Chinese Books

書號 中文書目
198.49 1010 2011慈善資本主義 : 富人在如何拯救世界 = Philanthro capitalism : how the rich can save the world / 馬修.比索普 (Matthew Bishop), 邁克爾.格林 (Michael Green)著 ; 丁開杰...[et al.]譯 ; 丁開杰審校.
198.49 608 2010新企業倫理 = New business ethics / 朱延智著.
198.49 705 2016企業倫理 : 精華理論及本土個案分析 / 吳永猛, 陳松柏, 林長瑞合著.
198.49 912 2005企業參與社會 : 步驟與實踐 / 香港社會服務聯會 = Corporate community programme : steps and practices / The Hong Kong Council of Social Service.
198.49 916 2014品格致勝 : 以自覺資本主義創造企業的永續及獲利 =Conscious capitalism: liberating the heroic spirit of business / 約翰.麥凱 (John Mackey), 拉哲.西索迪亞 (Raj Sisodia) 著 ; 許瑞宋譯.
225.87 911 2015地球企業家之道 : 地球企業家的核心、願景與實踐 / [作者: 洪啟嵩 ; 譯者: 龔思維等譯]
367.4109238 814 2011專業團體・節能革命 / [作者邱榮光 ... [et al.]] = BEEPS-Building environmental energy-wise professionals and SMEs / [author, Yau Wing Kwong ... [et al.]].
445.97 813 2014一噸垃圾值多少錢 : 垃圾變黃金?垃圾回收再利用,已成全球經濟舉足輕重的國際產業!/ 亞當‧明特 Adam Minter 著 ; 劉道捷譯.
445.97 913 2008從搖籃到搖籃 : 綠色經驗的設計提案 = Cradle to cradle : remaking the way we make things / 威廉.麥唐諾, 麥克.布朗嘉 ; 中國21世紀議程管理中心, 中美可持續發展中心出版社譯.
480.9238 1311 2012墟冚城市 : 在地自主經濟與良心消費 / 主編: 鄒崇銘, 王慧麟, 周嘉慧.
483.380952 1013 1999意外的利潤 : 5美元打造冰琪淋王國 / 班.柯恩, 傑瑞.葛林菲爾德著 ; 應小端譯.
490.15 1607 2008打造富足新世界 = Creating a world without proverty / 穆罕默德.尤努斯著 ; 曾育慧譯.
490.99 1607 2007窮人的銀行家 / 穆罕默德.尤努斯著 ; 吳士宏譯.
494 1814 2016人本獲利世代 : 七大核心理念,終結黑心企業 = People over profit: break the system, live with purpose, be more successful / 戴爾.帕崔 Dale Partridge著 ; 沈維君譯.
494 703新經營 新構想: 未來社會 企業的創造性新構想 / (日)系川英夫著 ; 潘祖銘譯.
494.1 1211 2009綠經濟: 提升獲利的綠色企業策略 / [喬.麥考爾 (Joel Makower)著 ; 曾沁音譯]
494.1 1413 200927%的獲利奇蹟 : 綠色產業的致富真相 = Stirring it up: how to make money and save the world / 蓋瑞.賀許伯格 (Gary Hirshberg)著 ; 麥倩宜譯.
494.1 1615 2011綠效能 : 3個秘密X16個小步驟&大躍進,打造企業新競爭力 = The three secrets of green business : unlocking competitive advantage in a low carbon economy / Gareth Kane著 ; 賴德鍾譯.
494.2 1405 2016未來的競爭力不是競爭 : 從針鋒相對到合作共享, 翻轉思維重寫經濟法則 = A bigger prize : why competition isn't everything and how we do better / 瑪格麗特・赫弗南 Margaret Heffernan著 ; 洪慧芳譯.
494.2 411 2012從藍海到綠海 : 報恩與施恩的新經營方式 = The green ocean strategy / 中野博著 ; 孫玉珍譯.
498 1509 2008樂活商機 : 30個經營準則與40個案例 = Business Lohas :日本をロハスに変える30の方法 / NPO樂活俱樂部著 ; 成玲譯.
498.9109238 611 2016再造香港: 從社會創新到參與規劃= HK remake​ / [鄒崇銘...[et al.]合編].
541.207 809 2013全球化時代的王道文化、社會創新與永續發展 / 林建甫編.
541.26207 413 2013王道文化在21世紀的實踐 / 劉兆玄, 李誠主編.
541.3 705 2016百工裡的人類學家 : 帶你挖掘厚數據!以人類學之眼洞悉人性, 引領社會創新 / 作者宋世祥.
541.43 808 2014兩岸社會發展的挑戰與轉型 / 王振寰, 王瑞琦, 劉致賢主編.
541.773 1019 2005群眾的智慧 : 如何讓個人, 團隊, 企業與社會變得更聰明 = The wisdom of crowds : why the many are smarter than the few and how collective wisdom shapes business, economies, societies and nations / James Surowiecki著 ; 楊玉齡譯.
541.831655 508 2013媒體事務 : 媒體企業與公共利益 =The business of media: corporate media and the public interest / David Croteau, William Hoynes著 ; 丘忠融, 葉宗顯譯 ; 國家教育研究院主譯.
546.1952 1907 2016階級世代 : 窮小孩與富小孩的機會不平等 / 羅伯特。普特南著 ; 李宗義, 許雅淑譯.
547.409238 401 2013不一樣的香港社會經濟 : 超越資本主義社會的想像 / 潘毅...[et al.]主編.
547.9 1113 2011黑暗中對話 : 經營社會企業的體悟 / 張瑞霖著.
547.9 1213 2017開路 : 社會企業的10堂課 / 社企流.
547.9 1215 2014賺出精彩人生 : 12個社會企業的創意革命 = The creative revolution of the social enterprise / 黃慧貞, 謝思熹著
547.9 1710 2007新愚公移山 : 十個社會企業創業者的故事 / [主編謝家駒]
547.9 1710 2008香港社會企業妙點子 / 謝家駒主編.
547.9 514 2014如何打造社會企業 : 以人為本的新商機,幸福經濟帶來大收益 =The art of social enterprise: business as if people mattered / 卡爾.弗蘭克爾 Carl Frankel, 艾倫.布隆伯格 Allen Bromberger著 ; 吳書榆譯.
547.9 608 20101個理想x10種創新 : 社會企業是門好生意 / 艾金頓(John Elkington), 哈提根(Pamela Hartigan)著 ; 廖建容譯.
547.9 716 2014敢動人生 / 何靜瑩著.
547.9 723 2016改變世界的共益企業= Certified B corporation / 主編蔡美碧.
547.9 806 2012社會企業 : 臺灣與香港的比較 / 官有垣 ... [et. al.] 編著.
547.9 812 v. 1社創群英 : 以社會創新改變世界的人. Vol. 1 / 謝家駒, 蔡美碧著 ; 仁人學社主編.
547.9 812 v. 2社創群英 : 以社會創新改變世界的人. Vol. 2 / 謝家駒, 蔡美碧著 ; 仁人學社主編.
547.9 908 2013十行一善 = 10% swap for good / 作者紀治興、簡仲勤、吳翠霞、葉子盈.
547.907 613 2014有溫度的經營 : 社會企業主題論文集. 第一輯 = Collection of papers: issues of social enterprise. I / 台灣社會企業創新創業學會策劃主編.
547.92 1212 2010社會企業的崛起及其在中國的發展 / 舒博著.
547.9238 1206 2013閒行社企 / [編輯洪永起 ; 作者盧勁馳 ... [et al.]]
