Local TV Programmes

To enhance the media collection, the HKSYU Library has accomplished agreements with TVB, ATV, RTHK and ViuTV to record some TV programmes for academic and research use.

Students and staff can borrow and watch the programmes at the 6/F Learning Commons in the Library for 3 hours.

Programmes List:

Newsline (時事縱橫)* 頭條新聞# 新聞透視 玩具誌*
文化風情* 鏗鏘集# 星期日檔案  
金錢世界* 議事論事# 財經透視#  
香港百人*   星期二檔案#  
香港風華*   星期五檔案#  
時事追擊* Pearl Report#  
感動香港* Money Magazine*  
* Closed
# Terminated

If you have any comment about this service, please send an email to libinfo@hksyu.edu.