List of titles on the “E-BOOK DISPLAY” board at 5/F

No Title / Author (Year)
1 Adolescent Identity and Schooling: Diverse Perspectives / Cynthia Hudley (Editor) (2016)
2 Angel Island: Immigrant Gateway to America / Erika Lee & Judy Yung. (2010)
3 Blazing the Neoliberal Trail: Urban Political Development in the United States and the United Kingdom / Timothy P. R. Weaver. (2016)
4 Cinema studies : the key concepts (4th Ed.) / Susan Hayward. (2013)
5 Inception and philosophy : because it’s never just a dream / David Kyle Johnson (Editor) (2012)
6 Inspections and reports on dwellings. Inspecting (2nd Ed.) / Philip Santo. (2016)
7 Methods for the ethnography of communication : language in use in schools and communities / Judith Kaplan-Weinger and Char Ullman. (2015)
8 Presidential Leadership in Public Opinion: Causes and Consequences / Jeffrey E. Cohen. (2015)
9 Salvation from Cinema : the Medium is the Message / Crystal Downing. (2016)
10 Solitary Action: Acting on Our Own in Everyday Life / Ira J. Cohen. (2016)
11 Taipei : city of displacements / Joseph R. Allen. (2011)
12 The Hunger Games / Nicola Balkind. (2014)
13 The Reality of Social Construction / Dave Elder-Vass. (2012)
14 The Soviet Mind: Russian Culture under Communism / Isaiah Berlin. (2004)
15 Vulnerable adults and the law / Jonathan Herring. (2016)
16 中國民族關係散論 / 韓孝榮. (2015)
17 吞聲忍語 : 日治時期香港人的集體回憶 / 劉智鵬, 周家建. (2010)
18 星島崛起 : 新加坡的立國智慧 / 匡導球. (2015)
19 星際效應 : 電影幕後的科學事實、推測與想像 / Kip Thorne著 ; 蔡承志譯. (2015)
20 春嬌與志明 / 彭浩翔原創故事 ; 陸以心小說改編. (2012)
21 科技犯罪安全之數位鑑識 : 證據力與行動智慧應用 / 王旭正,林祝興,左瑞麟. (2013)
22 首富馬雲獨家創業課 : 阿里巴巴的新突破 / 魯智. (2015)
23 香港戰前報業 / 楊國雄. (2013)
24 商業冒險 : 華爾街的12個經典故事 / John Brooks. (2015)
25 深圳鹽田:從零到千萬大港 / 謝錦添, 楊玉珍, 廖振強. (2015)
26 設計師的餐盤風景 / 包周. (2015)
27 最後的帝國軍人 : 蔣介石與白團 / 野島剛著 ; 蘆荻譯. (2015)
28 察顏觀色 : 心理學家沒教你的色彩心理學 / 黃亞男. (2012)
29 餐飲業經營技巧 / 許俊雄. (2015)
30 翻轉教室 : 理論、策略與實務 / 黃國禎…等. (2016)

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26th April 2017