Chinese Books

書號 中文書目
001143.69 1307 2009學習樂觀。樂觀學習 : 掌握正向思考的訣竅 : 提昇EQ的ABCDE法則 / Martin E. P. Seligman著 ; 洪蘭譯.
002161 804 1987人的潛能和價值 / [美]馬斯洛等著 ; 林方主編.
003170 506 2013正向心理學 / 張傳琳
004170 708 2011正向心理學 / Steve R. Baumgardner, Marie K. Crothers 著 ; 李政賢譯.
005170 1516 2014正向心理學 / Alan Carr著 ; 鄭曉楓, 余芊瑢, 朱惠瓊譯.
006172.1 1307 2011像佛陀一樣快樂 : 愛和智慧的大腦奧祕 = Buddha's brain : the practical neuroscience of happiness, love & wisdom / 瑞克.韓森 (Rick Hanson) ; 理查.曼度斯 (Richard Mendius)著 ; 雷叔雲譯.
007172.1 1307 2015大腦快樂工程 : 發現內在的寶石,像佛陀一樣知足 =Hardwiring happiness / 瑞克.韓森 Rick Hanson 著 ; 韓沁林譯.
008176.5 1011 2016EQ : 決定一生幸福與成就的永恆力量 = Emotional intelligence / 丹尼爾.高曼 Daniel Goleman著 ; 張美惠譯.
009176.51 1307 2009眞實的快樂 / Martin E. P. Seligman 著 ; 洪蘭譯
010176.51 1314 2012更快樂 : 哈佛最受歡迎的一堂課 = Happier : learn the secrets to daily joy and lasting fulfillment / 塔爾‧班夏哈(Tal Ben-Shahar) 著 ; 譚家瑜譯.
011176.54 1011 2018平靜的心, 專注的大腦 : 禪修鍛鍊,如何改變身、心、大腦的科學與哲學 = Altered traits : science reveals how meditation changes your mind, brain, and body / 丹尼爾.高曼, 理查.戴維森著 ; 雷叔雲譯.
012176.65 1115 2016好奇心的幸福力量 = Curious?: discover the missing ingredient to a fulfilling life / 陶德.卡什丹著 ; 譚秀敏譯.
013177 707 2010積極心理學 : 構建快樂幸福的人生/ 克里斯托弗.彼得森 (Christopher Peterson)著 ; 徐紅譯.
014177 711 2014发现自己的抗逆力 : 正向心理学的应用和技巧 / 何敏贤, 袁雅仪, 段文杰著.
015177 716 2012快樂就在轉彎處 : 以正向心理學,創造正能量 = Living with joy / 吳燕玲, 嚴鎮國著.
016177 808 2010积极情绪的力量 / 芭芭拉‧弗雷德里克森(Barbara Fredrickson)著 ; 王珺译 ; 阳志平审校.
017177 1004 1996自尊心 : 六項自尊基礎的實踐法 / 納森尼爾.布雷登(N. Branden)著 ; 孫允寬譯.
018177 1211 2006走進360度的幸福 / 湯國鈞、黃建慧、余桂蘭
019177 1512 2010當代積極心理學 / 劉翔平
020177.2 810 2013哈佛最受歡迎的快樂工作學 : 風行全美五百大企業、幫助兩百萬人找到職場幸福優勢, 教你「愈快樂, 愈成功」的黃金法則! / 尚恩。艾科爾著 ; 謝維玲譯 = The happiness advantage : the seven principles of positive psychology that fuel success and performance at work / Shawn Achor.
021177.2 816 2008做個 A+ 青少年 : 積極心理學必修的 8 堂課 / 岳曉東.
022177.2 1008 2014這一生的幸福計劃 / 索妮亞。柳波莫斯基著 ; 謝明宗譯.
023177.2 1010 2013希望 : 蓋洛普調查主張,最有力量的幸福信念 =Making hope happen: create the future you want for yourself and others / 夏恩.羅培茲(Shane J. Lopez)著 ; 劉玉文譯.
