War and Terrorism (Gale OneFile) provides articles about conflicts and their causes, impact and perception on a global scale, for analysts, risk management professionals, and students of military science, history, and social science.
This definitive collection for analysts, risk management professionals, and students of military science, history, and social science is comprised of more than 200 subject-appropriate, full-text periodicals that are updated daily.
Step 1: Enter with your Shue Yan webmail and password when you are redirected to Shue Yan Portal Login page.
HKSYU email address should follow this format,
@hksyu.edu (staff)
@hksyu.edu.hk (student)
Step 2: You will then be taken to another page and prompted for Client Identifier (optional) after authentication.
Click Continue to proceed.
This database is an online legal research service which provides a unique collection of legal and regulatory information by combining materials from renowned content providers such as Sweet & Maxwell, Thomson West, ELLIS Publications, Lawbook Co and Carswell. The collection includes case law, legislation, law reviews, treaties, and directories.
Wiley digital textbooks provides over 20,000 digital textbooks, covering in-demand topics through partnering renowned authors and professional organizations such as CFA, CMA, CPA, AIChE, IEEE and more.
Loan period: 3 days for each book
Loan quota: 5 titles for each user
Wisers One is the new platform of the WiseEnterprise. It includes the new layout which would make the users feel more convenient to read the news articles. Moreover, it can allow the users to switch the platforms between WiseEnterprise電子剪報 and WiseSearch.
Users can monitor all articles under each monitoring item and proceed with article screening and browsing based on date, media category and media type of monitoring items according to daily usage habit. This bilingual database is updated daily to include today's news.
The news is from most local Chinese and English newspapers and magazines from China, Taiwan, Macau and United States.
The Hong Kong newspapers available are:
Hong Kong Commercial Daily (香港商報)
Hong Kong Daily News (新報)
Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報)
Hong Kong Economic Times (香港經濟日報)
Metropolis Daily (都市日報)
Ming Pao (明報)
Oriental Daily News (東方日報)
Sing Pao (成報)
Sing Tao Daily (星島日報)
SCMP.COM (南華早報網上版)
The Standard (英文虎報)
The Sun (太陽報)
Ta Kung Po (大公報)
Wen Wei Po (文匯報)
Email / print / save articles, functions: marked articles, etc.
Newspapers & Magazines from print publications and online medias
Simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese or English
System Requirements:
Browser: Google Chrome is suggested for the best usage results. In addition, the Platform supports Internet Explorer11.0, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, 360 extreme speed browser, among others
WiseSearch is the platform which can be switch from Wisers One.
Based on the world-leading all-media business intelligence database, WiseSearch provides reliable market research, brand research, industry research and business intelligence, thereby facilitating users to make business decisions.
Apart from searching the news, this platform could do the comparison for you after you set the criteria on the specific topics.
The news is from most local Chinese and English newspapers and magazines from China, Taiwan, Macau and United States.
The Hong Kong newspapers available are:
Hong Kong Commercial Daily (香港商報)
Hong Kong Daily News (新報)
Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報)
Hong Kong Economic Times (香港經濟日報)
Metropolis Daily (都市日報)
Ming Pao (明報)
Oriental Daily News (東方日報)
Sing Pao (成報)
Sing Tao Daily (星島日報)
SCMP.COM (南華早報網上版)
The Standard (英文虎報)
The Sun (太陽報)
Ta Kung Po (大公報)
Wen Wei Po (文匯報)
Email / print / save articles, functions: marked articles, etc.
Newspapers & Magazines from print publications and online medias
Simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese or English
System Requirements:
Browser: Google Chrome is suggested for the best usage results. In addition, the Platform supports Internet Explorer11.0, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, 360 extreme speed browser, among others
World History (Gale In Context) takes learners from the ancient world to today's headlines, delivering a chronicle of the great cultures and societies that have formed the history of the human race.
Rare primary sources, reliable references, and multimedia content put this vast topic into context for students.
World History (Gale OneFile) provides access to scholarly journals and magazines useful to both novice historians as well as advanced academic researchers. The database offers balanced coverage of events in world history and scholarly work being established in the field.
The World Shakespeare Bibliography Online is a database of bibliography. It provides annotated entries for all Shakespeare-related books, articles, book reviews, dissertations, theatrical productions, reviews of productions, audio-visual materials, electronic media, and other scholarly and popular materials related to Shakespeare and published or produced between 1960 and the present.
The most comprehensive record of Shakespeare-related scholarship and theatrical productions.
Over 135,500 annotated and cross-referenced entries and over a million reviews.
Provides diverse types of content, including books, articles, book reviews, dissertations, reviews of films and stage productions, and multimedia.
Extends to over 120 languages, representing every country in North America, South America, and Europe, and nearly every country in Asia, Africa, and Oceania.
Sources cover work/productions from 1960 to today, and the site is updated on an on-going basis.
Complex bibliographic searches by subject, author, title, and phrases.
To fulfill the information need on study and
research, Library always arrange the online databases for Shue Yan Community to try and
comment. If you have any comments about the trial databases or trial request, please send to
pcomment@hksyu.edu. Your
comments will be appreciated.