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This guide provides an overview of the library resources available for Counselling and Psychology students.
Programme website
Programme website
Code | Course Name |
COUN110 | Personal Growth |
COUN200 | Theories & Systems in Counselling and Psychotherapy |
COUN310 | Advanced Skills in Individual Counselling and Psychotherapy |
COUN320 | School Counselling |
COUN330 | Ethics: Professional Issues and Personal Awareness |
COUN340 | Advanced Skills in Group Facilitation |
COUN350 | Child Counselling |
COUN370 | Counselling Students with Special Education Needs |
COUN380 | Addiction Counselling |
COUN400 | Chinese Psychology and Psychotherapy |
COUN410 | Alternate Approaches to Counselling and Psychotherapy |
COUN440 | Family Therapy |
COUN450 | Career and Employment Counselling |
COUN461 | Internship in Counselling I |
COUN462 | Internship in Counselling II |
COUN470 | Application in Psychopathologies |
COUN560 | Counselling and Psychotherapy |
- Adolescent Counselling
- Assessment Techniques
- Aging Process
- Anxiety Disorders
- Application in Psychopathologies
- Art Therapy
- Assessment and Evaluation
- Assessment Techniques
- Assistive Technology
- Behavior Management
- Bowenian Therapy
- Career and Employment Counselling
- Career Assessment
- Career Counseling
- Case Management
- Child Counselling
- Chinese Psychology and Psychotherapy
- Client Assessment
- Clinical Interviewing
- Clinical Skills
- Cognitive-behavioral Therapy
- Communication Skills
- Counselling
- Crisis Intervention
- Developmental Disorders
- Disability Accommodations
- Dream Analysis
- DSM-5
- Elder Abuse
- Empathy
- Evidence-based Practice
- Experiential Learning
- Exposure Therapy
- Family Therapy
- Gerontological Counselling
- Gestalt Therapy
- Group Facilitation
- Humanistic Therapy
- Identity Development
- Mental Health Counseling
- Mental Health Treatment
- Mood Disorders
- Narrative Therapy
- Personality Assessment
- Personality Disorders
- Play Therapy
- Program Evaluation
- Progress Monitoring
- Psychoanalytic Therapy
- Psychodrama
- Psychotherapy
- Psychotic Disorders
- School Counselling
- Social-emotional Learning
- Trauma Disorders
- Treatment Planning
EBSCOhost - Academic Search Ultimate offers students an unprecedented collection of peer-reviewed, full-text journals, including many journals indexed in leading citation indexes. The combination of academic journals, magazines, periodicals, reports, books and videos meets the needs of scholars in virtually every discipline ranging from astronomy, anthropology, biomedicine, engineering, health, law and literacy to mathematics, pharmacology, women's studies, zoology and more.
EBSCO: Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection provides nearly 600 full text journals. This database covers topics such as emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & psychology, mental processes, anthropology, and observational and experimental methods. Nearly every full text title included in this database is indexed in PsycINFO.
ProQuest Central is the largest aggregated multi-disciplinary full-text database across all major subject areas, including Business, Health and Medical, Language and Literature, Social Sciences, Education, Science and Technology, as well as core titles in the Performing and Visual Arts, History, Religion, Philosophy, and includes thousands of full-text newspapers from around the world.
ProQuest: APA PsycArticles® is a robust database offering full-text access to landmark journals in behavioral science and related fields ranging from education, to nursing, to business, and more. This database provides comprehensive coverage, high-quality research, and authoritative publications on a user-friendly platform.
Full-text journals are published by the American Psychological Association, the APA Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association and Hogrefe & Huber. The database includes all material from the print journals. Many titles go back to volume 1, issue 1.
Full-text journals are published by the American Psychological Association, the APA Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association and Hogrefe & Huber. The database includes all material from the print journals. Many titles go back to volume 1, issue 1.
ProQuest: APA PsycInfo® provides access to international literature in psychology and related disciplines. This database is published by the American Psychological Associations and provides comprehensive indexing and abstracts of the international psychological literature from the 1800s to the present. Documents indexed include journals, articles, books, dissertations and more. 90% of the 3,000+ titles indexed in APA PsycINFO® are peer-reviewed.
PsychiatryOnline is a website that features DSM-5-TR and The American Journal of Psychiatry as the cornerstones of a collection of psychiatric references, including books, journals, and self-assessment tools. Much more than individual titles, PsychiatryOnline features sophisticated searching and indexing tools that enable users to quickly target all the information needed.
The Library subscribes the DSM Premium collection, which covers diagnosis and differential diagnosis, case vignettes to bring abstract concepts to life, multidisciplinary treatment guidelines, the latest research - all within a single search and navigation interface that integrates journals and books.
