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information Restricted Resource Full text availableProQuest One Literature (Until 23 August 2024)


ProQuest One Literature is the destination for all aspects of literature research, teaching and learning. It offers the most comprehensive collection of primary texts, ebooks, reference sources, full-text journals, dissertations, video and more, to access to historical and contemporary content by and about celebrated authors from around the world. It helps users employ the varied content they need to examine literary topics and voices for research, critical perspectives and course planning.


  • Include more than 3 million literary criticism citations, 14,000 dissertations, 20,000 ebooks, 1,300 videos and 1,200 full-text journals and 500,000 primary texts.
  • Spanning the canon of traditional Western Literature covering poetry, prose and drama from the eighth century to today.
  • Provide “one-stop” entry points for information related to an author, work or movement for faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students.
  • 1.1 million bibliographic citations from the Annual Bibliography of English Language & Literature (ABELL), one of the most important bibliographic sources for English studies.


  • Basic Search
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  • Publication Search
  • Search Criticism 
  • Search Primary Texts
  • Cloud Saving
  • Citation Export
  • Email/ Print/ PDF Downloading




Trial period:  Until 23 August 2024

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