The Humanities and Social Sciences package includes areas such as economics, business and management, language and linguistics, politics and international relations, literature, social studies, etc.
Among Humanities and Social Sciences titles, more than 70% of them are cited by SSCI and AHCI. Behavioral and Brain Sciences is placed top of the entire Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) of more than 2,600 journals and Politics & Gender, American Political Science Review, International Organization and Behavioral and Brain Sciences are all ranked top 5 in their categories. 2013 Nobel Prize winner Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen and Robert Shiller published articles on Cambridge economics journals.
Six English language learning programs are selected from Clarity English program list:
Clear Pronunciation 1:
Clear Pronunciation 1 (Sounds) helps learners recognize and pronounce 43 English phonemes: vowels, consonants and diphthongs. The program includes over 1,000 audio clips and 50 videos which provide both comprehensive input for the sounds, and models for learners to copy. The Recorder enables users to record their voice and assess their pronunciation against a native speaker.
Clear Pronunciation 2:
In Clear Pronunciation 2 (Speech), students learn to put the sounds of English together in natural speech. This program helps them recognise and accurately produce word stress, sentence stress, consonant clusters, connected speech and intonation. By the end of the program, learners have a comprehensive understanding of the key features of English pronunciation.
Practical Writing:
Practical Writing helps students not just with the essays and reports they have to write in their academic work, but also with the job application personal profiles and letters they will need to write in their final year. For more information.
Road to IELTS Academic module:
Road to IELTS is online preparation and practice resource for IELTS. With over 120 hours of interactive activities, advice videos from British Council experts, hints and tips on question types as well as downloadable practice tests, it is comprehensive, up-to-date and aimed precisely at the challenges candidates face. Road to IELTS is suitable for IELTS candidates from band score 4.5 upwards, and for institutions running IELTS preparation courses.
Study Skills Success:
Study Skills Success is for students in their final years at school and first year in higher education. It provides comprehensive coverage of skills and resources that will enable them to approach their academic studies effectively and with confidence.
Tense Buster:
Tense Buster, Clarity's most popular program, helps learners improve their understanding of key grammar areas from some/any at Elementary level to phrasal verbs at Advanced level. The program is ideal as a self-access resource for extension or remedial work, or integrated into a course of study and used for classwork or homework.
Contemporary Authors (Gale Literature) offers students and patrons continuous access to current biographical and bibliographical data on more than 120,000 modern authors.
Each entry contains comprehensive and up-to-date information, accessible through an easy-to-use interface with a variety of search paths to help you locate the information needed quickly and efficiently.
Include personal information, contact information, career history, writings, biographical and critical sources, authors' comments, and informative essays.
Entries on the most active authors are continuously updated with author-provided updates, expanded entries, bibliographies, awards, and other recent information.
Easy to search for an author by name, nationality, date and place of birth, honours and awards, title, subject, and genre of work.
Topic Finder
Term Frequency
Person Search
Works Search
Modern novelists, poets, playwrights, nonfiction writers, journalists and scriptwriters
Dictionary of Literary Biography (Gale Literature) provides comprehensive access to the series dedicated to making literature and its creators better understood and more accessible. The series provides reliable information on authors and their works in an easy to understand, engaging format, while placing writers in the larger perspective of literary history.
More than 420 volumes and 164,000 pages of award-winning content that’s easy to search, retrieve and analyse.
Includes the main series, documentary, and yearbook volumes.
DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books) is a service of OAPEN Foundation. It aims to increase discoverability of academic, peer reviewed books published under open access license. The directory covers various subjects including arts and architecture, business and economics, history and archaeology, languages and literatures, law and political science, philosophy and religion, social sciences and more.
DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) is hosted and maintained by Lund University Libraries. Click here to access DOAJ.
DOAJ provides free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals, covering all subjects including Agriculture and Food Sciences,Arts and Architecture, Biology and Life Sciences, Business and Economics, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Sciences, General Works, Health Sciences, History and Archaeology, Languages and Literatures, Mathematics and Statistics, Philosophy and Religion, Physics and Astronomy, Science General, Social Sciences, Technology and Engineering, etc. and many languages.
All journal titles can be searched and browsed. Some journals are searchable at article level.
Academic Search Ultimate offers students an unprecedented collection of peer-reviewed, full-text journals, including many journals indexed in leading citation indexes. The combination of academic journals, magazines, periodicals, reports, books and videos meets the needs of scholars in virtually every discipline ranging from astronomy, anthropology, biomedicine, engineering, health, law and literacy to mathematics, pharmacology, women's studies, zoology and more.
email / print / save articles, abstract / full-text / page image available, functions: marked articles, etc.
Humanities Source Ultimate offers access to key content covering literary, scholarly and creative thought. It also includes hundreds of scholarly full-text journals cited in leading subject indexes to round out student research.
Email / print / save articles, abstract / full-text / page image available, functions: marked articles, etc.
