List of titles on the “E-BOOK DISPLAY” board at 5/F

No Title / Author   (Year)
1 Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations: A Reader’s Guide / Jerry Evensky. (2015)
2 Developing Writing Skills in Chinese (2nd Ed) / Boping Yuan & Kan Qian. (2014)
3 Engineering Speaking by Design: Delivering Technical Presentations with Real Impact / Edward J. Rothwell & Michael J. Cloud. (2015)
4 How College Works / Daniel F. Chambliss & Christopher G. Takacs. (2015)
5 Identity and Communication: New Agendas in Communication / Dominic L Lasorsa & America Rodriguez (Editors) (2013)
6 Introducing money / Mark Peacock. (2013)
7 Investigating Intimate Discourse: Exploring the spoken interaction of families, couples and friends / Brian Clancy. (2016)
8 Media Criticism in a Digital Age: Professional And Consumer Considerations / Peter B. Orlik. (2015)
9 Planning for Growth: Urban and Regional Planning in China / Fulong Wu. (2015)
10 Ratings Analysis : Audience Measurement and Analytics (4th Ed.) / James G. Webster, Patricia F. Phalen & Lawrence W. Lichty. (2014)
11 Rethinking Excessive Habits and Addictive Behaviors / Tony Bevacqua. (2015)
12 Sustainable Banking: Managing The Social And Environmental Impact Of Financial Institutions / Olaf Weber & Blair Feltmate. (Author) (2016)
13 Techniques of Grief Therapy: Assessment and Intervention / Robert A. Neimeyer (Editor) (2016)
14 The Han : China’s diverse majority / Agnieszka Joniak-Lüthi. (2015)
15 The Spiral of Silence: New Perspectives on Communication and Public Opinion / Wolfgang Donsbach, Charles T. Salmon & Yariv Tsfati (Editors) (2014)
16 Web security : a whitehat perspective / Wu Hanqing and Liz Zhao.(2015)
17 1949年以來中國在西方的形象 / 馬克林(Colin Partick Mackerras) (2013)
18 古代「雜文」的演變 : 從《文心雕龍》到《文苑英華》 / 郭章裕. (2015)
19 世界只給你3分鐘: 哈佛教年輕人用嘴巴改變命運的12堂口才課 / 林想. (2014)
20 生涯規劃與職業生活 / 葉至誠. (2013)
21 此時彼刻 : 中西區百年繁華 / 鄭寶鴻. (2014)
22 自由與文學 / 高行健. (2014)
23 征服心理, 征服人生 : 大學生與青年朋友自我管理的第一本書 / 才永發, 宋德生. (2014)
24 阿里課堂的35堂課 : 馬雲與他的網路帝國 / 王貴水.(2015)
25 貞觀政要 / 吳兢者 ; 羅永生導讀. (2015)
26 瓶外卮言:《金瓶梅》研究 / 姚靈犀. (2013)
27 最初的國會: 晚清精英救國之謀1910-1911 / 李德林. (2015)
28 漢英對照中國經典名句 / 劉士聰, 谷啟楠編譯. (2015)
29 劇場與道場,觀眾與信眾 : 臺灣戲劇與儀式論集 / 邱坤良. (2014)
30 學校沒教的邏輯課: 發現八卦.婚姻.網拍背後的定理 / 劉炯朗. (2012)

HKSYU Library
21st October 2016

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