


盧敬之 — 《文武之道》作者

黃贊 — 香港劍擊學校校長

袁文俊 — 香港拳擊及修斗冠軍

蔡鎮崑 — 《功夫傳奇 IV》節目主持

陳凱迪 — 前泰拳及拳擊香港代表


陳鈺瑜 – 樹仁大學社會科學碩士(輔導心理學) 二年級學生

日期: 2022105 (星期三)

時間: 下午2點至330

地點: 香港樹仁大學圖書館2樓活動室

報名: https://forms.gle/SfHpwFtBxaiGyPb4A


如有任何查詢,請電郵至 libinfo@hksyu.edu 或致電2806-7320向圖書館Ms. Cynthia Fong查詢。



ProQuest – APA PsycArticles & APA PsycInfo

APA PsycArticles & APA PsycInfo

APA PsycArticles

Journals published by the American Psychological Association, the APA Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association and Hogrefe & Huber. The contents are covered from 1894 to Current.

APA PsycInfo

Provides access to the literature in psychology and related disciplines. Produced by the American Psychological Association, it has more than 8 million cited references in 185,000 journal articles, books, and book chapters. The contents are covered from 1806 to Current.

The library has other databases available for HKSYU users, further information can be found here

Hong Kong Shue Yan University Library

10th January 2022