Home > Subject Guide - History 

Basic information about History
This guide provides an overview of the library resources available for History students.

Programme website
Course Reading
Code Course Name
HIST100中國通史 General History of China
HIST110中國古代史概論 Ancient Chinese History
HIST130史學理論與方法導論Introduction to Historical Theories and Methods
HIST196Knowing Hong Kong History through Heritages, Literature and Films 文物、文學、電影表述香港史
HIST210中華帝國史 Imperial China
HIST211隋唐五代史 History of Sui Tang and the Five Dynasties
HIST220The Modern World
HIST250中西文化交流史 History of Interactions between Chinese and Western Cultures
HIST252全球化與中國 Globalization and China
HIST298香港近現代史 Modern History of Hong Kong
HIST310宋元史History of Song and Yuan Dynasties
HIST311明清史History of Ming and Qing Dynasties
HIST312中國近代史 (1840-1949) Modern China (1840-1949)
HIST330中西史學史 History of Chinese and Western Historiographies
HIST340History of Urban Arts and Designs
HIST350A Global History of Cities
HIST361中國歷史地理Historical Geography of China
HIST420History of World Religions
HIST456History of Modern Western Science and Technology
HIST463近代中國的城市Cities in Modern China
HIST470Sino-American Relations: History & Contemporary Issues
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推薦的中文電子資料庫 (中文電子書庫)
超星中文電子書庫涵蓋各學科領域共 22 大類,包括交通運輸、生物科學、社會科學總論、政治、法律、藝術、軍事、經濟、文學、農業科學、文化、科學、教育、體育、天文學、地球科學、語言、文字、自然科學總論、歷史、地理、醫藥、衛生、航空、航太、環境科學、安全科學、工業技術、數理科學和化學綜合性圖書、經典理論、哲學、宗教等。目前提供100萬種中文電子圖書的在線閱讀。

Airiti iRead eBooks 華藝電子書
華藝中文電子書平台收錄了不同出版社授權的數萬本華文電子書, 本館已選購部分電子書,每本電子書均可供數人同時全文閱讀,主題包括經典文學、語言學習、商業經營、政治法律、社會心理、文學小說、醫療保健、藝術設計、電腦資訊、工程數學、歷史、哲學等。


HyRead ebook
HyRead ebook 是一個台灣電子書平台,提供最新出版學術、專業、休閒及工具書各類書籍,包含人文社會、文學小說、語言學習、財經商管、科學科普、電腦資訊、宗教心靈、醫藥養生、藝術設計、休閒生活、親子童書等各領域的電子書。

五南電子書庫以中文為主要語言類別,收錄超過3500及於2004年後出版的書籍,學科領域包括數理、社會科學、醫護、餐飲、宗教、哲學、歷史、法商、教育等。 書籍經中文系教授選購合共117本,讀者可直接點擊書籍閱讀全文,亦可通過圖書館目錄搜尋及連結到平台。



《瀚文民國書庫》內容豐富、分類專業、具備全文檢索功能,可為研究中國近代的歷史、文化提供深入的幫助。 《瀚文民國書庫》中收錄的所有圖書均實現了全文數字化(數量超過二千萬頁),可檢索文字數量超過60億字。支持全文檢索、精確檢索和模糊檢索;支持多字段、多條件的組合檢索;支持OR、AND邏輯檢索。無需安裝插件,支持簡繁體切換。可在線閱讀、可下載全文。

推薦的中文電子資料庫 (古籍 / 一手史料)


瀚堂典藏古籍瀚堂數據庫以精準校對的小學工具(文字、音韻、訓詁)、古代類書、出土文獻類資料 為基礎,大量納入包括經史子集,以及中醫藥典籍、古典戲曲、敦煌文獻、儒、釋、道等歷代傳世文獻,以及大型叢書、史書、方志、民國報刊等,涵蓋文史哲等專 業的教學和研究工作中所應用到的專業古籍文獻資料。

