Printed Books

Call No. Title
171 1008 2010質化研究心理學 = Psychology on qualitative research / 秦金亮著.
493.6 1105 2014如何撰寫商業計畫書 / 陳永翊編著.
493.6 1419 2011現學現用企劃書 72 例 = Planning & presentation / [日]齊藤誠著 ; 楊雅清譯.
494.031 1120 2011企業研究之量化分析 : SPSS操作與應用 = Applied business research (第二版) / 陳耀茂編著.
494.031 1409 2014圖解研究方法 / 榮泰生著.
494.031 613 2016企業研究方法 / 饒達欽...[et al.]編著.
494.1 1711 2010全方位企畫案撰寫全書 / 戴國良著.
501.2 1014 2014研究方法 : 步驟化學習指南 = Research  methodology: a step-by-step guide for beginners (第二版) / Ranjit Kumar著 ; 潘中道, 胡龍騰, 蘇文賢譯.
501.2 1114 2012 v. 1質性研究方法的實踐. Vol. 1 = Qualitative research practice / 作者: Clive Seale...[et al.] ; 譯者: 許夢芸, 陳育含.
501.2 1114 2012 v. 2質性研究方法的實踐. Vol. 2 = Qualitative research practice / 作者: Clive Seale...[et al.] ; 譯者: 許夢芸, 陳育含.
501.2 1115 2016讓你輕鬆學研究方法、數量分析、論文寫作 / 郭德賓著.
501.2 1308 2016研究方法 = Research methods / 楊政學著.
501.2 1807 2015傻瓜也會寫論文 : 社會科學學位論文寫作指南 (第二版) / 顏志龍著.
501.2 1808 2015質性研究分析 : 系統取向 / H. Russell Bernard, Gery W. Ryan著 ; 藍依勤, 羅育齡, 林聖曦譯.
501.2 409 2007研究方法的基礎 = Social research : the basics / 作者 Matthew David, Carole D. Sutton ; 譯者王若馨 ... [等]
501.2 704 2013质性研究 : 方法与分析策略 / 李丰春著.
501.2 708 2014論文寫作與量化研究 = Quantitative research & thesis  writing (第四版)  / 吳明隆著.
501.2 715 2016研究研究論論文 : 研究歷程之科P解密與論文寫作SOP大公開 / 吳鄭重著.
501.2 807 2012研究方法五十個關鍵概念 = Key concepts in social research / 原著: Geoff Payne, Judy Payne ; 譯者: 林育如.
501.2 807 2013社會科學研究方法 (第二版) / Earl Babbie 著 ; 林秀雲譯.
501.2 909 2011反身性方法論 : 質性研究的新視野 = Reflexive methodology : new vistas for qualitative research / 作者: Mats Alvesson, Kaj Sköldberg ; 譯者: 施盈廷, 劉忠博, 張時健 ; 主譯: 國家教育研究院.
501.2029 1505 2014數位化質性研究 : NVivo10之圖解與應用 =Digitalized qualitative research: NVivo 10 iconography and application / 劉世閔, 李志偉著.
501.2029 1505 2017NVivo 11與網路質性研究方法論 / 劉世閔, 曾世豐, 鍾明倫著.
501.22 708 2016做好文獻探討 : 走向成功的六個步驟 / Lawrence A. Machi, Brenda T. McEvoy著 ; 李政賢譯.
501.28 1507社會統計學 (修正第2版) / Alan Agresti, Barbara Finlay著 ; 鄭宗琳, 吳宇真譯.
501.28 807 2008社會研究中的基礎統計學 = Elementary statistics in social research / 杰克.萊文(Jack Levin), 詹姆斯.艾倫.福克斯(James Alan Fox)著 ; 王衛東譯.
511.2 1115實驗設計與變異分析 : 實驗設計與資料解析的秘訣 / 張輝煌編譯.
511.2 709 2010解讀統計與研究 : 教你讀懂, 判斷和書寫有統計資料的研究報告 / Schuyler W. Huck著 ; 杜炳倫譯.
512.4 1008 2015SPSS與量化研究 (第二版) / 涂金堂著.
523.311 611 2010閱讀評量與寫字教學 / 教育部國語文課程與輔導諮詢團隊 ; 江惜美 ... [et al.]等著.
540.1 1209 2011基礎社會研究法 : 質化與量化途徑 =Basics of social research : qualitative and quantitative approaches / W. Lawrence Neuman著 ; 鈕則謙譯.
540.1 1210 2007社会研究方法 : 定性和定量的取向 / 劳伦斯・纽曼W. Lawrence Neuman著 ; 郝大海译.
540.1 1714 2008社會研究中的研究設計 = Research design in social research / 戴維.德沃斯(David de Vaus)著 ; 郝大海等譯.
540.1 412 2016社會研究方法 : 量化與質性取向及其應用 =Social research methods: quantitative and qualitative approaches and applications (第三版) / 王雲東著.
540.1 609 2002社會研究方法 : 質化與量化取向 = Social research methods : qualitative and quantitative approaches / W. Lawrence Neuman著 ; 朱柔若譯.
540.1 614 2009 c.3社會研究方法 / 艾爾.巴比(Earl Babble)著 ; 邱澤奇譯.
540.14 512 2010社會統計學 / 布萊洛克 (Hubert M.Blalock) 著 ; 沈崇麟 ... [et al.] 譯.
540.14 708 2001社會研究的統計應用 = Statistical applications for social research / 李沛良著.
541.83 1506 2015傳播研究與效果評估 / 鄭自隆著.
547.031 708 2013社會工作研究方法 = Essential  research  methods for social work (第二版) / Allen Rubin, Earl Babbie著 ; 趙碧華, 朱美珍, 鍾道詮譯.
800.3 1308 2014应用语言学研究的质性研究方法 / 杨延宁著.
800.3 1705 2013应用语言学中的质性研究与分析 = Qualitative  research  in applied linguistics / 杨鲁新...[et al.]著.
802.75 706 2015新版完全捷進寫作詞彙 : 讓你豐富詞彙能說善寫, 用字遣詞順暢優美. 強化作文、創作、編輯、撰稿、文案寫作詞彙使用的案頭必備工具書 / 林湘華, 黃淑貞, 謝旻琪編.
802.79 1304 2010應用文書寫作 / 主編: 楊文豐, 方圓 ; 副主編: 郭柳華.
805.17 1112 2011一生必學的英文寫作 = Writing  for life / 陳超明, 溫宥基著作 ; 李靜儀整理.
805.17 1312 2010如何撰寫A級英語文章 = How to write A-grade English essays / 作者葉惠敏 (Yeh Wai Man, Helen).
805.17 608 2006Cassell英語寫作技巧 = Cassell guide to written English / James Aitchison著 ; 趙福利譯 ; 姚乃強審校.
805.17 913 2016寫作風格之要素 / William Strunk Jr. 威廉.史壯克 ; [翻譯: 商務印書館編輯部]
805.175 1311 2016英文學術論文寫作 : 講解與作業 =Writing  academic papers in English / 董崇選著.
811.1 1014 2012给初学写作者 : 高尔基文艺书信集 / 高尔基著; 以群译.
811.1 1814 2011實用中英文寫作 / 簡齊儒...[et al.]著
811.4 1005 2015研究方法 / 袁正綱著.
811.4 1008 2010MLA論文寫作手冊 (第七版) / [著者, Modern Language Association ; 編譯, 書林編輯部 ; 譯校, 王建文]
811.4 1109 2008質性研究論文撰寫 : 一本適用於學習者與教學者的入門書 = The qualitative dissertation : a guide for students and faculty / Maria Piantanida, Noreen B. Garman 著 ; 郭俊偉譯.
811.4 1109 2010教授為什麼沒告訴我 (2010全見版) / 畢恆達著.
811.4 1208 2013如何寫出卓越的學位論文 / Randy L. Joyner, William A. Rouse, Allan A. Glatthorn 著 ; 彭孟堯譯.
811.4 1209 2004硏究報告格式手册 (第四版) / 廖慶榮著.
811.4 1302 2011中英論文寫作的第一本書 : 論文及研究計畫書綱要與體例 = Better theses, dissertations, and research papers (第二版) / 葉乃嘉著.
811.4 1313 2012Top研究的必修課 : 學術基礎研究理論 =The foundations of research / Jonathan Grix著 ; 林育珊譯.
811.4 1314 2014中文A文學 : 專題研究論文寫作指導 =Writing the extended essay for Chinese a literature / 董寧著.
811.4 1509 2014從字句到結構 : 學術論文寫作指引 (第二版) / 蔡柏盈著.
811.4 1511 2012论文写作的通关密码 = Code of thesis  writing / 蔡清田著, 崔允漷校订.
811.4 1619 2010你就是論文寫手 : 高產量學術寫作指南 = How to write a lot : a practical guide to productive academic  writing / Paul J. Silvia著 ; 賴麗珍譯.
811.4 1708 2015論文寫作 100 問 = 100 questions of dissertations writing / 謝金青著.
811.4 409 2015如何寫好報告 : 撰寫的基本功, 小論文, 研究報告, 學位論文 =Report, thesis / 王若葉著.
811.4 419 2010研究論文寫作 : 撰寫與投稿的寫作祕笈 = Writing  and publishing your thesis, dissertation, and research : a guide for students in the helping professions / P. Paul Heppner, Mary J. Heppner著 ; 王麗斐 ... [et al.]譯.
811.4 710 2011老師在講你有在聽嗎? : 論文寫作之規範及格式 / 吳珮瑛.
811.4 810 2007畢業論文寫作指南 / 周家華, 黃綺冰主編.