024177.2 1115 2014允許自己不快樂 : 勇敢悲觀、放心落淚, 不再強顏歡笑的幸福練習 / 陶德。卡珊登 (Todd B. Kashdan), 羅伯特。比斯瓦斯-迪納 (Robert Biswas-Diener)著 ; 范堯寬, 吳慧珍譯.
025177.2 1307 2010改變 : 生物精神醫學與心理治療如何有效協助自我成長 = What you can change ... and what you can't / Martin E. P. Seligman著 ; 洪蘭譯.
026177.2 1708 2017你快樂,所以你成功 : 史丹佛大學最重要的快樂心理課, 打破6大慣性成功迷思, 化快樂為生產力 = The happiness track : how to apply the science of happiness to accelerate your success / 艾瑪.賽佩拉 Emma Seppälä 著 ; 陳秋萍譯.
027177.3 1011 2007SQ : I-You共融的社會智能 / 丹尼爾.高曼著 ; 閻紀宇譯.
028178.8 817 2015創傷的積極力量 : 正向心理學與焦點解決治療的合作策略 / 著: 芙蕾莉‧班寧克 (Fredrike Bannink) ; 譯: 張美惠.
029178.8 913 2016ACT實務工作者手冊 : 認知行為治療(CBT)及接受與承諾治療(ACT)的結合 / Joseph V. Ciarrochi約瑟夫.西亞諾契, Ann Bailey安.貝莉著 ; 張本聖譯.
030178.8 1012 2017走出苦難,擁抱人生 : 接受與承諾治療自助手冊 / 史蒂芬.海斯 Steven C. Hayes, 史賓賽.史密斯 Spencer Smith ; 張本聖, 丁郁芙, 蘇益賢譯 ; 張本聖中文版總校閱.
031178.8 1512 2001尋找生命的意義 : 弗蘭克的意義治療學說 / 策畫車文博 ; 作者劉翔平.
032178.8 1912 2015ACT一學就上手 / 羅斯。哈里斯著 ; 張本聖譯 = ACT made simple : an easy-to-read primer on acceptance and commitment therapy / Russ Harris.
033185.8 816 2012幽默心理學 : 思考與研究 / 岳曉東.
034192.1 1907 2008愈感恩, 愈富足 = Thanks! : how the new science of gratitude can make you happier / 羅伯.艾曼斯 (Robert Emmons)著 ; 張美惠譯.
035220.14 1625 2017靜觀 : 觀心.知心.療心 = Mindfulness / 香港心理學會臨床心理學組編著.
036244.9 1110 2009快樂軌迹 : 10個正向心理學的生活智慧 / 區祥江著.
Call No. Titles
150.195 FRA 2014Man's search for meaning / Viktor E. Frankl ; part one translated by Ilse Lasch ; foreword by Harold S. Kushner ; afterword by William J. Winslade ; selected letters, speeches, and essays translated by Helen Pisano.
150.198 LIF 2006A life worth living : contributions to positive psychology / edited by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Isabella Selega Csikszentmihalyi.
150.198 OXF 2009Oxford handbook of positive psychology / edited by C.R. Snyder, Shane J. Lopez.
150.198 PET 2006A primer in positive psychology / Christopher Peterson
150.1988 CAR 2011Positive psychology : the science of happiness and human strengths / Alan Carr.
150.1988 CSI 2014Flow and the foundations of positive psychology : the collected works of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
150.1988 LOM 2014Applied positive psychology : integrated positive practice / Tim Lomas, Kate Hefferon, Itai Ivtzan.
150.1988 SEL 2013Flourish : a visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being / Martin E.P. Seligman.
150.1988 WAT 2016Positive psychology 101 / Philip C. Watkins, PhD.
152.4 GOL 2005Emotional intelligence / Daniel Goleman.
152.42 WEL 2003Well-being : the foundations of hedonic psychology / Daniel Kahneman, Ed Diener, and Norbert Schwarz, editors.