繙云文献.古籍文献 - 原雕龍中日古籍全文資料庫升級平台
CUHK - 中國文化大革命文庫
  • 第一部份:有關文化大革命的中共檔、指示、公報彙編;
  • 第二部份:毛澤東關於文化大革命的講話、指示和文章;
  • 第三部份:林彪關於文化大革命的講話、指示和文章;
  • 第四部份:中央首長關於文化大革命的講話和指示;
  • 第五部份:有關文化大革命的重要報刊社論文章;
  • 第六部份:文化大革命中紅衛兵、群眾運動重要文獻;
  • 第七部份:文化大革命中的異端思潮重要文獻總導言。

CUHK - 中國反右運動數據庫, 1957-
《中國反右運動數據庫(1957 -)》 由宋永毅、丁抒等海內外學者編輯,香港中文大學中國研究服務中心出版,收集了一萬篇以上的原始檔, 總字數接近兩千萬,讀者可按人名、日期、主題、關鍵字等方法自由檢索。此文庫共分為如下七大部分:
  • 第一部份:和反右運動有關的官方文件;
  • 第二部份:毛澤東在“反右”運動前後的有關講話、指示和文稿 ;
  • 第三部份:中共黨政領導和反右運動有關的講話和指示;
  • 第四部份:有關反右運動的重要報刊社論文章;
  • 第五部份:重要的右派言論和文章;
  • 第六部份:反右運動前後的鳴放言論、報刊社論和重要文章;
  • 第七部份--反右檔案:處理結論、檢查交代和平反通知。

CUHK - 中國大躍進---大饑荒數據庫,1958-1962
  • 第一部分:中共中央和各級政府有關大躍進-大饑荒的重要文件;
  • 第二部分:毛澤東有關大躍進-大饑荒的講話、指示和文稿;
  • 第三部分:中共黨政領導有關大躍進-大饑荒的講話和指示;
  • 第四部分:大躍進-大饑荒時期的重要報刊社論、文章;
  • 第五部分:大躍進-大饑荒時期的其他重要文章和報道;
  • 第六部分:中共黨內和民間社會的不滿、抵制、反抗以及相關的騷亂;
  • 第七部分--內部檔案:調查報告、指示統計等等;
  • 第八部分--特殊檔案:檢查交代和處理結論等等。 

CUHK - 中國五十年代初中期的政治運動數據庫 : 從土地改革到公私合營, 1946-1956
《中國五十年代初中期的政治運動數據庫》 由宋永毅、郭建等海內外學者編輯,美國哈佛大學費正清中國研究中心出版。數據庫有以下特點:
  • 內文詳實:包括標有出處的官方檔、指示、公報、內部報告、領袖和首長講話、重要報刊社論等九千多篇。
  • 資料龐大:多達近三千多萬字的第一手中文資料,多數文獻作了重新校勘;
  • 文獻珍貴:其中40%為中共各級檔案館的內部檔案和文件。僅當年各地有關土改、鎮反和思想改造的絕密調查報告、記錄就達近兩千餘篇;
  • 檢索靈活:可用中英文作「主題」,「日期」,「作者」,「標題」,和「關鍵詞」查閱。

人民日報圖文數據庫 (1946 - 至今)
《人民日報》自1946年6月創刊至今,是中國最具影響力和權威性的報紙。《人民日報》 作為中國政府的喉舌和唯一陣地,向中國和世界民眾發佈中央政府和中國共產黨的政策法規,政治動向,經濟資訊等。

(繁體) | (簡體)

CNKI - 中國期刊全文數據庫 (哲學與人文科學、社會科學Ⅰ輯、社會科學Ⅱ輯、經濟與管理科學)
點擊進入: CNKI 一站式搜尋平台入口

CNKI - 中國期刊全文數據庫 (CAJD)是第一部以全文數據庫形式大規模集成出版學術期刊文獻的電子期刊,是目前具有全球影響力的連續動態更新的中文學術期刊全文數據庫。CAJD還是“十一五”國家重大網絡出版工程的子項目,是《國家“十一五”時期文化發展規劃綱要》中國家“知識資源數據庫”出版工程的重要組成部分。收錄國內學術期刊8490餘種,全文文獻總量6200餘萬篇。