The Library subscribes the DSM Premium collection, which covers diagnosis and differential diagnosis, case vignettes to bring abstract concepts to life, multidisciplinary treatment guidelines, the latest research - all within a single search and navigation interface that integrates journals and books.
Gale Academic OneFile is the premier source of peer-reviewed full-text scholarly content across the academic disciplines such as Biology, Chemistry, Criminal justice, Economics, Environmental science, History, Marketing, Political science, Psychology.
ProQuest Ebook Central provides a breadth and depth of ebooks from scholarly sources, including university presses and other top publishers, covering the subjects of Arts, Business, Education, Health and Medicine, History and Political Science, Law, Literature and Language, Religion and Philosophy, Social Science, and Science and Technology.
EBSCOhost eBook Collection provides access to an extensive collection of ebook titles in various subjects. It includes a broad range of titles, in areas such as arts & architecture, business & economics, computer science, education, engineering & technology, fiction, history, literature & criticism, political science, religion and social sciences.
EBSCO: PsycBOOKS, from the American Psychological Association (APA), is a database of nearly 2,000 books published by APA and other distinguished publishers. It also includes close to 1,500 classic books of landmark historical impact in psychology dating from the 1600s and the exclusive electronic release of more than 1,500 authored entries from the APA/Oxford University Press Encyclopedia of Psychology.
ScienceDirect is Elsevier's premier platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature. It advances research and scholarship with the world's leading database of peer-reviewed, full-text scientific, technical and health literature. There are 21M articles & book chapters, 800 open-access journals and 3.3M open-access articles on the platform. It contains a large collection of Social Sciences and Humanities journals and books, highlighting historical context, current developments, theories, applications, trends and more.
Wiley Digital Textbooks published by Wiley, currently feature over 20,000 original academic textbooks, covering more than 30 disciplines, including business management, engineering, mathematics, physics, chemistry, life and earth sciences, medical health, social sciences, hospitality management, and humanities.
Loan period: 3 days for each book
Loan quota: 5 titles for each user
Loan period: 3 days for each book
Loan quota: 5 titles for each user
VitalSource is the e-textbook platform which provides many different subjects of the e-textbooks. Users could borrow them via this platform. It supports mobile app in IOS and Android, users can read offline accordingly. Furthermore, users can make notes on their borrowed e-textbooks during the loan period.
Loan period: 1 day for each book
Loan quota: 5 titles for each user
Loan period: 1 day for each book
Loan quota: 5 titles for each user
華藝中文電子書平台收錄了不同出版社授權的數萬本華文電子書, 本館已選購部分電子書,每本電子書均可供數人同時全文閱讀,主題包括經典文學、語言學習、商業經營、政治法律、社會心理、文學小說、醫療保健、藝術設計、電腦資訊、工程數學、歷史、哲學等。
HyRead ebook 是一個台灣電子書平台,提供最新出版學術、專業、休閒及工具書各類書籍,包含人文社會、文學小說、語言學習、財經商管、科學科普、電腦資訊、宗教心靈、醫藥養生、藝術設計、休閒生活、親子童書等各領域的電子書。
Alexander Street's Academic Video Online contains over 70,000 titles of award-winning documentaries, field recordings, interviews, lectures, and training videos. The subjects include Business, Counselling, Film, Health, History, Music, etc. There are lots of useful resources to all types of patrons for educational use.
APA Video Introduction to Psychotherapy Systems is a special collection of therapy demonstrations that was chosen specifically for undergraduate programs in psychology, and is essential for any institution looking for an authoritative introduction to psychotherapy.
Each of the 20+ videos in this collection focuses on demonstrating a different psychotherapeutic approach.
Each of the 20+ videos in this collection focuses on demonstrating a different psychotherapeutic approach.
Alexander Street's Behavioral and Mental Health Online provides a comprehensive, rich, and diverse collection of video and text for anyone studying or teaching in the area of mental health. Programs in counseling, social work, nursing, psychology and behavioral health will all benefit from the wide variety of content in this collection, which includes clinical mental health demonstrations, actual therapy sessions, compelling documentaries on the human condition, psychotherapy transcripts, as well client narratives and reference works. Content included in the package has been the recipient of the Best Niche Product award from Library Journal and was deemed “highly recommended” by Choice Magazine.
Alexander Street's Counseling and Therapy in Video : Volume IV is a multimedia collection that addresses the current best practices for counseling and therapy. It includes transcripts of real therapy sessions, video presentations by practicing therapists as well as presentations and publications by renowned academic therapists.