This ebook reference collection offers over 200 eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects for high school students. Topics include biography, history, careers, language arts, literature, government, health, math, science, current events, and social-emotional health.
Email / print / save articles, abstract / full-text / page image available, functions: marked articles, etc.
This ebook reference collection offers over 100 eBook titles covering a broad range of general reference subjects for primary school students. Topics include social studies, history, language arts, geography, culture, math, and science.
Email / print / save articles, abstract / full-text / page image available, functions: marked articles, etc.
Integrated our subscribed The New York Times and The New York Times in Education, the New York Times Learning Network connects classrooms to the world with The New York Times contents and provides opportunities daily for teenagers to both learn the issues that matter to them and raise their voices in response to it.
Lessons and Teaching Ideas
Lesson Plans Short lesson plans based on Times content.
Teaching Ideas Ideas and inspiration for teaching with The Times.
Writing Prompts
Student Opinion Questions (Daily) Daily questions inspired by Times content from across sections.
Picture Prompts (Tuesday-Friday) Accessible, image-driven prompts that invite a variety of kinds of writing.
Current Events Conversation (Weekly on Thursdays) A weekly round-up of our favorite student comments on recent news and issues.
Quizzes and Vocabulary
Word of the Day (Daily) Learn vocabulary with The New York Times.
Student News Quizzes (Weekly) A current events quiz that tests students about the biggest news stories.
Geography Quizzes (Monthly) Introduce students to over 150 countries via Times maps, photos and journalism.
Photos, Graphs & Videos
What’s Going On in This Picture? (Weekly on Mondays) Times images without their captions and an invitation to students to discuss the live.
What’s Going On in This Graph? (Weekly on Wednesdays) Graphs, maps and charts from The Times and an invitation to students to discuss them live.
Film Club (Weekly on Thursdays) Short documentary films and related discussion questions.
Contests & Challenges
Contests Ten challenges that invite teenagers to engage via writing, photography, audio, video and more.
Accessible Activities A curated selection of student activities for a broad range of readers and writers.
create a free account using your university email address.
(If you already have a account associated with your university email address, log in with those credentials. Remember to login out when you leave the platform. You may download NYTimes mobile apps via Google Play.)
Literary Index (Gale) is a master index to the major literature products published by Gale. It combines and cross-references author names, including pseudonyms and variant names, and listings for titles of works into one source. Gale Literary Index provides quick and easy access to author and title listings from over 130 literature products.
Cross-references author names
Including pseudonyms and variant names
Listings for titles of works into one source.
Contain complete biographies on authors and critical essays on their writings
Collaboration tools
Citation tools
On-demand translation
Basic Search
Advanced Search
Subject Guide Search
Publication Search
130 literature products from Gale and the imprints Charles Scribner's Sons, St. James Press, and Twayne Publishers.
Literature (Gale) brings together all of Gale’s literary databases and Gale eBooks into one seamlessly cross-searchable research and study environment. Contains full-text literary works, journal articles, literature criticism and analysis, reviews, author biographies, bibliographies, multimedia, and a rich collection of scholarly overviews.
Literature Criticism (Gale) is the largest, most extensive compilation of literary commentary available. It provides access and navigation through centuries of literary analysis – spanning all time periods, genres and regions of the world.
Deliver scholarly and popular commentary in easy-to-use online format that matches the exact look and content of the print originals.
Easy to find hard-to-find essays with around-the-clock remote access
Topic Finder
Term Frequency
Collaboration Tools
Broadsheets, pamphlets, encyclopaedias, books and periodicals
Literature Resource Center (Gale) offers the broadest and most representative range of authors and their works, including a large collection of full-text critical and literary analysis.
The database provides researchers with evidence to support their literary responses and thesis statements through a diversity of scholars and critics that ensure all views and perspectives are represented.
Overview and full-text literary criticism on more than 130,000 writers in all disciplines, from all time periods and from around the world.
More than 160,000 complete entries from two award-winning series – Contemporary Authors and Dictionary of Literary Biography – providing in-depth biographical, bibliographical, and contextual information on authors’ lives and works.
Content that supports interdisciplinary approaches to the humanities, information literacy, and the development of critical thinking skills.
Cross-searchable with Gale literary products
Person and Works search
Term clusters
Term frequency
Collaboration tools
News, primary sources, literary works, images, links to audio, interviews, and reviews
LitFinder (Gale Literature) provides access to a wealth of literary works and secondary source materials covering literature and authors throughout history and across the globe. It includes more than 150,000 full-text poems and over 800,000 poetry citations, as well as short stories, speeches, plays, biographies, work summaries, photographs, and a glossary.
Includes 140,000+ full-text poems
Easy-to-use search paths
Various refine search and results limiter options for browsing database
Topic Finder
Term Frequency
Basic and advanced search
Person Search
Works Search
Highlights and Notes
Poems, poetry citations, short stories, speeches, plays, biographies, work summaries, photographs, and a glossary.
