List of titles on the “E-BOOK DISPLAY” board at 5/F

No Title / Author (Year)
1 Addiction in the family : what every counselor needs to know / Virginia A. Kelly. (2016)
2 Building tomorrow’s leaders today : on becoming a polymath leader / Michael A. Genovese. (2014)
3 Chocolate and health : chemistry, nutrition and therapy / Philip K. Wilson & W. Jeffrey Hurst. (Editors) (2015)
4 Disaster in the Far East 1941-1942 : the defence of Malaya, Japanese capture of Hong Kong, and the fall of Singapore / Martin Mace & John Grehan. (2015)
5 History on television / Ann Gray and Erin Bell. (2013)
6 Making photography matter : a viewer’s history from the Civil War to the Great Depression / Cara A. Finnegan. (2015)
7 Principles of cybercrime (2nd Ed.) / Jonathan Clough. (2015)
8 Rethinking colonialism : comparative archaeological approaches / edited by Craig N. Cipolla and Katherine H. Hayes. (2015)
9 SPSS explained (2nd Ed.) / Perry R. Hinton, Isabella McMurray and Charlotte Brownlow. (2014)
10 Tax law and racial economic justice : black tax / Andre L. Smith. (2015)
11 Television’s moment : sitcom audiences and the sixties cultural revolution / Christina von Hodernberg.(2015)
12 The lone flag : memoir of the British Consul in Macao during World War II / John Pownall Reeves. (2014)
13 The storm of creativity / Kyna Leski. (2015)
14 Watching women’s liberation, 1970 : feminism’s pivotal year on the network news / Bonnie J. Dow. (2014)
15 Worlding : identity, media, and imagination in a digital age / David Trend. (2016)
16 一句英文看天下:閱讀英文小說、電影、歌曲 / 陳超明. (2014)
17 乜乜物物: 老香港的庶民風情 / 吳文正. (2015)
18 中日韓大比拼 : 認識身邊的不同文化 / 金文學. (2013)
19 古龍的江湖 / 陳令狐. (2012)
20 司法復核與良好管治 / 戴耀廷. (2012)
21 光榮足跡:美國的第一個100年 / 王暘. (2011)
22 周易解題及其讀法 / 錢基博. (1933)
23 故宮90話:文化的政治力,從理解故宮開始 / 野島剛 ; 張惠君譯. (2016)
24 細說<> / 劉昭仁. (2012)
25 「無窮」的盼望: 香港貧窮問題探析 (增訂版) / 黃洪. (2015)
26 傳媒中文寫作 (全新修訂本) / 賴蘭香. (2012)
27 潮平岸闊 : 高錕自傳 / 高錕. (2013)
28 戰勝抑鬱症 : 中醫治療調理與藥膳 / 王永欽, 余寶珠, 梁惠梅. (2010)
29 殯葬服務學 / 王夫子, 蘇家興. (2010)
30 蘋果官方訓練教材 : Pages、Numbers、Keynote / Mark Wood. (2015)

HKSYU Library
24th February 2017