Chinese Books

書號 中文書目
301.3 610 2013費城.實驗 : 究竟是科學還是科幻? / 江晃榮著.
394.911 508 20152050 科幻大成真 : 超能力, 心智控制, 人造記憶, 遺忘藥丸, 奈米機器人即將改變我們的世界 / 加來道雄 ; 鄧子衿譯.
812.7 1508 2012英雄歷險與困境糾纏 : 中西科幻小說的文化性差異 / 蔡秉霖著.
812.7 1516 2016天真之旅 : 武俠小說與科幻小說論文集 / 鄭錠堅著.
820.97076 416 2015晚清科學小說譯介與近代科學文化 = Science fiction translation in late Qing dynasty and modern scientific culture / 王曉鳳著.
857.62 1116 2012全球華語小說大系. 科幻卷 / 張頤武主編 ; 徐剛編.
857.7 1107 2012多餘的世界 / 張系國.
857.7 1107 2015下沉的世界 / 張系國.
857.7 1311 2018愛妻 / 董啟章
857.7 1605 2014女兒 / 駱以軍
857.7 608 1993貓城記 / 老舍
857.83 1006 1978老貓 / 衛斯理著.
857.83 1006 1978藍血人 / 衛斯理著.
857.83 1012 2016孤獨深處 / 郝景芳.
857.83 1012 2016流浪蒼穹 / 郝景芳著.
857.83 1307 2005  上帝競賽 : 倪匡科幻獎作品集 (一) / 葉李華主編.
857.83 1307 2005  百年一瞬 : 倪匡科幻獎作品集 (二) / 葉李華主編.
857.83 1307 2009  笨小孩 : 倪匡科幻獎作品集 (三) / 主編葉李華.
857.83 1514 2004球狀閃電 = Ball lightning / 劉慈欣著.
857.83 1514 2008魔鬼積木, 白堊紀往事 / 劉慈欣著.
857.83 1514 2008 三体II : 黑暗森林 / 刘慈欣著.
857.83 1514 2008  三体 / 刘慈欣著.
857.83 1514 2009超新星紀元 = The era of supernova / 劉慈欣著.
857.83 1514 2010 時光盡頭 / 劉慈欣作品.
857.83 1514 2010  三体III : 死神永生 = Three body III : dead end / 刘慈欣著.
857.83 1514 2012鄉村教師 : 劉慈欣科幻自選集 / 劉慈欣著.
857.83 1514 2012劉慈欣卷 : 天使時代 / 世界華人科幻協會組編 ; 董仁威, 姚海軍主編.
857.83 1514 20142018 / 劉慈欣作品.
857.83 1514 2014時間移民 / 劉慈欣作品.
857.83 1613 2005未來未有來 = Future never comes / 蕭源.
857.83 2016 2011三体X : 观想之宙 / 宝树著.
857.83 710 1999無限春光在太空 / 李逆熵著 ; 保蓮繪圖.
861.57 1003 2018守護書的貓 = 本を守ろうとする猫の話 / 夏川草介
861.57 1111 2010未來都市No. 6 / 淺野敦子著 ; Bxyzic圖 ; 珂辰譯.
861.57 1207 2018夜行 / 森見登美彥
861.57 2107 2007明日邊界 / 櫻阪洋著 ; Fafa譯.
861.57 305 2011艾比斯之夢 / 山本弘(Yamamoto Hiroshi)著 ; 張智淵譯.
861.57 510 2015星之聲 : 愛的絮語, 穿越星際 / 新海誠原作 ; 迦納新太著 ; 冷婷譯.
861.57 510 2016雲之彼端.約定的地方 = The place promised in our early days / 作者: 加納新太 ; 原作: 新海誠 ; [譯者: 陳顥].
861.57 7031Q84 / 村上春樹著 ; 賴明珠譯.
873.57 1208 1994一九八四 / 喬治.歐威爾著 ; 邱素慧譯.
873.57 1310 2008宇宙盡頭的餐廳 / 道格拉斯.亞當斯著 ; 丁世佳譯.
873.57 2009 2007英倫魔法師 : 強納森.史傳傑和諾瑞爾先生 = Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
873.5754 1509 2018動物農莊 = Animal farm : a fairy story / George Orwell
873.577 614 2001魔戒首部曲 : 魔戒現身 = The fellowship of the ring / Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel).
873.577 614 2001魔戒二部曲 : 雙城奇謀 = The two towers / Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel).
873.577 614 2001魔戒三部曲 : 王者再臨 = The return of the King / Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel).
