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information Restricted Resource Full text availableCambridge Journals Online: Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) Help Guide
Descriptions: The Humanities and Social Sciences package includes areas such as economics, business and management, language and linguistics, politics and international relations, literature, social studies, etc.

Among Humanities and Social Sciences titles, more than 70% of them are cited by SSCI and AHCI. Behavioral and Brain Sciences is placed top of the entire Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) of more than 2,600 journals and Politics & Gender, American Political Science Review, International Organization and Behavioral and Brain Sciences are all ranked top 5 in their categories. 2013 Nobel Prize winner Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen and Robert Shiller published articles on Cambridge economics journals.
Features: Search/browse/PDF
Sources: Journals
Language: English

information Restricted Resource Full text availableChemistry (Gale Interactive)

Can only access inside the campus


Chemistry (Gale Interactive) is an online database experience utilizing 3D images and animations to explore elements, molecules & compounds, crystals, reactions and advanced reactions in chemistry.


  • A Fully Interactive Experience
  • Aligned To Course Curriculum
  • Authoritative Research Content
  • On-The-Go Access


Advanced Search/Cite/Send To/Download/Print


Reference / Periodicals



information Restricted Resource Full text availableChina and the Modern World: Diplomacy and Political Secrets, 1869–1950 (Gale Primary Sources) Help Guide


Diplomacy and Political Secrets comprises a compilation of 4,204 rare China-related historical documents carefully selected from three series within the India Office Records now held at the British library: the Political and Secret Department Records, the Burma Office records, and the Records of the Military Department. These documents consist of manuscripts and monographs in the form of reports, memoranda, correspondence, pamphlets and official publications, intelligence diaries, accounts of political and scientific expeditions, travel diaries, handbooks and maps. 


  • Discover text that includes handwriting with Gale’s handwritten text recognition (HTR) technology
  • Mine this content within Gale Digital Scholar Lab
  • Cross-search content from other Gale Primary Sources archives
  • Find related resources in the Gale eBooks collection using the Related Resources feature


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  • Full Citation Tools 


The National Archives, United Kingdom



information Restricted Resource Full text availableChina and the Modern World: Hong Kong, Britain, and China, Part I: 1841–1951 (Gale Primary Sources) Help Guide


China and the Modern World: Hong Kong, Britain and China 1841–1951 presents a collection of British government documents on colonial Hong Kong, spanning a period of over a century. The collection provides a valuable primary source for researching colonial Hong Kong between 1841 and 1951, with detailed information on the political, military, social, economic, and external development of Hong Kong. It also sheds light on the British Empire, China’s transformation from empire to republic, mainland China-Hong Kong relations, and the international politics of East Asia.


  • Hand-Written Text Recognition
  • Textual Analysis Tools
  • Stand-alone or Cross-search Capabilities
  • Browse Manuscripts
  • Google and Microsoft Integration


  • Basic Search
  • Advanced Search 
  • Topic Finder
  • Term Frequency
  • Term Clusters
  • Citation Generator


The National Archives, United Kingdom



information Restricted Resource Full text availableChina and the Modern World: Hong Kong, Britain, and China, Part II: 1965–1993 (Gale Primary Sources) Help Guide


China and the Modern World: Hong Kong, Britain and China Part II, 1965–1993 provides scholars with essential reference material for researching Hong Kong and its interactions with mainland China, UK, US, Taiwan, and other parts of Asia.


While the focus of the collection is on Hong Kong, a high proportion of the content relates well to the history of modern China and her relations with her neighbours (e.g., Japan) and the West (Britain and the US), covering many historical events such as the Vietnam War, Cultural Revolution, tensions across the Taiwan Strait, China’s reform and opening-up, and negotiations on the return of Hong Kong to China. 

Types of documents include manuscripts, photographs, clippings, and ephemera. HTR (Handwritten Text Recognition) will be applied to all relevant documents, allowing users to search for handwritten as well as printed text within the documents.


  • Textual analysis tools
  • Downloadable OCR
  • Image viewer
  • Stand-alone or cross-search capabilities
  • Handwritten text recognition (HTR)


  • Basic Search

  • Advanced Search 

  • Topic Finder

  • Term Frequency

  • Full Citation Tools


The National Archives, United Kingdom



information Restricted Resource Full text availableChina and the Modern World: Imperial China and The West, Part I: 1815-1881 (Gale Primary Sources) Help Guide


Imperial China and The West, Part I, 1815-1881 provides General Correspondence relating to China from 1815–1881. In this part, scholars will find material relating to the internal politics of China and Britain, their relationship, and the relationships between other Western powers keen to benefit from the growing trading ports of the Far East.


