(On Trial database) State Papers Online Colonial: Asia, Part I: Far East, Hong Kong, and Wei-Hai-Wei

This collection is the first part of a major new program bringing the British Colonial Office files to a global audience. 

These working files bear witness to the two very different sides in the colonial relationship: a British Government whose main priority was the acquisition of commodities, wealth and labour; and the local people living under colonial rule and British-style institutions for law, health, education, policing, defense, agriculture and industry.

The trial period is from now on to 15th October 2023. Access link: https://go-gale-com.hksyu.idm.oclc.org/ps/start.do?p=SPOC&u=hksyu

(On Trial database) China and the Modern World: Hong Kong, Britain, and China Part II, 1965–1993

This collection provides scholars with essential reference material for researching Hong Kong and its interactions with mainland China, UK, US, Taiwan, and other parts of Asia. It will appeal to students and researchers around the world, particularly in Asia Pacific, Britain, Europe, and North America, who are engaged in researching the twentieth-century history of China, Britain and British Commonwealth, and Sino-British relations during the era of Cold War.

The trial period is from now on to 15th October 2023.

Access link: https://go-gale-com.hksyu.idm.oclc.org/ps/aboutThisArchive?p=CFER&u=hksyu&mCode=53MG&sid=bookmark-CFER

【試用資料庫】Digital dissertation consortium = 國際博碩士論文全文資料庫





(Trial database) Digital dissertation consortium

Digital Dissertations Consortium (DDC) was established in 2001. The platform provides consortium members selected ProQuest full-text dissertations and theses in various disciplines mainly from North American universities.

The trial period is from now on to 15th October 2023.

Access link: http://hksyu.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://pqdd.sinica.edu.tw/

* Remarks: During the trial period, users can only read 5 pages only on each dissertations articles.




包含《1.道藏、2.道藏輯要、3.四部叢刊、4.續四部叢刊(四部備要)、5. 永樂大典、6. 古今圖書集成、7. 敦煌史料、8. 清代史料、9. 中國地方誌、10. 中國地方誌續集、11. 中國地方誌三集、12. 日本古典書籍庫、13. 續修四庫全書、14. 六府文藏、15. 四庫全書、16. 中國民間文學、17. 清代科舉硃卷、18. 全四庫存目、19. 四庫未收書、20. 四庫禁毀書、21. 醫家庫(1~2輯) 、22.金石庫(1-2輯)》



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