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What does the item's status mean in Discover@ShueYan ?

The status of the item are explained as below:


Status Meaning
AVAILABLE The item is in library and available for use.
DUE 06-04-05 The item was borrowed and the due date is 6 Apr 2005.
DUE 06-04-05 + 1 HOLD The item was borrowed and the due date is 6 Apr 2005.
There is one hold for this item.
JUST RETURNED The item was borrowed and just returned. Please wait for 5 hours for reshelfing this item.
JUST ARRIVE The item has just arrived the library and is under processing. It will be ready for borrowing until the internal processing finished.
LIB USE ONLY Patrons can only use the item in library. They are not allowed to borrow it out.
NEW BK DISPLAY The item is a new book and is on display. Patrons are welcome to borrow it.
ON HOLDSHELF The item was hold on holdshelf and ready for patron to pickup.
ON CATALOGING The item is on cataloging. It will be ready for borrowing until the cataloging process finished.
ON HOLDSHELF + 1 HOLD The item was hold on holdshelf and ready for patron to pickup.
There is one additional hold for this item.
REPAIRING The item is being repaired. It will be ready for borrowing until the repairing process finished.

1 copy ordered for 4/F., English Book on 03-10-2005.

1 copy ordered for 4/F., Chinese Book on 03-10-2005.

One copy of the English book/Chinese book was ordered on 3 October 2005. The library is waiting for the book delivered from the publisher.