Friendly Advice to Year 4 Final Students

圖 書 館 通 告: 給 四 年 級 畢 業 生 的 提 示

1. 畢業生如需退回保證金,請填妥「申請退回保證金」表格,由五月五日(星期四)起,前往本館地下或三樓櫃檯辦理手續(三樓櫃檯只提供這項服務至五月底)。

2. 畢業生必須完成以下圖書館帳戶結算,才能辦理手續:

3. 如需檢查圖書館帳戶狀況,請登入本館Primo網頁查詢:

4. 完成帳戶結算的畢業生*,本館職員會在該表格蓋印,便即時不能借閱圖書館資料及在館外使用線上資料庫,但仍可進入本館閱讀及使用設施,直至2016年8月31日止。

5. 如欲在畢業後繼續使用圖書館服務,請申請校友證,有關詳情,請瀏覽網頁 或與本館職員聯絡。

Library Notice – Friendly Advice to Year 4 Final Students

1. If Year 4 final students (the graduates) would like to apply for deposit refund, please fill in a form and go to our G/F or 3/F counter to proceed beginning from 5 May 2016 (Thursday). (Service at 3/F counter will be stopped after 31 May 2016)

2. Before process of application, the graduates should clear library accounts by (a) Return all items on loan (if any), and (b) Pay any fine;

3. To check status of a library account, please login at our Prime web page:

4. After account clearing, the form will be stamped by library staff. The graduates* will immediately loss borrowing privileges and remote access right of online databases.
They can still enjoy reading and use facilities at the Library until 31 August 2016.

5. If the graduate wants to continue use of library service, please apply an alumni card. For details, please visit the web page or contact library staff.
*The graduates will loss borrowing privileges and remote access right of online databases after 30 June 2016.

HKSYU Library

Issue of Message on the Library Facebook

Issue of Message on the Library Facebook
In addition to regular notice, we occasionally share interesting news on the Facebook starting from January 2016.  Please often visit and read.  As illustrated, you can find us by entering the name “Hong Kong Shue Yan University Library” on the search box of Facebook or entering the URL on a browser.  To receive our message automatically, please “Like us on Facebook”.
HKSYU Library
由2016年1月起, 除了一般公告,本館不時在Facebook分享有趣新聞,請常來瀏覽和閱讀。如圖所示,讀者在Facebook搜尋框輸入名稱”Hong Kong Shue Yan University Library” 或在瀏覽器直接輸入本館網址 就能找到。 如欲自動收取訊息,請”讚好”本館Facebook。

Like Us on Facebook
Like Us on Facebook

Take care of your valuables 小心保管財物

Library Notice
We notice recently that there was theft in the Library. Library users are reminded to take good care of their belongings. Do not leave them unattended. Always carry your personal valuables (such as mobile phone, wallet, notebook computer etc.) and keep your personal belongings within sight of your seat all the time.
圖 書 館 通 告
HKSYU Library

Termination of SMS alert service 電話短訊提示服務已取消

Library Notice

Please be informed that the SMS alert service has been terminated. Recall notice, Library courtesy, overdue notice etc. will be sent out to patrons via the library registered email account. Please always check your email notifications. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

圖 書 館 通 告

圖書館已取消電話短訊提示服務(SMS alert)。 我們會以圖書館讀者登記之電郵戶口向讀者發出催還通知、提示還書,過期通知等通告,請經常查閱學校提供的電郵信箱。不便之處,敬請原諒。

HKSYU Library