哲學與人文科學專輯 -- 學科範圍:語言、文字、文學、文化、藝術 、音樂、美術、體育、歷史、考古、哲學、宗教、心理等。

社會科學Ⅰ輯 -- 學科範圍:政論、黨建、外交、公安、群眾組、軍事、法律等。

社會科學Ⅱ輯 -- 學科範圍:社會科學理論與方法、社會學及統計學、民族學、人口學與計劃生育 教育理論與教育管理等。

經濟與管理專輯 -- 學科範圍:經濟、商貿、財政、金融、保險等。

CNKI - 中國優秀碩士學位論文全文數據庫
點擊進入: CNKI 一站式搜尋平台入口

《中國優秀碩士學位論文全文數據庫》簡稱 CMFD,是國內內容全面、質量上乘、數據規範、出版迅速、實用便捷的碩士學位論文全文數據庫,收錄了從1984年至今的碩士學位論文。覆蓋基礎科學、工程技術、農業、哲學、醫學、人文、社會科學等各個領域。目前,收錄來自780餘家培養單位的優秀碩士學位論文590餘萬篇。重點收錄985、211高校、中國科學院、社會科學院等重點院校高校的優秀碩士論文,重要特色學科如通信、軍事學、中醫藥等專業的優秀碩士論文。


Airiti Library – 華藝線上圖書館
Airiti Library – 華藝線上圖書館的主要是以中文為主要語言類別的期刊出版品, 主要收錄範圍為台灣、中國大陸、香港及其他全球各地以中文為主要語言的期刊, 但不限此類語言。 涵蓋的科目包括人文學科、社會科學、自然科學、應用科學、醫學與生命科學等。 讀者可以利用學科、出版機構、期刊名稱或進階檢索等選項進行檢索及瀏覽。

CNKI - 中國博士論文全文數據庫
點擊進入: CNKI 一站式搜尋平台入口

《中國博士學位論文全文數據庫》簡稱 CDFD,是國內內容全面、質量上乘、數據規範、出版迅速、實用便捷的博士學位論文全文數據庫,收錄了從1984年至今的博士學位論文。覆蓋基礎科學、工程技術、農業、醫學、哲學、人文、社會科學等各個領域。目前,收錄來自500餘家培養單位的博士學位論文50餘萬篇。收錄全國985、211工程等重點高校,中國科學院、社會科學院等研究院所的博士學位論文。


  地緣看世界 : 歐亞腹地的政治博弈
出版日期 : 2023
索書號 : 571.15 1317 2023
位置 : Chinese Book (2/F)
  僑批與金融 : 海洋移民、貿易與金融網絡
出版日期 : 2023
索書號 : 577.21 1211 2023
位置 : Chinese Book (2/F)
出版日期 : 2023
索書號 : 110.7 812 2023
位置 : Chinese Book (2/F)
  赤壁之戟 : 建安与三国
出版日期 : 2022
索書號 : 821.82 516 2022
位置 : Chinese Book (5/F)
  契丹王朝政治军事制度研究 = The political and military system of the Khitan dynasty
出版日期 : 2022
索書號 : 625.5 1311 2022
位置 : Chinese Book (2/F)
出版日期 : 2022
索書號 : 610.9 1516 2022
位置 : Chinese Book (2/F)
  道從此入 : 清代翰林與香港
出版日期 : 2022
索書號 : 573.5236 1111 2022
位置 : Chinese Book (2/F)
出版日期 : 2022
索書號 : 481.909233 1508 2022
位置 : Chinese Book (2/F)
出版日期 : 2022
平台 : HyRead eBooks
出版日期 : 2022
平台 : HyRead eBooks
出版日期 : 2022
平台 : 華藝電子書
出版日期 : 2022
平台 : HyRead eBooks
出版日期 : 2022
平台 : HyRead eBooks
出版日期 : 2022
平台 : HyRead eBooks
  大明帝局:被閹割的王朝, 士大夫的奴化
出版日期 : 2022
平台 : HyRead eBooks
出版日期 : 2022
平台 : HyRead eBooks
出版日期 : 2021
平台 : HyRead eBooks
Recommended Databases (English eBooks)
ProQuest Ebook Central
ProQuest Ebook Central provides a breadth and depth of ebooks from scholarly sources, including university presses and other top publishers, covering the subjects of Arts, Business, Education, Health and Medicine, History and Political Science, Law, Literature and Language, Religion and Philosophy, Social Science, and Science and Technology.