873.5782 1409美麗新世界 / Aldous Huxley
873.5782 1409美妙的新世界 = Brave new world / 阿道斯.赫胥黎(Aldous Huxley)著
873.5782 706發條橙 ; 莫扎特與狼幫 = A clockwork orange ; Mozart and the wolf gang
873.5784 1912 2001哈利波特 : 火盃的考驗 = Harry  Potter  and  the  goblet  of  fire / J.K.Rowling
873.5784 914 2015世界大戰: 火星人全面入侵 / 赫伯特.喬治.威爾斯著 ; 黛恩譯.
873.5784 914 2016時光機器 : 穿梭時空,回到未來 =The time machine / H.G. Wells
874.57 1012 2009怒月 = The moon is a harsh mistress / 海萊因著 ; 林翰昌譯.
874.57 1107 1993侏羅紀公園 = Jurassic park / 麥克.克萊頓原著 ; 章慶雲...[et al.]譯著.
874.57 514 2009墓園裡的男孩 = The graveyard book
874.5754 606 2014艾西莫夫機器人短篇全集 = The complete robot / Issac Asimov
874.577 1208 2011冰與火之歌. 第1部, 權力遊戲 = A game of thrones : book one of A song of ice and fire / 喬治馬汀 ; 譯者譚光磊.
874.577 1208 2012冰與火之歌. 第2部, 峰火危城 = A clash of kings : book two of A song of ice and fire / 喬治馬汀 ; 譯者譚光磊.
874.577 1208 2013冰與火之歌. 第3部, 劍刃風暴 = A clash of kings : book three of A song of ice and fire / 喬治馬汀 ; 譯者譚光磊.
874.577 1208 2014冰與火之歌. 第4部, 群鴉盛宴 = A Feast for crows : book four of a song of ice and fire / 喬治馬汀 (George R. R. Martin) ; 譯者廖素珊
874.577 1208 2014冰與火之歌. 第5部, 與龍共舞 = A Feast for crows : book five of A Dance with dragons / 喬治馬汀 (George R. R. Martin) ; 譯者陳嶽辰
874.577 1506 2017星際大戰 : 俠盜一號前傳小說 =Star wars: Catalyst, a rogue one story / 詹姆士.魯西諾 ; [譯: 甘鎮隴].
874.577 514 2005華氏451 / 雷.佈雷德伯利著 ; 竹蘇敏譯.
Call No. Titles
428.64 WYN 1959The Kraken Wakes / John Wyndham.
809.38762 COM 2008A companion to science fiction / David Seed
809.38762 ROB 2006Science fiction / Roberts, Adam
809.38762 ROB 2007The history of science fiction / Adam Roberts (Adam Charles)
809.38762 SPE 2005Speculations on speculation : theories of science fiction / edited by James Gunn, Matthew Candelaria.
809.3876209336 GRE 2014Green Planets : Ecology and Science Fiction / edited by Gerry Canavan & Kim Stanley Robinson.
813 CLA 20002001, a space odyssey / Arthur C. Clarke ; based on a screenplay by Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke ; with a new introduction by the author.
813 HEIStranger in a strange land / Robert A. Heinlein
813.08762 DAR 2003Dark horizons : science fiction and the utopian imagination
813.0876208 NOR 1993  The Norton book of science fiction : North American science fiction, 1960-1990
813.0876208 WES 2010The Wesleyan anthology of science fiction
813.087620805 MAS 2004  Masterpieces : the best science fiction of the twentieth century / edited by Orson Scott Card.
813.0876209 EDG 2002Edging into the future ; science fiction and contemporary cultural transformation / edited by Veronica Hollinger and joan Gordon
813.5 VON/SLA 1969Slaughterhouse-five : or the children's crusade, a duty-dance with death / Kurt Vonnegut
813.54 ASI 1983The winds of change and other stories / Isaac Asimov.
813.54 ASI 2013I, robot / Isaac Asimov.
813.54 ATW 1998The handmaid's tale / Margaret Atwood.
813.54 BRA/FAH 2013Fahrenheit 451 / Ray Bradbury ; introduction by Neil Gaiman.
813.54 CHA 2007The Yiddish policemen's union : a novel / Michael Chabon.
813.54 CRI 2015The lost world / Michael Crichton.
813.54 CRI Jurassic Park : a novel / by Michael Crichton.
813.54 DIC 1990The man in the high castle / Philip K. Dick
813.54 DIC 2000  We can remember it for you wholesale / Philip K. Dick ; introduction by Thomas M. Disch.
813.54 DIC 2007Do Androids dream of electric sheep? / Philip K. Dick.
813.54 DIC 2016The minority report : and other classic stories / by Philip K. Dick ; with an introduction by James Tiptree, Jr.
