Chinese Books

書號 中文書目
484.5 1511 2010三星 : 亞洲的力量, 世界的奇蹟 = Samsung / 劉祥亞著.
484.5 809 2013三星內幕 : 揭開三星第一的真相 = 삼성을 : 샘각한다/ 金勇澈著 ; 卓惠娟譯.
494 705 2015三星殞落? : 李在鎔接得了班嗎? =삼성 의 몰락 / 沈正澤 著 ; 游芯歆譯.
494 706 2014三星模式 : 從危機到崛起的矛盾與新經營策略 =The Samsung way / 宋在鎔, 李京默 ; 李修瑩譯.
494 717 2013 你應該要怕三星 = Samsung / [聯合作者高承禧 ... [et al.]].
499.32 510 2011三星品牌為何強大 : 韓國第一企業 : 三星的品牌管理策略 / 申哲昊 (신철호), 李和珍 (이화진), 河秀京 (하수경) 著 ; 黃蘭琇譯.
520.932 811 2015搶占世界舞臺 : 韓國鐵血人才教育實錄, 一位科技官的極密調查 = 韓國のグローバル人材育成力 : 超競爭社會の真実 / 作者岩淵秀樹 ; 譯者黃鬱婷.
535.73 804 2011  中日韓國民性格 / 金文學著.
541.263 1107 2009泡泡日韓 / 健吾著.
541.28 404 2017 中日韓三國之融合與分歧 / 蕭錦華主編.
541.28 907 2015中朝韩日文化比较 = A comparison among Chna, Korea and Japan / 姜秀玉著.
542.0932 1308 2016憤怒的數字 : 韓國隱藏的不平等報告書 = 분노의 숫자:
542.0932 610 2012安哲秀的想法 : 韓國人民選擇的新變化即將開始 / 安哲秀著 ; 諸貞任彙整; ; [譯者: 林侑毅, 鍾長志, 尹嘉玄].
542.264 612 2017  帝國的慰安婦 : 殖民統治與記憶政治 / 朴裕河著 ; 劉夏如譯.
544.141 414 2016給十年後決心自殺的父親 / 尹熙一 ; [譯者: 邱淑怡].
544.30932 609 2012同源异流的文化情结 : 中韩国际婚姻中朝鲜族女性婚姻移民现象探析 = Cultural orientation toward cultural hybridization / 全信子著.
552.32 1110 2016憤怒韓國 = 왜 분노해야 하는가 / 張夏成著 ; 金福花譯.
553.7932 1105 1998現代集團傳奇 : 鄭周永的高麗王朝 = Hyundai / Donald Kirk著 ; 何戟譯.
553.7932 810 2017韓國, 原來如此! : 前美國記者的第一手社會與職場觀察 / Frank Ahrens著 ; 陳錦慧譯.
556.2932 611 2010鐵絲網上的薔薇 : 八位韓國工運婦女的故事 / 樸敏那著 ; 勞動力, 基層大學合譯.
557.7760932 415 2010韓國電視娛樂節目形態研究 / 王憬晶著.
574.328 408 2012父親金正日與我 : 金正男獨家告白 / 五味洋治 = My father, Kim Jong-Il, and I : exclusive interviews with Kim Jong-nam / by Yoji Gomi ; Chinese translation by Kita.
575.27 1215 2008 蕃薯與泡菜 : 亞洲雙龍台韓經驗比較 / [主編彭慧鸞 ; 作者群王弓...[et al.]]
578.19307 505 2016橫觀東亞 : 從核心現場重思東亞歷史 / 白永瑞.
578.1932 1506 2013誘拐與決斷 = 拉致と決斷 : 我被綁架到北韓的24年 / 蓮池薰著 ; 孫玉珍譯.
579.46 910 2012 c.1平壤水族館 : 我在北韓古拉格的十年 = Les aquariums de Pyongyang : dix ans au goulag nord-coréen / 薑哲煥(강철환), 皮耶.李古樂(Pierre Rigoulot)著 ; 鐘玉玨譯.
643.2 1112 2007映像中韓 / 雙魚一生主編.
690 1311 2016不平靜的江河 : 沿著中韓邊界的奇幻旅程 / 楊猛著.
730.1 705 2016另眼看歷史 : 中、日、韓、台三千年 / 呂正理著.
730.307 1811 2015 轉接與跨界 : 東亞文化意象之傳佈 = Shaping the culture images of East Asia : viewing, media, agents / 石守謙, 廖肇亨主編.
732 1515 2016上一堂最好玩的韓國學 : 政大超人氣教授帶你從韓劇看韓國社會、政治、外交與兩韓關係 / 蔡增家著.