153 LAN 2014Mindfulness / Ellen J. Langer.
153.35 CSICreativity : flow and the psychology of discovery and invention / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
155.2 BAN 1997Self-efficacy : the exercise of control / Albert Bandura.
155.2 BRA 1995The six pillars of self-esteem / Nathaniel Branden.
155.2 CSI 2008Flow : the psychology of optimal experience / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
155.232 SEL 2006Learned optimism : how to change your mind and your life / Martin E. P. Seligman.
155.24 REI 2003The resilience factor : 7 keys to finding your inner strength and overcoming life's hurdles / Karen Reivich, Ph.D., and Andrew Shatté, Ph.D.
155.25 CHA 2015Character strengths matter : how to live a full life / edited by Shannon Polly & Kathryn Britton.
155.4124 SEL 1995The optimistic child / Martin E.P. Seligman ; with Karen Reivich, Lisa Jaycox, and Jane Gillham.
158 BEN 2008Happier : can you learn to be happy? / Tal Ben-Shahar.
158 BEN 2009The pursuit of perfect : stop chasing perfection and find your path to lasting happiness! / Tal Ben-Shahar.
158 BEN 2010Even happier : a gratitude journal for daily joy and lasting fulfillment / Tal Ben-Shahar.
158 BEN 2014Choose the life you want : the mindful way to happiness / Tal Ben-Shahar, PhD.
158 CSI 1997Finding flow : the psychology of engagement with everyday life / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
158 DOL 2015Happiness by design : change what you do, not how you think / Paul Dolan, PhD ; foreword by Daniel Kahneman, PhD.
158 SEL 2013Authentic happiness : using the new positive psychology to realize your potential for lasting fulfillment / Martin E.P. Seligman.
158.1 DUC 2016  Grit : the power of passion and perseverance / Angela Duckworth.
158.1 NIE 2014Mindfulness and character strengths : a practical guide to flourishing / Ryan M. Niemiec, VIA Institute on Character, Cincinnati, OH.
158.2 GOL 2007Social intelligence : the new science of human relationships / Daniel Goleman.
158.7 ACH 2010The happiness advantage : the seven principles of positive psychology that fuel success and performance at work / Shawn Achor
174.4 GAR 2001Good work : when excellence and ethics meet / Howard Gardner, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, William Damon.
179.9 EMM 2013Gratitude works! : a 21-day program for creating emotional prosperity / Robert A. Emmons.
179.9 WAT 2014Gratitude and the good life : toward a psychology of appreciation / Philip C. Watkins
303.34019 BEN 2017The joy of leadership : how positive psychology can maximize your impact (and make you happier) in a challenging world / Tal Ben-Shahar, Angus Ridgway.
612.8 POS 2016Positive neuroscience / edited by Joshua D. Greene, India Morrison, Martin E.P. Seligman.
616.8521 JOS 2012What doesn't kill us : the new psychology of posttraumatic growth / Stephen Joseph.
616.85227 COG 2014Cognitive-behavioral treatment of perfectionism / Sarah J. Egan...[]
616.8916 FRA 2014The will to meaning : foundations and applications of logotherapy / Viktor E. Frankl.
650.1 CSI 2004Good business : leadership, flow, and the making of meaning / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
Links Titles
e-bookA practical guide for cultivating therapeutic presence / Shari M. Geller.
e-bookACT Made Simple [electronic resource]: An Easy-to-Read Primer on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
e-bookApplied positive psychology [electronic resource] : improving everyday life, health, schools, work, and society / edited by Stewart I. Donaldson, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Jeanne Nakamura.
e-bookCharacter strengths and virtues [electronic resource] : a handbook and classification / Christopher Peterson & Martin E.P. Seligman.
e-bookMindfulness, acceptance, and positive psychology [electronic resource] : the seven foundations of well-being / edited by Todd B. Kashdan, Joseph Ciarrochi.