547.9238 1515 2006企業與社會服務機構合作意念 : 香港個案彙編 = Business and social service partnerships : a Hong Kong casebook / [總編輯蔡劍華]
547.9238 1710 2009公益創業 : 青年創業與中年轉業的新選擇 / 謝家駒, 余志海.
547.9238 2009 2007社會企業先行者 / 嚴俊民著.
547.9238 705 2010社會創新 : 香港社企發展研究 / 香港政策研究所 ; 李正儀, 陸人龍主編.
547.9238 908 2013社會企業 : 信仰實踐與反思 / 紀治興[and 7 others]合著
547.941 1308 2008平凡創傳奇 : 社會企業妙點子 = Everyday legends : the ordinary people changing our world / 作者詹姆士.魯波特 (James Baderman) ; 賈斯汀.羅 (Justine Law) ; [翻譯鍾慧元]
547.941 1503 2015英國社會企業之旅 = The social enterprise experience in England / 劉子琦著.
547.98 1710 2010公益新思維 : 10個中國社會企業家的故事 = A new horizon : 10 stories of social entrepreneurs in China / [總編輯謝家駒, 李凡]
548.1 1212 2012溫水裡的青蛙 : 你我的責任, 啟動社會幸福機制 / 黃凱盈著.
550.16 814 2011綠色經濟學 : 理論、政策與實務 = Green economics: an introduction to theory, policy and practice / Molly Scott Cato原著 ; 周賓凰, 徐耀南, 王絹淑翻譯.
551.8 1108 2014 v. 1從社會企業、公平貿易、良心消費到共享經濟. Vol. 1 / 鄒崇銘, 黃英琦, 阮耀啟主編.
551.8 1108 2014 v. 2從社會企業、公平貿易、良心消費到共享經濟. Vol. 2 / 鄒崇銘, 黃英琦, 阮耀啟主編.
551.85 1310 2012用消費改變世界 : 公平貿易@新社會經濟運動 = Buying brings changes! : fair trade @ new social economic movement / 鄒祟銘, 韓江雪, 楊夢瑩著.
551.85 310 2015第 4 消費時代 : 共享經濟, 讓人變幸福的大趨勢 / 三浦展著 ; 馬奈譯.
552.1 913 2014政府失能下的新經濟革命 : 未來十年解決社會問題最重要的變革力量 =The solution revolution / 威廉.艾格斯 William D. Eggers, 保羅.麥克米蘭 Paul Macmillan 著 ; 李大川譯.
552.2 609 2011綠色經濟及在中國的實施 / [主編: 成思危, 劉曼紅 ; 副主編: 黃海峰, David Ness].
554.68 614 2011投資綠能商機 : 參與綠能經濟,掌控投資浪潮 = Billion dollar green : profit from the eco revolution / 托賓.史密斯 (Tobin Smith), 傑姆.伍茲 (Jim Woods)著 ; 蔡宏明譯.
554.68 919 2010綠領經濟: 下一波景氣大復甦的新動力 / 范.瓊斯(Van Jones)著 ; 鄭詠澤, 何豪毅譯.
559 1116 2016共享经济 : 缘起+动力+未来 =How can we benefit from sharing economy / 郭泽德著.
559.41 1220 2015菜籃子革命 : 從共同購買到合作找幸福 / 台灣主婦聯盟生活消費合作社著.
561 807 2013微型金融經濟學 = The economics of microfinance / 貝琪茲.阿芒達利茲, 喬納森.默多克著 ; 羅煜, 袁江譯.
561.7 1009 2014金融市場與道德規範 = Fundamentals and ethics of financial markets / 徐俊明, 黃原桂編著.
562.19 1115 2016FinTech 金融科技革命 : 網絡金融新體系,改變你我消費,理財,保險與借貸的未來 / 曹磊; 錢海利著.
562.33 1607 2014廿五元的奇蹟 : 連結人與人之間夢想、希望、行動,一起扭轉命運的 kiva / 鮑伯.哈里斯著 ; 方非比, 劉玉文, 謝孟璇譯.
562.3307 411 2010小額信貸通訊合集 = Microfinance bulletin / 中國人民銀行小額信貸專題組編.
562.69 807 2007尤努斯與鄉村銀行 : 創造免於貧窮的世界 / 亞希夫・多拉 (Asif Dowla), 狄波・巴魯亞 (Dipal Barua) 合著 ; 洪鑫譯.
562.8 1405 2010儲蓄互助社小額信貸創新培訓手冊 / 對外經濟貿易大學國際經濟倫理研究中心編.
673.89 709 2009屯門漫遊 : 屯門古蹟文化生態導賞推廣教育 / [撰稿, 攝影吳柱梅 ... [et al.]].
733.69 801 2013尋找台灣特有種旅行 / 邱一新著.
785.28 809 2013天空的女兒 : 一位女創業家的太空圓夢之旅 = My dream of stars / Anousheh Ansari and Homer Hickam ; 林俊宏譯.
785.288 715 1984杜魯克 : 開創企業社會的人 = Drucker, the man who invented the corporate society. Chinese / 塔蘭特(John J. Tarrant)撰 ; 沈鑒治譯.
O 559 321 2002政府對合作事業法制,經營,管理之資訊化問題 (修正本) / 研究主持人于躍門 ; 協同主持人王永昌 ; 研究員曾欽正 ; 研究助理賴宜君, 鄭玫.
Call No. Titles
174.4 BOA 2010Finance ethics : critical issues in theory and practice / John R. Boatright.
301 SOC 2000Social capital : critical perspectives / edited by Stephen Baron, John Field, and Tom Schuller.
302 FIE 2008Social capital (2nd Ed.) / John Field
302 SOC 2010Social capital in Hong Kong : connectivities and social enterprise / edited by Sik Hung Ng, Stephen Yan-Leung Cheung, Braham Prakash.
302.35 COH 2001In good company : how social capital makes organizations work / Don Cohen & Laurence Prusak
302.3509489 SVE 2004The creation and destruction of social capital : entrepreneurship, co-operative movements and institutions / Gunnar Lind Haase Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard Svendsen.
302.4 LIN 2002Social capital : a theory of social structure and action / Nan Lin
306.0973 PUT 2001Bowling alone : the collapse and revival of American community / Robert D. Putnam.
306.0973 PUT 2004Better together : restoring the American community / Robert D. Putnam and Lewis M. Feldstein ; with Don Cohen.
306.3 SOC 2001Social capital : theory and research / Nan Lin, Karen Cook, Ronald S. Burt, editors.
330 TAK 2010Taking sides. Clashing views on economic issues (15th Ed.) / selected, edited, and with introductions by Frank J. Bonello, Isobel Lobo.
332 ACH 2010Reaching the poorest through microfinance : learning from saving from change program in Mali / Mukul Acharya.
332 ADV 2011Advanced technologies for microfinance : solutions and challenges / Arvind Ashta
332 ARM 2010The economics of microfinance (2nd Ed.) / Armendariz de Aghion & Jonathan Beatriz Morduch
332 BAT 2010Why doesn't microfinance work? : the destructive rise of local neoliberalism / Milford Bateman.
332 GES 2010Technical efficiency of microfinance institutions : DEA application: the case of selected MFIs in Ethiopia / Hailemichael Tesfay Gessesse
332 HAN 2011Handbook of microfinance / edited by Beatriz Armendáriz & Marc Labie.
332 JAM 2010Microfinance institutions and community development banks : Wall Street consequences pre and post crisis / Natalie James, Valentina Hartarska & James Barth.