APA PsycTESTS (PsycNet) is a research database that provides access to psychological tests, measures, scales, surveys, and other assessments as well as descriptive information about the test and its development and administration.
APA PsycTherapy is a streaming video database of therapy demonstrations with hundreds of videos showing various treatment approaches. APA PsycTherapy is intended for educational purposes, specifically in clinical training and counselor education, and provides clinicians, counselors, and trainees the opportunity to observe candid psychotherapy videos featuring known therapists.
This proven counseling training method is an invaluable tool to remain abreast of the latest psychotherapy techniques. Therapists cover more than 150 approaches, such as integrated behavioral healthcare, cognitive behavior therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy. All therapy demonstrations in APA PsycTherapy are unscripted and were taped within the past ten years.
Key Benefits
This proven counseling training method is an invaluable tool to remain abreast of the latest psychotherapy techniques. Therapists cover more than 150 approaches, such as integrated behavioral healthcare, cognitive behavior therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy. All therapy demonstrations in APA PsycTherapy are unscripted and were taped within the past ten years.
Key Benefits
- Therapeutic approaches addressing a wide range of psychotherapy topics
- Proven methods showcasing common obstacles faced during therapy sessions
- Helpful tools that allow users to create playlists and share video clips
- Expertly tagged metadata for easy navigation to specific therapeutic techniques
- Synchronized transcripts which allow users to search for precise moments in therapy
Alexander Street's Counseling and Psychotherapy Transcripts, Client Narratives, and Reference Works is a searchable collection containing real transcripts of counselling and therapy sessions and first-person narratives illuminating the experience of mental illness and treatment, as well as reference works to contextualize the primary material. The database contains more than 2,000 session transcripts, 44,000 pages of client narratives, and 25,000 pages of secondary reference material.
Psychotherapy.net (Full Collection) is a complete collection of psychotherapy & counseling videos. The Full Collection will expand as new titles are regularly added throughout the subscription period.
The Autplay therapy handbook : integrative family play therapy with neurodivergent childre Publication Date : 2023 Call number : 618.92891653 GRA 2023 Location : English Book (4/F) |
圖解藝術治療 : 助人專業者的第一本藝術治療指南 Publication Date : 2022 Call number : 418.986 1407 2022 Location : Chinese Book (2/F) |
藝術治療圖卡的100種應用 : 藝術治療圖卡全指南 = Handbook of art therapy cards and applications Publication Date : 2022 Call number : 418.986 616 2022 Location : Chinese Book (2/F) |
你在煩惱什麼呢? : 大學諮商心理師給你的陪伴之書, 關於成長的疼痛與焦慮 Publication Date : 2021 Call number : 177.2 710 2021 Location : Chinese Book (2/F) |
Your psychology dissertation Publication Date : 2021 Call number : 808.06615 HAR 2021 Location : English Book (4/F) |
巴夫洛夫的狗 : 50個改變歷史的心理學實驗 Publication Date : 2017 Call number :171.1 910 2017 Location : Chinese Book (2/F) |
紅書 : 讀者版 = The red book : a reader's edition = Liber novus Publication Date : 2016 Call number :175.7 1410 2016 Location : Chinese Book (2/F) |
焦慮心理學 Publication Date : 2023 Access via HyRead [ebook] |
榮格想與你談性格:原型、個性化、人格面具, 分析心理學始祖為你破解「性格決定命運」的密碼 Publication Date : 2022 Access via HyRead [ebook] |
圖解變態心理學 Publication Date : 2022 Access via HyRead [ebook] |
社会心理学 Publication Date : 2022 Access via HyRead [ebook] |
圖解家族治療 Publication Date : 2021 Access via 華藝電子書 [ebook] |
結構式遊戲治療技巧實務 Publication Date : 2021 Access via 華藝電子書 [ebook] |
認知心理學:理論與應用 Publication Date : 2019 Access via 華藝電子書 [ebook] |
Counseling Youth: Systemic Issues and Interventions Publication Date : 2023 Access via Oxford Scholarship - Oxford University Press: Social Work [ebook] |
Theory and Practice of Group Counseling, 10th Edition Publication Date : 2023 Access via VitalSource etextbooks platform [ebook] |
Art therapy and career counseling : creative strategies for career development across the lifespan Publication Date : 2023 Access via EBSCO [ebook] |
Genealogy, psychology and therapy : uncovering trauma Publication Date : 2023 Access via EBSCO [ebook] |
Play Therapy and Expressive Arts in a Complex and Dynamic World Publication Date : 2022 Access via Ebook Central Perpetual [ebook] |
Expressive therapies for kids : an art, music, play and drama toolbox for school-based counseling Publication Date : 2020 Access via Ebook Central Perpetual [ebook] |