811.4 815 2005讀書報告寫作指引 (第二版) / 林慶彰, 劉春銀合著.
811.4 815 2011學術論文寫作指引 : 文科適用 (第二版) / 林慶彰著.
811.7 1109 2016翻譯學 : 理論, 策略, 方法 / 陳建民著.
812.3 1001 2014故事創作 Tips : 32堂創意課 / 耿一偉著.
812.7 1210 2015小說的八百萬種寫法 / 勞倫斯。卜洛克著 ; 傅凱羚譯.
CL 580.29 1709 2004法律文献检索 / 戴勇敢主编.
CL 580.29 816 2004法律文献检索 : 方法技巧和策略 = Legal research / 林燕平主编.
CL 580.3 1106 1996法學研究與法學教育論 / 陳守一著.
Call No. Title
001.4 GRI 2010The foundations of research (2nd ed.)/ Jonathan Grix.
001.4 JAC 2008The authentic dissertation : alternative ways of knowing, research and representation / Four Arrows (aka Don Trent Jacobs).
001.4 MET 2008The methodological dilemma : creative, critical, and collaborative approaches to qualitative research / edited by Kathleen Gallagher.
001.4 TAB 2001Computer-assisted research design and analysis / Tabachnick, Barbara G.
001.4 WIS 2009The undergraduate research handbook / Gina Wisker.
001.42 APP 2004Approaches to qualitative research : a reader on theory and practice / edited by Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber, Patricia Leavy.
001.42 COR 2015Basics of qualitative research : techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory (4th Ed.) / Juliet Corbin, Anselm Strauss.
001.42 HAM 2013Research methods : the key concepts / Michael Hammond and Jerry Wellington.
001.42 HES 2011The practice of qualitative research (2nd ed.)/ Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber, Patricia Leavy.
001.42 JAC 2003Research methods and statistics : a critical thinking approach / Sherri L. Jackson.
001.42 JAC 2012Thinking with theory in qualitative research : viewing data across multiple perspectives (1st ed.) / Alecia Y. Jackson and Lisa A. Mazzei.
001.42 MER 2002Qualitative research in practice : examples for discussion and analysis (1st ed.)/ Sharan B. Merriam and associates.
001.42 MIS 2013Quantitative research : an introduction (3rd ed.)/ Benjamin A. Mis.
001.42 PAC 2011The science of qualitative research / Martin Packer.
001.42 QUA 2002The Qualitative researcher's companion / A. Michael Huberman, Matthew B. Miles, [editors]
001.42 SAG 2011The Sage handbook of qualitative research (4th Ed.) / editors, Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln.
001.42 STA 2010Qualitative research : studying how things work / Robert E. Stake.
001.422 HUC 2012Reading statistics and research / Schuyler W. Huck.
001.44 LOCProposals that work : a guide for planning dissertations and grant proposals (4th ed.) / Lawrence F. Locke, Waneen Wyrick Spirduso, Stephen J. Silverman.
020.72 PIC 2013Research methods in information / Alison Jane Pickard ; with contributions from Sue Childs ... [et al.]
150.72 DOI 2010Doing qualitative research in psychology : a practical guide / edited by Michael Forrester.
150.72 GOO 2013Research in psychology : methods and design (7th ed.)/ C. James Goodwin, and Kerri A. Goodwin.
150.72 PEL 2013Conducting research in psychology : measuring the weight of smoke (4th ed.)/ Brett W. Pelham, Hart Blanton.
150.72 PSY /LEO 2006The psychology research handbook : a guide for graduate students and research assistants (2nd ed.)/ [edited by] Frederick T.L. Leong and James T. Austin.
150.72 QUA 2003 c.2Qualitative research in psychology : expanding perspectives in methodology and design / edited by Paul M. Camic, Jean E. Rhodes, Lucy Yardley.
150.72 SAL 2014Exploring research (Peason new int'l ed., 8th ed.)  / Neil J. Salkind.
150.72 SMI 2013The psychologist as detective : an introduction to conducting research in psychology (6th ed.) / Randolph A. Smith, Stephen F. Davis.
150.721 COO 2011Reporting research in psychology : how to meet journal article reporting standards (6th ed.)/ Harris Cooper.
150.724 CHR 2004Experimental methodology (9th Ed.) / Larry B. Christensen.
150.724 ELM 2012Research methods in psychology (9th ed.)/ David G. Elmes, Barry H. Kantowitz, Henry L. Roediger III.
150.724 MAR 2004Doing psychology experiments (6th ed.)/ David W. Martin.
150.724 SOL 2002Experimental psychology : a case approach (7th Ed.) / Robert L. Solso, M. Kimberly MacLin.
300.14 FAI 2003Analysing discourse : textual analysis for social research / Norman Fairclough.
300.285555 ADV 2013Adventures in social research : data analysis using IBM SPSS statistics (8th ed.) / Earl Babbie ... [et al.].
300.72 ADL 2008How it's done : an invitation to social research (3rd Ed.) / Emily Stier Adler, Roger Clark.
300.72 ADL 2011An invitation to social research : how it's done (4th ed.)/ Emily Stier Adler, Roger Clark.
300.72 ALVReflexive methodology : new vistas for qualitative research / Mats Alvesson and Kaj Skoldberg.
300.72 BER 2014Qualitative research methods for the social sciences (8th Ed.) / Bruce L. Berg, Howard Lune.
300.72 BEU 2015Doing qualitative research : the craft of naturalistic inquiry / Joost Beuving and Geert de Vries.
300.72 BLA 2010Designing social research : the logic of anticipation (2nd ed.)/ Norman Blaikie.
300.72 BRY 2016Social research methods (5th ed.)/ Alan Bryman.
300.72 CORSocial research : theory, methods and techniques / Piergiorgio Corbetta ; translated from the Italian by Bernard Patrick.
300.72 CRICritical moments in qualitative research / edited by Hilary Byrne-Armstrong ... [et al.]
300.72 DAV 2004Social research : the basics / Matthew David and Carole D. Sutton.
300.72 DAV 2011Social research : an introduction (2nd ed.)/ Matthew David and Carole D. Sutton.
300.72 DEB 2004The qualitative research experience / Deborah K. Padgett, editor.
300.72 DEN 2002Ground rules for good research : a 10 point guide for social researchers / Martyn Denscombe.
300.72 DEN 2014The good research guide : for small-scale social research projects (5th ed.)/ Martyn Denscombe.
300.72 DEV 2001Research design in social research / David A. de Vaus.
300.72 ETH 2002Ethical dilemmas in qualitative research / edited by Trevor Welland, Lesley Pugsley.
300.72 EXPExperiencing social research : a reader / [edited by] Kerry J. Strand, Gregory L. Weiss.
300.72 GLE 2016Becoming qualitative researchers : an introduction (5th Ed.) / Corrine Glesne.
300.72 GOM 2008Social research methodology : a critical introduction (2nd ed.)/ Roger Gomm.
300.72 GRA 2014Doing research in the real world (3rd ed.)/ David E. Gray.
300.72 GRA 2016Research methods for the behavioral sciences (5th ed.)/ Frederick J Gravetter, Lori-Ann B. Forzano.
300.72 GRE 2007Introduction to action research : social research for social change (2nd ed.)/ Davydd J. Greenwood, Morten Levin.
300.72 GRE 2008Qualitative research design for software users / Silvana di Gregorio and Judith Davidson.
300.72 HANThe handbook of qualitative research(2nd ed.) / Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln editors.
300.72 HAN 2009The SAGE handbook of applied social research methods (2nd ed.)/ Leonard Bickman, Debra J. Rog, editors.
300.72 HEA 2010Video in qualitative research : analysing social interaction in everyday life / Christian Heath, Jon Hindmarsh, Paul Luff.
300.72 HEN 2009A critical introduction to social research (2nd ed.)/ Matt Henn, Mark Weinstein and Nick Foard.
300.72 HOL 2016Doing & writing qualitative research (3rd ed.)/ Adrian Holliday.
300.72 JACUsing published data : errors and remedies / Herbert Jacob.
300.72 JAC 2003Methods doing social research (3rd Ed.) / Winston Jackson.
300.72 KAL 2008Essentials of social research / Linda Kalof, Amy Dan and Thomas Dietz.
300.72 KUM 2014Research methodology : a step-by-step guide for beginners (4th ed.)/ Ranjit Kumar.
300.72 LAIFieldwork, participation and practice : ethics and dilemmas in qualitative research / Marlene de Laine.
300.72 LANThe landscape of qualitative research : theories and issues (2nd ed.)/ editors, Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln.
300.72 MAR 2011Designing qualitative research (5th Ed.) / Catherine Marshall, Gretchen B. Rossman.
300.72 MCT 2002Social research : an evolving process (2nd ed.)/ Don G. McTavish, Herman J. Loether.
300.72 PAY 2004Key concepts in social research / Geoff Payne and Judy Payne.
300.72 POL 2002Practical social investigation : qualitative and quantitative methods in social research / Christopher J. Pole and Richard Lampard.
300.72 POVThe poverty research project : a student training manual and film documentary on social research methods / Gina M. Sequeira ... [et. al.].
300.72 PUN 2005Introduction to social research : quantitative and qualitative approaches (2nd Ed.) / Keith F. Punch.
300.72 QUA 2002Qualitative research in action / edited by Tim May.
300.72 QUA 2004Qualitative research practice / edited by Clive Seale ... [et al.].
300.72 QUA 2014Qualitative research practice : a guide for social science students and researchers (2nd ed.)/ [edited by] Jane Ritchie, Jane Lewis, Carol McNaughton Nicholls and Rachel Ormston.