EBSCOhost eBook Collection
EBSCOhost eBook Collection provides access to an extensive collection of ebook titles in various subjects. It includes a broad range of titles, in areas such as arts & architecture, business & economics, computer science, education, engineering & technology, fiction, history, literature & criticism, political science, religion and social sciences.


The e-Duke Books Scholarly Collection
The e-Duke Books Scholarly Collection provides access to over 2,000 e-books in humanities and social sciences. Key subject areas include anthropology, art history and theory, Asian studies, cultural studies, ethnic studies, film and television, gender and sexuality studies, Latin American studies, political theory, and science studies. The collection includes term access to all available backlist titles published by Duke University Press as well as perpetual access to at least 100 new e-books each calendar year.

Asian History | African History | Ethnohistory | European Studies | Latin American History | U.S. History | World History

Gale eBooks
Gale eBooks (formerly Gale Virtual Reference Library) is an online library of reference titles for multi-disciplinary research, including texts related to American and world history, biography, health, arts, business, travel, religion, and multicultural studies.

Wiley Digital Textbooks
Wiley Digital Textbooks published by Wiley, currently feature over 20,000 original academic textbooks, covering more than 30 disciplines, including business management, engineering, mathematics, physics, chemistry, life and earth sciences, medical health, social sciences, hospitality management, and humanities.

Loan period: 3 days for each book
Loan quota: 5 titles for each user

Recommended Databases (English Primary Sources)
Gale Primary Sources databases: One-stop platform

Gale Primary Sources databases: One-stop platform is a universal research experience that combines Gale's acclaimed digital archives in a single cross-search interface. This powerful platform greatly enhances the research experience for students and researchers by broadening their discovery of primary source documents through the use of multiple search options and research tools.

The Gale Primary Sources cross-search interface provides access to millions of pages of content spanning many centuries and geographic regions. Users can explore a wide range of content including books, manuscripts, newspapers, photographs, maps, and more.

The collections of Gale Primary Sources includes:
1. Archives Unbound
Gain access to rare primary source documents with these topically focused digital collections. Supports academic research.

2. Associated Press Collections Online
Search the Associated Press Corporate Archive for events, people, and trends from the mid-1800s through the twentieth century.

3. China and the Modern World
Research China during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; coverage includes diplomacy, economics, imperialism, and more.

4. Financial Times Historical Archive
Search the online facsimile of this internationally known daily paper focused on financial and other issues.

5. International Herald Tribune Historical Archive, 1887-2013
Explore diverse coverage from this international newspaper, including its runs as The New York Herald and the New York Herald Tribune.

6. Nineteenth Century Collections Online
Discover primary source collections of the long nineteenth century. Sourced from almost one hundred major world libraries.

7. State Papers Online Colonial
Documents Britain's administration of countries under Britain's colonial rule and their relations across the period.

8. The Economist Historical Archive
Research global political and economic news and analysis with the source used by top leaders and thinkers.

9. The Illustrated London News Historical Archive, 1842-2003
Search the complete digital edition (over 260,000 full color pages) of the world's first illustrated weekly newspaper.

10. The Sunday Times Historical Archive
Discover thoughtful analysis and commentary on news and society since 1822.

11. The Times Digital Archive
Search over 200 years of this invaluable historical source widely considered to be the world's "newspaper of record."