332 KOM 2010Microfinance interventions : an analysis of alternative delivery mechanisms / Surenderrao Komera
332 MIC 2009Microfinance : a reader / edited by David Hulme and Thankom Arun.
332 MON 2011Microfinance : focus on microfinance information exchange / Bren Monteiro.
332 ROS 2008Microfinance on corporate level : a case study of East India / Rene Rosler.
332 ROY 2010Poverty capital : microfinance and the making of development / Ananya Roy.
332 RUT 2009The poor and their money : microfinance from a twenty-first century consumer's perspective (2nd ed.) / Stuart Rutherford ; with Sukhwinder Arora.
332 SEN 2010Sustainability of commercial microfinance : a study of microfinance institutions in Cambodia / Youraden Seng
332 SIN 2012Confessions of a microfinance heretic : how microlending lost its way and betrayed the poor / Hugh Sinclair.
332 TRI 2002The triangle of microfinance : financial sustainability, outreach, and impact / edited by Manfred Zeller and Richard L. Meyer.
332.0240082 ALF 2010Microfinance a tool to poverty reduction : impact of microfinance on asset accumulation among women / Francis Alfred.
332.02400954 MIC 2009Title Microfinance and poverty / Editors, Sawalia Bihari Verma, M. L. Vadera, M. K. Sharma.
332.02400963 ALE 2009Microfinance and poverty reduction : the case of ACSI in enemay district, East Gojjam / Bamlaku Alamirew Alemu.
332.042 ARN 2007Financial stability, economic growth, and the role of law / Douglas W. Amer.
332.1 YUN 2003Banker to the poor : micro-lending and the battle against world poverty / Muhammad Yunus, with Alan Jolis.
332.1091724 HEL 2006Access for all : building inclusive financial systems / Brigit Helms.
332.1091724 LED 2006Transforming microfinance institutions : providing full financial services to the poor / Joanna Ledgerwood and Victoria White ; with contributions from Monica Brand ... [et al.].
332.1095 MIC 2000Microfinance and poverty alleviation : case studies from Asia and the Pacific / edited by Joe Remenyi and Benjamin Quinones, Jr.
332.10951 NOE 2008Global success factors of viable microfinance and implications for China : an analysis of success factors of Grameen Bank, FINCA and BancoSol and a case study from China / Andrea-Victoria Noelle & E. Busse.
332.1095492 YUN 2007Banker to the poor : micro-lending and the battle against world poverty / Muhammad Yunus with Alan Jolis.
332.109596 SIM 2015The business of doing good : insights from one social enterprise's journey to deliver on good intentions / Anton Simanowitz and Katherine Knotts.
332.12092 YUN 2001Banker to the poor : the autobiography of Muhammad Yunus, founder of Grameen Bank / Muhammad Yunus & Alan Jolis.
332.1753 CHU 2009Making microfinance work : managing for improved performance / Craig Churchill & Cheryl Frankiewicz
332.2 MIC 2008Microfinance : emerging trends and challenges / Sundaresan, Suresh M.
332.2 MIC 2010Microfinance : Ford foundation, microcredit, Fairfield university, Muhammad Yunus, antigonish movement, Fairfield University Dolan School of Business, Tahrunessa Abdullah, Shorebank, fundacion pro vivienda social, microinsurance.
332.7 ABA 2009Microfinance and loan repayment : evidence from borrowers of Oromia Credit and Savings Share Company (OCSSCO) in Kuyu, Ethiopia / Jemal Abafita.
332.7 BAK 2010Repayments in group lending microfinance : the theory and empiric of repayments in lending without collateral / Karim Bakshi.
332.7 ISL 2007Microcredit and poverty alleviation / Tazul Islam.
332.70959 SOU 2010Southeast Asia's credit revolution : from moneylenders to microfinance / Aditya Goenka & David Henley.
332.70973 YEN 2010Benjamin Franklin and the invention of microfinance / H. Yenawine & R. Costello.
333.2 WAL 2010All that we share : how to save the economy, the environment, the Internet, democracy, our communities, and everything else that belongs to all of us / Jay Walljasper and On The Commons ; with an introduction by Bill McKibben
333.7940951 REN 2014 v.1Renewable energy in China: towards a green economy. Vol. 1 / Manhong Mannie Liu, Mike Henry, Huang Haifeng (editors).
333.7940951 REN 2014 v.2Renewable energy in China: towards a green economy. Vol. 2 / Manhong Mannie Liu, Mike Henry, Huang Haifeng (editors).
333.7940951 REN 2014 v.3Renewable energy in China: towards a green economy. Vol. 3 / Manhong Mannie Liu, Mike Henry, Huang Haifeng (editors).
334.0973 MET 2015Democratic by design : how carsharing, co-ops, and community land trusts are reinventing America / Gabriel Metcalf.
338.04 CHA 2015Peers Inc : how people and platforms are inventing the collaborative economy and reinventing capitalism / edited by Charlie Karlsson, Börje Johansson and Roger R. Stough.
338.04 ENT 2012Entrepreneurship, social capital and governance : directions for the sustainable development and competitiveness of regions / edited by Charlie Karlsson, Börje Johansson and Roger R. Stough.
338.04 FIT 2015Inside social enterprise : looking to the future / Helen Fitzhugh and Nicky Stevenson.
338.04 INN 2009Innovation and entrepreneurship / edited by David B. Audretsch, Oliver Falck and Stephan Heblich.
338.04 SCH 2012Rippling : how social entrepreneurs spread innovation throughout the world / Beverly Schwartz ; foreword by Bill Drayton.
338.04092242 BAD 2006Everyday legends : the ordinary people changing our world : the stories of 20 great UK social enterpreneurs / James Baderman, Justine Law.
338.040973 REA 2013The real problem solvers : social entrepreneurs in America / edited by Ruth A. Shapiro.
338.4791 FEN 2003Ecotourism : an introduction (2nd ed.) / David A. Fennell.
338.4791 FEN 2014Ecotourism (4th Ed.) / David Fennell.
338.4791 PAG 2002Ecotourism / Stephen J. Page and Ross K. Dowling.
338.4791 WEA 2009Ecotourism : impacts, potentials and possibilities? (2nd Ed.) / Stephen Wearing & John Neil.
338.479104 DUF 2002A trip too far : ecotourism, politics and exploitation / Rosaleen Duffy.
338.4791091724 WEA 1998Ecotourism in the less developed world / David B. Weaver.
338.7 YUN 2007Creating a world without poverty: social business and the future of capitalism / Muhammad Yunus with Karl Weber.
338.9 COO 2014Co-operatives in a post-growth era : creating co-operative economics / edited by Sonja Novkovic and Tom Webb.
338.927 MEA 2017Measuring sustainable development and green investments in contemporary economies / Mihai Mieila.
338.95 MAT 2015Greening of capitalism : how Asia is driving the next great transformation / John A. Mathews.
339.47 STE 2015The business of sharing : making it in the new sharing economy / by Alex Stephany.
361.00684 BRO 2009Social entrepreneurship : a modern approach to social value creation / Arthur C. Brooks.
361.00684 RID 2011Understanding social enterprise : theory and practice / Rory Ridley-Duff, Mike Bull.
361.00684 SOC 2017Social entrepreneurship : a skills approach (2nd ed.) / edited by Robert Gunn and Chris Durkin.
361.2 BOR 2007How to change the world (Updated Ed.) / David Bornstein.
361.7068 LYN 2009Mission, Inc. : the practitioner's guide to social enterprise / Kevin Lynch, Julius Walls, Jr.
361.70688 ELK 2008The power of unreasonable people : how social entrepreneurs create markets that change the world / John Elkington, Pamela Hartigan.
