Online Recommendation of book/audio-visual materials – 在線推薦圖書/視聽資料

Online Recommendation of book/audio-visual materials
Dear Members of Shue Yan University,
The building of Library’s collection aims to support teaching, learning and research. From time to time, we often receive recommendations from faculty, staff and students. Now, there is a direct way to submit recommendations online at the Library website (under Quick Link) as below:
New Book/AV Recommendation (login required)
According to “Library Collection Development Policy, the requester (member who submits recommendation) should note conditions of required materials such as teaching categories, priority, availability, duplicates, and our acquisition schedule. After submission, an acknowledgment email will be issued to the requester and the corresponding department head, too.  Then our Acquisition Section will take follow-up action.
The online recommendation service helps you enter relevant information at any time. We look forward to receiving your recommendation soon. If you have enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact staff of Acquisition Section or send to
Best wishes,
HKSYU Library
圖書館館藏的建立主要支援教學、學習及研究之用。本館時常收到各位的推薦書目以作購買。這裡有一個直接渠道以供各位於圖書館網站(Quick Link下的項目)在線遞交:
“推薦新圖書/視聽資料” New Book/AV Recommendation (必須登入)
按照”圖書館館藏發展政策”(Library Collection Development Policy), 推薦者(遞交書目人士)必須注意有關遞交書目的條件,例如教學類別、優先次序、可購買性、重覆購買及採購時間表。當收到書目後,一封確認電郵會發給推薦者及其系主任。然其本館採購組會跟進購買事宜。