Printed Books

Call No. Title
121.207 1015 2016儒家思想的現代使命 : 永續發展的智慧 / [孫震著]
121.277 413 2011天然與修為 : 荀子道德哲學的精神 / 王楷著.
176.54 1324 2012慢活,快樂慢生活 : 用好生活的減法,生命會更精采 = Slow living the slow life, happiness / 楊鑫嫣著.
225.8 817 2007 鋤下菩提 : 佛教農禪觀 / 邱環著.
225.87 106 2013 蘋果禪 / 一行禪師, 張莉蓮著 ; 劉漢生譯.
351 1316 2004小小地球 : 脆弱的地球 / James Bruges著 ; 楊曉霞譯.
367 1208 2013綠色先行者 : 生態運動關鍵12人 / 黃怡著.
367.212 1013 2010氣候戰爭 : 即將到來的第三次世界大戰 = Climate wars / 格溫.戴爾著 ; 馮斌譯.
367.27 1912 2010為什麼是碳?碳文明與碳毀滅 / 羅斯頓著 ; 吳妍儀譯.
367.3 409 1998香港綠色難產 / 文思慧著.
367.3092 811 1999邁向廿一世紀的中國 : 環境, 資源與可持續發展 / 林健枝, 陳永勤等主編.
367.36 806 1999綠色消費面面觀 / 周兆祥.
367.363 605 2010珍愛地球 : 邁向光輝的女性世紀 / 池田大作, 海瑟.亨德森著.
367.363 801 2010 聽大樹唱歌 / 林一峰, 陳曉蕾.
367.4 610 2014環境保護知識365問 / 曲格平主編
367.4 820 2006解剖污染 / 邱耀雄著.
367.46 1215 1997廢棄物資源回收制度改進之研究 / 湯德宗計劃主持 ; 行政院研究發展考核委員會編.
367.46 1714 2011  讓城市更清潔 : 垃圾發電的發展與政策 / 薜鳳旋...[et al.]編著.
367.47 1210 2015我們的河 : 科學與救贖的追尋 / 費根 Dan Fagin著 ; 陳榮彬譯.
367.7 1116 2010一家人, 好天氣 / [陳曉蕾, 劉倩瑜].
367.7 907 2014革你小命 : DIY創意生活 / 上書局仝人編著.
367.809238 1105 2007生態悠悠行 : 綠色香港. 2 / 梁永健, 陳曉霞, 楊松頴等著.
367.87 812 1993水域熱影響概論 / 金嵐等編著.
388.8238 912 2011香港觀鳥手冊. 水邊鳥類篇 = Handbook of Hong Kong waterside birds / 香港觀鳥會編著.
391.5 708 2010夢想綠社區 : 營造你的永續生活 / 著Sarah James, Torbjörn Lahti ; 譯呂孟娟.
391.5 914 2011  潘朵拉的種子 : 人類文明進步的代價 / 韋爾斯著 ; 潘震澤譯.
400.15 204 2013 後石油時代全球浩劫 / 丁仁東著.
411.1 1108 2008  有機生活眞健康 : 《零污染有機生活》(增訂版) / 張明彰編著.
411.1 308 2013  神奇的慢活療癒人生 : 最高の人生,從放慢腳步開始! / [作者: 小林弘幸 ; 譯者: 林佳翰]
411.3 1107 2015原始人飲食法 : 吃基因最需要的食物 /崎谷博征著 ; 莊雅琇譯.
411.3 1312 2002未來的食物 / Colin Tudge 著 ; 廉萍譯 ; John Gribbin 主編.
411.3 2009 2011每一樣食物都能吃 : 覺醒式飲食教你徹底減重不復胖!
411.3 408 2013權威食品安全專家教你安心買,健康吃 : 9個基本觀念、17種食物陷阱、5大飲食原則,一次告訴你! / 文長安著.
411.3 508 2014無毒飲食生活家教你:真食物這樣選!這樣吃! : 遠離黑心食品的13堂「無毒飲食」生活實踐課 / 白佩玉著.
411.3 514 2012我的餐盤,我的健康,我的星球 = Mon assiette, ma santé, ma planète / 皮爾.威耶 (Pierre Weill) 著 ; 馬向民譯.
411.3 814 2011 用心吃,不要用力吃 : 141個打造健康飲食的新習慣 
411.371 1008 2013不流血的革命 : 素食主義文化史 / 特拉姆.史都華 ; [譯]丘德真, 李靜怡.
411.373 1314 2011「踐」嘗有機品味 / [撰文: 鄒鳳愛]
411.373 2013 2014  防癌.抗老.有活力! : 超級食物實用手冊 
412.25 708 2009  食品安全報道的受眾心理研究 = A study on audience's psychology of food safety report / 何其聰著.
412.25 811 2013 基因改造的美麗與哀愁 / 林基興著.
412.37 1409 2015種毒 / [作者: Breakazine!創作小組...[et al.]
412.37 1409 2015 supp.種毒 (Supplement) / [作者: Breakazine!創作小組...[et al.]
412.7 806 1989綠色思想與香港 / 周兆祥, 羅維恩, 梁淑君合編.
418.8 1910 2014 後毒物時代 : 偽食物、毒建材、假有機,全球政府視而不見的人類危機
420 605 2011 綠色生活實踐指南 : 一個食品業品牌經理的健康綠消費妙招/ 米卡愛拉.佩斯頓
427 1314 2015永續的一餐 : 簡樸、靈活與惜食的烹飪手札 / 作者: 塔瑪.艾德勒 ; 譯者: 徐嘉妍.
427.1 1107 2010  低碳飲食救地球/ 畢李明, 徐欣榮著.
427.3 1112 2014 幸福的 : 自然生活筆記, 2015 / [作者: 陳惠雯 ; 插畫: 田文社]
430 907 2015  垂直農場 : 城市發展新趨勢 / Dr. Dickson Despommier 迪克森・戴波米耶 ; 林慧珍譯.
430.11361 1711 2011齊民要術 / 繆啟愉著.