361.765 ASH 2010How to be a social entrepreneur : make money and change the world / Robert Ashton.
361.765 BOR 2010Social entrepreneurship : what everyone needs to know / David Bornstein and Susan Davis.
361.765 MAN 2009Management for social enterprise / Bob Doherty ... [et al.].
361.765 SOC 2006Social entrepreneurship : new models of sustainable social change / edited by Alex Nicholls.
361.765 SOC 2010The social economy : social capital, fair trade, cooperative, building society, microfinance, social enterprise, civil society, antigonish movement, charitable organization, L3c, sustainopreneurship, social franchising, social entrepreneurship.
361.8 EGG 2013The solution revolution : how business, government, and social enterprises are teaming up to solve society's toughest problems / William D. Eggers and Paul Macmillan.
361.92 LEA 2006Selections from leading social entrepreneurs.
382.09 POM 2013The world that trade created : society, culture, and the world economy, 1400 to the present (3rd ed.)/ by Kenneth Pomeranz and Steven Topik.
658 DAH 2012The IKEA edge : building global growth and social good at the world's most iconic home store / by Anders Dahlvig.
658.048 DEE 2001Enterprising nonprofits: a toolkit for social entrepreneurs / [edited by] J. Gregory Dees, Jed Emerson, and Peter Economy.
658.048 SUC 2010Succeeding at social enterprise: hard-won lessons for nonprofits and social enterpreneurs / Social Enterprise Alliance.
658.401 SOC 2006Social enterprise : at the crossroads of market, public policies and civil society / edited by Marthe Nyssens with the assistance of Sophie Adam and Toby Johnson.
658.408 BJE 2013Social entrepreneurship : to act as if and make a difference / Björn Bjerke, Mathias Karlsson.
658.408 CRE 2013Creating good work : the world's leading social entrepreneurs show how to build a healthy economy / edited by Ron Schultz ; foreword by Cheryl L. Dorsey.
658.408 EMBDoing well while doing good: the marketing link between business & nonprofit causes / L. Lawrence Embley.
658.408 FRA 2013The art of social enterprise : business as if people mattered / Carl Frankel and Allen Bromberger.
658.408 KEO 2013Social entrepreneurship for the 21st century : innovation across the nonprofit, private, and public sectors / Georgia Levenson Keohane.
658.408 KIC 2012Understanding social entrepreneurship : the relentless pursuit of mission in an ever changing world / Jill Kickul, Thomas S. Lyons.
658.408 LAN 2011Social enterprise : empowering mission-driven entrepreneurs / Marc J. Lane.
658.408 MAC 2013The social entrepreneur's playbook : pressure test, plan, launch and scale your enterprise / Ian C. MacMillan, James D. Thompson.
658.408 SCO 2011The social entrepreneur's handbook : how to start, build, and run a business that improves the world / Rupert Scofield.
658.408 YUN 2010Building social business : the new kind of capitalism that serves humanity's most pressing needs / Muhammad Yunus with Karl Weber.
658.4083 SUS 2017Sustainable entrepreneurship and investments in the green economy / Andrei Jean Vasile & others (editors)
658.4083 ZHE 2014Overfished ocean strategy : powering up innovation for a resource-deprived world / Nadya Zhexembayeva.
658.421 BES 2015Innovation and entrepreneurship (3rd Ed.) / John Bessant and Joe Tidd.
Links Titles
e-book50 reasons to buy fair trade / Miles Litvinoff and John Madeley.
e-bookAccounting for social value / edited by Laurie Mook.
e-bookAgents of change: strategy and tactics for social innovation / Sanderijn Cels, Jorrit de Jong, and Frans Nauta.
e-bookBrand aid : shopping well to save the world / Lisa Ann Richey and Stefano Ponte.
e-bookBreakthrough : corporate South Africa in a green economy / edited by Godwell Nhamo.
e-bookBrewing justice : fair trade coffee, sustainability, and survival / Daniel Jaffee.
e-bookBuying into fair trade : culture, morality, and consumption / Keith R. Brown.
e-bookCase studies in cultural entrepreneurship : how to create relevant and sustainable institutions / [edited by] Gretchen Sorin and Lynne A. Sessions.
e-bookCoffee and community : Maya farmers and fair-trade markets / Sarah Lyon.
e-bookCollaborative capitalism and the rise of impact investing / Cathy Clark, Jed Emerson and Ben Thornley.
e-bookCommodity activism : cultural resistance in neoliberal times / edited by Roopali Mukherjee and Sarah Banet-Weiser.
e-bookConfronting the coffee crisis : fair trade, sustainable livelihoods and ecosystems in Mexico and Central America / edited by Christopher M. Bacon ... [et al.].
e-bookCo-operative Canada : empowering communities and sustainable businesses / edited by Brett Fairbairn and Nora Russell ; Leslie H. Brown [and fourteen others], contributors.
e-bookCorporate Social Entrepreneurship : Integrity Within / Christine A. Hemingway.
e-bookCreating the social venture / Susan Coleman and Dafna Kariv.
e-bookDesign, when everybody designs : an introduction to design for social innovation / Ezio Manzini ; translated by Rachel Coad.
e-bookEnterprising initiatives in the experience economy : transforming social worlds / edited by Britta Timm Knudsen, Dorthe Refslund Christensen and Per Blenker.
e-bookEntrepreneurship and sustainability : business solutions for poverty alleviation from around the world / edited by Daphne Halkias and Paul Thurman.
e-bookEntrepreneurship in Asia : social enterprise, network and grassroots case studies / editors, Stephen Dun-Hou Tsai ... [et al.].
e-bookEntrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability / Marcus Wagner.
e-bookFair trade and a global commodity : coffee in Costa Rica / Peter Luetchford.
e-bookFair trade and social justice : global ethnographies / edited by Sarah M. Lyon and Mark Moberg.
e-bookFair trade for all : how trade can promote development / Joseph E. Stiglitz and Andrew Charlton.
e-bookGenerative emergence : a new discipline of organizational, entrepreneurial and social innovation / Benyamin Lichtenstein.
e-bookGood works : marketing and corporate initiatives that build a better world - and the bottom line / Philip Kotler, David Hessekiel, & Nancy R. Lee.
e-bookGreen finance and sustainability : environmentally-aware business models and technologies / [edited by] Zongwei Luo.
e-bookGreen movement in business / Karin E. Sanchez, editor.
e-bookGreen to gold : how smart companies use environmental strategy to innovate, create value, and build competitive advantage / Daniel C. Esty and Andrew S. Winston.
e-bookHandbook of research on developing sustainable value in economics, finance, and marketing / [edited by] Ulas Akkucuk.
e-bookHandbook of research on fair trade / edited by Laura T. Raynolds, Elizabeth A. Bennett.
e-bookHidden hands in the market : ethnographies of fair trade, ethical consumption and corporate social responsibility / edited by Geert de Neve ... [et al.].
e-bookIncorporating business models and strategies into social entrepreneurship / Ziska Fields, Editor.
e-bookIndigenous people's innovation : intellectual property pathways to development / edited by Peter Drahos and Susy Frankel.
e-bookInnovation in social services : the public-private mix in service provision, fiscal policy and employment / edited by Tomás Sirovátka, Bent Greve.