The FO 17 series provides a vast and significant resource for researching every aspect of Anglo-Chinese relations during the nineteenth century, ranging from diplomacy and war, to trade, piracy, riots and rebellions within China, international law, treaty ports and informal empire, transnational emigration, and translation and cross-cultural communication.


  • Discover text that includes handwriting with Gale’s handwritten text recognition (HTR) technology
  • Mine this content within Gale Digital Scholar Lab
  • Cross-search content from other Gale Primary Sources archives
  • Find related resources in the Gale eBooks collection using the Related Resources feature


  • Basic Search

  • Advanced Search 

  • Topic Finder

  • Term Frequency

  • Full Citation Tools 


The National Archives, United Kingdom



information Restricted Resource Full text availableChina and the Modern World: Imperial China and The West, Part II: 1865-1905 (Gale Primary Sources) Help Guide


Imperial China and The West, Part II, 1865-1905 provides General Correspondence relating to China from 1865–1905. Here, scholars will find material relating to the internal politics of China and Britain, their relationship, and the relationships among other Western powers, and China’s neighbours in East Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia.


The FO 17 series provides a vast and significant resource for researching every aspect of China-West relations during the nineteenth century, ranging from diplomacy and war, to trade, piracy, riots and rebellions within China, international law, treaty ports and informal empire, transnational emigration, and translation and cross-cultural communication.


  • Discover text that includes handwriting with Gale’s handwritten text recognition (HTR) technology
  • Mine this content within Gale Digital Scholar Lab
  • Cross-search content from other Gale Primary Sources archives
  • Find related resources in the Gale eBooks collection using the Related Resources feature


  • Basic Search

  • Advanced Search 

  • Topic Finder

  • Term Frequency

  • Full Citation Tools 


The National Archives, United Kingdom



information Restricted Resource Full text availableChina and the Modern World: Missionary, Sinology, and Literary Periodicals (1817-1949) (Gale Primary Sources) Help Guide


China and the Modern World: Missionary, Sinology, and Literary Periodicals (1817-1949) is a collection of 17 English-language periodicals published in or about China during a period of over 130 years, extending from 1817 until the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. This resource features a significant collection of articles and photos on the founding and development of Christian higher education in China, including the establishment and growth into prominence of such institutions as Yenching University, the University of Nanking, Ginling College, Shandong Christian University, Soochow University, St. John’s University, Shanghai Baptist College, and the Canton Christian College.


  • Textual Analysis Tools
  • Subject Indexing
  • Zotero Compatibility
  • User-generated Tags & Annotations
  • Image Viewer
  • Downloadable OCR


  • Basic Search
  • Advanced Search 
  • Topic Finder
  • Term Frequency
  • Full Citation Tools


National Library of China



information Restricted Resource Full text availableChina and the Modern World: Records of Shanghai and the International Settlement, 1836-1955 (Gale Primary Sources) Help Guide


Records of Shanghai and the International Settlement, 1836-1955 provides a primary source collection vital to understanding and researching the social, political, legal, and economic history of the Shanghai International Settlement as well as the history of modern China from 1836 to 1955.

Comprised of nine series of British Foreign Office files from The National Archives in the United Kingdom, plus the records of the British Ministry of Labour, Treasury, and War Office, this collection illuminates Shanghai and the International Settlement as the seat that shaped the history of modern China as it transformed from an imperial dynasty to a globally engaged republic.

The archive consists of a wide range of archival documents, including general correspondence; reports; maps and plans; and photographs etc. that produced by the Foreign Office, British legation in China, British Consulate in Shanghai, British Supreme Court for China, and so on.


  • Discover text that includes handwriting with Gale’s handwritten text recognition (HTR) technology
  • Mine this content within Gale Digital Scholar Lab
  • Cross-search content from other Gale Primary Sources archives
  • Find related resources in the Gale eBooks collection using the Related Resources feature


  • Basic Search
  • Advanced Search 
  • Topic Finder
  • Term Frequency
  • Full Citation Tools


The National Archives, United Kingdom



information Restricted Resource Full text availableChina and the Modern World: Records of the Maritime Customs Service of China (1854-1949) (Gale Primary Sources) Help Guide


China and the Modern World: Records of the Maritime Customs Service of China (1854-1949) provides an excellent primary source collection for the study of China and its relations with the West in the late Qing and Republican periods. The records included in this collection - official correspondence, despatches, reports, memoranda, and private and confidential letters - constitute invaluable and often unique evidence of Chinese life, the economy and politics through the Taiping Rebellion, the Boxer Rebellion, the Revolution of 1911, the May 30 Movement, the two Sino-Japanese Wars, and the Chinese Civil War.