732.1 1306 2009南韓 : 創造奇蹟 / 董向榮.
732.1 405 2015  圖解韓國史 : 圖解讓韓國史更簡單 / 王永一著.
732.1 605 2008韓國史 : 悲劇的循環與宿命 = Korea / 朱立熙編著.
732.2723 315 2012最寒冷的冬天 : 韓戰真相解密 =The coldest winter : America and the Korean War / 大衛.哈伯斯坦著 ; 王祖寧, 劉寅龍譯.
732.2723 515 2013朝鮮戰爭 : 你以為已經遺忘,其實從不曾瞭解的一段歷史 = The Korean War : a history / 布魯斯.康明思 (Bruce Cumings)著 ; 林添貴譯.
732.2723 808 2013韓戰 : 抗美援朝 / [作者: 周明, 光亭, 馬丹松合著.
732.275 1303 2010東鄰面面觀 : 透視韓國 / 詹小洪著.
732.275 1608 2010成功與挫折 : 盧武鉉總統未寫完的回憶錄 / 盧武鉉著 ; 荀壽瀟譯.
732.28 1114 2012最純潔的種族 : 北韓人眼中的北韓人 = The cleanest race : how North Koreans see themselves and why it matters / 麥爾斯著 ; 黃煜文譯.
732.28 1115 2008北韓 : 神秘的東方晨曦之國 / 張慧智, 李敦球.
732.28 1506 2015我們最幸福 : 北韓人民的真實生活 = Nothing to envy : ordinary lives in North Korea / 芭芭拉・德米克著 ; 黃煜文譯.
732.28 716 2014我想活得像個人 : 脫北者的邊境血淚故事, 來自南韓的真實紀錄 / 李學俊著 ; 袁育媗譯.
732.28 805 2015北韓 : 從游擊革命的金日成到迷霧籠罩的金正恩 = Democratic People's Republic of Korea =조선민주주의인민공화국 / 和田春樹著 ; 許乃雲譯.
732.28 813 2014平壤冷麵 : 一位法國記者暗訪北韓的見聞紀實 = Nouilles froides à Pyongyang / 尚-路加.葛達廉著 ; 睿容, 王書芬譯.
732.283 1110 2015敬愛的領袖 : 從御用詩人到逃亡者,一位北韓反情報官員眼中的北韓 =친애하는지도자 =Dear leader: north Korea's senior propagandist exposes shocking truths behind the regime / 張振成 (Jang Jin-sung)著 ; 雪麗.李 (Shirley Lee)英譯 ; 廖世德中譯.
732.3 1006 2015逆行首爾 : 尋找城市新公式 / [作者: Breakazine!創作小組...[et al.]]
732.3 1509 2011  韓國人妻 : 潔咪的韓國進行式 = Oh! My Korea / 潔咪著.
732.3 1715 2014韓瘋 : 讓世人瘋狂的韓國現象 / 鍾樂偉著.
732.3 1715 2015心韓 : 攻陷人心的韓流真面目 / 鍾樂偉著.
732.3 404 2014遊韓國、跟韓流,原來韓國文化是這樣的! / 王元濤著.
732.3 405 2013韓國 : 撼動世界的嗆泡菜 = Korea: the impossible country / 丹尼爾‧圖德著 ; 胡菀如譯.
732.3 810 2013我有一個泡菜老公 : 韓國生活初體驗 / [金師奶著]
732.3 815 2012韓國的智慧 : 地緣文化的命運與挑戰 / 邵毅平著.
732.45 1306 2005韓國起飛的外部動力 : 美國對韓國發展的影響, 1945-1965 = South Korea's take-off and the United States, 1945-1965 / 董向榮著.
732.769 1011 2010韓國大首爾 = Seoul Korea / [editor-in-chief: 孫啟元]
732.9 1203 2013跟著Running Man玩韓國 / 黃小惠著.
732.9 1208 2013異色.北韓 / 項明生.
732.9 1408 2011出發﹗韓國自助旅行 : 一看就懂旅遊圖解 / [作者: 蒙金蘭]
732.9 1711 2006  韓國旅遊指南 = Korea travel guide book / [編輯Design soomokwon]
732.9 1807 2016北韓迷宮 = 북한미궁 / Pazu薯伯伯.
732.9 604 2012走入韓國之心 : 勁辣背後的意外風景 / 作者: 江心靜 ; 攝影: 林存青.
732.9 613 2016我們最偉大 : 一個德國喜劇作家的北韓奇遇記 / 克利斯提昂。艾瑟特 (Christian Eisert)著 ; 管中琪譯.