430.13 1510 2015  從土地而生 : 在都市裡擁抱自然,從生命中獲得愛與重生的力量 / 瑾恩.諾藍 (Jeanne Nolan)著
430.13 912 2014  香港有機 : 細說農話 / 香港浸會大學香港有機資源中心
430.3092 1512 2002 經濟全球化與中國農業發展 / 劉惠宇著.
430.92 408 2001  中國農業演變之探索 / 毛育剛著.
430.92082 1110 2013中國農業的不穩定性 (1931─1991) : 氣候、技術、制度 / 郭益耀著 ; 肖宏宇譯.
430.9238 1116 2012有米 / 陳曉蕾著.
430.9238 2004 2015近田得米 : 香港永續生活新煮意, 12個本地農場的永續生活實踐 X 意式風情美食食譜 / 蘇文英, 鄒崇銘著.
430.9238 2007 2015十九及二十世紀的香港漁農業 : 傳承與轉變 / 饒玖才
430.9238 912 2015  香港農業的復興 : 香港新農業政策研討會論文集 / 薛浩然主編.
430.9238 912 2015  香港在地農業讀本 : 追尋生態、適切、低投入、社區農業 / 鄒崇銘, 姚松炎編.
430.9239 615 2014 碰撞与变迁 : 城市化进程中的澳门菜农 = Macao vegetable growers in the process of urbanization / 朱德新著.
430.9239 615 2014 碰撞与变迁 : 城市化进程中的澳门菜农 = Macao vegetable growers in the process of urbanization / 朱德新著.
430.931 1112 2011  日本的農業保護與東亞地區主義 / 張雲著.
431.0933 1311 2014臺灣農家經濟史之重新詮釋 / 葉淑貞著.
431.1092 1009 2009 农业农村改革发展三十年 / 孙政才主编.
431.1092 707 2010 鄉村視野 : “三農”問題的調查與思考 / 李克軍著.
431.2 1010 2002  農民經濟的歷史變遷 : 中英鄉村社會區域發展比較 / 徐浩著.
431.2 1306 2014 落地生根 : 社区支持农业之甦动 / 执行编辑陈惠芳、周玉珠.
431.2092 708 2004 我向百姓說實話 / 李昌平著.
431.2092 909 2002  農民,市場與社會變遷 : 冀中11村透視並與英國鄉村比較 / 侯建新著.
431.25 1016 2016食鮮限時批 : 日本食通信挑戰全紀錄 =だから、ぼくは農家をスターにする: 「食べる通信」の挑戦 / 高橋博之著 ; 簡嘉潁, 万花譯.
431.28092 1905 2004  農業合作化運動史 / 羅平漢著.
431.4092 704 2009  理解農民中國 : 社會科學哲學的案例研究 / 李丹著 ; 張天虹, 張洪雲, 張勝波譯.
431.98 1313 1999  危機與出路 : 中國糧食結構與農業發展新論 / 楊萬江著.
432.73 804 1997親山親水親大地 / 林少雯著.
432.8 616 1999有機種植完全指南 / Geoff Hamilton著 
434.193 507 2010  家有香草超好用 / 尼克著.
434.25 1509 2010 農業高科技創業投資風險研究 / 潘洪剛著.
435.209238 1116 2010  香港正菜 / 陳曉蕾.
435.311 407 2010  蘋果教我的事 : 木村阿公給未來的禮物 / 木村秋則著 ; 王蘊潔譯.
437.18 1207 2015壞農業 : 廉價肉品背後的恐怖真相 / 菲利普.林貝里, 伊莎貝爾.歐克夏著 ; 鄭襄憶, 游卉庭譯.
443.6427 716 2001台灣水之源 : 台澎金馬水庫壩堰簡介 / 經濟部水利處編 ; [總編輯吳憲雄]
443.685 615 1999黃河的警示 / 伊慧民著.
443.8 1313 2006為奪回公營食水而鬥爭 : 全球有關公營食水的成就、鬥爭經驗及願景 / 英文版編輯組: Belén Balanyà ... [et al.] ; 中文版編輯組: 全球化監察編委會 ; 中文版譯者: 鄒頌華, 謝媛彰, 潘敏妮 ; 翻譯校對: 王英倩.
445.109238 1209 2011改革戰記 : 營造灣仔 / 黃英琦.
445.109238 1516 2015城市日記 : 未來故事, 永續香港 / 黎穎詩
445.42 914 2016廢品生活 : 垃圾場的經濟、社群與空間 / 胡嘉明, 張劼穎著.
445.9 607 2002硬綠 : 從環境主義者手中拯救環境 : 保守主義宣言 = Hard green : saving the environment from the environmentalists : a conservative manifesto / 著者[美]彼得.休伯(Peter Huber) ; 譯者戴星翼, 徐立青.
445.909238 1609 1997香港環境與環境保護 / 主編錢俊生 ; 副主編何建宗, 甄永樂.
445.90933 1105 2013環保人, 回收物 / 撰文: 陳世慧 ; 攝影: 經典雜誌.
445.90952 1107 2002與地球和平共處 = Making peace with the planet / 著者[美]巴里.康芒納(Barry Commoner) ; 譯者王喜六, 王文江, 陳蘭芳.
445.97 1116 2011  剩食 : 香港人每天丟掉的超過三分一是食物 / 陳曉蕾.
445.97 512 2010垃圾變寶 : 系統升級再造 / [撰文民間博物館計劃] = From trash to treasure : designing upcycling systems / [author Community Museum Project]
445.97 813 2014一噸垃圾值多少錢 : 垃圾變黃金?垃圾回收再利用,已成全球經濟舉足輕重的國際產業!
445.97 913 2008從搖籃到搖籃 : 綠色經驗的設計提案 / 威廉.麥唐諾, 麥克.布朗嘉 ; 中國21世紀議程管理中心, 中美可持續發展中心出版社譯.
445.99 1307 2011綠色和平 : 一群生態主義者、記者和夢想家如何改變了這個世界 / 雷克斯‧韋勒 (Rex Weyler)著 ; 胡允桓譯 ; 虞鑫審譯.