  • Textual Analysis Tools
  • Subject Indexing
  • Zotero Compatibility
  • User-generated Tags & Annotations
  • Image Viewer
  • Downloadable OCR


  • Basic Search
  • Advanced Search 
  • Topic Finder
  • Term Frequency
  • Term Clusters
  • Citation Generator


Second Historical Archives of China, Nanjing



information Restricted Resource Full text available Resource contains video Resource contains audioChina-Global South Project (CGSP)


The China-Global South Project (CGSP), formerly known as The China Africa Project, is a non-profit independent multimedia organization dedicated to exploring every aspect of China's engagement with Africa. The project has a full-time team of editors and analysts in five countries in African and Asia working every day to produce daily news and analysis. The site produces a mix of editorial content that combines original material with carefully curated third-party information.


The current CGSP production output includes:

  • The China in Africa weekly audio podcast
  • The China Global South Project Facebook page
  • The China Global South Project on YouTube
  • The China Global South Project on X
  • Le Projet Chine Afrique
  • AfrikChine Podcast (French)
  • Akhbar AlSin-Africia on X (Arabic)


  • Trending Stories
  • News Feed 
  • Analysis 
  • Podcast 
  • Video 
  • Newsletters 
  • Special Reports
  • ChatCGSP (beta)


  • Simple Search
  • Podcast 
  • Share (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Weibo, Email)





information Restricted Resource Resource contains video Resource contains audioClarity English (Concurrent users: 5)

Program 1: Study Skills Success

Program 2: Practical Writing

Program 3: Tense Buster  

Program 4: Clear Pronunciation 1 

Program 5: Clear Pronunciation 2 

Program 6: Road to IELTS 
Descriptions: Six English language learning programs are selected from Clarity English program list:

Clear Pronunciation 1:
Clear Pronunciation 1 (Sounds) helps learners recognize and pronounce 43 English phonemes: vowels, consonants and diphthongs. The program includes over 1,000 audio clips and 50 videos which provide both comprehensive input for the sounds, and models for learners to copy. The Recorder enables users to record their voice and assess their pronunciation against a native speaker.

Clear Pronunciation 2:
In Clear Pronunciation 2 (Speech), students learn to put the sounds of English together in natural speech. This program helps them recognise and accurately produce word stress, sentence stress, consonant clusters, connected speech and intonation. By the end of the program, learners have a comprehensive understanding of the key features of English pronunciation.

Practical Writing:
Practical Writing helps students not just with the essays and reports they have to write in their academic work, but also with the job application personal profiles and letters they will need to write in their final year. For more information.

Road to IELTS Academic module:
Road to IELTS is online preparation and practice resource for IELTS. With over 120 hours of interactive activities, advice videos from British Council experts, hints and tips on question types as well as downloadable practice tests, it is comprehensive, up-to-date and aimed precisely at the challenges candidates face. Road to IELTS is suitable for IELTS candidates from band score 4.5 upwards, and for institutions running IELTS preparation courses.

Study Skills Success:
Study Skills Success is for students in their final years at school and first year in higher education. It provides comprehensive coverage of skills and resources that will enable them to approach their academic studies effectively and with confidence.

Tense Buster:
Tense Buster, Clarity's most popular program, helps learners improve their understanding of key grammar areas from some/any at Elementary level to phrasal verbs at Advanced level. The program is ideal as a self-access resource for extension or remedial work, or integrated into a course of study and used for classwork or homework.
Features: Practice, test, recording
Sources: Clarity English programs
Language: English

information Restricted Resource Full text availableCNKI - 中國優秀碩士學位論文全文數據庫 (哲學與人文科學專輯) Help Guide
CNKI - China Master's Theses Full-text Database
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簡介: 碩士論文數据庫收錄約300多萬篇的碩士學位論文文獻,分成10個專輯,產品分為十大專輯:基礎科學、工程科技Ⅰ、工程科技Ⅱ、農業科技、醫藥衛生科技、哲學與人文科學、社會科學Ⅰ、社會科學Ⅱ、資訊科技、經濟與管理科學。
論文索引由1999年開始,全文由2005年開始。圖書館現訂購哲學與人文科學專輯 。
特徵: 可以列印及儲存文章; 包括全文及摘要; 請用 Caj viewer 或 Acrobat Reader 閱覽 圖像檔案.
資料來源: 論文
語言: 中文