300.72 QUA 2016Qualitative research (4th ed.)/ edited by David Silverman.
300.72 REA 2008Readings in social research methods (3rd ed.)/ [edited by] Diane Kholos Wysocki.
300.72 RIC 1999Using NVivo in qualitative research / Lyn Richards.
300.72 ROB 2011Real world research : a resource for users of social research methods in applied settings (3rd ed.)/ Colin Robson.
300.72 SAG 2008The SAGE handbook of social research methods / edited by Pertti Alasuutari, Leonard Bickman, and Julia Brannen.
300.72 SIL 2011Interpreting qualitative data: a guide to the principles of qualitative research (4th ed.) / David Silverman.
300.72 SIL 2013Doing qualitative research (4th Ed.)  / David Silverman.
300.72 SIN 2010Approaches to social research (5th Ed.) / Royce A. Singleton, Jr., Bruce C. Straits.
300.72 SMI 2008Using secondary data in educational and social research / Emma Smith.
300.72 SOC 2013Social research methods (3rd ed.)/ edited by Maggie Walter.
300.72 WIL 2003Making sense of social research / Malcolm Williams.
300.72 WYS 2004Readings in social research methods (2nd ed.)/ [edited by] Diane Kholos Wysocki.
300.72094 SOC 2010Social research methods (2nd ed.)/ edited by Maggie Walter.
300.721 CRE 2014Research design : qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (4th ed.)/ John W. Creswell.
300.722 YIN 2014Case study research : design and methods (5th ed.)/ Robert K. Yin.
300.723 NAR 2014Doing survey research : a guide to quantitative methods (3rd ed.)/ Peter Nardi.
300.723 PATQualitative research and evaluation methods (3rd ed.)/ by Michael Quinn Patton.
300.724 KIR 2013Experimental design : procedures for the behavioral sciences / Roger E. Kirk.
300.727 LEV 2013Elementary statistics in social research (12th Ed.) / Jack Levin, Northeastern University, James Alan Fox, Northeastern University, David R. Forde, University of North Texas.
301 BAN 2001Visual methods in social research / Marcus Banks.
301.01 SOC 2004Social research methods : a reader / edited by Clive Seale.
301.0285678 ONL 2004Online social research : methods, issues, & ethics / edited by Mark D. Johns, Shing-Ling Sarina Chen & G. Jon Hall.
301.072 ADL 2015An invitation to social research : how it's done (5th ed.)/ Emily Stier Adler, Rhode Island College, Roger Clark, Rhode Island College.
301.072 BAB 2011Introduction to social research (5th ed.)/ Earl Babbie.
301.072 BAB 2014The basics of social research (6th Ed.) / Earl Babbie.
301.072 MARQualitative research in sociology : an introduction / Amir B. Marvasti.
301.072 NEU 2011Social research methods : qualitative and quantitative approaches (7th Ed.) / W. Lawrence Neuman.
301.072 SUL 2001Methods of social research / Thomas J. Sullivan.
301.072 TAY 2016Introduction to qualitative research methods : a guidebook and resource (4th Ed.) / Steven J. Taylor, Robert Bogdan, Marjorie L. DeVault.
301.072073 CORA MicroCase workbook for social research (3rd ed.)/ Michael Corbett, Lyne Roberts.
301.072073 STAContemporary social research methods : a text using MicroCase (3rd ed.)/ Rodney Stark, Lynne Roberts.
301.0723 BRI 2015InterViews : learning the craft of qualitative research interviewing 3rd ed.)/ Svend Brinkmann, Aalborg University, Denmark, Steinar Kvale, University of Aarhus.
301.0723 KIN 2010Interviews in qualitative research / Nigel King, Christine Horrocks.
302 DOI 2004Doing social psychology research (1st ed.)/ edited by Glynis M. Breakwell.
302.20727 ALL 2009Quantitative research in communication / Mike Allen, Scott Titsworth, Stephen K. Hunt.
302.23072 BER 2014Media and communication research methods : an introduction to qualitative and quantitative approaches (3rd ed.)/ Arthur Asa Berger.
302.23072 BRE 2013Qualitative research methods for media studies / Bonnie S. Brennen
302.34072 RES 2012Research methods for studying groups and teams : a guide to approaches, tools, and technologies / edited by Andrea B. Hollingshead and Marshall Scott Poole.
305.800721 CHI 2012Indigenous research methodologies / Bagele Chilisa.
330.01519536 BAD 2009Running regressions : a practical guide to quantitative research in economics, finance and development studies / Michelle Baddeley, Diana Barrowclough.
330.7201 CHO 2006Philosophical foundations of quantitative research methodology / Chong Ho Yu.
338.04 HAN 2007Handbook of qualitative research methods in entrepreneurship / edited by Helle Neergaard, John Parm Ulhøi.
361 TRIUse & abuses of social research in social work by Tony Tripodi.
361.0072 DAR 2002Qualitative research in practice : stories from the field / Yvonne Darlington and Dorothy Scott.
361.3072 SHAQualitative research in social work / Ian Shaw and Nick Gould.
361.30721 ALS 2013Research for social workers : an introduction to methods (3rd ed.) / Margaret Alston, and Wendy Bowles.
362.1072 BOW 2014Research methods in health : investigating health and health services (4th ed.)/ Ann Bowling.
362.1072041 AVE 2014Doing a literature review in health and social care : a practical guide (3rd Ed.) / Helen Aveyard.
364 FITResearch methods and statistics in criminal justice : an introduction (3rd ed.) / Jack D. Fitzgerald, Steven M. Cox.
364.072 HAG 2014Research methods in criminal justice and criminology (9th ed.) / Frank E. Hagan.
364.072 MAX 2001Research methods for criminal justice and criminology (3rd ed.) / Michael G. Maxfield, Earl Babbie.
370.72 BOG 2003Qualitative research for education : an introduction to theory and methods (4th Ed.) / Robert C. Bogdan, Sari Knopp Biklen.
370.72 CLA 2000Narrative inquiry : experience and story in qualitative research / D. Jean Clandinin, F. Michael Connelly.
370.72 CRE 2012Educational research : planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th ed.) / John W. Creswell.
370.72 FRA 2012How to design and evaluate research in education (8th ed.) / Jack Fraenkel, Norman Wallen, Helen, Hyun.
370.72 FRA 2015How to design and evaluate research in education (9th ed.)/ Jack R. Fraenkel, Norman E. Wallen, and Helen H. Hyun.
370.72 MUI 2011Doing quantitative research in education with SPSS (2nd ed.) / Daniel Muijs.
370.72 SCH 2006Conceptualizing and proposing qualitative research (2nd ed.) / Thomas H. Schram.
370.78 BEL 2014Doing your research project : a guide for first-time researchers (6th ed.)/ Judith Bell with Stephen Waters.
371.30281 CLI 2015Research writing simplified : a documentation guide (8th ed.)/ Raymond H. Clines, Elizabeth R. Cobb.
378.0072 REA 2003Realizing qualitative research in higher education / edited by Craig Prichard and Paul Trowler.
378.194046 WIS 2005The good supervisor : supervising postgraduate and undergraduate research for doctoral theses and dissertations / Gina Wisker.
378.242 MAD 1992Successful dissertations and theses : a guide to graduate student research from proposal to completion (2nd ed.) / David Madsen.
428 THE 2003Thesis and dissertation writing at postgraduate level : theory and classroom practice / edited by Linda Cooley and Jo Lewkowicz.
428.2 HAC 2011A writer's reference (7th Ed.) / Diana Hacker, Nancy Sommers ; contributing ESL specialist, Marcy Carbajal Van Horn.
428.24 ACA 2012Academic English : skills for success / Letty Chan ... [et al.].
428.4 WIL 2013Research : improve your reading and referencing skills (1st ed.)/ Anneli Williams.
515.9 HEA 2010The essentials of statistics : a tool for social research (2nd ed.) / Joseph F. Healey.
519.5 HEA 2012 c.2Statistics : a tool for social research (9th Ed.) / Joseph F. Healey.
519.5 HEA/DAV 2005Study guide [for] Healey's Statistics : a tool for social research (7th Ed.) / Rebecca L. Davis.
519.5 LIN 2013Basic statistics for business and economics / Douglas A. Lind, William G. Marchal, and Samuel A.Wathen.
519.5 WIL 2001Reasoning with statistics : how to read quantitative research (5th ed.) / Frederick Williams, Peter Monge.
519.50243 LEV 2011Elementary statistics in social research : the essentials / Jack Levin, James Alan Fox.
519.57 PAU 2003Applied statistical designs for the researcher / Daryl S. Paulson.
610.72 DES 2013Designing clinical research (4th ed.)/ Stephen B. Hulley ... [et al.].
616.890072 MET 2003Methodological issues & strategies in clinical research (3rd ed.)/ edited by Alan E. Kazdin.
616.8900724 KAZ 2011Single-case research designs : methods for clinical and applied settings / Alan E. Kazdin.
616.8914 LOE 2007Case studies in relational research : qualitative research methods in counselling and psychotherapy / Del Loewenthal ; with the following from the Research Centre for Therapeutic Education, Roehampton University, London, Liz Bryan ... [et al.].
650.072 ESS 2011Essentials of business research methods (2nd ed.) / Joseph F. Hair Jr. ... [et al.].
650.072 JAN 2000Business research projects (3rd ed.)/ A.D. Jankowicz.
650.072 SEK 2013Research methods for business : a skill-building approach (6th ed.) / Uma Sekaran and Roger Bougie.
657.072 REA 2008The real life guide to accounting research : a behind the scenes view of using qualitative research methods / edited by Christopher Humphrey, Bill Lee.