e-bookPositive psychology 101 [electronic resource] / Philip C. Watkins.
e-bookThe evolution of psychotherapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy and positive psychology / [Christine Padesky, Martin Seligman].
e-bookThe evolution of psychotherapy. Positive psychology : new developments / Martin Seligman.
e-bookThe evolution of psychotherapy. Strengths-based CBT : making a positive difference / [Christine Padesky].
e-bookThe mindful therapist : a new approach to cultivating your own neural integration from the inside out / [presented by] Daniel J. Siegel.
e-bookThe psychology of gratitude [electronic resource] / edited by Robert A. Emmons & Michael E. McCullough.
e-bookTreating and preventing adolescent mental health disorders [electronic resource] : what we know and what we don't know : a research agenda for improving the mental health of our youth / edited by the commission chairs of the Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands' Adolescent Mental Health Initiative, Dwight L. Evans, ...[et al.].: What We Know and What We Don't Know.
連結 電子書書目
e-bookACT實務工作者手冊 [electronic resource] : 認知行為治療(CBT)及接受與承諾治療(ACT)的結合 / 約瑟夫.西亞諾契,安.貝莉著 ; 張本聖譯 = A CBT-practitioner's guide to ACT : how to bridge the gap between cognitive behavioral therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy / Joseph V. Ciarrochi, Ann Bailey.
e-book你也可以快樂喔! [electronic resource] : 圖解正向心理學 / 張建華.
e-book走出苦難, 擁抱人生 [electronic resource] : 接受與承諾治療自助手冊 / 史蒂芬.海斯, 史賓賽.史密斯著 ; 張本聖, 丁郁芙, 蘇益賢譯 = Get out of your mind into your : the new acceptance and commitment therapy / Steven C. Hayes, Spencer Smith.
e-book青少年創造力培養 [electronic resource] : 思考與研究 = Nurturing creativity in young people / 岳曉東.
e-book幽默心理學 [electronic resource] : 思考與研究 / 岳曉東.
e-book做個A+青少年 [electronic resource] : 積極心理學必修的8堂課 = Be an all-round youth : positive psychology in eight lessons / 岳曉東.
Call no. Titles
AVC 616.8527 ZUO 2006做個開心快活人 [videorecording] : 正向心理學的啟示. / 湯國鈞; 勵楊蕙貞; 聯合情緒健康教育中心.
AVD 153.9083 EI 2004Emotional intelligence [videorecording] : the key to social skills / producer/writer, Jamie Guth.
AVD 155.9042 BAS 2011Basic stress management [videorecording] / produced by Alexander Street Press.
AVD 157.3 MIN 2012Mindfulness for anxiety [videorecording] / a production of Digital Learning and Media Design, Governors State University.
AVD 158.1 WAL 2018Walk with me [videorecording] / Speakit Films presents in association with SunnyMarch ; a film by Marc J. Francis & Max Pugh ; directed and produced by Marc J. Francis & Max Pugh.
AVD 158.12 PRA 2011Practicing mindfulness [videorecording] : an introduction to meditation.
AVD 171.8 ROL 2013The role of Altruism in a meaningful life [videorecording] / Watson, Mary Ann, Ph. D.
AVD 294.33615 MIN 2016Mindfulness [videorecording] : be happy now / Threshold Entertainment Group presents ; produced and directed by Lawrence Kasanoff.
AVD 362.2071 KUA 2015快樂教室十周年紀念版 [videorecording] : 快樂人生社區健康推廣計劃. 2005-2014 / 編輯: 黃大仙及西貢區快樂人生社區健康推廣計劃2014籌備委員會, 快樂教練培訓課程及教材製作工作小組.
AVD 615.852 MINMindfulness [videorecording] : an experience with Diane Gehart / produced by Andrews & Clark Explorations, Inc.
AVD 616.89142 COGNIT 2009Cognitive-behavioral therapy with Donald Meichenbaum [videorecording] / a production of Communications Services, Governor State University.