information Restricted Resource Full text availableCNKI - 中國博士論文全文數據庫 (哲學與人文科學專輯) Help Guide
CNKI - China Doctoral Dissertations Full-text Database
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簡介: 中國博士學位論文全文數據庫收錄約三百多萬篇的博士學位論文文獻,產品分為十大專輯:基礎科學、工程科技Ⅰ、工程科技Ⅱ、農業科技、醫藥衛生科技、哲學與人文科學、社會科學Ⅰ、社會科學Ⅱ、資訊科技、經濟與管理科學。
特徵: 可以列印及儲存文章; 包括全文及摘要; 請用 Caj viewer 或 Acrobat Reader 閱覽 圖像檔案.
資料來源: 論文
語言: 中文

information Restricted Resource Full text availableCNKI - 中國學術輯刊全文數據庫 (文史哲專輯)
 CNKI - China Monographic Series Full-text Database


本館訂閱: 文史哲專輯.”

特徵: 輯刊的編輯單位多為高等院校和科研院所。編者的學術素養高,論文品質好、專業特色強。輯刊具有較強的學術輻射力和帶動效應。
功能: 出版來源導航、期刊導航、學術輯刊導航、會議導航、報紙導航、年鑒導航、工具書導航。
資料來源: 文獻、論文集
語言: 中文

information Restricted Resource Full text availableCNKI - 中國期刊全文數據庫 (哲學與人文科學、社會科學Ⅰ輯、社會科學Ⅱ輯、經濟與管理科學) Help Guide
CNKI - China Academic Journals Full-text Database

簡介: 中國期刊全文數據庫是一個大規模集成中國大陸各學科中、英文專業核心期刊和專業特色期刊的全文數據庫。 收錄期刊數目前已達8,000餘種,學科內容分為十個專輯,本館訂閱哲學與人文科學、社會科學Ⅰ輯、社會科學Ⅱ輯、經濟與管理科學四個專輯。論文摘要由1994年開始(部分刊物回溯至創刊),哲學與人文科學、社會科學Ⅰ輯、社會科學Ⅱ輯、經濟與管理科學,

哲學與人文科學專輯 -- 學科範圍:語言、文字、文學、文化、藝術 、音樂、美術、體育、歷史、考古、哲學、宗教、心理等。
社會科學Ⅰ輯 -- 學科範圍:政論、黨建、外交、公安、群眾組、軍事、法律等。
社會科學Ⅱ輯 -- 學科範圍:社會科學理論與方法、社會學及統計學、民族學、人口學與計劃生育 教育理論與教育管理等。
經濟與管理專輯 -- 學科範圍:經濟、商貿、財政、金融、保險等。
特徵: 可以列印及儲存文章; 包括全文及摘要; 請用 CAJ viewer 或 Acrobat Reader 閱覽 圖像檔案.
資料來源: 期刊
語言: 中文 及 英文

information Restricted Resource Full text availableCNKI - 中國重要會議論文全文數據庫 (哲學與人文科學、社會科學Ⅰ輯、社會科學Ⅱ輯、經濟與管理科學) Help Guide
CNKI - China Proceedings of Conference Full-text Database
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簡介: 中國重要會議論文全文數據庫收錄我國2000年以來國家二級以上學會、協會、高等院校、科研院所、學術機構等單位的論文集,產品分為十大專輯:基礎科學、工程科技Ⅰ、工程科技Ⅱ、農業科技、醫藥衛生科技、哲學與人文科學、社會科學Ⅰ、社會科學Ⅱ、資訊科技、經濟與管理科學。本館購買哲學與人文科學、社會科學Ⅰ輯、社會科學Ⅱ輯、經濟與管理科學專輯, 全文內容由2009年起。
特徵: 可以列印及儲存文章; 包括全文及摘要; 請用 CAJ viewer 或 Acrobat Reader 閱覽 圖像檔案。
資料來源: 會議論文集
語言: 中文 及 英文

information Restricted Resource Full text availableCommunications and Mass Media (Gale OneFile)


Communications and Mass Media (Gale OneFile) brings together information found in more than 400 journals. Nearly 3 million articles on all aspects of the communications field, including advertising, public relations, linguistics, and literature, meet the needs of researchers.  