658.0072 BRY 2011Business research methods (3rd Ed.) / Alan Bryman, Emma Bell.
658.0072 COO 2011Business research methods (11th Ed.) / Donald R. Cooper, Pamela S. Schindler.
658.0072 TIC 2000Business research methods : a managerial approach / G. W. Ticehurst, A. J. Veal.
658.15224 COL 2014Proposal writing : effective grantsmanship (4th ed.)/ Soraya M. Coley, and Cynthia A. Scheinberg.
658.4030072 DAVBusiness research for decision making (6th Ed.) / Duane Davis, Robert M. Cosenza.
658.403072 ZIK 2013 c.2Business research methods (9th Ed.) / William G. Zikmund ... [et. al.]
658.83 HAN 2006Handbook of qualitative research methods in marketing / [edited by] Russell W. Belk.
659.2072 DAY 2002Qualitative research methods in public relations and marketing communications / Christine Daymon and Immy Holloway.
808.02 ARNResearch writing in the information age / Judith Arnold, Carol Poston, Katie Witek.
808.02 BIG 2008Succeeding with your master's dissertation : a step-by-step handbook / John Biggam.
808.02 BLO 2012Completing your qualitative dissertation : a road map from beginning to end (2nd ed.) / Linda Dale Bloomberg, Marie Volpe.
808.02 DUN 2003Authoring a PhD thesis : how to plan, draft, write, and finish a doctoral dissertation / Patrick Dunleavy.
808.02 ELL 2010McGraw-Hill's concise guide to writing research papers / Carol Ellison.
808.02 ENG/TEIHow to write a thesis = 怎樣寫主題論文 / Harry Teitelbaum ; tran. and edited by 孫明智, 張輝.
808.02 GLAWriting the winning dissertation : a step-by-step guide / Allan A. Glatthorn.
808.02 GRE 2014How to write your undergraduate dissertation (2nd ed.) / Bryan Greetham.
808.02 HOU 2009MLA : the easy way! / Peggy M. Houghton, Timothy J. Houghton ; editors, Michele M. Pratt, Sandra W. Valensky.
808.02 KAR 2010Writing with sources : a guidebook for academic writers / Krishnakumari Karuthan, Nor Azni Abdullah, Ahmad Mazli Muhammad..
808.02 LES 2012Writing research papers : a complete guide (14th ed.)/ James D. Lester, James D. Lester, Jr.
808.02 MAU 2003 c.2Guide to the successful thesis and dissertation : a handbook for students and faculty (5th ed.) / James E. Mauch, Namgi Park.
808.02 PIA 2009The qualitative dissertation : a guide for students and faculty (2nd ed.) / Maria Piantanida, Noreen B. Garman ; foreword by Frances Schoonmaker.
808.02 REA 2009REA's quick & easy guide to writing your A⁺ term paper / Staff of Research & Education Association.
808.02 ROT 1999 c.2The research paper : process, form, and content (8th ed.) / Audrey J. Roth.
808.02 SCH 2013Writing research critically : developing the power to make a difference / Jill Schostak and John Schostak.
808.02 SLA 2008Form & style : research papers, reports, theses (13th ed.) / Carole Slade, Robert Perrin.
808.02 SOL 2010The essentials of academic writing (2nd ed.)  / Derek Soles
808.02 SOR 2002 c.2How to write research papers (3rd ed.) / [Sharon Sorenson].
808.02 TEI 2003 c.2How to write a thesis (5th ed.) / Harry Teitelbaum.
808.02 TUR 2013A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations : Chicago Style for students and researchers (8th Ed.) / Kate L. Turabian ; revised by Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, and the University of Chicago Press editorial staff.
808.02 WAL 2001Your research project : a step-by-step guide for the first-time researcher / Nicholas Walliman with Bousmaha Baiche
808.02 WATWriting a thesis : a guide to long essays and dissertations / George Watson.
808.02 WIN 2012Writing the research paper : a handbook (8th ed.) / Anthony C. Winkler, Jo Ray Metherell
808.027 GIB 2009MLA handbook for writers of research papers. (7th Ed.)
808.042 ARL 2012Wordsmith : a guide to college writing (5th ed.)/ Pamela Arlov.
808.042 BAR 2013A short guide to college writing  (5th Ed.) / Sylvan Barnet, Pat Bellanca, Marcia Stubbs.
808.042 BEH 2010A sequence for academic writing (4th ed.)/ Laurence Behrens, Leonard J. Rosen.
808.042 BLAWriting workshop : promoting college success / Linda Lonon Blanton, Linda Lee
808.042 BRA 2003A writer's workshop : crafting paragraphs, building essays / Bob Brannan.
808.042 CLOA troubleshooting guide for writers : strategies and process (4th ed.)/ Barbara Fine Clouse.
808.042 CLO 2004The student writer : editor and critic (6th ed.) / Barbara Clouse.
808.042 COL 2015The college writer : a guide to thinking, writing, and researching (5th ed.) / Randall VanderMey, Verne Meyer, John Van Rys, Pat Sebranek
808.042 CUT 2007Oxford guide to plain English (2nd ed.) / Martin Cutts.
808.042 DEV 2003英文論文寫作教程 : 基於國際標準的學術寫作與發表 = International standards for students' writing / Brian Devlin.
808.042 DOR 2011 c.2Four in one : rhetoric, reader, research guide, and handbook (5th ed.)/ Edward A. Dornan, Robert Dees.
808.042 DUP 2004Writing keystones : essays and research / Leslie Dupont.
808.042 EFF 2009Effective college writing : a process-genre approach (2nd ed.)/ K.C. Lee ... [et al.]
808.042 FRYImprove your writing (5th ed.)  / by Ron Fry.
808.042 GRE 2012From inquiry to academic writing : a practical guide (2nd ed.) / Stuart Greene, April Lidinsky.
808.042 HEP 2004Writing and publishing your thesis, dissertation, and research : a guide for students in the helping professions / P. Paul Heppner, Mary J. Heppner.
808.042 KENWriting power : elements of effective writing / Laura Kent-Paxton.
808.042 LAN 2005College writing skills (6th Ed.) / John Langan.
808.042 LAN 2012Writing clearly : grammar for editing (3rd ed.)/ Janet Lane, Ellen Lange.
808.042 LUN 2003The Longwood guide to writing / Ronald F. Lunsford, Bill Bridges.
808.042 MILWriting in action / Paul Mills.
808.042 NOR 2002Making sense : a student's guide to research and writing  (4th ed.) / Margot Northey, Joan Mckibbin.
808.042 OSHIntroduction to academic writing (2nd ed.)/ Alice Oshima, Ann Hogue.
808.042 OSH 2006Writing academic English (4th ed.) / Alice Oshima, Ann Hogue.
808.042 PAG 2009Writing essays for dummies / by Mary Page, Carrie Winstanley.
808.042 RAI 2006Pocket keys for writers (2nd ed.)/ Ann Raimes.
808.042 RAM 2006The Allyn & Bacon guide to writing (4th ed.)/ John D. Ramage, John C. Bean, June Johnson.
808.042 RED 2001Good essay writing : a social sciences guide (2nd ed.) / Peter Redman.
808.042 REI 2003The Prentice Hall guide for college writers (6th ed.)/ Stephen Reid.
808.042 ROS 2007The mature student's guide to writing (2nd ed.)  / Jean Rose.
808.042 ROS 2012Writing analytically with readings (2nd ed.) / David Rosenwasser, Jill Stephen.
808.042 SAB 2011The Gregg reference manual : a manual of style, grammar, usage, and formatting (tribute ed., 11th ed.) / William A. Sabin.
808.042 SEE 2002Writing reports / John Seely ; cartoons by Beatrice Baumgartner-Cohen.
808.042 SIL 2010Rules of thumb :a guide for writers (8th ed.) / Jay Silverman, Elaine Hughes, Diana Roberts Weinbroer.
808.042 SMIWriting an assignment : effective ways to improve your research and presentation skills (4th ed.)/ Pauline Smith.
808.042 STR 2011The elements of style / by William Strunk.
808.042 STR 2012Strategies of writing reflections on English books = 教你寫好英語讀後感 (2nd ed.)/ [Author: Helen Woo].
808.042 SUB 2006The subject is writing : essays by teachers and students (4th ed.) / edited by Wendy Bishop and James Strickland.
808.042 SWA 2012Commentary for Academic writing for graduate students : essential tasks and skills (3rd ed.)/ John M. Swales & Christine B. Feak.
808.042 TUR 2000Writing essays : a guide for students in English and the humanities / Richard Marggraf Turley.
808.042 VAN 2009The college writer : a guide to thinking, writing, and researching (3rd ed.)/ Randall VanderMey ... [et al.].
808.042 VEI 2014Writing, reading, and research (9th ed.)/ Richard Veit, Christopher Gould, Kathleen Gould.
808.042 WIL 2003The craft of argument, with readings / Joseph M. Williams, Gregory G. Colomb.
808.042 WOO 2001Perspectives on argument (3rd ed.) / Nancy V. Wood.
808.042 WYR 2005Steps to writing well : with additional readings (6th ed.) / Jean Wyrick.
808.0420285 USIUsing the Internet, online services, and CD-ROMs for writing research and term papers (2nd ed.)/ edited by Charles Harmon.
