Home > Database Guide - Mobility of E-Resources

EBSCO databases

  1. Visit one of the EBSCO platforms (eg. EBSCO: Academic Search Ultimate) by using a non-mobile browser.
  2. Click “Sign In” in the top right hand corner, then click “Don't have an account? Sign up.” to create the account with your Shue Yan email.
  3. Download and install EBSCO Mobile app with your mobile device and log in with your personal username and password.
Films On Demand : Asia Video Collection

  1. Visit Films On Demand by using a non-mobile browser.
  2. Click “Your Profile” in the top right hand corner, then click “New user? Sign up.” to create the account with your Shue Yan email.
  3. Download and install Films On Demand app with your mobile device and log in with your personal username and password.
HyRead ebook

HyRead 3 (For PC, Android App and iOS App)

        Download and install HyRead 電子書 app and log in with your Veriguide, Webmail or Moodle account with password in Shue Yan.

Initium 端傳媒

(need to connect SYU wifi)

  1. Download, install and open 端傳媒 : 華語深度新聞 app.
  2. Click 個人中心 at the bottom right corner
  3. Click on 登入或註冊端帳號.
  4. Enter your Shue Yan email, create your nickname and password to create your personal account after select 註冊端帳號

Airiti iRead eBooks 華藝電子書 - Airiti Reader

 Airiti Reader (For PC, Android App and iOS App)

  1. Personal account of iRead eBook is required for authentication.
  2. Visit airiti Books 華藝中文電子書 by using a non-mobile browser.
  3. Click “登入” link in the top right hand corner
  4. Make sure  the Library is “香港樹仁大學 HONG KONG SHUE YAN UNIVERSITY”,  then click “確認” to create the account
  5. Click “註冊華藝個人會員” ,  then “連結華藝個人會員”
  6. Fill in account (帳號) using HKSYU email, 密碼, 再次輸入密碼 and 備援信箱, then “驗證信箱”
  7. An authentication email will be sent, click on the link from received email to verify your account.
  8. Download and install Airiti Reader app with your mobile device and log in with your personal account and password.
Naxos Spoken Word Library (Concurrent 5 users)

  1. Visit Naxos Spoken Word Library by using a non-mobile browser.
  2. Click “Create Student/Member Account” in the top right hand corner.
  3. Fill in the form to create your own personal login and password.
  4. Complete the registration process by clicking the activation link in your email.
  5. The email address and password you register with will act as your login credentials for the mobile apps.
  6. Download and install NSWL app from your mobile devices and log in with email address and password.


  1. Visit Press Reader by using a non-mobile browser.
  2. Click “Sign in” in the top right hand corner.
  3. Click "Library or Group" and select "Hong Kong Shue Yan University"
  4. Click "Sign Up"
  5. Fill in the form to create PressReader account - Email address, password, First Name and Last Name, then click "Create my account"
  6. Download and install PressReader app from your mobile devices and log in with email and password

The New York Times

  1. For the first time user, use a non-mobile browser and register here.
  2. Find School, selet Shue Yan University - Hong Kong, then click "Create Account"
  3. Create Email Address and click "Continue".
  4. Create Password and click "Log In".
  5. Download and install NYTimes app with your mobile device and log in with your Email address and password.


  1. Visit Browzine by using a non-mobile browser.
  2. Click “User Settings and BrowZine Account” in the top right hand corner
  3. Click LOGIN under BrowZine Account
  4. Click Sign up to create your account with Email and password
  5. Click "Confirm E-Mail address" when recieve confirmation email.
  6. Download and install BrowZine app with your mobile device and log in with your email and password.

  1. Visit VitalSource by using a non-mobile browser.
  2. Click “Create a VitalSource Account Settings” when prompt.
  3. Fill in form by enter First name, Last name, Password, agree the terms, then Click Create Account button.
  4. Click "verify email" when receive verification email.
  5. Download and install VitalSource app with your mobile device and log in with your email and password.
Wiley Digital Textbooks

  1. Visit Wiley Digital Textbooks by using a non-mobile browser.
  2. Click “Register” in the Pop-up Windows box
  3. Fill in form by enter First name, Last name, User name, Email, Password and Confirm Password, agree the terms, then click "Create Account".
  4. Download and install Wiley eText app with your mobile device and log in with your email and password.


  1. Visit EndNote login page by using a non-mobile browser.
  2. Click “Register” in the right position of the Windows page
  3. Enter your HKSYU email address, password, re-type password, First Name, Last Name and Captcha, then press Register button
  4. Download and install EndNote app with your mobile device and sign in with your HKSYU email address and password.

O’Reilly for Higher Education (Until Jan 10th 2025)

O’Reilly apps
  1. Visit O’Reilly by using a non-mobile browser.
  2. Click on "Institution not listed."
  3. Enter a Shue Yan webmail address with the institution domain
  4. Click "Let's Go"
  5. Fill in the form to create your own personal login and password.
  6. Complete the registration process by clicking the activation link in your email.
  7. The email address and password you register with will act as your login credentials for the mobile apps.
  8. Download the app from your mobile devices.
Although some online databases don't have the mobile apps, they provide the mobile friendly interfaces when you use your mobile phones to access them. You would feel more comfortable that the layout is simple to use.