e-bookInside social enterprise : looking to the future / Helen Fitzhugh and Nicky Stevenson.
e-bookIntroduction to social entrepreneurship / Teresa Chahine.
e-bookLean startups for social change : the revolutionary path to big impact / Michel Gelobter ; foreword by Steve Blank ; introduction by Christie George.
e-bookManagement information systems for microfinance : catalyzing social innovation for competitive advantage / edited by Arvind Ashta [and three others].
e-bookMicrofranchising : how social entrepreneurs are building a new road to development / edited by Nicolas Sireau.
e-bookMission, Inc : a practitioner's guide to social enterprise / Kevin Lynch, Julius Walls, Jr.
e-bookNew strategies for social innovation : market-based approaches for assisting the poor / Steven G. Anderson ; cover design, Michelle Taormina.
e-bookOverfished ocean strategy : powering up innovation for a resource-deprived world / Nadya Zhexembayeva ; cover design, Wes Youssi.
e-bookProfit and purpose : tools to structure, fund, and run a social enterprise / Kyle Westaway.
e-bookRippling : how social entrepreneurs spread innovation throughout the world / Beverly Schwartz ; foreword by Bill Drayton.
e-bookSmall town sustainability : economic, social, and environmental innovation / Paul L. Knox, Heike Mayer.
e-bookSocial business and base of the pyramid : levers of strategic renewal / B⥮⥤icte Faivre-Tavignot.
e-bookSocial economics and enterpreneurship / Georgeta Raţă and Patricia-Luciana Runcan
e-bookSocial enterprise : a global comparison / edited by Janelle A. Kerlin.
e-bookSocial enterprise : accountability and evaluation around the world / edited by Simon Denny and Fred Seddon.
e-bookSocial entrepreneurship : from issue to viable plan / Terri D. Barreiro and Melissa M. Stone.
e-bookSocial entrepreneurship : new models of sustainable social change / edited by Alex Nicholls.
e-bookSocial entrepreneurship and innovation : international case studies and practice / edited by Ken Banks.
e-bookSocial entrepreneurship as a catalyst for social change / edited by Charles Wankel, St. John's University, Larry Pate, Decision Systems International in collaboration with Ted Metrakas, Quincy Greenheck, and Traci L. Shoblom.
e-bookSocial Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century : Innovation Across the Nonprofit, Private, and Public Sectors / Georgia Levenson Keohane.
e-bookSocial entrepreneurship in the greater China region : policy and cases / edited by Yanto Chandra and Linda Wong.
e-bookSocial finance / edited by Alex Nicholls, Rob Paton, and Jed Emerson.
e-bookSocial innovation and impact in nonprofit leadership / Tine Hansen-Turton, Nicholas D. Torres, editors ; acquisitions editor, Stephanie Drew ; production editor, Michael O'Connor.
e-bookSocial intrapreneurism and all that jazz : how business innovators are helping to build a more sustainable world / David Grayson , Melody McLaren and Heiko Spitzeck.
e-bookSocial partnerships and responsible business : a research handbook / edited by M. May Seitanidi and Andrew Crane.
e-bookSucceeding at social enterprise : hard-won lessons for nonprofits and social entrepreneurs / Social Enterprise Alliance.
e-bookSustainable business : key issues / Helen Kopnina and John Blewitt.
e-bookSustainable economy : corporate, social and environmental responsibility / [edited by] Raymond W.Y. Kao.
e-bookSustainable industrial design and waste management : cradle-to-cradle for sustainable development / Salah M. El-Haggar.
e-bookSustainable innovation : build your company's capacity to change the world / Andrew Hargadon.
e-bookSustainable luxury and social entrepreneurship : stories from the pioneers / Miguel Angel Gardetti and María Eugenia Girón.
e-bookSustainable use of wood in construction / Jim Coulson.
e-bookThe B corp handbook : how to use business as a force for good / Ryan Honeyman ; foreword by the cofounders of B Lab.
e-bookThe base of the pyramid promise : building businesses with impact and scale / Ted London.
e-bookThe Darjeeling distinction : labor and justice on fair-trade tea plantations in India / Sarah Besky.
e-bookThe difference makers: how social and institutional entrepreneurs created the corporate responsibility movement
e-bookThe fair trade revolution / edited by John Bowes ; [foreword by Mary Robinson].
e-bookThe fair trade scandal : marketing poverty to benefit the rich / Ndongo Samba Sylla ; translated by David Cl⥭ent Leye.
e-bookThe greening of Asia : the business case for solving Asia's environmental emergency / Mark L. Clifford.
e-bookThe handbook of organic and fair trade food marketing / edited by Simon Wright and Diane McCrea.
e-bookThe hidden alternative : co-operative values, past, present and future / edited by Anthony Webster ... [et al.].
e-bookThe IKEA edge : building global growth and social good at the world's most iconic home store / Anders Dahlvig.
e-bookThe impact investor : lessons in leadership and strategy for collaborative capitalism / Cathy Clark, Jed Emerson, Ben Thornley ; foreword by Ronald Cohen ; cover design by Michael J. Freeland.
e-bookThe new entrepreneurial leader : developing leaders who shape social and economic opportunity / Danna Greenberg ... [et al.].
e-bookThe organic entrepreneur : cultivating the conscious capitalist / Maxine Hyndman.
e-bookThe search for social entrepreneurship / Paul C. Light.
e-bookThe social entrepreneur revolution : doing good by making money, making money by doing good / Martin Clark.
e-bookThe social entrepreneur's handbook : how to start, build, and run a business that improves the world / Rupert Scofield.
e-bookThe social entrepreneur's playbook : pressure test, plan, launch and scale your social enterprise / Ian C. MacMillan, James D. Thompson.
e-bookTransform : how leading companies are winning with disruptive social technology / Christopher Morace ; with Sara Gaviser Leslie.
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Links Titles (free download)
DOAJConceptualisation of Social Enterprise in the UK: A contemporary perspective. / Walter Mswaka (2015).
DOAJHuman Capital Management and Accountability of Social Enterprise. / Abu Bakar Siti Anis Nadia & others (2017).
DOAJInstitutional Transition from Welfare Enterprise to Social Enterprise: the Localization of Legislation and Policy in Chinese Context. / Zhang Xiaomeng . (2016).
DOAJManagement for Social Enterprise. / Kuldeep Singh (2011).
DOAJMeđunarodna konferencija »Euclid Summit: Power to drive positive change. Building civil society and social enterprise knowhow for 2020 and beyond« / Danijel Baturina. (2016).
DOAJOn the way to «Creative Empathy»: the concept of truth as a social community enterprise in G. B. Vico’s «New Science» / Franco Ferrarotti. (2010).
DOAJSocial Enterprise Compliance with Social Marketing Peculiarity. / Cristina Sandu. (2013).
DOAJSocial enterprise in the UK homelessness sector: Lessons for Kazakhstan. / Aslan S. Tanekenov (2016).
DOAJSocial enterprise: theoretical basis and perespectives. / Julian Narlev (2017).
DOAJThe Praxis of Social Enterprise and Human Security: An Applied Research Agenda. / Malcolm David Brown (2014)
linkSocial Enterprise in a Global Context : the Role of Higher Education Institutions
linkSocial Enterprise in a Global Context : the Role of Higher Education Institutions - Country Brief : Hong Kong
linkThe Research Study on the Social Enterprise Sector in Hong Kong: to Capture the Existing Landscape of the Social Enterprises in Hong Kong
linkThe Social Enterprise Sector in Hong Kong: the Existing Landscape.Development.Future = 香港社會企業:透視.發展.未來
link好好開社企 : 初創社企實用手冊
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Links Titles (database, login required)
Cambridge CoreBusiness owners' achieved social status and corporate philanthropy: Evidence from Chinese private small- and medium-sized enterprises. / Yongqiang Gao , Taïeb Hafsi and Xiaobin He (2017).
