List of titles on the “E-BOOK DISPLAY” board at 5/F

No Title / Author (Year)
1 British Romanticism and the Science of the Mind / Alan Richardson. (2001)
2 Cross-Cultural Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience Design: A Semiotic Perspective / Jan Brejcha. (2015)
3 Culture and Economy in the Age of Social Media / Christian Fuchs. (2015)
4 Deng Xiaoping and the transformation of China / Ezra F. Vogel. (2011)
5 Economic reform in Asia : China, India, and Japan / Sara Hsu. (2016)
6 Equity Management : the Art and Science of Modern Quantitative Investing (2nd ed.) / Bruce I. Jacobs, Kenneth N. Levy. (2017)
7 Evergreen: Cultivate the Enduring Customer Loyalty That Keeps Your Business Thriving / Noah Fleming. (2015)
8 High-Profit IPO Strategies: Finding Breakout IPOs for Investors and Traders (3rd ed.) / Tom Taulli. (2013)
9 Korea’s Online Gaming Empire / Dal Yong Jin. (2010)
10 Proofs and Refutations: The Logic of Mathematical Discovery / Imre Lakatos. (2015)
11 Self-Determination and Secession in International Law / Christian Walter, Antje von Ungern-Sternberg, and Kavus Abushov (Editors) (2011)
12 Sustainable Food Systems: The Role of the City / Robert Biel. (2016)
13 Telexistence (2nd ed.) / Susumu Tachi. (2015)
14 The Art of Conversation : Change Your Life with Confident Communication / Judy Apps. (2014)
15 The Intellectual in Modern Chinese History / Timothy Cheek. (2015)
16 在鄧小平身邊二十年 : 貼身警衛局長回憶鄧小平 / 孫勇. (2015)
17 字體設計準則 / Sun I視覺設計. (2012)
18 明夷待訪錄 / 黃宗羲. (2012)
19 長鏡頭下的張愛玲:影像、書信、出版 / 蘇偉貞. (2011)
20 科技犯罪安全之數位鑑識 : 證據力與行動智慧應用 / 王旭正, 林祝興, 左瑞麟. (2013)
21 哲學的40堂公開課 : 從提問的人蘇格拉底到電腦之父圖靈, 與大師一起漫步的哲學小旅程 / Nigel Warburton作 ; 吳妍儀譯. (2014)
22 神奇的慢活療癒人生 / 小林宏幸作 ; 林佳翰譯. (2013)
23 秦崩:從秦始皇到劉邦 / 李開元. (2010)
24 創意其實很簡單,看電視廣告就可以學到 / 周紹賢. (2014)
25 雲端行動APP設計與開發 / 劉舜中, 江高舉. (2013)
26 想像統獨:兩岸統合研究 / 劉文斌. (2013)
27 慈禧傳 : 兩個英國人清代北京見聞錄 / John Bland, Edmund Backhouse著 ; 郭松譯. (2014)
28 實戰物聯網開發 : 使用Arduino Yun / Marco Schwartz著 ; 曾吉弘譯. (2015)
29 獨聯體框架內次區域經濟 : 一體化問題研究 / 潘廣雲. (2014)
30 鐵娘子的瘦身秘密:14天驚喜冒險的夢幻激瘦之旅 / 姜家鳳. (2014)

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21st December 2017