445.99 316 2009綠色復甦時代 : 企業打敗不景氣的新藍海策略 = サステナビリテイ経営 / 三橋規宏著 ; 朱麗真譯.
445.99 908 2012  環保一年不會死! : 不用衛生紙的紐約客減碳生活日記 / 柯林 貝文 (Colin Beavan) 著 ; 謝維玲譯.
445.9909238 1509 2010綠色・由啟德河開始 = Green, through the Kai Tak River / [撰文鄭炳鴻 ... et al.].
448.16 517 2003 替代能源 / Marek Walisiewicz 著 ; 左濤譯.
448.165 1513 2009风能与风力发电技术 / 刘万琨 ... [et al.] 编著
449.1 1010 2014 核電不是答案 / Helen Caldicott 海倫‧寇迪卡著 ; 倪嫈琪譯 ; 沈政男審訂.
449.7 1515 2011台灣必須廢核的10個理由
449.7 1515 2013廢核 : 給孩子安心的未來
449.7 904 2013為什麼我們不需要核電 : 台灣的核四真相與核電歸零指南 / 綠色公民行動聯盟著 ; 蘇鵬元整理撰稿.
463.09 1409 2012  美味詐欺 : 黑心食品三百年 / 碧・威爾森 (Bee Wilson) 著 ; 周繼嵐譯
463.1 1419 2015食品黑手黨 = Food-mafia / 瑪麗塔.沃爾本, 弗拉德.喬治斯可著 ; 張淑惠...[et al.]譯.
463.11 1507 2011食物有毒 : 躲不開的食品添加劑怎麼吃最安全 / 增尾清著 ; 張軍譯.
463.11 610 2014恐怖的10大食品添加物 : 台灣第1本「食品添加物總體檢」,破解化合食物「惡毒」詐欺術! / 江晃榮著.
481.75 406 2015  從一杯可樂開始的帝國 / 巴托.艾莫爾著 ; 榮莒苓...[et al.]譯.
490.99 1110 2009中国女首富张茵 : 从废纸回收到纸业女皇 / 何春梅著.
494 1315 2015企業永續經營管理 : 創新、責任、人性化 = Corporate sustainability / [作者: 楊慕貞, 張媛媛].
494.1 1211 2009綠經濟 : 提升獲利的綠色企業策略 / [喬.麥考爾 (Joel Makower)著 ; 曾沁音譯]
494.1 1413 200927%的獲利奇蹟 : 綠色產業的致富真相 = Stirring it up: how to make money and save the world / 蓋瑞.賀許伯格 (Gary Hirshberg)著 ; 麥倩宜譯.
494.56 411 2010企業回收最佳實務 / 作者內崎巖, 畑村洋太郎 ; 譯者謝育容.
496 1310 1999綠色行銷 : 企業創新的契機 = Green marketing : opportunity for innovation / 賈桂琳.奧特曼(Jacquelyn A. Ottman)著 ; 石文新著.
497 1724 2010綠色廣告傳播策略與管理 / 戴鑫著.
501.2 1004 2016 系統思考 : 克服盲點、面對複雜性、見樹又見林的整體思考 / 唐內拉.梅多斯著 ; 邱昭良譯.
538.7 809 2001 吃  / by Sidney W. Mintz ; 林為正譯
538.7852 708 2013  約翰。羅彬斯食物革命最新報告 / John Robbins著 ; 李明芝譯.
540.952 315 2010  生活越簡單越富足 / 大衛.旺恩(David Wann)著 ; 李宜真譯.
541.207 809 2013全球化時代的王道文化、社會創新與永續發展 / 林建甫編.
541.3 610 2016 人类的演变 : 采集者、农夫与大工业时代 / 伊恩.莫里斯(Ian Morris)著 ; 马睿译.
541.415092 411 2002中國現代化進程戰略構想 / 中國科學院可持續發展戰略研究組編.
541.49 1204 2011 混沌點 : 2012 / 鄂文.拉胥羅著 ; 莊勝雄, 張淑彩譯.
542.11 713  人們一定要挨餓嗎? : 與馬爾薩斯派的論戰 / [美]雅各布.奧塞爾(Jacob Oser)著 ; 何新譯.
542.71 1215 2016機器人即將搶走你的工作 : 影響全球數十億人的 7 大自動化技術發展, 現在開始重新定義工作目的, 幸福慢活 = Robots will steal your job, but that's ok : how to survive the economic collapse and be happy / 費德里科。皮斯托諾 (Federico Pistono) 著 ; 李芳齡譯.
545.09 1113 2012 你必須改變你的生活 = You must change your life / [策劃: 許煜 ; 主持: 鄭依依]
545.09238 1105 2016城市發展的爭議 : 城市、可持續發展與生活素質 / 梁永健著.
545.1015 1311 2015想望家園 : 台灣永續的參考藍圖 / 撰文林佳禾 [and five others].
545.14 1216 2010都市設計策略 : 邁向永續性的都市形態 / Hildebrand Frey 著 ; 黃曉薇譯.
545.5 711農民的終結 / [法]H. 孟德拉斯(Henri Mendras)著 ; 李培林譯.
545.5092 411 2014中國鄉村發展 : 交通可達性及其影響研究 / 曹小曙...[et al.]著.
545.509221 810 2010 李集村 : 農民生產和生活的60年變遷 / 林剛著.
547.941 1503 2015英國社會企業之旅 = The social enterprise experience in England / 劉子琦著.
550.16 613 2001生態經濟大未來 / 艾瑞克.戴維森著 ; 齊立文譯.
550.16 814 2011  綠色經濟學 : 理論、政策與實務/ Molly Scott Cato原著 ; 周賓凰, 徐耀南, 王絹淑翻譯.
550.183 610  谷物論 ; 論財富, 貨幣和賦稅的性質 / [法]布阿吉爾貝爾著 ; 伍純武譯.
550.7 613 2008 詩人科學家 : 論21世紀新生活 / 朱經武, 李遠哲, 李開復等著.
551.016 1313 1999知識經濟與可持續發展 / 葛新權...[等]編著.