Cambridge CoreManaging Social-Business Tensions: A Review and Research Agenda for Social Enterprise. / Wendy K. Smith, Michael Gonin and Marya L. Besharov (2013).
Cambridge CoreSocial enterprise to social value chain: Indigenous entrepreneurship transforming the native food industry in Australia. / Danielle Logue, Alexandra Pitsis, Sonya Pearce and John Chelliah (2017).
Cambridge CoreStart Up and Sustainability: Marketisation and the Social Enterprise Investment Fund in England. / KELLY HALL, PETE ALCOCK and ROSS MILLAR. (2012).
Cambridge CoreThe study of best practice for developing social enterprise for people with disabilities. / Sakulthip Keeratiphantawong (2014).
ebsco“Inclusive Entrepreneurship”: A Process for Improving Self-Employment for People with Disabilities. / Shaheen, Gary E. (2016).
ebscoBusiness Incubation for People with Severe Mental Illness Histories: The Experience of One Model. / Mandiberg, James M.; Edwards, Michael (2016).
ebscoConditions for Social Entrepreneurship. / Helmsing, A. H. J. (2015).
ebscoEmergence and evolution of co-operatives for elderly care in Japan. / Kurimoto, Akira; Kumakura, Yurie (2016).
ebscoEvaluation of Self Help Groups (SHG) as a social enterprise for women empowerment. / Bonny, Binoo P.; Rajendran, P. (2013).
ebscoFashion matters Berlin; city-spaces, women's working lives, new social enterprise? / McRobbie, Angela (2013).
ebscoGrowing pains: The fourth sector as a progressive alternative in New Zealand. / McNeill, Kellie; Silseth, Line (2015).
ebscoInnovating the provision of welfare services through collective action: the case of Italian social cooperatives. / Borzaga, Carlo; Galera, Giulia (2016).
ebscoInnovation in South Africa -- The role of the Technological Innovation Agency. / van Zyl, Arnold (2011).
ebscoLearning-by-doing as an approach to teaching social entrepreneurship. / Chang, Jane; Benamraoui, Abdelhafid; Rieple, Alison (2014).
ebscoLess Meat Initiatives: An Initial Exploration of a Dietfocused Social Innovation in Transitions to a More Sustainable Regime of Meat Provisioning. / MORRIS, CAROL; KIRWAN, JAMES; LALLY, RHONWEN (2014).
ebscoRe-Imagining Specialized STEM Academies: Igniting and Nurturing Decidedly Different Minds, by Design. / Marshall, Stephanie Pace (2010).
ebscoSE(c)(3): A Catalyst for Social Enterprise Crowdfunding. / REISER, DANA BRAKMAN; DEAN, STEVEN A. (2015).
ebscoSocial Enterprise - A New Phenomenon in the Field of Economic and Social Welfare? / Sepulveda, Leandro (2015).
ebscoSocial enterprise as a bottom-up dynamic: part 1. The reaction of civil society to unmet social needs in Italy, Sweden and Japan. / Borzaga, Carlo; Fazzi, Luca; Galera, Giulia (2016).
ebscoSocial Enterprise in Mental Health: An Overview. / Mandiberg, James M. (2016).
ebscoSocial enterprise policy design: Constructing social enterprise in the UK and Korea. / Park, Chisung; Wilding, Mark (2013).
ebscoSocial Entrepreneurs and NGOs for People with Mental Disabilities in Post-Communist Europe: Implications for International Policy. / Holland, Daniel (2010).
ebscoSocial Entrepreneurship and Social Work: The Need for a Transdisciplinary Educational Model. / Nandan, Monica; Scott, Patricia A. (2013).
ebscoSocial Entrepreneurship in Youth Culture: Morganics, Russell Simmons and Emile “XY?” Jansen. / Lombard, Kara-Jane (2012).
ebscoSocial Entrepreneurship: Capacity Building Among Workers in Public Human Service Agencies. / Savaya, Rivka; Packer, Pnina; Stange, Dorit; Namir, Ora (2008).
ebscoSocial Entrepreneurship: Changing the Way Social Workers Do Business. / GERMAK, ANDREW J.; SINGH, KARUN K. (2010).
ebscoSocial Innovation from the Inside: Considering the “Intrapreneurship” Path. / Berzin, Stephanie; Pitt-Catsouphes, Marcie (2015).
ebscoSocial Work and Social Entrepreneurship: Opportunities for Synergy and Social Change. / Fernando, Rukshan (2015).
ebscoSocial Workers as Social Change Agents: Social Innovation, Social Intrapreneurship, and Social Entrepreneurship. / Nandan, Monica; London, Manuel; Bent-Goodley, Tricia (2015).
ebscoThe emergence of social enterprises through the initiative of self-organized citizens: an analysis starting from Olson's approach to the logic of collective action. / Degli Antoni, Giacomo (2016).
ebscoThe identification of skills and competencies for effective management in social enterprises. A managerial perspective / Wronka-Pospiech, Martyna. (2016)
ebscoThe Intersection of Social Work and Social Enterprise. / Neal, Arielle A. (2015).
ebscoThe quality of work life of people with severe mental disorders working in social enterprises: a qualitative study. / Lanctôt, Nathalie; Durand, Marie-José; Corbière, Marc (2012).
ebscoThe role of social entrepreneurship in leveraging exaptation in locked-in industrial districts: the case of Idrogenet in the industrial district of Lumezzane. / Ganzaroli, Andrea; De Noni, Ivan; Pilotti, Luciano (2014).
ebscoUnite for Literacy. / Mallette, Marla; Barone, Diane (2016).