808.042071 FER 2002Treatment of error in second language student writing / Dana R. Ferris.
808.042071 RES 2012The research writer : curiosity, discovery, dialogue / John Van Rys, Verne Meyer, Pat Sebranek.
808.042071 TAY 2009A student's writing guide : how to plan and write successful essays / Gordon Taylor.
808.0420711 GLE 2012The Harbrace guide to writing (concise 2th ed.)/ Cheryl Glenn.
808.0420712 WAR 2007The basics of essay writing / Nigel Warburton.
808.042076 YAG 2015The Essentials of writing : ten core concepts / Robert P. Yagelski.
808.0427 BARThe practical guide to writing : with readings and handbook (8th ed.)/ Sylvan Barnet, Marcia Stubbs, Pat Bellanca.
808.0427 BIS 2004On writing : a process reader / Wendy Bishop.
808.0427 BUS 2002A reader for developing writers (5th ed.)/ Santi V. Buscemi.
808.0427 JAMReading literature and writing argument (2nd ed.)/ Missy James, Alan P. Merickel.
808.0427 KEM 2003Adventures in writing : an introduction to the writing process with readings / Adam U. Kempler.
808.0427 NAD 2005The Longman reader (7th ed.) / Judith Nadell, John Langan, Eliza A. Comodromos.
808.0427 ONE 2002One hundred great essays / edited by Robert DiYanni.
808.0427 REA 2010Reading and critical thinking / Teoh Swee Ai ... [et. al.]
808.0428 BAI 2015Academic writing : a handbook for international students (4th Ed.) / Stephen Bailey.
808.0428 SWA 2012Academic writing for graduate students : essential tasks and skills (3rd ed.)/ John M. Swales & Christine B. Feak.
808.06 AND 2001 c.2Assignment and thesis writing (4th Ed.)  / Jonathan Anderson and Millicent Poole.
808.066 JAYHow to write proposals and reports that get results / Ros Jay.
808.066001 THO 2006Writing and presenting research / Angela Thody.
808.066001 WOO 2006Successful writing for qualitative researchers (2nd Ed.) / Peter Woods.
808.06615 BUR 2010An interactive approach to writing essays and research reports in psychology (3rd ed.)/ Lorelle J. Burton.
808.06615 FIN 2003How to write psychology laboratory reports and essays (3rd ed.)/ Bruce Findlay.
808.06615 ROS 2012Writing papers in psychology : proposals, research papers, literature reviews, poster presentations and concise reports (9th ed.)/ Ralph L. Rosnow and Mimi Rosnow.
808.06615 STE 2010The psychologist's companion : a guide to writing scientific papers for students and researchers (5th ed.) / Robert J. Sternberg, Karin Sternberg.
808.06615 SZU 2014Writing with style : APA style made easy (6th Ed.) / Lenore T. Szuchman.
808.0663 LES 2006 c.2Writing research papers in the social sciences / James D. Lester, James D. Lester, Jr.
808.0663 ROB 2007How to do a research project : a guide for undergraduate students / Colin Robson.
808.0663 SZU 2011 c.2Writing with style : APA style for social work (4th Ed.) / Lenore T. Szuchman, Barbara Thomlison.
808.06630223 STO 2009Writing for the mass media (7th ed.)/ James Glen Stovall.
808.066305 EME 2011Writing ethnographic fieldnotes (2nd ed.) / Robert M. Emerson, Rachel I. Fretz, Linda L. Shaw.
808.06634 POW 2010Writing for law / Dave Powell, Emma Teare.
808.066361 LYO 2010The dissertation : from beginning to end / Peter Lyons, Howard J. Doueck.
808.06636132 WAT 2013Report writing for social workers / Jane Watt.
808.066378 COO 2003Dissertation writing in practice : turning ideas into text / Linda Cooley and Jo Lewkowicz.
808.066378 JOY 2013Writing the winning thesis or dissertation : a step-by-step guide (3rd ed.) / Randy L. Joyner, William A. Rouse, Allan A. Glatthorn.
808.066378 MUR 2011 c.2How to write a thesis (3rd ed.) / Rowena Murray.
808.066378 ROB 2010The dissertation journey : a practical and comprehensive guide to planning, writing, and defending your dissertation (2nd ed.) / Carol M. Roberts.
808.066378 WAL 2004Your undergraduate dissertation : the essential guide for success / Nicholas Walliman.
808.06641 BIT 2010Writing an applied linguistics thesis or dissertation : a guide to presenting empirical research / John Bitchener.
808.0666 WOLWriting up qualitative research / Harry F. Wolcott.
808.06665 BAN 2012Writing for impact / Tim Banks.
808.06665 FOR 2010How to write reports and proposals (Rev. 2nd ed.)/ Patrick Forsyth.
808.06665 NET 2002 c.3Guide to report writing / Michael Netzley, Craig Snow.
808.066651 BLI 2001Writing reports to get results : quick, effective results using the pyramid method (3rd ed.) / Ron S. Blicq, Lisa A. Moretto.
808.066658 FISResearching and writing a dissertation for business students / Colin Fisher with John Buglear ... [et al.].
808.066658 RES 2000Researching and writing dissertations in business and management (1st ed.)/ Michael Riley ... [et al.].
808.066741 HEL 2012Writing and research for graphic designers : a designer's manual to strategic communication and presentation / Steven Heller.
808.0668 BAR 2012A short guide to writing about literature (12th Ed.) / Sylvan Barnet, William E. Cain.
808.0668 MCM 2005Literature and the writing process (7th ed.)/ Elizabeth McMahan, Susan X Day, Robert Funk.
808.0668 ROB 2003Literature : an introduction to reading and writing  (2nd compact ed.) / Edgar V. Roberts, Henry E. Jacobs.
L 340.072 BAH 2007Hong Kong legal research : methods and skills / John Bahrij.
L 340.072 BOT 2012Nemes and Coss' effective legal research  (5th ed.) / Bruce Bott, and Ruth Talbot-Stokes.
L 340.072 COT 1997 c.2Legal research : a guide for Hong Kong students / Jill Cottrell.
L 340.072 THO 2006Effective legal research / by Philip A. Thomas, John Knowles.
L 340.072 WAT 2009Concise legal research (6th ed.)  / Robert Watt, Francis Johns.
L 340.072041 CLI 2001Using a law library : a student's guide to  legal research  skills (2nd ed.) / Peter Clinch.
L 340.072041 TUN 1992Legal research : law-finding and problem-solving / Victor Tunkel.
L 340.072073 MORDoing legal research : a guide for social scientists and mental health professionals / Roberta Morris, Bruce D. Sales, Daniel W. Shuman.
L 340.072073 PRIEffective legal research / Miles O. Price, Harry Bitner.
Links Title
e-book100 more research topic guides for students / Dana McDougald.
e-book53 interesting ways to communicate your research / edited by Irenee Daly and Aoife Brophy Haney ; cover design, Benn Linfield ; cover image, Rika Newcombe.
e-bookA guide to doing statistics in second language research using SPSS and R / Jenifer Larson-Hall.
e-bookA mathematics course for political and social research / Will H. Moore & David A. Siegel.
e-bookA nurse's step-by-step guide to writing your dissertation or capstone / Karen Roush ; Sigma Theta Tau International.
e-bookA tale of two cultures : qualitative and quantitative research in the social sciences / Gary Goertz and James Mahoney.
e-bookAcademic vocabulary in context / David Hirsh.
e-bookAcademic writing and plagiarism : a linguistic analysis / Diane Pecorari.
e-bookAll about personal & newer forms of academic and artistic writing / Harriette Bevins.
e-bookAll about standard forms of academic writing & academic document types / Greta Olivo.
e-bookAnalysis of variance and functional measurement : a practical guide / David J. Weiss.
e-bookAnalyzing quantitative data : an introduction for social researchers / Debra Wetcher-Hendricks.
e-bookApplying social science : the role of social research in politics, policy and practice / David Byrne.
e-bookAppraising and using social research in the human services : an introduction for social work and health professionals / Michael Sheppard.
e-bookApproaches to social research : the case of deaf studies / Alys Young, Bogusia Temple.
e-bookBasic statistics for social research / Robert A. Hanneman, Augustine J. Kposowa, Mark Riddle.
e-bookBetter writing : beyond periods and commas / Travis Koll.
e-bookBlock designs : analysis, combinatorics, and applications / Damaraju Raghavarao, Lakshmi V. Padgett.
e-bookBooher's rules of business grammar : 101 fast and easy ways to correct the most common errors / Dianna Booher.
e-bookBusiness Research : Enjoy Creating, Developing and Writing Your Business Project.
e-bookCausal inference for statistics, social, and biomedical sciences : an introduction / Guido W. Imbens & Donald B. Rubin.
e-bookChallenges in writing your dissertation : coping with the emotional, interpersonal, and spiritual struggles / Noelle Sterne.
e-bookChinese students' writing in English : implications from a corpus-driven study / Maria Leedham.
e-bookCognitive psychology research developments / Stella P. Weingarten and Helena O. Penat, editors.
e-bookCombining methods in educational and social research / Stephen Gorard with Chris Taylor.
e-bookCommunication research statistics / John C. Reinard.
e-bookConceptual foundations of social research methods (2nd ed.) / David Baronov.
e-bookCreate, compose, connect! : reading, writing, and learning with digital tools / Jeremy Hyler and Troy Hicks.
e-bookCreating connectedness : the role of social research in innovation policy / Bjøn Gustavsen, Håkon Finne, Bo Oscarsson.
e-bookCritical views on teaching and learning English around the globe : qualitative research approaches / edited by José Aldemar Álvarez V. [and three others].