551.4 1014 2000 環境資本運營 : 生態效益與經濟效益的統一 / Terry L. Anderson, Donald R. Leal 著 ; 翁端等譯.
551.4 1707 2001珍惜地球 : 經濟學, 生態學, 倫理學/ 赫爾曼.E.戴利, 肯尼思.N.湯森編 ; 馬杰, 鍾斌, 朱又紅譯
551.8 1108 2014 v.1從社會企業、公平貿易、良心消費到共享經濟 (Vol. 1) / 鄒崇銘, 黃英琦, 阮耀啟主編.
551.8 1108 2014 v.2從社會企業、公平貿易、良心消費到共享經濟 (Vol. 2) / 鄒崇銘, 黃英琦, 阮耀啟主編.
551.85 1310 2012用消費改變世界 : 公平貿易@新社會經濟運動 = Buying brings changes! : fair trade @ new social economic movement / 鄒祟銘, 韓江雪, 楊夢瑩著.
552.09 711 v.1現代世界體系. Vol. 1 / 伊曼紐爾.沃勒斯坦著 ; 尤來寅...[等]譯.
552.09 711 v.2現代世界體系. Vol. 2 / 伊曼紐爾.沃勒斯坦著 ; 尤來寅...[等]譯.
552.09 711 v.3現代世界體系. Vol. 3 / 伊曼紐爾.沃勒斯坦著 ; 尤來寅...[等]譯.
552.15 1008 1998 打造雙贏 / 作者海芝. 韓德森 ; 譯者張嘉倩.
552.15 1207 2015永續發展新紀元/ 傑佛瑞.薩克斯 Jeffrey D. Sachs著
552.15 1411 2014共善 : 引導經濟走向社群、環境、永續發展的未來 / 赫曼。達利, 約翰。柯布 ; 温秀英譯注
552.2 414 2013當中國買下全世界 / Dambisa Moyo 丹碧莎.莫尤著, 黃中憲譯.
552.2 609 2011綠色經濟及在中國的實施 / [主編: 成思危, 劉曼紅 ; 副主編: 黃海峰, David Ness].
552.24 1306 1999邁向廿一世紀的中國 : 城鄉與區域發展 / 楊汝萬, 陸大道等主編.
552.24 912 1998中國經濟增長與可持續發展 : 理論, 模型與應用 / 姚愉芳, 賀菊煌等編著.
552.25 411 1991生存與發展 : 中國長期發展之研究 / 中國科學院國情分析研究小組著.
552.28 417 2004中國五大經濟特區可持續發展戰略研究
552.283 1103 2006城市, 區域, 可持續發展 : 港澳珠江三角洲可持續發展研究 / 閆小培, 曹小曙等著.
552.283 1108 2006區域, 城市, 可持續發展測評 : 港澳珠江三角洲可持續發展測評 / 陳忠暖, 閆小培等著.
552.2839 1107 2011澳門特色經濟 : 可持續發展的探索
552.3 1207 2001亞洲新未來 : 建立永續發展的經濟體 / 菲利普.科特勒, 赫馬溫.卡塔加亞著 ; 劉世平譯 = Repositioning Asia : from bubble to sustainable economy / by Philip Kotler & Hermawan Kartajaya.
552.3 910 2001重塑亞洲 : 從泡沫經濟到可持續經濟 = Repositioning Asia : from bubble to sustainable economy
553 1207 200866億人的共同繁榮 : 破解擁擠地球的經濟難題 / 傑佛瑞.薩克斯(Jeffrey D. Sachs)著 ; 陳信宏譯.
553.1 1205 2010共同財富 : 可持續發展將如何改變人類命運 / 傑弗里.薩克斯著 ; 石曉燕譯.
554.4092 712 2004  我國農村產權制度改革與農村城鎮化發展 / 李勝蘭著.
554.5092 1309城市土地管理與可持續發展
554.51 902 2010中國城市化過程中的耕地資源保護研究 = Research on cultivated land conservation during the process of urbanization of China
554.6 1010 2012藍色經濟 : 我的零浪費小革命 / 剛特‧鮑利(Gunter Pauli)著 ; 顏和正譯.
554.6 405 2010綠色 EQ / 丹尼爾。高曼著 ; 張美惠譯.
554.607 1111 2013健康、和平、可持續發展 : 人文社會科學的視野 / [周建渝主編 ; 學愚協編].
554.61 1205 2013煮一杯咖啡需要多少水? : 生活事物背後的虛擬水 / Tony Allan 湯尼.艾倫著 ; 張美惠譯.
554.61 1410 2012  水資源地圖 / 瑪姬.布拉克, 珍奈特.金著 ; 王惟芬譯.
554.61092 712 2008水的反思 / 李焯芬著.
554.68 1009 2009新能源戰爭 / 編著唐風.
554.68 1106 2015  能源大過渡的理論與方法 : 走近氫經濟 
554.68 1108 2010 中國能源國際合作報告 (2009) / 中國人民大學國際能源戰略研究中心 ; 主編: 陳岳, 許勤華.
554.68 1213 2013第三次工業革命 : 世界經濟即將被顛覆,新能源與商務、政治、教育的全面革命 / Jeremy Rifkin 傑瑞米.里夫金著 ; 張體偉, 孫豫寧譯.
554.68 1215 2013  極地冰失 / 黃儀強.
554.68 1308 2007 沒有石油的明天 : 能源枯竭的全球化衝擊 / 詹姆斯.哈維.康斯勒 (James Howard Kunstler) 著 ; 郭恆褀譯.
554.68 1512 2010頂尖綠能產業動態 : 2010-2030能源科技管理 / 劉華美著.
554.68 1611 2010  地球再生能源次世代 = A collective views towards renewable energy / [編輯: 蕭婉玲...[et al.]]
554.68 405 2014  公民能不能? : 能源科技, 政策與民主 / [編者范玫芳 ... et al.].