  • Topic finder
  • Interlink
  • Mobile-optimized interface


  • Collaboration Tools
  • Citation Tools
  • On-Demand Translation


Journals … etc.



information Restricted Resource Full text availableComputer Science (Gale OneFile)


Computer Science (Gale OneFile) provides access to leading business and technical publications in the computer, telecommunications, and electronics industries. The database includes more than 600 journals and periodicals, providing information on computer-related product introductions, news and reviews in areas such as hardware, software, electronics, engineering, communications, and the application of technology.


  • Topic finder
  • Interlink
  • Mobile-optimized interface


  • Collaboration Tools
  • Citation Tools
  • On-Demand Translation


Journals … etc.



information Restricted Resource Full text availableContemporary Authors (Gale Literature)


Contemporary Authors (Gale Literature) offers students and patrons continuous access to current biographical and bibliographical data on more than 120,000 modern authors.

Each entry contains comprehensive and up-to-date information, accessible through an easy-to-use interface with a variety of search paths to help you locate the information needed quickly and efficiently.


  • Include personal information, contact information, career history, writings, biographical and critical sources, authors' comments, and informative essays.
  • Entries on the most active authors are continuously updated with author-provided updates, expanded entries, bibliographies, awards, and other recent information.
  • Easy to search for an author by name, nationality, date and place of birth, honours and awards, title, subject, and genre of work.


  • Topic Finder
  • Term Frequency
  • Person Search
  • Works Search


Modern novelists, poets, playwrights, nonfiction writers, journalists and scriptwriters



information Restricted Resource Resource contains videoCounseling and Psychotherapy Transcripts, Client Narratives, and Reference Works Help Guide
Descriptions: The database is a searchable collection containing real transcripts of therapy and counseling sessions and first-person narratives illuminating the experience of mental illness and its treatment, as well as reference works to contextualize the primary material.
System Requirements: Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher, and Firefox 3.0 or higher.
Sources: Diaries, letters, autobiographies, oral histories, and personal memoirs
Language: English

information Restricted Resource Full text available Resource contains videoCounseling and Therapy in Video : Volume IV Help Guide
Descriptions: Counseling and Therapy in Video : Volume IV: Current Practices is a multimedia collection that addresses the current best practices for counseling and therapy. It includes transcripts of real therapy sessions, video presentations by practicing therapists as well as presentations and publications by renowned academic therapists.

The collection directly discusses the CACREP 8 Core Areas required by many states for counselor certification as well as a wide range of contemporary issues from working with LGBT clients to helping clients suffering from PTSD.
System Requirements: Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher, Firefox 3.0 or higher ; Adobe Flash Player 9 or higher
Sources: Videos and books
Language: English

information Restricted Resource Full text availableCriminal Justice (Gale OneFile)


Criminal Justice (Gale OneFile) informs the research process for researchers who are studying law, law enforcement, or terrorism, training for paralegal service, preparing for a career in homeland security, delving into forensic science, investigating crime scenes, developing policy, going to court, writing sociological reports, and much more. Gale OneFile: Criminal Justice makes research easy by bringing together information from more than 250 journals.


  • Topic finder
  • Interlink
  • Mobile-optimized interface


  • Collaboration tools
  • Citation tools
  • On-demand translation
  • Basic Search
  • Advanced Search
  • Subject Guide Search
  • Publication Search


Journals … etc.



information Restricted Resource Full text availableCUHK - 中國五十年代初中期的政治運動數據庫 : 從土地改革到公私合營, 1946-1956
CUHK - Database of the Chinese Political Campaigns in the 1950s:
From Land Reform to State-Private Partnership, 1949-1956
簡介: 中國五十年代初中期的政治運動資料庫 由宋永毅、郭建等海內外學者編輯,美國哈佛大學費正清中國研究中心出版。數據庫有以下特點:
  • 內文詳實:包括標有出處的官方檔、指示、公報、內部報告、領袖和首長講話、重要報刊社論等九千多篇。
  • 資料龐大:多達近三千多萬字的第一手中文資料,多數文獻作了重新校勘;
  • 文獻珍貴:其中40%為中共各級檔案館的內部檔案和文件。僅當年各地有關土改、鎮反和思想改造的絕密調查報告、記錄就達近兩千餘篇;
  • 檢索靈活:可用中英文作「主題」,「日期」,「作者」,「標題」,和「關鍵詞」查閱。
特徵: 列印;瀏覽器需支援簡體字
資料來源: 文獻
語言: 中文為主,含中英文目錄的檢索方法