732.9 807旅遊天書. 韓國 : 戀戀飄雪浪漫 = Travel tips / [總編輯周輝 ; 作者亞伯特...[等]]
783.2 615 2012我是朴槿惠 : 絶望鍛鍊我, 希望使我行動 / 朴槿惠著 ; 藍青榮 ... [et al.] 譯.
783.28 1012 2017獄中十九年 : 韓國政治犯的鬥爭 / 徐勝著 ; 劉孝春校訂 ; 臧汝興翻譯.
783.287 711 2015 擁有七個名字的女孩 : 一個北韓叛逃者的真實故事 / 李晛瑞, 大衛.強著 ; 朱浩一譯.
783.288 611 2016為了活下去 : 脫北女孩朴研美 = In order to live: a North Korean girl's journey to freedom / 樸研美著 ; 謝佩妏譯.
783.288 811 2014沒有您, 就沒有我們 : 一個真空國度、270名權貴之子, 北韓精英學生的真實故事 / 金淑姬著 ; 莊靖譯 = Without you, there is no us : my time with the sons of North Korea's elite / by Suki Kim.
862.57 812 2017謊言 : 韓國世越號沉船事件潛水員的告白 / 金琸桓 ; 胡椒筒譯.
987.092 1811 2010 華語電影與泛亞實踐 / 聶偉著.
987.2 811 2010  中日韓電影 : 歷史、社會、文化 / 邱淑婷.
987.932 707 2006追尋快樂 : 戰後韓國電影與社會文化 / [著者李孝仁 ; 譯者張敏]
989.20932 1313 2009韓劇攻略 : 當代韓國電視劇研究 = The strategies of Korean TV series / 董暘主編.
Call No. Titles
303.375095193 NOR 2017North Korea's public face : 20th-century propaganda posters from the Zellweger Collection
305.31095195 JUN 2011Korean masculinities and transcultural consumption : Yonsama, Rain, Oldboy, K-Pop idols / Sun Jung.
306.09519 KOR 2014The Korean popular culture reader / Kyung Hyun Kim and Youngmin Choe, editors.
306.095195 HON 2014The birth of Korean cool : how one nation is conquering the world through pop culture / Euny Hong.
320.561 MUL 2016Multiculturalism in East Asia : a transnational exploration of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan / edited by Koichi Iwabuchi, Hyun Mee Kim, and Hsiao-Chuan Hsia.
327.1747095193 NOR 2015North Korea and Northeast Asian regional security / edited by Simon Shen.
330.95 YI 2017 Is this the Asian century? / Jong-Wha Lee, Korea University, South Korea.
330.95193 ABT 2014A capitalist in North Korea : my seven years in the hermit kingdom / Felix Abt.
330.95195 LEE 2003From evolution to revolution : Korea's new market environment / You-Il Lee.
337.5 FOU 2008The four Asian tigers : economic development and the global political economy / edited by Eun Mee Kim.
338.9519506 KOR 2000Korea and the knowledge-based economy : making the transition / [edited by Carl J. Dahlman and Thomas Andersson].
365.45092 HAR 2012Escape from Camp 14 : one man's remarkable odyssey from North Korea to freedom in the West / Blaine Harden.
379.5 GLO 2010Globalization, changing demographics, and educational challenges in East Asia / edited by Emily Hannum, Hyunjoon Park, Yuko Goto Butler.
658.4012 SON 2014The Samsung way : transformational management strategies from the world leader in innovation and design / Jaeyong Song and Kyungmook Lee.
720.9519509045 CHO 2013Architecture and urbanism in modern Korea / Inha Jung.
780.96 RUS 2014 K-pop now! : the Korean music revolution / Mark James Russell.
791.43095 CIN 2010Cinema at the city's edge : film and urban networks in East Asia / edited by Yomi Braester and James Tweedie.
791.43095 EAS 2011East Asian cinema and cultural heritage : from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan to Japan and South Korea / edited by Yau Shuk-ting, Kinnia.
791.43095193 FIS 2015A Kim Jong-Il production : the incredible true story of North Korea and the most audacious kidnapping in history / Paul Fischer.
791.43652109519 KIM   2004The remasculinization of Korean cinema / Kyung Hyun Kim.
791.45095195 EAS 2008East Asian pop culture : analysing the Korean wave / edited by Chua Beng Huat and Koichi Iwabuchi.
895.709 RYA 2012Reading North Korea : an ethnological inquiry / Sonia Ryang.
923.2 LIM 1982The founding of a dynasty in North Korea : an authentic biography of Kim Il-song Lim Un
950.071 DES 2013  Designing history in East Asian textbooks : identity politics and transnational aspirations / edited by Gotelind Müller.