554.68 512 2013 用再生能源 打造非核家園 / [本間琢也, 牛山泉, 梶川武信 ; 譯者: 高詹燦, 黃正由]
554.68 614 2011  投資綠能商機 : 參與綠能經濟,掌控投資浪潮 / 托賓.史密斯 (Tobin Smith), 傑姆.伍茲 (Jim Woods)著 ; 蔡宏明譯.
554.68 707 2014大跨躍 : 在未來耗盡之前, 跨向永續世界的關鍵一步/ 克里斯。圖納 ; 韓沁林譯
554.68 919 2010 綠領經濟 : 下一波景氣大復甦的新動力 / 范.瓊斯(Van Jones)著 ; 鄭詠澤, 何豪毅譯
554.68092 1509 2011  新能源革命與發展方式躍遷 / 鄧英淘著.
557.26 1605 2010 圖解國外高速鐵路 / 錢立新主編 ; 呂長清主審.
557.37938 708 2008  建城之道 : 戰後香港的道路發展 / 何佩然
557.4 804 2003 航運貿易新趨勢 : 海洋與台灣 : 過去現在未來 / [執行主編邱文彥 ; 作者陳國棟...[等]]
557.46 615 2006  中國近代輪船航運業研究 / 朱蔭貴撰.
557.8 1008 2013 v.1不開車 在路上 : 一個無車主義者的環球城市觀察行. Vol. 1 / 泰拉斯.格雷斯哥 Taras Grescoe 著 ; 陳信宏譯.
557.8 1008 2013 v.10不開車 在路上 : 一個無車主義者的環球城市觀察行. Vol. 10 / 泰拉斯.格雷斯哥 Taras Grescoe 著 ; 陳信宏譯.
557.8 1008 2013 v.11不開車 在路上 : 一個無車主義者的環球城市觀察行. Vol. 11 / 泰拉斯.格雷斯哥 Taras Grescoe 著 ; 陳信宏譯.
557.8 1008 2013 v.12不開車 在路上 : 一個無車主義者的環球城市觀察行. Vol. 12 / 泰拉斯.格雷斯哥 Taras Grescoe 著 ; 陳信宏譯.
557.8 1008 2013 v.2不開車 在路上 : 一個無車主義者的環球城市觀察行. Vol. 2 / 泰拉斯.格雷斯哥 Taras Grescoe 著 ; 陳信宏譯.
557.8 1008 2013 v.3不開車 在路上 : 一個無車主義者的環球城市觀察行. Vol. 3 / 泰拉斯.格雷斯哥 Taras Grescoe 著 ; 陳信宏譯.
557.8 1008 2013 v.4不開車 在路上 : 一個無車主義者的環球城市觀察行. Vol. 4 / 泰拉斯.格雷斯哥 Taras Grescoe 著 ; 陳信宏譯.
557.8 1008 2013 v.5不開車 在路上 : 一個無車主義者的環球城市觀察行. Vol. 5 / 泰拉斯.格雷斯哥 Taras Grescoe 著 ; 陳信宏譯.
557.8 1008 2013 v.6不開車 在路上 : 一個無車主義者的環球城市觀察行. Vol. 6 / 泰拉斯.格雷斯哥 Taras Grescoe 著 ; 陳信宏譯.
557.8 1008 2013 v.7不開車 在路上 : 一個無車主義者的環球城市觀察行. Vol. 7 / 泰拉斯.格雷斯哥 Taras Grescoe 著 ; 陳信宏譯.
557.8 1008 2013 v.8不開車 在路上 : 一個無車主義者的環球城市觀察行. Vol. 8 / 泰拉斯.格雷斯哥 Taras Grescoe 著 ; 陳信宏譯.
557.8 1008 2013 v.9不開車 在路上 : 一個無車主義者的環球城市觀察行. Vol. 9 / 泰拉斯.格雷斯哥 Taras Grescoe 著 ; 陳信宏譯.
557.8 1103 2011 大都會區 (城市群) 綜合交通運輸系統研究 / 曹小曙, 許志樺編著
557.8509238 810 2016  遊歷港島 : 香港電車軌跡 / 周家建, 張順光, 吳貴龍著.
561.92 911 1998 金融可持續發展論 / 主筆胡章宏 ; 參著劉入領
563.53 1109 2011  低碳投資 : 你一定要懂的新趨勢 / [郭信麟, 塗宇著]
672.79/537.6 1004 2001世界自然遺產, 世界生物圈保護區, 綠色環球21 : 九寨溝 = World natural heritage, world biosphere reserve, green globe : Jiuzhaigo / 攝影高屯子 ; [主編葛寧 ; 文字遠泰, 白林, 高屯子]
672.79/561.6 1004 2002世界自然遺產, 世界生物圈保護區, 綠色環球21, 國家4A級風景區 : 黃龍 = World natural heritage, world biosphere reserve, green globe 21, state 4A-level scenery : Huanglong / 攝影高屯子, 何世堯 ; [撰文高屯子 ; 主編章小平]
673.84 1210 2010守護與傳承 : 荃灣鄉郊可持續發展計劃民間智慧普查彙集 / [編輯: 黃夏柏, 李曉燕].
682.84 607 2001 中國運河文化史 / 主編安作璋.
682.84 607 2001 中國運河文化史 / 主編安作璋.
682.84 607 2001 中國運河文化史 / 主編安作璋.
712.4 1211 1998 v.1近代世界體系 (Vol. 1) / 華勒斯坦著 ; 郭方, 劉新城等譯.
712.4 1211 1998 v.2近代世界體系 (Vol. 2) / 華勒斯坦著 ; 郭方, 劉新城等譯.
712.4 1211 1998 v.3近代世界體系 (Vol. 3) / 華勒斯坦著 ; 郭方, 劉新城等譯.
719 1304 2013設計師之眼 : 設計師背包客隨拍隨畫100分的亞歐永續設計 / [楊天豪著].
719 1304 2015  設計師的綠色流浪 : 巡遊亞歐10國的永續設計 / 楊天豪著
730.82 409 2002  誰偷走湄公河的未來? : 一水六國千民族的啓示 / [作者文思慧 ... 等]
733.6 1109 2013  單車離島 : 漫行 15 座島嶼,用最美的速度 / 張建維著.