813.54 GIB 2004  Neuromancer / William Gibson
813.54 KIN 2012  11/22/63 : a novel / Stephen King
813.54 KIN/FIN 2016 Finders keepers : a novel / Stephen King.
813.54 LEG /LEF 1994  The left hand of darkness / Ursula K. Le Guin
813.54 LEG 2003 The dispossessed : a novel / Ursula K. Le Guin.
813.54 LEG/WIZ 2004A wizard of Earthsea / Ursula K. Le Guin
813.54 MAR 2011A clash of kings / George R.R. Martin.
813.54 MAR 2011A storm of swords. Part one, Steel and snow / George R.R. Martin.
813.54 MAR 2011A storm of swords. Part two, Blood and gold / George R.R. Martin.
813.54 MAR 2011  Game of thrones / George R.R. Martin
813.54 ROB 2009Red Mars / Kim Stanley Robinson
813.54 ROB 20132312 / Kim Stanley Robinson
813.54 ROB/BLU 2009Blue Mars / Kim Stanley Robinson
813.54 ROB/GRE 2009Green Mars / Kim Stanley Robinson
813.54 STE 1993 Snow crash / Neal Stephenson
813.6 CAR 2011Ender's game / Orson Scott Card.
823 EGA 1996Axiomatic / Greg Egan.
823 ROW 2000Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire / J.K.Rowling
823.7 SHE 2010Frankenstein / Mary Shelley.
823.912 DOYThe lost world / Conan Doyle
823.912 HUXBrave new world / Aldous Huxley
823.912 ORW 1999Animal farm / George Orwell.
823.912 ORW 2003Nineteen eighty-four / George Orwell.
823.912 TOL 1994The fellowship of the ring : being the first part of The Lord of the Rings
823.912 TOL 1994The two towers : being the second part of The Lord of the Rings / Tolkien, J. R. R.
823.912 TOL 1994The return of the king : being the third part of The Lord of the Rings
823.912 WELThe war of the worlds / H.G.Wells
823.912 WEL 2005The time machine / H.G. Wells
823.914 ADA 1986The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy : a trilogy in four parts / Douglas Adams.
823.914 CLA 2004  The sentinel / Arthur C. Clarke ; illustrations by Lebbeus Woods.
823.914 CLA 2009The last theorem / Arthur C. Clarke
823.914 CLA 3001 : the final odyssey / Arthur C. Clarke.
823.914 EGA 2008 Dark integers and other stories / Greg Egan.
823.914 EGA 2008  Luminous / Greg Egan.
823.914 EGA 2015  Diaspora : a novel / by Greg Egan.
823.92 EGA 2010  Oceanic / Greg Egan
843.8 VERTwenty thousand leagues under the sea / Jules Verne
843.8 VER 2008  Journey to the centre of the earth / Jules Verne ; translated and with an introduction and notes by William Butcher.
Links Titles
e-book1984 / George Orwell
e-book20,000 leagues under the sea / [by] Jules Verne.
e-book20000 lieues sous les mers / Jules Verne [audio book in French]
e-bookA clockwork orange / Anthony Burgess
e-bookAlien constructions: science fiction and feminist thought / Patricia Melzer
e-bookAnimal Farm / edited by Sarah Shute.
e-bookAnticipations : Of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress Upon Human Life and Thought / H.G.Wells
e-bookBodies of tomorrow: technology, subjectivity, science fiction / Sherryl Vint
e-bookBritish Science Fiction Cinema / I.Q. Hunter.
e-bookCyberculture, cyborgs and science fiction : consciousness and the posthuman / William Haney.
e-bookDecoding gender in science fiction / Brian Attebery
e-bookDeconstructing the starships: science, fiction, and reality / Gwyneth Jones
e-bookEinstein intersection / Samuel R. Delany
e-bookFrankenstein / Mary Shelley [audio-book]
e-bookGateways to Forever : The Story of the Science-Fiction Magazines from 1970 to 1980 / Mike Ashley.
e-bookGreen Planets : Ecology and Science Fiction / edited by Gerry Canavan & Kim Stanley Robinson.
e-bookHollywood Presents  Jules Verne : The Father of Science Fiction on Screen.
e-bookQueer Universes : Sexualities in Science Fiction / Wendy Gay Pearson.
