New databases

Below are the new databases which could be accessed via library website.
1. 中國五十年代初中期的政治運動數據庫 : 從土地改革到公私合營, 1946-1956
中國五十年代初中期的政治運動資料庫 由宋永毅、郭建等海內外學者編輯,美國哈佛大學費正清中國研究中心出版。數據庫有以下特點;
•    內文詳實:包括標有出處的官方檔、指示、公報、內部報告、領袖和首長講話、重要報刊社論等九千多篇。
•    資料龐大:多達近三千多萬字的第一手中文資料,多數文獻作了重新校勘;
•    文獻珍貴:其中40%為中共各級檔案館的內部檔案和文件。僅當年各地有關土改、鎮反和思想改造的絕密調查報告、記錄就達近兩千餘篇;
•    檢索靈活:可用中英文作「主題」,「日期」,「作者」,「標題」,和「關鍵詞」查閱。
2. EBSCO: American Doctoral Dissertations, 1933 – 1955
American Doctoral Dissertations, 1933-1955 provides electronic access to the only comprehensive record of dissertations accepted by American universities during that time period, the print index Doctoral Dissertations Accepted by American Universities. Containing twenty-two years of dissertation research and amounting to nearly 100,000 citations, it was created with the generous support of the H. W. Wilson Foundation and the Congregational Library & Archives in Boston.
The library has other databases available for HKSYU users, further information can be found here.
HKSYU Library