783.1879 503 2009 這一生,至少當一次傻瓜 / 石川拓治著 ; 王蘊潔譯 ; NHK「專家的作風」製作單位監修.
783.3186 714 2011我的小革命 : 永續生活 / [作者何榮幸 ... et al.].
783.3186 714 2011我的小革命 : 顚覆主流 = My own revolution, fighting the main-stream / [何榮幸 ... [et al.]著].
783.3886 408 2013  遇見生機 : 跟著生機飲食專家王明勇一起走入自然的健康世界 / 作者: 王明勇 ; 撰文: 齊世芳.
895.3107 411中國綠色新聞 : 中國環境報優秀作品選 / 中國環境報社編.
992.72 1511 2013  一個人騎單車去倫敦 / 鄭盛著.
CL 367.4023 709 2000綠色正義 : 環境的法律保護 / 汪勁, 田秦等著.
CL 558.069 713 2001WTO爭端解決機制和反不公平貿易法律實務 = Law and practice on WTO dispute-settlement and anit-unfair trade / 李聖敬, 朱嘉寧著.
CL 579.36 712資源戰爭 : 全球衝突的新場景 = Resource wars / [美]邁克爾.T.克萊爾著 ; 童新耕, 之也譯.
CL 587.19 1108 1997不公平貿易行為概論 / [美]查爾斯.R.麥克馬尼斯著 ; 陳宗勝等譯.
CL 588.92/23 415中華人民共和國水污染防治法闡釋 / 王燦發編著.
O 367.3 411 2002綠色與環保 : 21世紀論壇 : 綠色與環保2001會議文集 / 中國人民政治協商會議全國委員會辦公廳編.
O 375.233 1109 2002發現綠色台灣 : 台灣植物專輯 = Discovery of green formosa / [主編: 郭城孟].
O 430.9238 1103 2011青苗上河圖 : 香港農業的過去、現在與未來 / [作者: 理大73028設計組 ; 編輯: 周綺薇 ... [et al.] ; 翻譯: 蔡樺].
O 430.9238 1412 2016  種植香港 : 立秋 / [總編輯: 袁易天]
O 431.1092 1506 2000  21世紀初中國農業發展戰略 / 劉江主編.
O 435.79 1307 2008綠遍香江 = Urban greening in Hong Kong : exemplary designs and delights / 詹志勇.
O 445.109238 1717 2011十種記 : 公眾參與可持續城市發展 : 從社區出發 = Seeds : public participation in the sustainable city development : starting from the community
O 445.109238 609 2005  香港可持續發展規劃入門 : 概念及程序 / 伍美琴, 陳凱盈
O 445.109238 812 2005 公眾參與 : 設計及推展計劃手冊 / 林雲峰, 簡嘉敏, 王雲豪
O 445.407 1317 2000工業減廢暨永續發展研討會論文集 / 經濟部工業局, 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會著.
Call No. Title
016 CHR Agricultural enterprises management in an urban-industrial society : a guide to information sources / Portia Christian.
174.4 CRA 2016Business ethics : managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization / Crane, Andrew & Matten, Dirk.
303.4832 URR 2007 Mobilities / John Urry.
303.4973 KUN 2005  The long emergency : surviving the converging catastrophes of the twenty-first century / James Howard Kunstler.
304.2 SPIHarmony of man's industry and living space / Athelstan Spilhaus.
304.2091732 GIO 2015Environmental activism and the urban crisis : Baltimore, St. Louis, Chicago / Robert R. Gioielli.
304.280951 SMI 2004 China's past, China's future : energy, food, environment / Vaclav Smil
306.09051 SER 2009Global problems: the search for equity, peace and sustainability / Sernau, Scott
306.309 MCM 2012Development and social change : a global perspective / Philip McMichael.
307.12 ENV 1997Environment and community empowerment / editor: Dan A. Chekki.
307.14120951 RUR Rural development in Taiwan and mainland China / edited by Peter Calkins, Wen S. Chern, and Francis C. Tuan.
307.3416 SUS 2013The sustainable city VIII. / Zubir, S.S. & Zubir, C.A. Brebbia.
307.3416 SUS 2013The sustainable city VIII. / Zubir, S.S. & Zubir, C.A. Brebbia.
307.3416 SUS 2014 v.1The sustainable city IX : urban regeneration and sustainability (Vol. 1) / editors, N. Marchettini, University of Siena, Italy, C.A. Brebbia, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK; R. Pulselli and S. Bastianoni, University of Siena, Italy.
307.3416 SUS 2014 v.2The sustainable city IX : urban regeneration and sustainability (Vol. 2) / editors, N. Marchettini, University of Siena, Italy, C.A. Brebbia, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK; R. Pulselli and S. Bastianoni, University of Siena, Italy.
307.3416 SUS 2015The sustainable city X / editors C.A. Brebbia and W.F. Florez-Escobar.
307.76 INT 2009International sustainable and urban regeneration: case studies and lessons learned 2008: ICONUS Conference'08
307.76 INT 2011International sustainable and urban regeneration : case studies and lessons learned 2010 : ICONUS Conference'10 / edited by Lau S.Y. Stephen ... [et al.]
307.76 MCL 2015Sharing cities : a case for truly smart and sustainable cities / Duncan McLaren and Julian Agyeman.
307.76 PIC 2015Smart cities : a spatialised intelligence / Antoine Picon.
307.76094 RED 2002  Redefining territories : the functional regions.
307.760954 ECO 2013Ecologies of urbanism in India : metropolitan civility and sustainability / Rademacher, Anne & Sivaramakrishnan, K. (editors)
307.760973 SUS 2011Sustainability in America's cities: creating the green metropolis / Slavin, Matthew
320.011 MIT 2013  Carbon democracy : political power in the age of oil / Timothy Mitchell.
320.58 FRI 2009Hot, flat, and crowded : why we need a green revolution−and how it can renew America / Thomas L. Friedman.
330 IMF 2001 op205 Stabilization and savings funds for nonrenewable resources : experience and fiscal policy implications / Jeffrey Davis ... [et al.].
