New database : Gale: Digital Archive of F.O. 233 from National Archive (UK) – Papers of British Consulates and Legation in China (1727-1951)

The Library is pleased to launch the following database:

Gale: Digital Archive of F.O. 233 from National Archive (UK) – Papers of British Consulates and Legation in China (1727-1951)

This collection contains miscellaneous papers and reports from the British legation and consulates in China. Specifically, it comprises a catalogue of embassy archives, 1727 to 1859; trade and intelligence reports; records of legal proceedings; miscellaneous papers, some in Chinese, of the Chinese Secretary’s Office; an entry book of papers relating to the East India Company in China; claims arising from Sino-Japanese hostilities, 1927 to 1940; accounts; circulars, etc.

The library has other databases available for HKSYU users, further information can be found here

Hong Kong Shue Yan University Library


New database: 大成老舊期刊全文數據庫

The Library is pleased to launch the following database:



The library has other databases available for HKSYU users, further information can be found here

Hong Kong Shue Yan University Library


New database : 端傳媒

The Library is pleased to launch the following database:

端傳媒 / Initium Media
《端傳媒》是一家總部位於香港,面向全球華語讀者的原生網絡新聞機構。端傳媒以手機應用程式和網站為平台,以原創深度報導和數據新聞為特色,深入剖析大中華地區及國際事務。   自2015年上線以來,《端傳媒》已獲得超過45個新聞或攝影大獎。在2017和2018年連續兩屆於亞洲出版業協會(SOPA)「卓越新聞獎」摘獲六項大獎,蟬聯華文媒體之最。2020年,在被喻為亞洲人權新聞報導最高榮譽的「人權新聞獎」中,亦取得兩項優異獎。

The library has other databases available for HKSYU users, further information can be found here

Hong Kong Shue Yan University Library


Expanded access to JSTOR

To support libraries, faculty, and students with online research and instruction during COVID-19, JSTOR expanded HKSYU library’s access to JSTOR’s content:

Through August 31, 2020:

Through December 31, 2020:

  • Full archive expanded access program including access to all Arts & Science Collections, Thematic Collections, and Primary Source Collections not currently licensed at no additional charge.

HKSYU Library


Trial database: 中國經濟社會大資料研究平臺 (簡稱: 統計年鑒資料庫)

The following trial database has been activated for our library:

1. 中國經濟社會大資料研究平臺 (簡稱: 統計年鑒資料庫)

Users are welcome to access the trial databases through here
If you have any comment about the trial databases, please send to

Hong Kong Shue Yan University Library