
The collection currently consists of 343,000 volumes. It covers a wide range of subjects and various reference sources available on databases.

A. Book and Reference Collections

The Chinese collection is kept on the 2/F, the 5/F, and Library Storage. The English collection is on the 4/F, the 5/F, and Library Storage. The reference collection contains works such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, directories, yearbooks, almanacs and bibliographies. The prefix of reference collection is shown as R. All reference materials (except Library Storage items) are to be used within the library only.

B. Serials Collection

The Serials Collection is kept on the 3/F and the 4/F. This collection includes a variety of print serial publications such as journals, newsletters, magazines, and newspapers. Current issues of journals are displayed on the front racks. Back issues are bound and the collection carries the prefix P, R or LP on spine-labels and catalogue entries. Unbound issues of periodicals are for use in the library only.

C. Newspapers

This collection includes over twenty local and overseas newspapers. Current issues are located on the 3/F. Some older issues are available on request at the 3/F Information Counter. All newspapers are for library use only.

D. Special Collection

The Special Collection includes annual reports, research papers, overseas documents, student reports and teaching references that are kept on the 3/F. Annual reports are shelved in open stack located at the end of the bound journal area. Research papers, overseas documents and student reports are kept in the Special Collection. These materials are on a three-hour-loan and to be used within the library. All teaching reference materials are for staff use only.

  • Annual reports
  • Research papers
  • Student reports
  • Overseas documents
  • Teaching references

E. Course Reserve Collection

Some textbooks, supplementary materials or highly demanded materials are put to the Course Reserve Collection upon requested by academic staff. The Course Reserve Collection is available for a three-hour-loan with no renewal and can only be used within the library. Users can borrow these materials at the 3/F Information Counter.

F. Law Collection

Law Collection is kept separately in a special law library on the 4/F. Collections include English/Chinese monographs, bound and current issues of journals and reference materials. English collection (classified numbers 340-349) carries the prefix L ; Chinese collection (classified numbers 570-589) carries the prefix CL ; Journals carry the prefix LP. ; Reference materials carry the prefix RL.

Beijing University (Law Theses)
Our Law Library has Beijing University Theses. They are for use within the library only. Law theses carry the prefix CCB PKU (Bachelor Degree) and CC PKU (Master Degree).

G. Multimedia Collection

Multimedia Collection includes CDs, VCDs, DVDs, Blu-ray discs, USB drive, etc. It is located on the 3/F. Prefix on the spine labels and the catalogue entries carries capital letters are as follow:

  • AVC for CD-ROMs, audio CDs and video CDs,
  • AVD for for DVDs, DVD-ROMs, Blu-Ray discs, USB drive,
  • AVK for Kit set,
  • AVR for reference AV materials and
  • MC for Language Learning Kits.

Non-print materials accompanied with books (Prefix:AVC(C), AVD(C), AVS(C) and AVV(C)) are kept at G/F Circulation Counter.

Local TV Programmes (HKSYUTUBE)

To enhance the media collection, the HKSYU Library has accomplished agreements with TVB, ATV and ViuTV to record some TV programmes for academic and research use.

Students and staff can watch the programs via HKSYUTUBE.

Newsline (時事縱橫)*Money Magazine*玩具誌*
金錢世界*Pearl Magazine#
* closed
# terminated

H. Chinese Rare Books Reprints




《中華再造善本》叢書分為五編進行,自唐迄清為《唐宋編》、《金元編》、《明代編》、《清代編》、《少數民族文字文獻編》,每編下以經、史、子、集、叢編次。《中華再造善本》整個工程入選的善本書大致有1300餘種,其中一期宋元古籍善本選目就達750餘種。還有更重要的一點,就是《中華再造善本》要為收入的每一種古籍善本書撰寫提要,介紹作者生平,考辨版本源流,評述其學術價值。《中華再造善本》全部採用影印形式,依據原書版式,拍攝制版印刷收藏。大部份善本所選用紙是選擇質地優良、經過反復酸性測試的宣紙,小部份採用由瑞典進口的世界著名的蒙肯紙,這些紙可以有千年以上的“壽命”。 統一為八開線裝本,封面顏色為仿清代內閣大庫藏書封面磁青色,函套為藍布四合套。

『……我相信這套叢書將會成為老師和同學們更好了解中國燦爛文化的窗口,幫助 學校教學和科研工作的開展……』袁貴仁 先生 (國家教育部副部長) 2007/01/24

I. CSIDS Titles

On 29 October 2013, the five tertiary institutions including Hong Kong Metropolitan University (Former The Open University of Hong Kong, OUHK), Saint Francis University (Former Caritas Institute of Higher Education), Hong Kong Chu Hai College (Former Chu Hai College of Higher Education), Tung Wah College and Shue Yan University held a launch ceremony at OUHK for a new project on developing an e-library system. The Quality Enhancement Support Scheme (QESS) under the Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund has approved a grant of more than $50 million to support the project for three years in building an online Collection Sharing and Information Discovery System (CSIDS) and a new e-book collection with around 20,000 titles.

CSIDS provides a next generation search and discovery tool to facilitate faculty members and students among the five libraries to find and access the library and e-book collection through a one-stop search user interface. Under QESS, the five libraries will collaboratively acquire a number of e-books to enrich digital content. As CSIDS is now under construction, University Library lists out the acquired e-book titles in the option “CSIDS Titles” which is under the menu “Collections” of library website. Library user with a valid account is welcome to access e-book and read. More e-book titles will be added frequently. Please stay tune for updates at Library Web Blog.