951.901 PAI 2000Constructing "Korean" origins : a critical review of archaeology, historiography, and racial myth in Korean state-formation theories / Hyung Il Pai.
951.904 HAR 2015The great leader and the fighter pilot : the true story of the tyrant who created North Korea and the young lieutenant who stole his way to freedom / Blaine Harden.
951.904 OBE 2014The two Koreas : a contemporary history / Don Oberdorfer and Robert Carlin.
951.93 CHA 2012The impossible state : North Korea, past and future / Victor Cha.
951.93 TUD 2015North Korea confidential : private markets, fashion trends, prison camps, dissenters and defectors / Daniel Tudor & James Pearson.
951.93043092 KAN 2006The aquariums of Pyongyang : ten years in the North Korean Gulag / Kang Chol-hwan and Pierre Rigoulot ; translated by Yair Reiner.
951.9305 DEM 2014Nothing to envy : real lives in North Korea / Barbara Demick.
951.9305092 BAE 2016Not forgotten : the true story of my imprisonment in North Korea / Kenneth Bae, Mark Tabb.
951.9305092 PAR 2015In order to live : a North Korean girl's journey to freedom / Yeonmi Park ; with Maryanne Vollers.
951.93051092 GIR 2015The girl with seven names : a North Korean defector's story / Hyeonseo Lee ; with Davis John.
951.93051092 JAN 2014Dear leader / Jang Jin-Sung.
951.93052 SWE 2014North Korea undercover : inside the world's most secret state / John Sweeney.
Links Titles
e-bookA concise history of modern Korea : from the late nineteenth century to the present / Michael J. Seth.
e-bookAccidental activists : victim movements and government accountability in Japan and South Korea / Celeste L. Arrington.
e-bookAfter-development dynamics : South Korea's contemporary engagement with Asia / edited by Anthony P. D'Costa.
e-bookAn affair with Korea : memories of South Korea in the 1960s / Vincent S. R. Brandt ; photographs by Vincent S. R. Brandt.
e-bookArming the two Koreas : state, capital, and military power / Taik-young Hamm.
e-bookAsian popular culture in transition / edited by Lorna Fitzsimmons and John A. Lent.
e-bookAsia's next giant : South Korea and late industrialization / Alice H. Amsden.
e-bookBetween ally and partner : Korea-China relations and the United States / Jae Ho Chung.
e-bookBorn again : evangelicalism in Korea / Timothy S. Lee.
e-bookBrain Korea 21 phase II : a new evaluation model / Somi Seong, ... [et al.].
e-bookBusiness travel in South Korea [electronic resource].
e-bookCaseBase. Case studies in global business / Andrew Ashwin, general editor.
e-bookCharacterizing the North Korean nuclear missile threat / Markus Schiller.
e-bookChoosing Ethnicity, Negotiating Race : Korean Adoptees in America / Mia Tuan and Jiannbin Lee Shiao.
e-bookCompetition, concentration and efficiency of commercial banks in South Korea, mainland China and Taiwan / Huang Juan.
e-bookConvergent flux : contemporary architecture and urbanism in Korea / Jinhee Park, John Hong.
e-bookCrisis of gender and the nation in Korean literature and cinema : modernity arrives again / Kelly Y. Jeong.
e-bookCrony capitalism : corruption and development in South Korea and the Philippines / David C. Kang.
e-bookDemocratization in China, Korea, and Southeast Asia? : local and national perspectives / edited by Kate Xiao Zhou, Shelley Rigger, and Lynn T. White III.
e-bookDivided Korea : toward a culture of reconciliation / Roland Bleiker.
e-bookEast Asia and Eastern Europe in a globalized perspective : lessons from Korea and Estonia / Jüri Sepp, Ralph Wrobel, and Bernhard Seliger, editor.
e-bookEast Asian capitalism : diversity, continuity, and change / edited by Andrew Walter and Xiaoke Zhang.
e-bookEast Asian development : foundations and strategies / Dwight H. Perkins.
e-bookEast Asian development model : twenty-first century perspectives / edited by Shiping Hua and Ruihua Hu.
e-bookElections in Japan, Korea, and Taiwan under the single non-transferable vote : the comparative study of an embedded institution / edited by Bernard Grofman ... [et al.].
e-bookEnergy security and geopolitics in the Arctic : challenges and opportunities in the 21st century / editor, Hooman Peimani.
e-bookEnglish-language pedagogies for a Northeast Asian context : developing and contextually framing the transition theory / Dimitrios Michael Hadzantonis.
