are not allowed in the Library.
    2.4 不得將濕雨傘或雨衣帶入圖書館。
    No wet umbrellas or raincoats may be brought into the Library.
    2.5 不得在圖書館內展示或分發通告。
    Notices must not be displayed or distributed in the Library.
    2.6 除指定區域外,在圖書館內必須保持安靜。任何使用者對他人造成滋擾,並無視大學圖書館館長或其指定代行者的口頭警告將會受到紀律處分,並可能被拒進入圖書館。
    Keep quiet in the Library except for the designated areas. Any user causing disturbance to others and ignoring the verbal warning of the University Librarian or his/her designated representative will be liable to disciplinary action and may be excluded from the Library.
    2.7 除指定區域外,流動通訊裝置必須以靜音模式運作。可以使用耳機,但須確保音量在沒有聲響外溢水平。
    Mobile devices must be set to silent mode except for designated areas. The use of headphones is allowed but the volume should be turned down to avoid sound leakage.
    2.8 使用者不得霸佔圖書館座位。任何在圖書館書桌上無人看管的個人物品或圖書館書籍,都可被視為「霸佔座位」,其他人士可使用該等座位。如有爭議,大學圖書館館長或其指定代行者有絕對酌情決定權安排相關使用者的座位或研修之處。如發現任何無人看管的物品,需向服務櫃台的圖書館職員報告。
    Users are not permitted to reserve seats in the Library. Any personal belongings or library books left unattended on Library desks may be considered “seat reservations,” and any such seats may be taken up by other users. In case of dispute, the University Librarian or his/her designated representative has absolute discretion to allocate seats or study places to users concerned. Any unattended belongings should be reported to library staff at Library Counter.
    2.9 圖書館職員或會在未事先通知物主的情況下將無人看管的物品移走。圖書館將不會對個人財物的任何遺失或損壞負責。圖書館設有儲物櫃,可存放個人物品。
    Unattended belongings may be removed by Library staff without prior notice to the owner. The Library will not be responsible for any loss or damage of personal property. Lockers are available in the Library to store personal belongings.
    2.10 不得毀損或塗污屬於圖書館的書籍和其他物品。使用者需對所造成任何損壞而引起的重置費用作全額賠償。
    Books and other items which are the property of the Library must not be mutilated or defaced. The full replacement cost will be charged for any damage caused by users.
    2.11 除非得到圖書館職員批准,不得不當使用桌椅或移動至新位置。
    Tables and chairs should not be misused or moved to new positions except as permitted by Library staff.
    2.12 在圖書館內拍照或錄影必須事先獲得批准。
    Prior permission must be sought for photo-taking or video shooting in the Library.
    2.13 如火警鐘響起,使用者必須按照圖書館職員的指示離開大樓(逃生路線資訊已張貼於各個緊急出口)。
    In case of a fire alarm, users must follow the instructions of library staff to leave the building (Escape route information is posted at each emergency exit).
    2.14 基於保安理由,圖書館內有閉路電視監察。
    For the purpose of security, CCTV monitoring is in use in the Library.
    2.15 須遵守特別館藏室的規定。
    Rules of Special Collection Room should be observed.
    2.16 使用其他本地圖書館簽發的讀者證時,須遵守該發證圖書館的規則。不當使用讀者證可能會導致進入該圖書館的權利被取消。嚴重違規會被轉介本校當局或學生紀律委員會以採取進一步行動。
    External reader card for admission to another local library is governed by the regulations of that card-issuing library. Misuse of the card may lead to the cancellation of permission to access that university library. Serious offenses will be referred to either the University Authority or the Student Disciplinary Committee for further action.
  3. 借閲規則
    Borrowing Regulations
    3.1 借用者須對遺失、毀損、破壞、由書寫或其他標記塗污圖書館資料負責,並賠償重置或修復該等資料的全部費用。
    Borrowers shall be held responsible for any loss, mutilation, damage or defacement of library materials by writing or other marks and shall be required to pay the full cost of replacing or repairing such materials.
    3.2 圖書館館長可酌情限制借閱特定類別的圖書館資料。
    The Librarian may, at his discretion, restrict the borrowing of certain categories of library materials.
    3.3 借用圖書館資料時,使用者必須出示大學學生證或職員證,或其他有效的圖書館證件。
    Users must produce Student or Staff Identity Cards or any valid library card when borrowing library materials.
    3.4 在適當的櫃檯或自助借書機正式辦理借用登記前,不得將任何圖書館資料帶離圖書館。如違反本條規則者為學生,圖書館將通知學生紀律委員會採取必要行動。如為教職員,圖書館將通報校方。
    No library materials may be removed from the Library until their issue has been properly recorded at the appropriate counter or self-check machine. The Library will submit a report to the Student Discipline Committee for necessary action in cases of student violations, or to the University in cases of staff violations.
    3.5 所有借出的館藏項目,應在畢業、退學或離職前歸還。
    All loaned library items should be returned upon graduation, withdrawal or cessation of employment from the University.
    3.6 外借資料應依時歸還。有另一使用者提出預約時,原借用者會被通知借用期將會縮短(借閲權利資訊已張貼於地下流通櫃檯)。
    Loan items should be returned on time. The loan period will be shortened when another user makes a request and the borrower will be informed (Loan privilege information is posted at G/F Service Counter).
    3.7 使用電子資源受許可協議規限。根據協議,只有香港樹仁大學成員方可使用這些資源。這些資源只限用於教育和研究用途。嚴禁作商業用途、進行有系統或過量下載,以及將電子資源轉發校外人士。違反許可協議條款可能導致整個大學群體無法使用該電子資源。如違反本條規則者為學生,圖書館將通知學生紀律委員會採取必要行動。如為教職員,圖書館將通報校方。
    Access to electronic resources is governed by license agreements. Under these agreements, access to the resources is restricted to members of Hong Kong Shue Yan University. The resources are for education and research purposes only. Commercial use, systematic/excessive downloading and redistribution of electronic information outside the university are prohibited. Violation of the license terms may result in the loss of access to that resource for the entire university community. The Library will submit a report to the Student Discipline Committee for necessary action in cases of student violations, or to the University in cases of staff violations.
  4. 版權
    4.1 未經版權持有人許可,嚴禁重製或複製視聽資料或電腦軟件。
    Reproduction or duplication of audio-visual materials or computer software without permission from the copyright owner is strictly prohibited.
    4.2 影印圖書館資料須符合香港法例(第528章《版權條例》)的規定。使用者須承擔因違反相關版權法例而產生任何法律後果的全部責任。有關版權限制的資訊已張貼於圖書館影印機旁。
    Photocopying of library materials should be made in accordance with the Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528) of Hong Kong. Users are fully responsible for any legal consequences arising from infringement of applicable copyright laws. Information on copyright restrictions is posted next to the photocopiers in the Library.