AVD 616.891425 COG 2015Cognitive behavioral therapy [videorecording] : techniques for retraining your brain / Professor Jason M. Satterfield.
AVD 616.891425 SCI 2014The science of mindfulness [videorecording] : a research-based path to well-being / Teaching Company.
AVD 618.9768527 COG 2013Cognitive-behavioral therapy for late-life depression [videorecording] / [presented by] the American Psychological Association ; produced by Governors State University, Division of Digital Learning and Media Design ; producer/director/editor, Jon M. Tulles.
Links Titles (Online Databases)
online database: PsycTHERAPYGrief Work With Acceptance and Commitment Therapy [video, 46 mins.] / Steven C. Hayes
online database: PsycTHERAPYCulturally Responsive Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Promoting Strengths and Wellness (Session 1 of 6) [video, 1 hr.] / Pamela A. Hays
online database: PsycTHERAPYGoal Setting With an Aged Adult: A Cognitive Behavioral Approach [video, 47 mins.] / Dolores Gallagher-Thompson
online database: PsycTHERAPYIntegrative and Strengths-Based Couples Therapy With a Young Married Couple [video, 47 mins.] / Ellen Wachtel
online database: PsycTHERAPYFocusing on Strengths Through Multicultural Counseling [video, 40 mins.] / Lillian Comas-Diaz
online database: PsycTHERAPYBuilding Positive Expectancy to Counter Hopelessness [video, 46 mins.] / Michael D. Yapko
online database: Psychiatry OnlineA Language of Hope: The Top 10 Solution-Focused Translations / Anne Bodmer Lutz.
online database: Psychiatry OnlineMindfulness and Acceptance: Expanding the Cognitive-Behavioral Tradition / Yad M. Jabbarpour.
online database: Alexander StreetCultivating Presence through Mindfulness and Compassion [video, 59 mins.] / Christopher Germer.
online database: Alexander StreetCBT & Grief [video, 48 mins.] / Frank Wills
online database: Naxos Spoken Word LibraryThe Art of Being [audiobook] / Erich Fromm (browser: Chrome)
Links Titles (Other Online Media)
open courseHarvard's Positive Psychology 1504 by Tal Ben-Shahar (PhD) - Official
open coursePositive Psychology / Coursera
open courseLecture  20 - The Good Life: Happiness / Open Yale Course
open courseThe Science of Happiness / edX
youtube videoWhat makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness / Robert Waldinger
youtube videoPositive Psychology / Harvard Open Course
youtube videoThe new era of positive psychology / Martin Seligman
youtube videoFlourishing :A new understanding of wellbeing' at Happiness & Its Causes / Martin Seligman
youtube videoPERMA / Martin Seligman
youtube videoVIA Strengths
youtube videoEducating For Happiness and Resilience / Dr. Ilona Boniwell at TEDxHull
youtube videoGrit: the power of passion and perseverance / Angela Lee Duckworth
youtube videoMindfulness / Jon Kabat-Zinn
youtube videoMindfulness over matter / Ellen Langer
youtube videoThe how of happiness / Sonja Lyubomirsky
youtube videoThe Science of Hope / Shane Lopez
youtube videoWhat makes people happy? / Daniel Kahneman
youtube videoEmotional Intelligence / introduced by Daniel Goleman
youtube videoThe Six Pillars of Self-Esteem Summary / Nathaniel Branden
other videosHappier.TV
Internet Resource
Positive Education Hong Kong 香港正向教育
Mindfulness Training 靜觀訓練 (HK)
Character Education Foundation 品格教育協會
Institute of Cognitive Therapy 認知治療學會
Chinese Association of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 中國認知行為治療學會
Positive Psychology Centre, University of Pennsylvania
The VIA Institute on Character
Positive Psychology (UK)
International Positive Psychology Association
Positive Education / Geelong Grammar School

Exhibition area:
5/F Library Complex

Display period:
18 Mar – 26 Apr 2019

You are welcome to borrow books and videos on display.