Oxford Academic: Hong Kong Scholarship Online is a vast and rapidly expanding cross-searchable library which now offers quick and easy access to the full text of over 100 Hong Kong University Press books in six subject areas: Economics and Finance, Film, Television and Radio, History, Linguistics, Literature, Society and Culture.
print and email articles ; use "Adobe Acrobate Reader" to view articles
Oxford Bibliographies provides a variety of academic topics. Every article in the database is an authoritative guide to the current scholarship, with original commentary and annotations. Oxford Bibliographies is reviewed and updated regularly, with 50-75 articles added per year to each subject area. It provides the access to the full text in selected subject areas including: Social Work, Sociology, Anthropology, Chinese studies, Cinema and media studies, Classics, Communication, Criminology, Education, International law, Linguistics, Management, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, American literature, Victorian literature, Childhood studies, British and Irish literature, Literary and critical theory (Start from early July 2017).
PQDT Open provides the full text of open access dissertations and theses free of charge. Click here to access PQDT Open. You can quickly and easily locate dissertations and theses relevant to your discipline, and view the complete text in PDF format. The authors of these dissertations and theses have opted to publish as open access. Open Access Publishing is a new service offered by ProQuest's UMI Dissertation Publishing, and it is expected to have many more open access dissertations and theses over time.
ProQuest Central is the largest aggregated full-text database in the market today. This database provides nearly 12,000 journals with over 9,000 available in full text.
It boasts over 160 subjects including core subject areas such as:
Business and economics
Health and medical
News and world affairs
Social Sciences
Women's studies
and more
It also provides access to over 800 full text U.S., Canadian and international newspapers; Nearly 30,000 full text dissertations in the areas of business, psychology, physical sciences, health, education and more; Concise business information from nearly 9,000 market reports across 43 industries in 40 countries.
email / print / save articles, abstract / full-text available / page image available, functions: marked articles, etc.
This database contains a large collection of books regarding different disciplines including:
The Arts
Health & Medicine
Literature & Language
Religion & Philosophy
Science & Technology
Social Sciences
All pages of book are saved into the database in form of special format, so that users can retrieve these page-images one by one. These images not only can be viewed, but also, users can search from word to word within each book.
Special features would be available when users have opened up a personal account like the bookshelf, a place for user to save down information they searched.
ProQuest Literature Online is a fully searchable library of more than 350,000 works of English and American poetry, drama and prose, nearly 240 full-text literature journals, and other key criticism and reference resources.
Print / Save / Email articles, abstract / full-text available / page image available, functions: marked articles, etc.
Poetry, drama, prose, journal, biography, criticism and reference resources, etc.
Scribner Writer Series (Gale Literature) provides original, scholar signed essays on the lives and works of authors from around the world from all time periods. Entries include concise essays, citations, and biographical information that places the author and their works.
Provides key biographical, historical and cultural background on influential writers and their works
More than 2,300 scholar-written entries over 1,700 influential authors
Cross-searchable with other Gale Literature resources
Something About the Author (Gale Literature) provides comprehensive online access to all volumes ever printed in Gale's long-standing Something About the Author and Something About the Author Autobiography Series.This series examines the lives and works of authors and illustrators for children and young adults. Ranging from established award winners to authors and illustrators just starting a career in the industry, it covers more than 12,000 individuals across over 217 volumes.
Total more than 290 volumes, 20,000 entries, and 30,000 images
The complete online fully-searchable edition of the TLS from the first edition in 1902 onwards. This is the essential companion for studying and researching literary activity and critical opinion makers of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Twayne’s Author Series of literary criticism (Gale Literature) offers in-depth introductions to the lives and works of writers, the history and influence of literary movements and to the development of literary genres.
This online series features the content of more than 600 books that comprise three print series --United States Authors, English Authors and World.
Contains hundreds of books from Twayne's Author Series, covering World, English and U.S. Authors.
Provides literary critical interpretation and discussion for readers and students in high school, college and beyond.
Cross-searchable with any combination of the Gale databases.
The World Shakespeare Bibliography Online is a database of bibliography. It provides annotated entries for all Shakespeare-related books, articles, book reviews, dissertations, theatrical productions, reviews of productions, audio-visual materials, electronic media, and other scholarly and popular materials related to Shakespeare and published or produced between 1960 and the present.
The most comprehensive record of Shakespeare-related scholarship and theatrical productions.
Over 135,500 annotated and cross-referenced entries and over a million reviews.
Provides diverse types of content, including books, articles, book reviews, dissertations, reviews of films and stage productions, and multimedia.
Extends to over 120 languages, representing every country in North America, South America, and Europe, and nearly every country in Asia, Africa, and Oceania.
Sources cover work/productions from 1960 to today, and the site is updated on an on-going basis.
Complex bibliographic searches by subject, author, title, and phrases.
To fulfill the information need on study and
research, Library always arrange the online databases for Shue Yan Community to try and
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