information Restricted Resource Full text availableCUHK - 中國反右運動數據庫,1957
CUHK - Chinese Anti-Rightist Campaign Database, 1957-
簡介: 中國反右運動數據庫(1957 -)由宋永毅、丁抒等海內外學者編輯,香港中文大學中國研究服務中心出版,收集了一萬篇以上的原始檔, 總字數接近兩千萬,讀者可按人名、日期、主題、關鍵字等方法自由檢索。此文庫共分為如下七大部分:
第一部份. 和反右運動有關的官方文件;第二部份.毛澤東在“反右”運動前後的有關講話、指示和文稿 ; 第三部份. 中共黨政領導和反右運動有關的講話和指示;第四部份. 有關反右運動的重要報刊社論文章;第五部份. 重要的右派言論和文章;第六部份. 反右運動前後的鳴放言論、報刊社論和重要文章;第七部份. 反右檔案:處理結論、檢查交代和平反通知。
特徵: 列印;瀏覽器需支援簡體字
資料來源: 文獻
語言: 中文為主,含中英文目錄的檢索方法

information Restricted Resource Full text availableCUHK - 中國大躍進---大饑荒數據庫,1958-1962
CUHK - Chinese Great Leap Forward and Great Famine Database, 1958-1962
簡介: 中國大躍進─大饑荒數據庫, 由宋永毅、郭建等海內外學者編輯,美國哈佛大學費正清中國研究中心、香港中文大學大學服務中國研究中心,收集了包括2000多萬字的2000多份大躍進,大饑荒的資料。資料庫公佈了大量的黨史、國史檔案,使中國人民瞭解大躍進,大饑荒的真相,從而促進海內外學者更深入地研究、分析、總結中國共產黨黨史和中華人民共和國國史。讀者可按主題、日期、作者、標題、全文、發文機構及地點等方法自由檢索。資料庫共分為如下八大部分: 第一部分:中共中央和各级政府有关大跃进/大饥荒的重要文件;第二部分:毛泽东有关大跃进-大饥荒的讲话、指示和文稿;第三部分: 中共党政领导有关大跃进-大饥荒讲话和指示;第四部分:大跃进-大饥荒时期的重要报刊社论、文章;第五部分:大跃进-大饥荒时期的其他重要文章和报道;第六部分:中共党内和民间社会的不满、抵制、反抗以及相关的骚乱;第七部分 内部档案:调查报告、指示统计等等;第八部分 特殊档案:检查交代和处理结论等等。 , 主要收錄範圍為台灣、中國大陸、香港及其他全球各地以中文為主要語言的期刊, 但不限此類語言。 涵蓋的科目包括人文學科、社會科學、自然科學、應用科學、醫學與生命科學等。 讀者可以學科、出版機構、期刊名稱或進階檢索等選項進行檢索及瀏覽。
特徵: 列印; 瀏覽器需支援簡體字
資料來源: 文獻
語言: 中文為主,含中英文目錄的檢索方法

information Restricted Resource Full text availableCUHK - 中國文化大革命文庫
CUHK - Chinese Cultural Revolution Database
簡介: 中國文化大革命文庫由宋永毅、丁抒等海內外學者編輯,香港中文大學中國研究服務中心出版,收集了一萬篇以上的原始檔,總字數接近三千萬。此文庫以類相從,按年代編排,讀者可按人名、日期、主題、關鍵字等方法自由檢索,分成個七部份:
第一部份. 有關文化大革命的中共檔、指示、公報彙編;第二部份. 毛澤東關於文化大革命的講話、指示和文章;第三部份. 林彪關於文化大革命的講話、指示和文章;第四部份. 中央首長關於文化大革命的講話和指示;第五部份. 有關文化大革命的重要報刊社論文章;第六部份. 文化大革命中紅衛兵、群眾運動重要文獻;第七部份. 文化大革命中的異端思潮重要文獻總導言。
特徵: 列印;瀏覽器需支援簡體字
資料來源: 文獻
語言: 中文為主,含中英文目錄的檢索方法

information Restricted Resource Full text availableCulinary Arts (Gale OneFile)


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