New database: 大成老舊期刊全文數據庫

The Library is pleased to launch the following database:



The library has other databases available for HKSYU users, further information can be found here

Hong Kong Shue Yan University Library


New database : 端傳媒

The Library is pleased to launch the following database:

端傳媒 / Initium Media
《端傳媒》是一家總部位於香港,面向全球華語讀者的原生網絡新聞機構。端傳媒以手機應用程式和網站為平台,以原創深度報導和數據新聞為特色,深入剖析大中華地區及國際事務。   自2015年上線以來,《端傳媒》已獲得超過45個新聞或攝影大獎。在2017和2018年連續兩屆於亞洲出版業協會(SOPA)「卓越新聞獎」摘獲六項大獎,蟬聯華文媒體之最。2020年,在被喻為亞洲人權新聞報導最高榮譽的「人權新聞獎」中,亦取得兩項優異獎。

The library has other databases available for HKSYU users, further information can be found here

Hong Kong Shue Yan University Library


Back-Issue Magazines Sale: Rewind to 2015 – 2018

The Library launch a new selling program “Back-Issue Magazines Sale”. There is a total of 9 title magazines that published from 2015 to 2018 are available on this bookshelf, and the title includes 明報周刊、雅舍、孤獨星球、野外動向、新假期、突然一周 、壹周刊 、U magazine and 竉物閑情.

This shelf is located near the 2/F counter, and the selling price is shown as below table:

5 元一本
• 月刊、雙月刊、季刊
• 不適用於週刊
$5 for 1 issue
• For monthly magazines, bi-monthly magazine, quarterly magazine
• Not applicable for weekly magazines
• 週刊必須要一套購買
(一套週刊 = 同月出版的所有期數)
• 一套必須是同名的期刊
$10 for 1 set
• Weekly magazines must buy 1 set
(1 set of weekly magazines = all publications in the same month)
• One set must be the same journal title

HKSYU Library
