List of titles on the “E-BOOK DISPLAY” board at 5/F

No Title / Author   (Year)
1 CEO branding : theory and practice / edited by Marc Fetscherin. (2015)
2 Controlling the message : new media in American political campaigns / Victoria A. Farrar-Myers & Justin S. Vaughn (Editors)(2015)
3 Creating financial value : a guide for senior executives with no finance background / Malcolm Allitt. (2016)
4 Creating the social venture / Susan Coleman and Dafna Kariv.(2016)
5 Cyber-Proletariat : global labour in the digital vortex / Nick Dyer-Witheford. (2015)
6 Doing Women’s Film History: Reframing Cinemas, Past and Future/ Christine Gledhill & Julia Knight (Editors)
7 Excursions into modernism : women writers, travel, and the body / Joyce E. Kelley. (2015)
8 Joyce/Shakespeare / Laura Pelaschiar (Editor) (2015)
9 Lean Six Sigma : international standards and global guidelines (2nd Ed.) / Terra Vanzant Stern. (2016)
10 Narrative and the Making of US National Security / Ronald R. Krebs.(2015)
11 Plot & structure : techniques and exercises for crafting a plot that grips readers from start to finish / James Scott Bell. (2004)
12 Queer criminology / Carrie L. Buist and Emily Lenning. (2016)
13 Secrecy at work : the hidden architecture of organizational life / Jana Costas and Christopher Grey. (2016)
14 The invention of journalism ethics : the path to objectivity and beyond / Stephen J.A. Ward. (2015)
15 The sociolinguistics of digital Englishes / Patricia Friedrich & Eduardo H. Diniz de Figueiredo. (2016)
16 Thinking through China / Jerusha McCormack & John G. Blair. (2016)
17 Understanding Italian Opera / Tim Carter. (2015)
18 中國稅務安排技巧 / 黃炘強. (2012)
19 地文誌:追憶香港地方與文學 / 陳智德. (2013)
20 李白詩歌龍意象析論 / 陳宣諭. (2015)
21 香港大律師談民商法 / 麥業成, 羅沛然主編. (2014)
22 香港政府咨詢委員會制度 / 黃湛利. (2015)
23 張學良與趙一荻的清泉幽禁歲月1946-1960 / 張閭蘅, 張閭芝, 陳海濱. (2011)
24 淺談香港仲裁法 / 芮安牟(Anselmo Reyes)作 ; 陳星楠翻譯. (2013)
25 《華僑日報》與香港華人社會, 1925-1995 / 丁潔. (2014)
26 經絡拍打基本法 : 怎麼拍?拍哪裡?為什麼? / 凡夫. (2015)
27 蒙古史略 / 格魯賽(René Grousset)著 ; 馮承鈞譯. (1962)
28 稻盛和夫成功經營的10堂課 / 沈浩卿. (2014)
29 鍾博士講解弟子規 / 鍾茂森.(2014)
30 Big Data : 驅動大企業的幕後推手 / Bill Schmarzo. (2015)

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18th November 2016