e-bookScience fiction and empire / Kerslake, Patricia
e-bookScience Fiction and Philosophy : From Time Travel to Superintelligence / Susan Schneider
e-bookScience Fiction Quotations : From the Inner Mind to the Outer Limits / Gary Westfahl & Arthur C. Clarke.
e-bookSci-Fi movie guide : the universe of film from Alien to Zardoz / Chris Barsanti
e-bookSlaughterhouse-Five / Kurt Vonnegut
e-bookStar Wars on trial : science fiction and fantasy writers debate the most popular science fiction films of all time / for the prosecution, David Brin ; for the defense, Matthew Woodring Stover.
e-bookThe "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" Revisited : Motifs of Science Fiction and Social Criticism / Christian Erkenbrecher.
e-bookThe invisible man / H.G. Wells. [audio book in English]
e-bookThe Role of Science Fiction :  Asimov & Vonnegut - A Comparison / Weißhampel, Stefan.
e-bookThe Scientific Sherlock Holmes : Cracking the Case with Science and Forensics.
e-bookThe time machine / H.G. Wells [audio book in English]
e-bookThe Writer's Digest Guide to Science Fiction & Fantasy / Orson Scott Card
連結 中文書目
e-book完美基因 = Perfect genes : 原創科幻小說 / 蘇健軒著.
e-book科學怪人 / 雪萊(Mary Shelley)
e-book旅者x迷圖 : 張國強科幻小說選 / 張國強著.
e-book時間機器隱身人 / H.G.Wells
e-book海底两万里 / 凡爾納著 ; 陳筱卿譯
e-book望天丘 / 李潼著.
e-book華氏451度 / 布萊伯利 (Ray Bradbury)
e-book超級帶賽亞人 / 食凍麵著.
e-book當年事:第四屆「BenQ 華文世界電影小說獎」得獎作品集 / 常凱等著.
e-book膜 / 紀大偉著.
e-book衛斯理傳奇之不死藥 / 倪匡著.
e-book衛斯理傳奇之天書 / 倪匡著.
e-book衛斯理傳奇之天涯 / 倪匡著.
e-book衛斯理傳奇之支離人 / 倪匡著.
e-book衛斯理傳奇之木炭 / 倪匡著.
e-book衛斯理傳奇之仙境 / 倪匡著.
e-book衛斯理傳奇之地圖 / 倪匡著.
e-book衛斯理傳奇之老貓 / 倪匡著.
e-book衛斯理傳奇之妖火 / 倪匡著.
e-book衛斯理傳奇之奇門 / 倪匡著.
Call no. Titles
AVC 791.43 ANI 2006Animal Farm
AVC 791.43 HAR 2006Harry  Potter  and  the  goblet  of  fire  哈利波特 : 火盃的考驗
AVC 791.43 JOUR 2008Journey to the center of the earth
AVC 791.43 JURJurassic  park
AVC 791.43 LOSThe  lost  world  Jurassic Park
AVC 791.43 MINO 2002Minority report 未來報告 
AVC 791.43 NEXT 2007Next (天眼救未來), Based on the novel by "The Golden Man" by Phillip K. Dick.
AVD 791.43 STA 2008Star  Wars. Episode I, The phantom menace.
AVD 791.43 STAR 2002Star  Wars. Episode II, Attack of the clones.
AVD 791.43 STAR 2005Star  Wars. Episode III, Revenge of the sith.
AVD 791.43 TIME 2003The time machine
AVC 791.4334 STAStar  wars :  the clone  wars
AVD 791.43 ARTA. I.  Artificial  intelligence
AVD 791.43 ASP 19682001,  a  space  odyssey
AVD 791.43 AVA 2010Avatar
AVD 791.43 BLADE 2018Blade Runner 2049
AVD 791.43 CLO 1971A clockwork orange
AVD 791.43 DARKC 2006Dark City
AVD 791.43 ENDE 2013Ender's Game
AVD 791.43 EXIS 1999Existenz
AVD 791.43 EXM 2015Ex machina
AVD 791.43 GATGattaca (變種異煞 )
AVD 791.43 HANDThe handmaid's  tale
AVD 791.43 INTE 2015Interstellar 星際啟示錄
AVD 791.43 IROI, Robot
AVD 791.43 JUL 2004Jules Verne's  Journey  to  the  center  of  the  earth
AVD 791.43 LAB 2004Labyrinth
AVD 791.43 LORD 2002The Lord of the rings. The fellowship of the ring
AVD 791.43 LORD 2003The  Lord  of  the  rings.  The  two towers
AVD 791.43 MATR 2003The  Matrix  reloaded.