e-bookEntrepreneurial states : reforming corporate governance in France, Japan, and Korea / Yves Tiberghien.
e-bookEssays on labor market and human capital : Korea and Germany / Mee-Kyung Jung.
e-bookEuropean integration and foreign direct investment in the EU : the case of the Korean consumer electronics industry / Sang-Hyup Shin.
e-bookFailed diplomacy : the tragic story of how North Korea got the bomb / Charles L. Pritchard.
e-bookGender and family in East Asia / edited by Siumi Maria Tam, Wai-ching Angela Wong and Danning Wang.
e-bookGender and the political opportunities of democratization in South Korea / Nicola Anne Jones.
e-bookGlobal beef trade / Alessandro Ferrara, editor.
e-bookGlobalisation and labour struggle in Asia : a neo-Gramscian critique of South Korea's political economy / Phoebe V. Moore.
e-bookHeritage management in Korea and Japan : the politics of antiquity and identity / Hyung Il Pai.
e-bookHigher education in Korea : tradition and adaptation / edited by John C. Weidman and Namgi Park.
e-bookImitation to innovation : the dynamics of Korea's technological learning / Linsu Kim.
e-bookIndustrial development in Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea / Kwong Kai-Sun ... [et al.].
e-bookInequality in the workplace : labor market reform in Japan and Korea / Jiyeoun Song.
e-bookInside the red box : North Korea's post-totalitarian politics / Patrick McEachern.
e-bookKim Jong-il : North Korea's Dear Leader / Michael Breen.
e-bookKorea and East Asia : the stony road to collective security / edited by Rüdiger Frank and John Swenson-Wright.
e-bookKorea as a knowledge economy : evolutionary process and lessons learned / edited by Joonghae Suh, Derek H.C. Chen.
e-bookKorea confronts the future / Johan Barry Kotch and Frank-Jürgen Richter .
e-bookKorean endgame : a strategy for reunification and U.S. disengagement / Selig S. Harrison.
e-bookKorean English : A corpus-driven study of a new English.
e-bookKorean screen cultures : interrogating cinema, tv, music and online games / edited by Andrew David Jackson and Colette Balmain.
e-bookKorea's online gaming empire / Dal Yong Jin.
e-bookKorea's twentieth-century odyssey / Michael E. Robinson.
e-bookK-pop : popular music, cultural amnesia, and economic innovation in South Korea / John Lie.
e-bookLegal issues of inter-Korean economic cooperation under the armistice system / Eric Yong-Joong Lee.
e-bookLeverage of the weak : labor and environmental movements in Taiwan and South Korea / Hwa-Jen Liu.
e-bookLiving on your own : single women, rental housing, and post-revolutionary affect in contemporary South Korea / Jesook Song ; cover art, Seung won Oh ; photograph, Seung hwa Park ; production, Laurie Searl ; marketing, Anne M. Valentine.
e-bookMaking and faking kinship : marriage and labor migration between China and South Korea / Caren Freeman.
e-bookMarching through suffering : loss and survival in North Korea / Sandra Fahy.
e-bookMonuments, memory, and identity : constructing the colonial past in South Korea / Guy Podoler.
e-bookMovie migrations : transnational genre flows and South Korean cinema / Hye Seung Chung and David Scott Diffrient.
e-bookNetworked information technologies, elections, and politics : Korea and the United States / by Jongwoo Han.
e-bookNew multinational enterprises from Korea and Taiwan : beyond export-led growth / Roger van Hoesel.
e-bookNorth Korea : the politics of regime survival / Young Whan Kihl and Hong Nack Kim, editors.
e-bookNorth Korea : issues and U.S. policy / Samuel P. Massingame, editor.
e-bookNorth Korea : state of paranoia / Paul French ; index by John Barker.
e-bookNorth Korea : the struggle against American power / Tim Beal.
e-bookNorth Korea : toward a better understanding / edited by Sonia Ryang.
e-bookNorth Korea caught in time : images of war and reconstruction / Chris Springer; with an essay by Balázs Szalontai.
e-bookNorth Korea through the looking glass / Kongdan Oh and Ralph C. Hassig.
e-bookNorth Korea's nuclear and ballistic weapons / Simon R. Holden, editor.
e-bookNorth Korea's second nuclear crisis and northeast Asian security / edited by Seung-Ho Joo, Tae-Hwan Kwak.
e-bookOn my own : Korean businesses and race relations in America / In-Jin Yoon.
e-bookOn the move for love : migrant entertainers and the U.S. military in South Korea / Sealing Cheng.
e-bookOrganizing at the margins : the symbolic politics of labor in South Korea and the United States / Jennifer Jihye Chun.