SSRNA Distinct 'Social  Enterprise' Law in the UK: The Case of the 'CIC' / David Cabrelli (2016)
SSRNA Theoretical Evaluation of  Social  Enterprise / Tobias Beckmann (2015)
SSRNCharitable Solicitation Acts: Maslow's Hammer for Regulating  Social  Enterprise / Robert T. Esposito (2015)
SSRNCreating a Tax Space for  Social  Enterprise / Lloyd Hitoshi Mayer (2017)
SSRNCreating Space for Communities:  Social  Enterprise  and the Bright Side of  Social  Capital / Silvia Sacchetti & Colin Campbell (2015)
SSRNDo We Need Specialized Business Forms for  Social Enterprise? / Peter Molk (2017)
SSRNEcosandals.Com: The Digital Transformation of a  Social Enterprise / Nixon Muganda Ochara (2016)
SSRNEmbedding Society in the Firm — The Role of  Social  and Cooperative  Enterprise  in Shaping Capitalism / Nina Boeger (2017)
SSRNExploring the Origins of  Social  Enterprise:  Social  Co-operation in the Italian Welfare System and Its Reproduction in Europe (From the 1970s to the Present) / Alberto Ianes (2016)
SSRNFiduciary Duties in  Social  Enterprise / Andrew S. Gold and Paul B. Miller (2017)
SSRNFinancing  Social  Enterprise  in the Very Long Run / Jeremy R. Thornton & David King (2017)
SSRNFinancing Social Enterprise: Is the Crowd the Answer? / Joan MacLeod Heminway (2017)
SSRNJudging a Book by Its Cover: The Role of Corporate Form in  Social  Enterprise  Start-Ups / Elizabeth A. M. Searing (2014)
SSRNRecognition and Legal Forms of  Social  Enterprise  in Europe: A Critical Analysis from a Comparative Law Perspective / Antonio Fici (2015)
SSRNRegulating Social Enterprise / Dana Brakman Reiser (2014)
SSRNSelf-Regulation of  Social  Enterprise / Brian D. Galle (2017)
SSRNSocial  Enterprise  Academy: Enhancing the Impacts of the Non Profit Sector on Leadership and Job Creation Thru Research Models / K. Mark Weaver & others (2014)
SSRNSocial  Enterprise  as a Mechanism of Youth Empowerment / Yanto Chandra & Shang Liang (2017)
SSRNSocial  Enterprise  Governance / Alina S Ball (2016)
SSRNSocial  Enterprise  as Commitment: A Roadmap / Alicia Plerhoples (2015)
SSRNSocial  Enterprise  in Ireland: The Camara Education Experience / Michele Eccher (2014)
SSRNSocial  Enterprise  Emergence from  Social  Movement Activism: The Fairphone Case / Ona Akemu, Gail Whiteman & Steve Kennedy (2016)
SSRNSocial  Enterprise: From Definitions to Developments in Practice / Marta Maretich & Margaret Bolton (2010)
SSRNStakeholder Management in  Social  Ventures – Exploring the Effects of Stakeholder Salience, Trust and Conflict on  Social  Enterprise  Performance / Friedermann Polzin (2010)
SSRNStart-Up of a  Social  Enterprise: Case Study of Lion's Thread Uganda / Jeanette Miller & Jim O'Connor (2015)
SSRNThe Compliance Case for  Social  Enterprise / Joseph W. Yockey (2014)
SSRNThe  Social Enterprise Law Market / J. Haskell Murray (2016)
SSRNThree Legislative Paths to Social Enterprise: L3Cs, Benefit Corporations, and Second Generation Cooperatives / Brett McDonnell (2017)
Taylor & FrancisA Complexity Science Model of  Social  Innovation in  Social  Enterprise / Jeffrey Goldstein , James K. Hazy & Joyce Silberstang (2010)
Taylor & FrancisA Story of Strategic Change: Becoming a  Social  Enterprise  in English Health and  Social  Care / Ross Millar , Kelly Hall  &  Robin Miller (2012)
Taylor & FrancisBridging Ties Across Contexts to Scale  Social  Value: The Case of a Vietnamese  Social  Enterprise / Sarah Easter  &  Mary Conway Dato-On (2015)
Taylor & FrancisBuilding a new third construction sector through  social  enterprise / Martin Loosemore (2015)
Taylor & FrancisConceptualising  Social  Enterprise in Housing Organisations / Darinka Czischke , Vincent Gruis  &  David Mullins (2012)
Taylor & FrancisCreating  Social  Value Through  Social  Enterprise  Marketing: Case Studies from Thailand's Food-Focused  Social Entrepreneurs / Sorawadee Srivetbodee , Barbara Igel  &  Suthisak Kraisornsuthasinee (2017)
Taylor & FrancisDeriving Meaning for  Social  Franchising From Commercial Franchising and  Social  Enterprise / Elizabeth Crawford-Spencer (2015)
Taylor & FrancisDistorted policy transfer? South Korea’s adaptation of UK  social  enterprise  policy / Chisung Park, Jooha Lee & Mark Wilding (2016)
Taylor & FrancisEmerging issues regarding  social  enterprise in South Korea / TaeJeong Park (2013)
Taylor & FrancisIsomorphism,  Social  Enterprise  and the Pressure to Maximise  Social  Benefit / Chris Mason (2012)
Taylor & FrancisLeading a Recovery-oriented Social Enterprise / Toby Raeburn & others (2015)
Taylor & FrancisLet There Be Light:  Social  Enterprise, Solar Power, and Sustainable Development / Tonia Warnecke &  Ahiteme N. Houndonougbo (2016)
Taylor & FrancisMainstreaming Information Literacy Skills Into a  Social  Enterprise Environment / Lorna D. Jones , Patrick Regan & Cristina E. Mitra (2011)
Taylor & FrancisModels of Franchising for Social  Enterprise / Elizabeth Crawford-Spencer & Francina Cantatore (2016)
Taylor & FrancisNew routes to CSO sustainability: the strategic shift to  social  enterprise and social  investment / John Hailey  &  Mark Salway (2016)
Taylor & FrancisOrgdot: A Fashion and  Social  Enterprise  in South Korea / Yoon-Jung Lee (2012)
Taylor & FrancisPatterns of evolutions of  social  enterprises  in France: a focus on work integration  social  enterprises / Francesca Petrella  &  Nadine Richez-Battesti (2016)
Taylor & FrancisReciprocity and Resilience: Teaching and Learning Sustainable  Social  Enterprise  through Gaming / Stephen Dobson, Arun Sukumar, Rory Ridley-Duff, Chris Roast  &  Benjamin Abell (2015)
Taylor & FrancisSocial  and Sustainable  Enterprise  Changing the Nature of Business / Hannele Mäkelä (2013)
Taylor & FrancisSocial  Enterprise  in Higher Education: A Viable Venture? / Richard A. Hoefer & Shannon M. Sliva (2016)
Taylor & FrancisSocial  enterprise  in the theologies of William Temple and John Milbank / Philip Krinks (2016)
Taylor & FrancisSocial  Enterprise: What is it, and How can it be Strengthened? / Mark Richard Hayllar & Roger Wettenhall (2014)
Taylor & FrancisSocial economy and  social  enterprise: an emerging alternative to mainstream market economy? / Lars Hulgård (2011)
Taylor & FrancisSocial  Enterprise  Among University-Based Centers in US Schools of  Social  Work / Shannon M. Sliva  &  Richard Hoefer (2016)
Taylor & FrancisSocial  Enterprise  Models and SPO Financial Sustainability: The Case of BRAC / João Cotter Salvado (2011)
Taylor & FrancisSocial  Enterprise, Accountability and  Social  Accounting / Hannele Mäkelä, Jane Gibbon  &  Ericka Costa (2017).
