List of titles on the “E-BOOK DISPLAY” board at 5/F Library

No Title / Author (Year)
1 After marriage : rethinking marital relationships / edited by Elizabeth Brake. (2016)
2 Environmental criminology : evolution, theory, and practice / Martin A. Andresen. (2014)
3 Gifted education in Asia : problems and prospects / edited by David Yun Dai, Ching Chih Kuo. (2016)
4 Holistic engagement : transformative education for social workers in the 21st century / edited by Loretta Pyles, Gwendolyn J. Adam.(2016)
5 Integrated IT performance management / Kenneth Bainey. (2016)
6 Intra-industry trade : cooperation and conflict in the global political economy / Cameron G. Thies and Timothy M. Peterson. (2016)
7 Markets without limits : moral virtues and commercial interests / Jason Brennan and Peter Jaworski. (2016)
8 Perspectives on culture, values, and justice / edited by Chandana Chakrabarti and Tommi Lehtonen. (2015)
9 Recovering from psychosis : empirical evidence and lived experience / Stephen Williams. (2016)
10 Shakespeare’s binding language / John Kerrigan. (2016)
11 Social Media and the transformation of interaction in society / John P. Sahlin. (2015)
12 Syllabus of errors : poems / Troy Jollimore. (2015)
13 Teen talk : the language of adolescents / Sali A. Tagliamonte. (2016)
14 The right to be loved / S. Matthew Liao. (2015)
15 Theory of the lyric / Jonathan Culler.(2015)
16 人性的弱點 / 戴爾‧卡耐基(Dale Carnegie). (2015)
17 上網不上癮:給網路族的心靈處方 / 張立人. (2013)
18 女力時代:改寫全球社會面貌的女性新興階級 / 艾莉森‧沃爾夫(Alison Wolf)著 ; 許恬寧譯. (2015)
19 中央管治權與香港高度自治權 / 董立坤主編.(2015)
20 王家衛的映畫世界(2015年版)/ 香港電影評論學會策劃. (2015)
21 再會. 游樂場 (增訂版) / 梁廣福. (2015)
22 百年前巨變 : 大清帝國崩潰的三十二個真相 / 金滿樓. (2011)
23 西突厥史料 / 沙畹(E. Chavannes)著 ; 馮承鈞譯. (1935)
24 佛利民思想解讀 / 埃蒙巴特勒 (Eamonn Butler). (2014)
25 香港二十八總督 / 張連興. (2012)
26 香港後工業年代的生活故事 / 張少強,崔志暉. (2015)
27 唐代吐蕃宰相制度之研究 / 林冠群.(2015)
28 極致完美的簡報術:打造優質簡報的七個關鍵字 / 酆士昌. (2012)
29 積極思考就是力量 / 劉禹陽. (2013)
30 隨侍溥儀三十三年 / 李國雄憶述 ; 王慶祥撰著. (2014)

HKSYU Library
21st January 2017