e-bookDanger in the field : risk and ethics in social research / edited by Geraldine Lee-Treweek and Stephanie Linkogle.
e-bookDesign and analysis of ecological experiments / edited by Samuel M. Scheiner and Jessica Gurevitch.
e-bookDesign and analysis of experiments / Angela Dean, Daniel Voss.
e-bookDesigning and reporting experiments in psychology (3rd ed.) / Peter Harris.
e-bookDestination dissertation : a traveler's guide to a done dissertation (2nd ed.) / Sonja K. Foss and William Waters.
e-bookDeveloping academic literacy / George Blue (ed.).
e-bookDeveloping writing skills in Chinese (2nd ed.) / Boping Yuan and Kan Qian.
e-bookDialogue, science and academic writing / Zohar Livnat.
e-bookDissertation on predestination and grace / G.W. Leibniz ; translated, edited, and with an introduction by Michael J. Murray ; additional contributions by George Wright.
e-bookDissertationes / Maximus Tyrius ; edidit Michael B. Trapp.
e-bookDissertations on the history of metaphysical and ethical : and of mathematical and physical science / by Dugald Stewart [and others].
e-bookDo it yourself social research (3rd ed.) / Yoland Wadsworth.
e-bookDoing a literature review in health and social care : a practical guide (2nd ed.) / Helen Aveyard.
e-bookDoing a research project in English studies : a guide for students / Louisa Buckingham.
e-bookDoing educational research in rural settings : methodological issues, international perspectives and practical solutions / edited by Simone White and Michael Corbett.
e-bookDoing interview-based qualitative research : a learner's guide / Eva Magnusson, Jeanne Marecek.
e-bookDoing qualitative research : circles within circles / Margot Ely ; with Margaret Anzul ... [et al.].
e-bookDoing qualitative research : the craft of naturalistic inquiry / Joost Beuving and Geert de Vries.
e-bookEffect size for ANOVA designs / Jose M. Cortina, Hossein Nouri.
e-bookEngaged scholarship : a guide for organizational and social research / Andrew H. Van de Ven.
e-bookEssential statistics for the pharmaceutical sciences / Philip Rowe.
e-bookEssentials of business research methods (3rd ed.) / Joe F. Hair, Jr. ... [et al.].
e-bookEssentials of social research / Linda Kalof, Amy Dan and Thomas Dietz.
e-bookExperimental design : a handbook and dictionary for medical and behavioral research / by J. Krauth.
e-bookExperimental psychology research trends / Eleanor B. Hartonek, editor.
e-bookExtending social research : application, implementation and publication / [edited by] Gayle Letherby, Paul Bywaters ; with Zoebia Ali ... [et al.].
e-bookFaculty mentor's wisdom : conceptualizing, writing, and defending the dissertation / edited by Raymond L. Calabrese, Page A. Smith.
e-bookFieldwork, participation and practice : ethics and dilemmas in qualitative research / Marlene de Laine.
e-bookFind the information you need! : resources and techniques for making decisions, solving problems, and answering questions / Cheryl Knott.
e-bookFoundations of education research : understanding theoretical components / Joy Egbert and Sherry Sanden.
e-bookFrom dissertation to book (2nd ed.) / William Germano.
e-bookFundamentals of qualitative research / Johnny Saldaña.
e-bookFundamentals of statistical experimental design and analysis / Robert G. Easterling.
e-bookGetting it right : the essential elements of a dissertation (2nd ed.) / Raymond L. Calabrese.
e-bookGround rules for social research : guidelines for good practice (2nd ed.) / by Martyn Denscombe.
e-bookHandbook for clinical research : design, statistics, and implementation / editors, Flora M. Hammond, James F. Malec, Todd G. Nick, Ralph M. Buschbacher.
e-bookHandbook of writing research / edited by Charles A. MacArthur, Steve Graham, and Jill Fitzgerald.
e-bookHow to do your dissertation in geography and related disciplines (3rd ed.) / Tony Parsons and Peter G. Knight.
e-bookHow to finish and defend your dissertation : strategies to complete the professional practice doctrine / Cynthia Grant and Daniel R. Tomal.
e-bookHow to get research published in journals (2nd ed.) / Abby Day.
e-bookHow to write / Alastair Fowler.
e-bookHow to write a paper (5th ed.) / edited by George M. Hall.
e-bookHow to write a thesis (3rd ed.) / Rowena Murray.
e-bookHow to write reports and proposals (Rev. 2nd ed.) / Patrick Forsyth.
e-bookIn search of scientific excellence : scientists' guide to public funding / F. van den Beemt, P. de Zoete.
e-bookIndigenous statistics : a quantitative research methodology / Maggie Walter and Chris Andersen.
e-bookIn-laws and outlaws : lessons in research and friendship and a report from the Archives / Sarah Barringer Gordon.
e-bookInternational and foreign legal research : a coursebook / Marci Hoffman, Mary Rumsey.
e-bookInterviewing and representation in qualitative research / John Schostak.
e-bookInterviewing as qualitative research : a guide for researchers in education and the social sciences (4th ed.) / Irving Seidman.
e-bookIntroducing qualitative research in psychology (3rd ed.) / Carla Willig.
e-bookIntroducing social research methods : essentials for getting the edge / Janet M. Ruane.
e-bookIntroduction to qualitative research methods : a guidebook and resource (4th ed.) / Steven J. Taylor, Robert Bogdan, Marjorie L. DeVault.
e-bookIntroduction to the philosophy of social research / Malcolm Williams & Tim May ; with Richard D. Wiggins.
e-bookIntroduction to research methods and data analysis in the health sciences / Gareth Hagger-Johnson.
e-bookIntroductory statistics for the behavioral sciences / Joan Welkowitz, Barry H. Cohen, R. Brooke Lea.
e-bookIssues in conducting research with and about older persons / Marshall B. Kapp, editor.
e-bookLegal research and writing (4th ed.) / Ted Tjaden. (2016)
e-bookLegal information : what it is and where to find it (2nd ed.) / Peter Clinch.
e-bookLinguistic profiles : going from form to meaning via statistics / Julia Kuznetsova.
e-bookMaking it count : the improvement of social research and theory / Stanley Lieberson.
e-bookMaking the implicit explicit : creating performance expectations for the dissertation / Barbara E. Lovitts.
e-bookMastering your business dissertation : how to conceive, research, and write a good business dissertation / Robert Lomas.
e-bookMeanings and motivation in education research / edited by Margaret M. Baguley, Yvonne S. Findlay and Martin C. Kerby.
e-bookMethods in writing process research / Dagmar Knorr, Carmen Heine, Jan Engberg (eds.).
e-bookMethods of randomization in experimental design / Valentim R. Alferes.
e-bookMobile business research : recent advances and future prospects / guest editor Dr. George M Giaglis.
e-bookModel risk in financial markets : from financial engineering to risk management / Radu Tunaru.
e-bookNew qualitative research methodologies in management / guest editor, Simone Guercini.
e-bookObsessed with the doctoral theses : what is the supervision and support the doctorates tell to need in the phases of dissertation process? / Kaarina Määttä.
e-bookOptimal design of experiments : a case study approach / Peter Goos, Bradley Jones.
e-bookParticipatory action research : theory and methods for engaged inquiry / Jacques M. Chevalier and Daniel J. Buckles.
e-bookPathways through writing blocks in the academic environment / Kate Evans.
e-bookPlain language and ethical action : dialogic approach to technical content in the twenty-first century / Russell Willerton.
e-bookPlanning your research and how to write it / [edited by] Aziz Nather.
e-bookPreparing research articles / Bruce A. Thyer.
e-bookPrinciples of research in behavioral science (3rd ed.) / Bernard E. Whitley, Jr., Mary E. Kite ; with contributions by Heather L. Adams.
e-bookProfessional academic writing in the humanities and social sciences / Susan Peck MacDonald.
e-bookProgress in applied statistics research / M. Ahsanullah, editor.
e-bookQualitative networks : mixing methods in social research / Elisa Bellotti.
e-bookQualitative research : good decision making through understanding people, cultures and markets / Sheila Keegan.
e-bookQualitative research and the modern library / Valeda Dent Goodman.
e-bookQualitative research design for software users / Silvana di Gregorio, Judith Davidson.
e-bookQualitative research for tobacco control : a how-to introductory manual for researchers and development practitioners.
e-bookQualitative research from start to finish (2nd ed.) / Robert K. Yin.
e-bookQualitative research in action / edited by Tim May.
e-bookQualitative Research in Business : A Practical Overview [electronic resource].
e-bookQualitative research in criminology / Jody Miller and Wilson R. Palacios, editors.
e-bookQualitative research in finance / guest editor Bruce Burton.
e-bookQualitative research in gambling : exploring the production and consumption of risk / edited by Rebecca Cassidy, Andrea Pisac and Claire Loussouarn.
e-bookQualitative research in nursing and healthcare (3rd ed.) / Immy Holloway, Stephanie Wheeler.
e-bookQualitative research in psychology : expanding perspectives in methodology and design / edited by Paul M. Camic, Jean E. Rhodes, Lucy Yardley.
e-bookQualitative research in social work / [edited by] Ian Shaw and Nick G. Gould.
e-bookQualitative research in sociology : an introduction / Amir B. Marvasti.
e-bookQualitative research in the health sciences : methodologies, methods, and processes / Bev Taylor and Karen Francis.
e-bookQualitative research in the study of leadership / Karin Klenke ; with guest chapters by Suzanne Martin, J. Randall Wallace.
e-bookQualitative research interviewing : biographic narrative and semi-structured methods / Tom Wengraf.