Taylor & FrancisSocial  Enterprise, Capabilities and Development Paradigms: Lessons from Ecuador / Margherita Scarlato (2013)
Taylor & FrancisSocial  Enterprise: Implications of Emerging Institutionalized Constructions / Ulrika Levander (2010)
Taylor & FrancisSocial Enterprise and Development Policy: Evidence from Italy / Margherita Scarlato (2012)
Taylor & FrancisThe political possibilities of art and fashion based  social  enterprise / Grace McQuilten (2017)
Taylor & FrancisThe Sectorial Trust of  Social  Enterprise: Friend or Foe? / Peter Jenner & Florin Oprescu (2016)
Taylor & FrancisUnleashing  social  innovation for  social  economy: experience of  social  enterprise  development in Hong Kong / Terence Yiu Kai Yuen (2011)
Taylor & FrancisWhat Is a  Social  Enterprise? Revising Old Concepts and Interviewing Social  Entrepreneurs / Iraci de Souza João, Charbel Jose Chiappetta Jabbour  &  Simone V. R. Galina (2017)
Links Titles (online video)
online video《敢創 ‧ 香港》第十一集(上):曾志偉 ‧ 社企素食餐廳
online video《敢創 ‧ 香港》第十一集(下):一念素食 ‧ 全方位環保素食店
online video5 Keys to Success For Social Entrepreneurs: Lluis Pareras at TEDxBarcelonaChange
online videoHong Kong Social Enterprise Association 香港社企協會 (錄影節目列表)
online videoHow to be a social entrepreneur: Andy Stoll at TEDxUIowa
online videoTedxVienna - Muhammad Yunus - A History of Microfinance
online video中國式創新:如何從0開啓一個100億美金的市場(2)(login required if outside campus)
online video爭議中的共享經濟(1)(login required if outside campus)
online video爭議中的共享經濟(2)(login required if outside campus)
online video爭議中的共享經濟(3)(login required if outside campus)
online video社企打工王(第二集) | Eldpathy HK
online video社企前路 寸土必爭 ; 置安心? ; 汽車黑盒 (login required if outside campus)
online video社企創業家系列:Cookeasy(煮餸易)
online video社企創業家系列:Dialogue in the Dark(黑暗中對話)
online video社企創業家系列:iBakery(愛烘焙麵包工房)
online video社企創業家系列:大角咀麥太
online video社企創業家系列:豐盛髮廊
online video時事追擊 : 焚化爐與堆填區 ; 社會企業之定義與監管 ; 雙非"零配額" ; 標準工時. (login required if outside campus)
online video時事追擊 香港社會企業 1
online video時事追擊 香港社會企業 2
online video鏗鏘集 : 守護未來 ; 社企唔易做 ; 一個都不能少 ; 心之所安 (login required if outside campus)
online video鏗鏘集 : 此地不留人 光屋 ; 預繳陷阱 ; 地圖說故事 ; 電子學習. (login required if outside campus)
online video鏗鏘集:社企唔易做
Call No. Titles (video discs, 6/F)
AVC 658.408 QI 2011企業社會責任 : 香港中小企業 : 企業社會責任指引. (DVD)
AVD 332 BON 2011Bonsai people the vision of Muhammad Yunus (DVD)
AVD 338.64095125 ZAI 2009再創驕陽 (DVD)
AVD 658.408 RES 2016Responsible business (DVD)
AVD 658.408 SHE 2014社企有道. II (DVD)
AVD 658.408 SUS 2010Sustainability matters business strategies for environmental leadership (DVD)
LTV 070.433 KENG 2009/03/02-16鏗鏘集 : 過濾? 過慮? ; 石頭, 記 ; 營商要有道. (DVD)
LTV 070.433 KENG 2014/10/06-27鏗鏘集 : 守護未來 ; 社企唔易做 ; 一個都不能少 ; 心之所安 (DVD)
LTV 070.433 SHI 2012/05/05-26時事追擊 : 焚化爐與堆填區 ; 社會企業之定義與監管 ; 雙非"零配額" ; 標準工時. (DVD)
LTV 070.433 XIN 2009/02/28-04/04新聞透視 : 一蚊地 失業・創業;迷債日誌 (DVD)
LTV 070.433 XIN 2010/10/23-11/06社企前路 寸土必爭 ; 置安心? ; 汽車黑盒 (DVD)
LTV 330.95125 JIN 2010/04/11-25金錢世界. 2010/04/11-25 (DVD)
Good Goods 好好社企
Good Map 好地圖
社企餐餐 | iPick
社企餐廳搜尋平台 | OpenRice

Organization/ Society/ Platform
17 Support 社企一起幫 | 台灣
Ashoka | US
B Lab (UK)
Bottle Dream | 中國
Business Fights Poverty
Design Council | UK
Development Alternatives | India
Development Crossing
Entrepreneur Square
ETIC (Entrepreneurial Training for Innovative Communities) | Japan
Fairtrade International
GEXSI (Global Exchange for Social Investment)
Global Social Entrepreneurship Network
Hong Kong Institute of Social Impact Analysts
International Co-operative Alliance
Net Impact | US
Open Living Labs | EU
PMM Media Community Journal
Singapore Centre for Social Enterprise (raiSE) 
SIP (Social Innovation Park) | Singapore
Social Enterprise | HKSARG
Social Enterprise Summit 社企民間高峰會
Social Enterprise UK
Social Enterprise Business Centre | HKCSS
The Good Lab 好單位
the mills 南豐作坊
Triple Pundit
UnLtd Hong Kong
Waag Society | Netherlands
World Resources Institute
中小企業支援與諮詢中心 | 香港工業貿易署
中華民國社會事業發展協會 | 台灣
仁人學社 education for good
公益交流站 NPOst | 台灣
社企流 | 台灣
社企聚落 | 台灣
社會企業研究中心 | 國立清華大學
社會企業發展研究中心 | 國立中山大學
社會企業諮詢委員會 | 香港民政事務署
社會創新人才培育網 | 台灣
社團法人台灣社會企業創新創業學會 Taiwan Social Enterprise Innovation and Entrepreneurship Society
社聯頻道 HKCSS
青平台 | 台灣
香港公平貿易動力 Hong Kong Fair Trade Power
香港公平貿易聯盟 Fair Trade Hong Kong
香港社創學院 HK Social Innovation Institute
香港社會企業策劃有限公司 Hong Kong Social Enterprise Incubation Centre
香港社會企業總會 Hong Kong General Chamber of Social Enterprises Ltd.
豐盛社企學會 Fullness Social Enterprises Society

Competition/ Project
「好社意」計劃 | 香港生產力促進局
Asia Social Innovation Award 亞洲社會創新獎
DBS-NUS Social Venture Challenge Asia 亞洲社會企業挑戰賽
Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge 香港社會企業挑戰賽 | Center for Entrepreneurship, CUHK
Hult Prize
MaD Accumulator Scheme 創不同
TIC100社會創業競賽 | 台灣
Youth Impact Award 感創敢為
十一良心消費運動 Tithe Ethical Consumption
尤努斯獎:社會創新與創業競賽 | 台灣國立中央大學尤努斯社會企業中心
社企認證 Social Enterprise Endorsement Mark | 香港社會企業總會有限公司
社會企業 Social Enterprise 計劃 | 香港愛心魔法團
設計導航 | 香港理工大學賽馬會社會創新設計院

Funding Support
Acumen Fund
Asian Venture Philanthropy Network 亞洲公益創投網絡
Big Society Capital | UK
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | US
CGAP (Consultative Group to Assist the Poor)
Echoing Green Fellowship
Global Social Venture Competition
Good Seed 好薈社 | PolyU
Impact First Investments | Israel
Impact Incubator | 香港社會服務聯會
Mentor Capital Network
PolyU Micro Fund | PolyU
RED TURTLE 社企募資平台 | 台灣
Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship
Social Impact Partners
Social Venture Network
Social Ventures Hong Kong 香港社會創投基金
SOW Asia
The Rockefeller Foundation | US
The Skoll Foundation
The Young Foundation | UK
友成企業家扶貧基金會 YouChange China Social Enterpreneur Foundation | 中國
伙伴倡自強 | 香港民政事務署
社區投資共享基金 | 香港勞工及福利局
社創基金 SIE Fund | 香港特區政府
南都公益基金會 Narada Foundation | 中國
度度客 dodoker 群眾募資平台 | 台灣
政府資助計劃 | 香港特區政府
活化歷史建築伙伴計劃 | 香港發展局文物保育專員辦事處
創業展才能計劃 | 香港社會福利署康復服務市場顧問辦事處

Exhibition area:
5/F Library Complex

Display period:
8 Nov – 19 Dec 2017

You are welcomed to borrow the books on display.