十月圖書館工作坊 3:使用引文方式APA 7th和EndNote = Library October Workshop 3: APA 7th style citation and EndNote

【十月圖書館工作坊 3:使用引文方式APA 7th和EndNote】

圖書館除了提供RefWorks這個文獻管理工具外,我們在今年10月也正式訂閱了 EndNote 。因此,你現在可以使用EndNote、 RefWorks、Mendeley 或 Zotero 去快速製作參考列表。

這個工作坊除了會介紹如何使用 EndNote 來有效地生成和編輯參考列表外,亦都會教導 APA 7th 的基礎知識,其中包括四個常用的引文格式:書籍、電子書、文章和網站。

要參加圖書館研討會,您可以訪問我們的圖書館網站:“Help” -> “Library Instructions” 或 查問我們的圖書館機器人 或 掃描下一頁的二維碼。

報名參加圖書館工作坊: https://hksyu.syd1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_00LdbmXVIaXPlLE

[Library October Workshop 3: APA 7th style citation and EndNote]

In addition to providing RefWorks, a bibliography management tool, the library also subscribed to EndNote in October this year. Therefore, you can now use EndNote, RefWorks, Mendeley or Zotero to make reference lists quickly.

Topics in this workshop include not only the skills to use EndNote to generate and edit reference lists effectively but also introduces the basics of APA 7th citation and four commonly used citation formats: book, e-book, article, and website.

To register for the Library workshop, you can visit our Library Website: “Help -> Library Instructions” OR Ask our library bot OR Scan the QR code on the next page.

Register Library workshops: https://hksyu.syd1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_00LdbmXVIaXPlLE