330 IMF/ REO 2010Regional economic outlook : Europe fostering sustainability / International Monetary Fund
330 IMF/ REO 2011Regional economic outlook : Asia and Pacific navigating an uncertain global environment while building inclusive growth
330 IMF/ REO 2011Regional economic outlook : Sub-Saharan Africa sustaining the expansion.
330 IMF/ REO 2011Regional economic outlook : Western Hemisphere : watching out for overheating.
330.91724 DEV 2016  Development : what now? : past, present and future challenges in international development / edited by: Cristian Talesco, Felix Sai Kit Ng, David Ip.
330.951 POT 1968  Capitalism and the Chinese peasant; social and economic change in a Hong Kong village / [by] Jack M. Potter.
330.951 STU/REF 1997 The reform and development of China's rural economy / chief editors, Gao Shangquan and Chi Fulin.
332 TRI 2002The triangle of microfinance : financial sustainability, outreach, and impact / Zeller, Manfred & Meyer, Richard
333.3151 DEV 2005 Developmental dilemmas : land reform and institutional change in China / edited by Peter Ho.
333.32 JAC Man and land : the essential revolution / Erich H. Jacoby in collaboration with Charlotte F. Jacoby.
333.7 CHA 2000 Environmental economics : theory, application, and policy / Duane Chapman.
333.7 COMThe coming age of scarcity : preventing mass death and genocide in the twenty-first century / Dobkowski, Michael N. & Wallimann, Isidor.
333.7 PERNatural resource and environmental economics / Roger Perman, Yue Ma, James McGilvray.
333.7 ROG 2006An introduction to sustainable development
333.7 SENEcology and economics : an approach to sustainable development / Ramprasad Sengupta.
333.7 SUS 2012Sustainable development drivers : the role of leadership in government, business and NGO performance / edited by Kees Zoeteman.
333.7 TIN 2001Environmental management plans demystified : a guide to implementing ISO 14001 / Tinsley, Stephen.
333.7 WILEnergy : global prospects, 1985-2000 : report of the Workshop on Alternative Energy Strategies (WAES), a project sponsored by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Carroll L. Wilson, project director.
333.7094 CHI 2015China-EU green cooperation / editors Etienne Reuter, Elliott Consultants Ltd, Belgium & University of Nottingham, UK, Jing Men, College of Europe, Belgium.
333.715 SUS 2004Sustainable development in Hong Kong / edited by Terri Mottershead.
333.72 BEA 2009  No impact man : the adventures of a guilty liberal who attempts to save the planet, and the discoveries he makes about himself and our way of life in the process / Colin Beavan.
333.72 SAY 2004The Science of sustainable development : local livelihoods and the global environment / Sayer, Jeffrey. & Campbell, B. M.
333.72 STA 2004State of the world, 2004 : a Worldwatch Institute report on progress toward a sustainable society / project director, Brian Halweid and Lisa Mastny ... [et al.] ; Linda Starke, editor.
333.731302 CHA 2005  Location, transport and land-use : modelling spatial-temporal information / Yupo Chan.
333.79 BOY 2003Energy systems and sustainability / Godfrey Boyle, Bob Everett and Janet Ramage.
333.79 ENE 1985Energy, foresight, and strategy / Thomas J. Sargent, editor ; [contributors] S. Rao Aiyagari ... [et al.].
333.79 GLO 2010 The globalization of energy : China and the European Union / edited by M. Parvizi Amineh and Yang Guang.
333.79 HIN 2013 Energy : its use and the environment / Roger A. Hinrichs, Merlin Kleinbach.
333.79 MUL 2012  Energy for future presidents : the science behind the headlines / Richard A. Muller.
333.79 RIF 2011The third industrial revolution : how lateral power is transforming energy, the economy, and the world / Jeremy Rifkin.
333.79 SMI 2005 Energy at the crossroads : global perspectives and uncertainties / Vaclav Smil.
333.794 DIE 2014 Sustainable energy solutions for climate change / Mark Diesendorf.
333.794 REN 2012Renewable energy : power for a sustainable future (3rd Ed.) / edited by Godfrey Boyle.
333.7940951 REN 2014  v.1Renewable energy in China : towards a green economy (v.1) / Manhong Mannie Liu, Mike Henry, Huang Haifeng (editors).
333.7940951 REN 2014  v.2Renewable energy in China : towards a green economy (v.2) / Manhong Mannie Liu, Mike Henry, Huang Haifeng (editors).
333.7940951 REN 2014  v.3Renewable energy in China : towards a green economy (v.3) / Manhong Mannie Liu, Mike Henry, Huang Haifeng (editors).
333.79414 ENE 2012  Energy systems and sustainability : power for a sustainable future (2nd Ed.) / edited by Bob Everett ... [et al.]
333.7963 HILThe household energy transition in Hong Kong / Peter Hills.
333.8230973 GOL 2014  The boom : how fracking ignited the American energy revolution and changed the world / Russell Gold.
333.8232 HEI 2008The party's over : oil, war and the fate of industrial societies / Richard Heinberg.
333.9100951 MA 2004China's water crisis / Ma Jun ; translated by Nancy Yang Liu and Lawrence R. Sullivan.
333.9115095475 ROY 1999  The cost of living : the greater common good and the end of the imagination / Arundhati Roy.
336.200959 RIS 1993 The rise and fall of revenue farming : business elites and the emergence of the modern state in Southeast Asia / edited by John Butcher and Howard Dick.
337 GLO 2004 Global political economy and the weath of nations : performance, institutions, problems, and policies / [edited by Phillip Anthony O'Hara.
338.04 ENT 012Entrepreneurship, social capital and governance : directions for the sustainable development and competitiveness of regions / Karlsson, Charlie, Johansson, B. (Börje) & Stough, Roger.
338.1 AGR  Agricultural and environmental resource economics / edited by Gerald A. Carlson, David Zilberman, John A. Miranowski.