e-bookOver the mountains are mountains : Korean peasant households and their adaptations to rapid industrialization ; with a new preface by the author / Clark W. Sorensen.
e-bookPsychoanalysis in Asia : China, India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan / [edited by] Alf Gerlach [and others].
e-bookPublic-private partnership infrastructure projects. Volume 1, Institutional arrangements and performance : case studies from the Republic of Korea / Jay-Hyung Kim [and three others].
e-bookReassessing the Park Chung Hee era, 1961-1979 : development, political thought, democracy & cultural influence / edited by Hyung-A Kim and ClarK W. SorenSen.
e-bookRegional peace building : the Korean Peninsula and North-east Asia : conference proceedings, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 10 June 2010 / Organised by the Centre for Asian Pacific Studies and the Department of Political Science ; with support by Korea Foundation.
e-bookRe-imagining North Korea in international politics : problems and alternatives / Shine Choi.
e-bookRepresentations of femininity in contemporary South Korean women's literature / by Joanna Elfving-Hwang.
e-bookRepublic of Korea / Raymond Torres.
e-bookRising sun, divided land : Japanese and South Korean filmmakers / Kate E. Taylor-Jones.
e-bookSeoul searching : culture and identity in contemporary Korean cinema / Frances Gateward, editor.
e-bookService economies : militarism, sex work, and migrant labor in South Korea / Jin-kyung Lee.
e-bookShamans, housewives, and other restless spirits : women in Korean ritual life / Laurel Kendall.
e-bookShamans, nostalgias, and the IMF : South Korean popular religion in motion / Laurel Kendall.
e-bookSitings : critical approaches to Korean geography / edited by Timothy R. Tangherlini and Sallie Yea.
e-bookSocial forces and states : poverty and distributional outcomes in South Korea, Chile, and Mexico / Judith A. Teichman.
e-bookSongs of Seoul : an ethnography of voice and voicing in christian South Korea / Nicholas Harkness.
e-bookSouth Korea in the fast lane : economic development and capital formation / Young-Iob Chung.
e-bookSouth Korea's education exodus : the life and times of early study abroad / edited by Adrienne Lo [and three others].
e-bookSplit screen Korea : Shin Sang-ok and postwar cinema / Steven Chung.
e-bookSuicide in Asia : causes and prevention / edited by Paul S.F. Yip.
e-bookSunshine in Korea: the south korean debate over policies toward north korea / Norman D. Levin, Yong-Sup Han.
e-bookTeaching and learning of physics in cultural contexts : proceedings of the International Conference on Physics Education in Cultural Contexts : Cheongwon, South Korea, 13-17 August 2001 / edited by Yunebae Park.
e-bookThe capitalist unconscious : from Korean unification to transnational Korea / Hyun Ok Park.
e-bookThe European Union and South Korea : the legal framework for strengthening trade, economic and political relations / edited by James Harrison.
e-bookThe internet of elsewhere : the emergent effects of a wired world / Cyrus Farivar ; with a foreword by Vinton G. Cerf.
e-bookThe Korean financial crisis of 1997 : onset, turnaround, and thereafter / Kyu-Sung Lee.
e-bookThe Korean state and social policy : how South Korea lifted itself from poverty and dictatorship to affluence and democracy / Stein Ringen ... [et al.].
e-bookThe Korean wave : Korean media go global / edited by Youna Kim.
e-bookThe Koreas between China and Japan / edited by Victor Teo and Lee Guen ; contributors Hiroyasu Akutsu [and ten others].
e-bookThe limits of convergence : globalization and organizational change in Argentina, South Korea, and Spain / Mauro F. Guillén.
e-bookThe local construction of a global language : ideologies of English in South Korea / by Joseph Sung-Yul Park.
e-bookThe massacres at Mt. Halla : sixty years of truth seeking in South Korea / Hun Joon Kim.
e-bookThe new Korea : an inside look at South Korea's economic rise / Myung Oak Kim, Sam Jaffe.
e-bookThe North Korean revolution, 1945-1950 / Charles K. Armstrong.
e-bookThe northern region of Korea : history, identity & culture / edited by Sun Joo Kim.
e-bookThe Pusan International Film Festival, South Korean cinema and globalization / SooJeong Ahn.
e-bookThe remasculinization of Korean cinema / Kyung Hyun Kim.
e-bookThe Rodin Museum, Seoul / Kevin Kennon ; with essays by Ruth Butler and Mario Gandelsonas.
e-bookThe shape of Korea's future : South Korean attitudes toward unification and long-term security issues / Norman D. Levin ; foreword by Yong-Sup Han.