12. The Times Educational Supplement Historical Archive
Explore 90 years of history in the fields of public policy, arts and literature in the classroom, and math and science pedagogy from the paper of record in education.

13. The Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive
Study and research the literary activity and critical opinion makers of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

JSTOR (Full Collection)
JSTOR's archival journal collections include more than two thousand journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Both multidisciplinary and discipline-specific journal collections are offered, covering more than 50 academic disciplines. At present, JSTOR contains a range of Arts & Sciences collections, a multidisciplinary Life Sciences Collection, discipline-specific collections across several fields, and four primary source collections.

EBSCOhost - Academic Search Ultimate
EBSCOhost - Academic Search Ultimate offers students an unprecedented collection of peer-reviewed, full-text journals, including many journals indexed in leading citation indexes. The combination of academic journals, magazines, periodicals, reports, books and videos meets the needs of scholars in virtually every discipline ranging from astronomy, anthropology, biomedicine, engineering, health, law and literacy to mathematics, pharmacology, women's studies, zoology and more.


EBSCOhost - History
EBSCOhost also has the following collections for History:

1. EBSCOhost: Bibliography of Asian Studies (BAS)
It contains nearly 900,000 records on all subjects (especially in the humanities and the social sciences) pertaining to East, Southeast, and South Asia published worldwide from 1971 to the present. It also includes the full content of the annual printed Bibliography of Asian Studies from the 1971 up to the 1991 volumes (published in 1997).

2. EBSCOhost: European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750
In cooperation with the John Carter Brown Library, EBSCO Publishing created a comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750 from European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed In Europe Relating to the Americas, 1493-1750. The database contains more than 32,000 records, and covers the history of European exploration as well as portrayals of native American peoples

3. EBSCOhost: Historical Abstracts with Full Text
It offers a global look at history with content from Africa, Asia, North and South America, Europe and the Middle East. It contains cover-to-cover full text for 150 titles, including many peer-reviewed journals. Full text dates as far back as 1964.

4. EBSCO: History Reference Centre
This database offers full text from more than 2,500 reference books, encyclopedias and non-fiction books, full text for about 170 history magazines, 112,000 historical documents, 119,000 biographies of historical figures, more than 113,000 historical photos and maps, and more than 80 hours of historical videos.

5. EBSCOhost: History Reference eBook Collection
This ebook reference collection offers over 200 historical eBook titles covering global topics from the ancient world through today.

6. EBSCOhost: Humanities Source Ultimate
It offers access to key content covering literary, scholarly and creative thought. It also includes hundreds of scholarly full-text journals cited in leading subject indexes to round out student research.


Gale In Context: World History
Gale In Context: World History takes learners from the ancient world to today's headlines, delivering a chronicle of the great cultures and societies that have formed the history of the human race.


ProQuest Central
ProQuest Central is the largest aggregated multi-disciplinary full-text database across all major subject areas, including Business, Health and Medical, Language and Literature, Social Sciences, Education, Science and Technology, as well as core titles in the Performing and Visual Arts, History, Religion, Philosophy, and includes thousands of full-text newspapers from around the world.


Gale PowerSearch
Gale PowerSearch is a search platform unlike any other, providing libraries with a sophisticated yet simple solution for managing a wealth of periodical, reference, multimedia and primary source information.

Gale Power Search searches across these collections:
1. Gale Academic OneFile
Quickly access articles from a database of scholarly journals and other trusted periodicals. Best for academic research.

2. Gale eBooks
Explore this database of encyclopedias and reference sources within the Gale eBooks platform. For multidisciplinary research.

3. Gale General OneFile
Access general interest magazines and key serials in a single resource. Best for general research.

4. Gale OneFile: U.S. History
Search balanced coverage of events in U.S. history. Best for novice historians and academic researchers. Updated daily.

5. Gale OneFile: World History
Access balanced coverage of events in world history and scholarly work being established in the field.

And more....