AVD 791.43 METMetropolis
AVD 791.43 PRO 2012Prometheus
AVD 791.43 SNOW 2014Snowpiercer
AVD 791.43 SOLI 2011Solaris 
AVD 791.43 SUNS 2007Sunshine
AVD 791.43 TERM 2003Terminator 3 rise of the machines
AVD 791.43 THDThe 6th day
AVD 791.43 TIME 2003The time machine
AVD 791.43 VOY 2015Le Voyage Dans La Lune (English)
AVD 791.43 WARW 2005War of the worlds
AVD 791.43 WATC 2009Watchmen
Links Titles (Online Media: English)
online mediaDrama: SciFi & Fantasy | BBC Radio
online mediaFast Forward: Contemporary Science Fiction (Youtube Channel)
online mediaHow does science fiction influence the real world? | The Economist
online mediaHow Science Fiction is shaping the future of retailing | Kyle Nel, TED x Universidad de Navarra
online mediaPosthumanism, Bioconstitutionalism and Hela-True Life Science Fiction: Sherryl Vint at TEDxUCRSalon
online mediaScience fiction - imagining our way to a better world: Dr. Laura Wiebe at TEDxMcMasterU
online mediaWhy our world needs science fiction: Etienne Augé at TEDxErasmusUniversity
Links Titles (Online media: Chinese)
online media20130407 读书 用科幻的眼睛看世界 | CCTV
online media2013年科科圓桌會
online media用科幻的眼睛看現實 (劉慈欣) | [香港]書展2011「名作家講座系列 9」
online media利用數學小說學數學 | 臺大科學教育發展中心
online media科幻小說中的網路空間 | 兔子瞧 | 2016萬有青年大燴
online media科幻小說和電影 (全5篇) | Memehk 浩浩熵熵
online media获奖华裔作家刘宇昆谈中国科幻走红美国 | 美国之音中文网
online media臺灣小說選讀(80年代-科幻小說):張系國—望子成龍 / 莊文福 | 臺灣通識網
online media衛斯理小說探秘 (全5篇) | Memehk 浩浩熵熵
online media衛斯理科幻故事 | 香港電台經典重温頻道
online media《你才科幻,你全家都是科幻:台灣科幻小說簡史》精華版 | 中華科幻學會演講
online media「衛斯理」五十周年座談會 | 書展2013
Internet Resource on Science Fiction
50 Essential Science Fiction Books | abebooks
A Celebration of Women Writers - Utopias and Science Fiction by Women | University of Pennsylvania Libraries
Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists (ASFA)
Australian Science Fiction Association, The
British Science Fiction Association, The (BSFA)
Clarkesworld : Hugo Award-winning Science Fiction & Fantasy Magazine
Fantasy and Science Fiction [Magazine]
Fantasy Scroll mag: Fantasy & Science Fiction Magazine
Goodreads (Science Fiction)
Gunn Center for the study of Science Fiction | Kansas University
HathiTrust Digital Library (Science Fiction)
Hugo Awards, The (World Science Fiction Society)
John W. Campbell Memorial Award, The
Museum of Science Fiction
Nebula Awards | Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of Amercia
Project Gutenberg (free e-books) - Science Fiction
Robert J. Sawyer's website (a science fiction writer who has won 53 national and international awards)
Sci Fi Lab Radio
Science Fiction & Fantasy: A Research Guide | Cornell University Library
Science Fiction | Encyclopedia Brittanica
Science Fiction and Fantasy Fiction Collection, The | Internet Archive
Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Database, The | Texas A & M University's Libraries
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA)
Science fiction books | The Guardian
Science Fiction Collection | GeorgiaTech Library
Science Fiction Research Association
Science-Themed Novels | American Library Association
SciFi/ Fantasy LibGuide | California State University Library
SF Canada (SFC)
SF Foundation
Speculative Literature Foundation
UCTV Prime: Collection of Science Fiction and Fantasy | University of California
Worldcon : The World Sciene Fiction Convention
Writing the future: A timeline of science fiction literature | BBC
Your Picks: Top 100 Science-Fiction, Fantasy Books | npr books

科幻 | 中国作家网
科幻概論 | 國立清華大學開放式課程平台
時光幻象 | 世界华人科幻协会官方网站

Exhibition area:
5/F Library Complex

Display period:
10 Sep – 31 Oct 2018

You are welcomed to borrow the books on display.