e-bookQualitative research methods for psychologists : introduction to empirical studies / [edited] by Constance T. Fischer.
e-bookQualitative research methods in consumer psychology : ethnography and culture / edited by Paul M.W. Hackett.
e-bookQualitative research methods in mental health and psychotherapy : a guide for students and practitioners / edited by David Harper and Andrew R. Thompson.
e-bookQualitative research methods in psychology : combining core approaches / Nollaig Frost.
e-bookQualitative research on sport and physical culture / edited by Kevin Young, Michael Atkinson.
e-bookQualitative research practice / edited by Clive Seale ... [et al.].
e-bookQualitative research skills for social work : theory and practice / Malcolm Carey.
e-bookQualitative research through case studies / Max Travers.
e-bookQuantitative data analysis : doing social research to test ideas (1st ed.)/ Donald J. Treiman.
e-bookQuantitative research in education : a primer / Wayne K. Hoy.
e-bookQuantitative social research methods / Kultar Singh.
e-bookQuantity and quality in social research / Alan Bryman.
e-bookR data analysis without programming / David W. Gerbing.
e-bookRebuilding research writing : strategies for sparking informational inquiry / Nanci Werner-Burke, Karin Knaus, and Amy Helt DeCamp.
e-bookRelating statistics and experimental design : an introduction / by Irwin P. Levin.
e-bookReliability and validity in qualitative research / Jerome Kirk, Marc L. Miller.
e-bookRepeated measures design for empirical researchers / J.P. Verma.
e-bookReport Writing [electronic resource].
e-bookReporting research : a biologist's guide to articles, talks and posters / R.S. Clymo, Queen Mary University of London, UK.
e-bookResearch & evaluation methods / the editors of Salem Press.
e-bookResearch methods for business & management : a guide to writing your dissertation (2nd ed.)/ Kevin O'Gorman and Robert MacIntosh.
e-bookResearch shortcuts (Rev. ed.)/ Judi Kesselman-Turkel and Franklynn Peterson.
e-bookResearch in the college context : approaches and methods (2nd ed.)/ edited by Frances K. Stage and Kathleen Manning.
e-bookResearch methodology : from philosophy of science to research design / Alexander M. Novikov, Dmitry A. Novikov
e-bookResearch Methodology for Health Professionals [electronic resource].
e-bookResearch methods for English studies (2nd ed.)/ edited by Gabriele Griffin.
e-bookResearch methods for law / edited by Mike McConville and Wing Hong Chui.
e-bookResearch methods in health communication : principles and application / edited by Bryan B. Whaley.
e-bookResearch methods in law / edited by Dawn Watkins and Mandy Burton.
e-bookResearch methods in occupational health psychology : measurement, design, and data analysis / edited by Robert R. Sinclair, Mo Wang, Lois E. Tetrick.
e-bookResearch methods in psychology / editor-in-chief, Irving B. Weiner.
e-bookResearch methods in public administration and nonprofit management : quantitative and qualitative approaches (3rd ed.)/ David E. McNabb.
e-bookResearching beneath the surface : psycho-social research methods in practice / edited by Simon Clarke and Paul Hoggett.
e-bookSample size calculations for clustered and longitudinal outcomes in clinical research / Chul Ahn, Moonseong Heo & Song Zhang.
e-bookScientific papers and presentations (3rd ed.)/ Martha Davis, Kaaron J. Davis, Marion M. Dunagan.
e-bookSecrets to writing great papers / Judi Kesselman-Turkel and Franklynn Peterson.
e-bookSmall-scale research : pragmatic inquiry in social science and the caring professions / Peter T. Knight.
e-bookSnapshot survey : quick, affordable marketing research for every organization / Lloyd Corder.
e-bookSocial research : issues, methods and process (4th ed.)/ Tim May.
e-bookSocial research : theory, methods and techniques / Piergiorgio Corbetta ; translated from the Italian by Bernard Patrick.
e-bookSociology and social research / Geoff Payne ... [et al.].
e-bookSpatial analysis for the social sciences / David Darmofal.
e-bookStatistical analysis of designed experiments / Helge Toutenburg.
e-bookStatistical methods and reasoning for the clinical sciences : evidence-based practice / Eiki B. Satake.
e-bookStatistical methods in psychiatry research and SPSS / M. Venkataswamy Reddy.
e-bookStatistical principles in experimental design / B. J. Winer.
e-bookStatistical testing strategies in the health sciences / Albert Vexler, Alan D. Hutson & Xiwei Chen.
e-bookStylish academic writing / Helen Sword.
e-bookSuccessful scientific writing : a step-by-step guide for the biological and medical sciences (4th ed.)/ Janice R. Matthews, Robert W. Matthews.
e-bookSuccessful writing for qualitative researchers / Peter Woods.
e-bookSupervising and writing a good undergraduate dissertation / editors, Roisin Donnelly, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland, John Dallat, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Ireland & Marian Fitzmaurice, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland.
e-bookSynthesising qualitative research : choosing the right approach / edited by Karin Hannes, Craig Lockwood.
e-bookSystematic synthesis of qualitative research / Michael Saini and Aron Shlonsky.
e-bookSystematic synthesis of qualitative research / Michael Saini, Aron Shlonsky.
e-bookTaking sides in social research : essays on partisanship and bias / Martyn Hammersley.
e-bookTalk and interaction in social research methods / edited by Paul Drew, Geoffrey Raymond and Darin Weinberg.
e-bookTeaching to avoid plagiarism : how to promote good source use / Diane Pecorari.
e-bookThe action research dissertation : a guide for students and faculty / Kathryn Herr, Gary L. Anderson.
e-bookThe design and conduct of meaningful experiments involving human participants : 25 scientific principles / R. Barker Bausell.
e-bookThe dissertation : a guide for architecture students (3rd ed.)/ Iain Borden and Katerina Rüedi Ray.
e-bookThe dissertation : from beginning to end / Peter Lyons, Howard J. Doueck.
e-bookThe handbook of rational choice social research / edited by Rafael Wittek, Tom A.B. Snijders, and Victor Nee.
e-bookThe nuts & bolts of college writing (2nd ed.) / Michael Harvey.
e-bookThe pragmatics of academic writing : a relevance approach to the analysis of research article introductions / Nicola T. Owtram.
e-bookThe psychiatric report : principles and practice of forensic writing / [edited by] Alec Buchanan, Michael A. Norko.
e-bookThe psychology research companion : from student project to working life (1st ed.)/ Jessica S. Horst.
e-bookThe qualitative researcher's companion / [edited by] A. Michael Huberman and Matthew B. Miles.
e-bookThe quiet power of indicators : measuring governance, corruption, and the rule of law / edited by Sally Engle Merry, Kevin E. Davis & Benedict.
e-bookThe Research project : how to write it (4th ed.)/ Ralph Berry.
e-bookThe researcher experience in qualitative research / Susan Diemert Moch and Marie F. Gates, editors.
e-bookTrends and perspectives in empirical social research / editors, Ingwer Borg and Peter Ph. Mohler.
e-bookUnderstanding and applying research design / Martin Lee Abbott, Jennifer McKinney.
e-bookUnderstanding and doing successful research : data collection and analysis for the social sciences / Shaun Best.
e-bookUnderstanding social research : thinking creatively about method / edited by Jennifer Mason and Angela Dale.
e-bookUsing IBM SPSS statistics for social statistics and research methods / William E. Wagner, III.
e-bookUsing published data : errors and remedies / Herbert Jacob.
e-bookUsing secondary data in educational and social research / Emma Smith.
e-bookUsing software in qualitative research : a step-by-step guide / Ann Lewins and Christina Silver.
e-bookVideo methods : social science research in motion (1st ed.)/ edited by Charlotte Bates.
e-bookVisual methods in social research / Marcus banks.
e-bookWhat are qualitative research ethics? / Rose Wiles.
e-bookWhy does narrative need rescuing from qualitative research? / [writer and] speaker, Paul Atkinson.
e-bookWorld class quality : using design of experiments to make it happen / Keki R. Bhote, Adi K. Bhote.
e-bookWrite great essays (2nd ed.)/ Peter Levin.
e-bookWriting dissertation and grant proposals : epidemiology, preventive medicine and biostatistics / Lisa Chasan-Taber, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA.
e-bookWriting up qualitative research (3rd ed.)/ Harry F. Wolcott.
e-bookWriting better essays / Chris Baker, Ross Vermeer.
e-bookWriting education research : guidelines for publishable scholarship / Joy Egbert and Sherry Sanden.
e-bookWriting essays : a guide for students in English and the humanities (2nd ed.) / Richard Marggraf Turley.
e-bookWriting for conferences : a handbook for graduate students and faculty / Leo Mallette and Clare Berger.
e-bookWriting for publication / Debbie Epstein & Jane Kenway & Rebecca Boden.
e-bookWriting human factors research papers : a guidebook / Don Harris
e-bookWriting in psychology / Scott A. Miller.
e-bookWriting in social spaces : a social processes approach to academic writing / Rowena Murray.
e-bookWriting in the devil's tongue : a history of English composition in China / Xiaoye You.
e-bookWriting reports for court : a practical guide for psychologists working in forensic contexts (1st ed.)/ Jack White, Andrew Day and Louisa Hackett.
e-bookWriting strategies that work : do this, not that / Lori G. Wilfong.
e-bookWriting up your university assignments and research projects : a practical handbook / Neil Murray and Geraldine Hughes.
e-bookWriting your doctoral dissertation : invisible rules for success / Rita S. Brause.
e-bookYour chemical science thesis : an introductory guide to writing up your research project / [written and edited by Natalie Mansfield].