e-bookThe shrimp that became a tiger : transformation theory and Korea's rise after the Asian crisis / Bernhard Seliger.
e-bookThe South Korean film renaissance : local hitmakers, global provocateurs / Jinhee Choi.
e-bookThe state and industry in South Korea : the limits of the authoritarian state / Jong-Chan Rhee.
e-bookThe two Koreas and the great powers / Samuel S. Kim.
e-bookThe two Koreas and the politics of global sport / by Brian Bridges.
e-bookThe Zen monastic experience : Buddhist practice in contemporary Korea / Robert E. Buswell, Jr.
e-bookTrade, the engine of growth in East Asia / by Peter C. Y. Chow and Mitchell H. Kellman.
e-bookUnder construction : the gendering of modernity, class, and consumption in the Republic of Korea / edited by Laurel Kendall.
e-bookUnexpected alliances : independent filmmakers, the state, and the film industry in post-authoritarian South Korea / Young-a Park.
e-bookVoices of foreign brides : the roots and development of multiculturalism in Korea / Choong Soon Kim.
e-bookWomen of Japan and Korea : continuity and change / edited by Joyce Gelb and Marian Lief Palley.
連結 中文書目
e-book一本書讀完韓國歷史 / 邢豔編著.
e-book三星 : 韓國經濟奇蹟的推手 / 劉祥亞作
e-book三星 : 亞洲的力量,世界的奇蹟 / 劉祥亞著
e-book三星內幕 : 揭開三星第一的真相 / 金勇澈著 ; 卓惠娟譯.
e-book三星崛起 : 韓國經濟的推手 / 陳廣著.
e-book不可不知的韓國網路流行語 / 槓桿韓國語編輯部作.
e-book中小學校長培訓與評鑑制度之跨國研究 : 以臺灣. 新加坡. 韓國為例 / 孫敏芝, 吳宗立, 林官蓓著.
e-book中日韓大比拼 : 認識身邊的不同文化 / 金文學著 ; [金英蘭譯]
e-book你不知道的韓國人與韓國文化 / 槓桿韓國語編輯部作.
e-book東亞三國志 : 中日韓文化隨筆 / 金文學著.
e-book南韓轉型 : 政黨輪替與政經體制的轉變(1993-2003) / 蔡增家著
e-book首爾Long Stay : 大發!大發!體驗超夢幻韓國在地生活! / 屋哩阿沙著.
e-book教科書不教的韓語慣用語 / 槓桿韓國語編輯部作.
e-book朝鮮聞見錄 / 胡成.
e-book與韓國人打交道. 營商篇 / 洪少輝著.
e-book戰爭與分界 : 「總力戰」下臺灣.韓國的主體重塑與文化政治 / 韓國臺灣比較文化研究會著 ; 柳書琴編.
e-book韓國的民俗與文化 / 扈貞煥作.
e-book韓國的經濟發展與政策 / 吳家興著.
e-book韓國首爾美研購 : 攻陷人氣榜的美妝就要這樣買 / 鄭世彬作.
e-book韓國神話傳說故事 / 林桂萍著.
e-book韓瘋 : 讓世人瘋狂的韓國現象 / 鐘樂偉.
Call no. Titles
AVD 320.9519 SEC 2014  Secret state of North Korea / written, produced and directed by James Jones ; a Hardcash production for WGBH/Frontline.
AVD 951.93043 INS 2007Inside North Korea / a Pangloss Films production for National Geographic Television & Film ; producer/writer, Peter Yost.
AVD 951.93043 CAM 2013Camp 14 : total control zone / produced by Engstfeld Film GmbH ; producer, Axel Engstfeld ; a film by Marc Wiese.
AVD 951.9042 KORE 2012The Korean war / Allegro Corp.
AVC 951.9 IMGImages of Korea / Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
AVD 951.95 HAN韓國的光榮, 世界的光榮 [videorecording] : UNESCO 韓國的世界遺產.
AVD 158.5 LIU/DA 2008從大長今與明成皇后看韓國人的談判謀略與性格 [videorecording] / 劉必榮主講
AVC 791.43 MARA말아톤 [videorecording] = Marathon / Showbox/Mediaplex Inc. presents ; a Cineline II production ; 導演 鄭胤澈.
AVD 951.9042373 KOR 2013 The Korea War [videorecording]
LTV 070.433 XING 2009/10/13-27 北韓等待變幻 [videorecording] ; 氣候變天 ; 鐵人迷.
