New Database: AiritiBooks (華藝中文電子書)

You can access this new database via the Library website.

AiritiBooks (華藝中文電子書)

華藝中文電子書 (AiritiBooks) 平台收錄了不同出版社授權的數萬本華文電子書圖書館選購了其中千多本電子書,每本書均可供數人同時閱讀書籍種類包括商業經營、政治法律、社會心理、語言學習、經典文學、文學小說、藝術設計、醫療保健、電腦資訊、工程數學、歷史、哲學等。

The Library has other databases available for HKSYU users; further information can be found here.

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Hong Kong Shue Yan University Library Institutional Repository

Hong Kong Shue Yan University Library Institutional Repository DSpace is available now. DSpace is a digital service that collects, preserves, and distributes digital material.
Repositories are important tools for preserving an organization’s legacy; they facilitate digital preservation and scholarly communication. It can be accessed through “Services” > “Institutional Repository” on the Library homepage or through this link:
HKSYU Library