Links Title
電子書研究論文的實踐 : 國小老師的經驗 (初版)/ 那昇華, 洪毓琄著.
電子書專題製作理論與呈現技巧. Office 2010版 (三版)/ 楊仁元, 張顯盛, 林家德編著.
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電子書學術論文寫作指引 : 文科適用 (再版) / 林慶彰著.
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online video12 Common Errors in Academic English – and how to fix them!
online video15 Writing Apps to Help You Write Papers and Essays Faster - College Info Geek
online video5 tips to improve your writing
online video6 Mistakes to avoid when writing your research paper (Part 1)
online video6 Mistakes to avoid when writing your research paper (Part 2)
online videoAcademic report: conclusion and recommendations / Keenan Manning (PolyU)
online videoAcademic Report: Overall Structure / Keenan Manning (PolyU)
online videoAnalysing your Interviews / University of Southampton
online videoAngela Lee Duckworth: Grit: The power of passion and perseverance
online videoAPA in Minutes: In-Text Citations / Humber Libraries
online videoAPA Referencing: Electronic Sources (Massey University)
online videoAPA Referening: the Basics (Massey University)
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online videoBasic Research Skills / Ashan R. Hampton
online videoBrené Brown: The power of vulnerability
online videoBroad versus Narrow Research Topics/ TCC Library
online videoCommon Errors in Scholarly Writing: Practices to Avoid / David Passmore
online videoCreating a Good Research Question / CII Georgia State University
online videoEffective Writing for Scholarly Work / Dr. Kathleen Andrews. (Calfiornia Southern University)
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online videoEndNoteTraining
online videoExperimental Designs in Social Research
online videoFundamentals of Qualitative Research Methods / Dr. Leslie Curry. (Yale University)
online videoGet Lit: The Literature Review / Dr. Candace Hastings (University writing centre)
online videoGetting started with Nvivo / Library La Trobe University
online videoGraduate Academic Writing / Dr. David Beach (West Virginia University)
online videoHow to Conduct Effective Research: A Key Process for Students in Writing
online videoHow to Develop a Good Research Topic / Library of Kansas State University
online videoHow to do a research interview / Graham R Gibbs (University of Huddersfield)
online videoHow to Reference your work (University of Westminster)
online videoHow To Use EndNote in 7 Minutes / EndNoteTeaching
online videoHow to write a conclusion
online videoHow to Write a Conclusion Paragraph / David Taylor (University of Maryland University College)
online videoHow to write a good essay: Paraphrasing the question
online videoHow to Write a Great Research Paper / Professor Simon Peyton Jones (Mircosoft Research)
online videoHow to Write a Literature Review / David Taylor (University of Maryland University College)
online videoHow to Write a Research Paper (Part 1) / Dr. Jessica Riddell. (Bishop's University)
online videoHow to Write a Research Paper (Part 2) / Dr. Jessica Riddell. (Bishop's University)
online videoHow to Write an APA Abstract / David Taylor (University of Maryland University College)
online videoImporting PDFs into EndNote from your computer
online videoInstalling RefWorks Citation Manager for Word 2016
online videoIntroduction to academic research / Laurentian University
online videoIntroduction to Citation Managers
online videoIntroduction to Experimental Design / Ruth Carver
online videoIntroductory Statistics (8 vidoes)
online videoKristine Florczak about Research
online videoLanguage tips to improve academic writing / John McDonald (Editage)
online videoLearn to Use Legacy RefWorks in 20 minutes
online videoLiterature Review (Part Three): Outline and Write the Review of Literature / David Taylor (University of Maryland University College)
online videoMap, tables, charts and diagrams in qualitative data analysis / Graham R Gibbs (University of Huddersfield)
online videoMapping Your Research Ideas / UCLA Library
online videoMLA In-Text Citations (Step-by-Step Guide)
online videoNew RefWorks
online videoNVivo Tutorials
online videoPanel Discussion: How to do good research and have a successful career in Research / Microsoft Research
online videoParaphrasing: How to Avoid Plagiarism in Research Papers with Paraphrases & Quotations / David Taylor (University of Maryland University College)
online videoQualitative analysis of interview data: A step-by-step guide / Kent Löfgren (Umeå University)
online videoQualitative Analysis: Coding and Categorizing Data | Philip Adu, PhD
online videoQualitative Data Analysis with NVIVO (Standford School of Medicine)
online videoRefWorks Add-on for Google Docs
online videoRefWorks Citation Manager for Word 2016
online videoRefWorks操作教學
online videoResearch Methodology Design / Dr Kerris Dillon
online videoSeth Godin: How to get your ideas to spread
online videoShaping your topic and starting your research / Laurentian Library
online videoSheena Iyengar: How to make choosing easier
online videoSix Step Research Process / TCC Library
online videoSocial Research Methods and Design (29 vidoes) / Graham R Gibbs. (University of Huddersfield)
online videoStop, Thief! Avoiding Plagiarism by Paraphrasing / Emily Nimsakont (University of Nebraska Lincoln College of Law)
online videoStuart Firestein: The pursuit of ignorance
online videoThe Perfect Proposal / Teaxs A&M University Writing sertre.
online videoThe Research Proposal (Massey University)
online videoTriangulation in Qualitative Research Podcast - Short Version / Danny G.
online videoUsing APA style for references and citations / Ben Phillips (Union University)
online videoUsing Zotero / UNC Park Library
online videoUsing Zotero for academic writing
online videoWriting a dissertation / CDS (University of Leicester)
online videoWriting For Publication / Dr. Bruce Thompson (Texas A&M University)
online videoWriting the Introduction to Your Research Project / Dr. Michael Strange (Roskilde University)
online videoWriting the Literature Review (Part One): Step-by-Step Tutorial for Graduate Students / David Taylor (University of Maryland University College)
online videoWriting the Literature Review (Part Two): Step-by-Step Tutorial for Graduate Students / David Taylor (University of Maryland University College)
online videoWriting the Thesis / Massey University
online videoWriting-up Qualitative Research / Graham R Gibbs (University of Huddersfield)
online video行文如旅:如何寫一篇學術論文 / 陳振宇 (國立臺灣師範大學)
online video研究方法與論文寫作1-5 / 黃偉倫教授 (高雄師範大學)
online video研究生論文計畫的十大迷思 / 趙貞怡教授 (國立臺北教育大學)
online video基礎統計(共28視頻) (國立交通大學)
online video統計學(共15視頻) (國立臺灣大學)
online video漫談社會科學研究方法論 (蒙志成教授)
English Websites
5 smart ways students can use Google Scholar
9 tips every teacher should know about Google Scholar
A Format for Research Proposals
A Guide for Authors: Avoid simple mistakes
Advanced Workshop in Writing for Social Sciences and Architecture (MIT Open Courseware)
APA Style
Citation and Style Guide Help: General Style Information
Citation Machine
Content Analysis | Colorado State University
Data Collection Method | University of Wisconsin Eau Claire
Database Search Tips: Keywords vs. subjects
Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources
Doctoral Seminar in Research Methods I (MIT Open Courseware)
Doctoral Seminar in Research Methods II (MIT Open Courseware)
EndNote: Getting Started Guide
ERIC | Institute of Education Sciences
Generating a Research Hypothesis | University of Wisconsin Eau Claire
Google Scholar
Harvard Guide to Using Sources
How to select a research topic (University of Michigan-Flint)
How to write a thesis proposal with 5 smooth tips + FREE template
How to Write References (U. of Stirling)
Information Skills Modules (VirginiaTech University Libraries)
Introduction to LaTeX - Writing papers the right way (MIT)
Legal Research and Writing: Ted Tjaden
Managing Your Data: Data Management at UIC
Measuring your Impact | University of Illinois
Methodology | UNESCO
New RefWorks (Libguide)
NVivo 11: Up and running | University of Oxford
NVivo for beginners
OCLC Research
On the art of writing proposals | Social Science Research Council
Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper (U. of Southern California Libraries)
Purdue Online Writing Lab
Qualitative Research Consultants Association
Qualitative Research Guidelines Project | Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Qualitative Research: Design and Methods (MIT Open Courseware)
Quantitative research in education | Stanford University Libraries
RefWorks and Other Citation Management Tools: Which One?
RefWorks: Quick start guide
RefWorks: Tutorial
Research Design for Policy Analysis and Planning (MIT Open Courseware)
Research Guides | USC Libraries
Research Methodology
Research Methods | SkilleYouNeed
SAGE researchmethods
Sample research proposals | The University of Western Australia
Step-by-Step Guide & Research Rescue (Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young U.)
Subject & Course Guides | University of Illinois at Chicago
Survival Skills for Researchers: The Responsible Conduct of Research (MIT Open Courseware)
The Canadian Legal Research and Writing Guide
The Chicago Manual of Style Online
The four main approaches: Types of research(Alzheimer Europe)
The LaTeX for Linguists Home Page
The MLA Style Center: Formating a Research Paper
The Not So Short: Introduction to LATEX 2e
The Office of Research Integrity | U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services
The Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities
The Proposal Writer's Guide | University of Michigan
The Writing Center | The University of Wisconsin - Madison
Top ten database search tips
UW-Madison Writer's Handbook
Web Center for Social Research Methods
Why using NVivo for a literature review can be helpful
Writing a Dissertation or Thesis
Writing Papers in LATEX
Zotero (A Research Tool)
Zotero (Tutorial videos)
Zotero at MIT

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5/F Library Complex

Display period:
4 Sep – 13 Oct 2017

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