Links Titles (Online video, North Korea)
online videoMy life in North Korea vs South Korea | Jacob Laukaitis
online videoWhat North Koreans Think Of South Korea | ASIAN BOSS
online videoHoliday in North Korea
online video10 Days in North Korea. Inside the most isolated country in the world | RT Documentary
online videoCrossTalk: North Korea Saga | RT
online videoInside Story - What to do about North Korea? | Al Jazeera English
online videoWhat do North Koreans Really Think about Their Country? | Journeyman Pictures
online videoThe Newsmakers in North Korea | TRT World
online videoThe Happiest People on Earth. North Korea: Rulers, citizens & official narrative (RT Documentary)
online videoReality of The North Korean Education System | ASIAN BOSS
online videoLife as a North Korean Defector
online videoSokeel Park: How to solve a problem like North Korea | TED Ed
online videoThe Defectors - Escapees From North Korea's Prison Camps | Sky News
online videoThe family I lost in North Korea. And the family I gained. | TED
online videoThis is what it's like to go undercover in North Korea | Suki Kim | TED
online videoWhat Happens To North Korean Defectors? | Now This World
online videoWhy I escaped from my brainwashed country | Hyeonseo Lee | TEDxKyoto
online videoEscaping from North Korea Three Times: Kim Pil-Ju's Story |Asian Boss
online videoWhat I learned as a prisoner in North Korea | TED
online videoMy escape from North Korea | TED
online videoNorth Korea Money (Videos) | The World News
Links Titles (Online video, South Korea)
online videoPoverty in South Korea : Those Left Behind | Coreanofilos
online videoHow BIG is Samsung?  | ColdFusion
online videoSamsung's Influence on Korean Society Runs Deep | Journeyman Pictures
online videoDo Koreans Think Korea is Living Hell? | Asian Boss
online videoAcademic Pressure Pushing S. Korean Students To Suicide | Journeyman Pictures
online videoInside The Suicide Epidemic Crippling South Korea | Journeyman Pictures
online videoOn Patrol with South Korea's Suicide Rescue Team | VICE
online videoPeople & Power - South Korea: Suicide nation | Al Jazeera English
online videoSouth Korea: "Death experience" school shows pupils the cost of suicide | Ruptly TV
online videoCourses of education in South Korea: Soleiman Dias at TEDxUnisinos | TED
online videoWhat Makes Education in Korea Unique | University of South Australia
online videoSouth Korea: Suicide Nation | Al Jazeera
online videoSocial mobility in the globalised South Korea - Professor Hagen Koo. ANU
online videoEducation Gangnam Style | ABC
online videoThe Stream - Shining a light on South Korean suicides | Al Jazeera English
General Information of Korea
Korean history: a bibliography
National Library of Korea
Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Korea
Spotlight Korea
The Beginnings of the Country’s History (Prehistoric Times - Gojoseon) |
Korean War | Britannica
Korean War | History
Korean War Educator
Korean War Fast Facts | CNN
Korean War Records | National Archives
Korean War Veterans Association, Inc.
The Korean War: An Overview | BBC
The Korean War: Barbarism Unleashed

South Korea
How Samsung dominates South Korea's economy
Publications on suicide prevention | World Health Organization
South Korea Corruption Report | GAN Business Anti-corruption Portal
The Korean Economy - the Miracle on the Hangang River |
Understanding South Korea's corruption and bribery scandal | RNZ
Korea's hidden problem: Suicidal defectors | BBC News Magazine
Mental Health and Injury Prevention
Mental Health Systems in OECD Countries
OECD/Korea Policy Centre – Health and Social Policy Programmes
South Korea Suicide Hotlines
Education in South KoreaClass struggle An interview with South Korea’s education minister | The Economist
Joongang Daily
Pulse (Maeil Business News Korea)
The Hankyoreh
The Korean Herald
The Korean Times
Korean film
劉新圓:韓流、韓劇,以及南韓的文化產業政策 | 國政研究報告

North Korea
A Guide to North Korea | BBC News
Korea Exposé.
North Korea | CNN
North Korea | The New York Times
North Korea | The Telegraph
North Korea's nuclear progress in 2017 | The Guardian
Rimjin-gang - News from Inside North Korea
Secret State - A journey into the heart of North Korea | CNN

Korean Studies and Column
Center for Korean Studies (The University of California, Los Angeles )
Centre of Korean Studies at SOAS, University of London
Institute of East Asian Studies (University of California)
Korea Foundation
Korea Institute, Harvard University
Korean Studies Discussion List
韓國文化研究叢書 | CiNii
鍾樂偉 | 經濟日報
董思齊 | 報導者網站
伍麒匡 | 獨立媒體網站

Exhibition area:
5/F Library Complex

Display period:
22 Jan – 2 Mar 2018

You are welcomed to borrow the books on display.