338.1 FOO 1995 Food and agrarian orders in the world-economy / edited by Philip McMichael.
338.1 NAI The lonely furrow : farming in the United States Japan and India / by Kusum Nair.
338.10951 HSU Food for one billion : China's agriculture since 1949 / Robert C. Hsu.
338.10951 NAK 1966Agricultural production and the economic development of Japan, 1873-1922 / James I. Nakamura.
338.10952 SMI The agrarian origins of modern Japan / Thomas C. Smith.
338.10973 CRA Agricultural economics and agribusiness / Gail L. Cramer, Clarence W. Jensen.
338.1873 CON  Food and agricultural policy / with a foreword by Don Paarlberg.
338.188 MED 1998  Mediating sustainability : growing policy from the grassroots / Jutta Blauert, Simon Zadek, editors.
338.19 PAA 2013Food politics : what everyone needs to know / Robert Paarlberg.
338.19 PAT 2007  Stuffed and starved : the hidden battle for the world food system / Raj Patel.
338.1951 FOO Food security and economic reform : the challenges facing China's grain marketing system / edited by Christopher Findlay, Andrew Watson.
338.1951 WIL 1991 Nourish the people : the state civilian granary system in China, 1650-1850 / Pierre-Etienne Will & R. Bin Wong with James Lee ; contributions by Jean Oi, Peter Perdue.
338.2 WOLEnergy and the environment : selected readings Edited and introduced by Harold Wolozin.
338.20951 DOR Minerals, energy, and economic development in China / James P. Dorian.
338.341095 WHEChasing richshaws / words: Tony Wheeler, photographs: Ricard I'Anson.
338.47664 OOS 2012Food, Globalization and Sustainability / Peter Oosterveer and David A. Sonnenfeld.
338.47664805642 PRI 2003 Agri-food globalization in perspective : international restructuring in the processing tomato industry / Bill Pritchard, David Burch.
338.6046 AND 1990  Changing comparative advantages in China : effects on food, feed, and fibre markets / by Kym Anderson.
338.7622182820973 MAG 2011Poisoned legacy : the human cost of BP's rise to power / Mike Magner.
338.88952051 CDM 2012CDM and sustainable development in China : Japanese perspectives / Ueta, Kazuhiro
338.9 DRUThe condition of sustainability / Ian Drummond and Terry Marsden
338.9 PEAWorld without end : economics, environment, and sustainable development / Pearce, David W. (David William) & Warford, Jeremy J.
338.9 TOW 2000Towards sustainable development : indicators to measure progress : proceedings of the OECD Rome conference. / OECD
338.9109172 STA 2006The birth of development : how the World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organization, and World Health Organization changed the world, 1945-1965 / Amy L.S. Staples.
338.927 SURA Survey of sustainable development : social and economic dimensions / Harris, Jonathan M.
338.927 THI 2013Sustainability / Thiele, Leslie Paul.
338.927091724 ADAGreen development: environmental and sustainability in the third world / Adams, W.M.
338.927091724 ASC 2009Bringing in the future : strategies for farsightedness and sustainability in developing countries / Ascher, William.
338.927091732 LI 2011Building our sustainable cities / Rita Yi Man Li.
338.95 CRI  Critical issues in Asian development : theories, experiences, and policies / edited by M.G. Quibria.
338.95 MAT 2015 Greening of capitalism : how Asia is driving the next great transformation / John A. Mathews.
338.95 PAR 2006Partnerships for sustainable development : perspectives from the Asia-Pacific region / Welford, Richard, Hills, Peter J. & Young, William
338.95107 LIU 2011 China's environment / Liu Junhui, Wang Jia.
338.95107 TIL 2010The struggle for sustainability in rural China: environmental values and civil society / Til, Bryan
338.9512 HO 2000Sustainable economic development in South China / Ho, Sam P.S. & Kueh, Yak-yeow.
338.959707 ORO 2004 Community-driven regulation : balancing development and the environment in Vietnam / Dara O'Rourke.
338.98107 TOR 2003 Welfare, inequality and resource depletion : a reassessment of Brazilian economic growth / Mariano Torras.
338.99407 KOZ 2005Integrated buffer planning : towards sustainable development / Kozlowski, Jerzy M. & Peterson, Ann.
363.1926 BEN 2010  Food identity preservation and traceability : safer grains / Gregory S. Bennet.
363.34 WOR 2011World disasters report 2011 : focus on hunger and malnutrition / [editor: Lindsay Knight]
363.7 GAR 2000Environmental politics : Britain, Europe, and the global environment / Robert Garner
363.7 GOV 2002Governance for sustainable development : five OECD case studies.
363.7 KRA 2007Globalization and sustainable development : environmental agendas / Krapivin, V. F. (Vladimir Fedorovich) & Varotsos, Costas
363.7 MIL 2012Living in the environment / G. Tyler Miller, Scott E. Spoolman.
363.7 WRI 2014Environmental science : toward a sustainable future / Richard T. Wright, Dorothy F. Boorse.
363.70015118 CON 1995Control and game-theoretic models of the environment / Carlo Carraro, Jerzy A. Filar, editors.
363.705 BAR 2006Environmental management for sustainable development / C.J. Barrow.
363.7056094 ENV 2012Environmental governance : the challenge of legitimacy and effectiveness / edited by Karl Hogl ... [et al.].
363.730951 KAH 2016Blue skies over Beijing : economic growth and the environment in China / Matthew E. Kahn and Siqi Zheng.
363.731 ENV 2006 Environment, water resources and agricultural policies : lessons from China and OECD countries.
363.73874 RIC 2010 Beyond smoke and mirrors : climate change and energy in the 21st century / Burton Richter.
363.8 BOU 2015The end of plenty : the race to feed a crowded world / Joel K. Bourne Jr.
363.8 FOO 1994Food : multidisciplinary perspectives / edited by Barbara Harriss-White and Sir Raymond Hoffenberg.
363.8 LAP 1998  World hunger : 12 myths / Frances Moore Lappé, Joseph Collins and Peter Rosset ; with Luis Esparza.
363.8091724 PAR 1999The paradox of plenty : hunger in a bountiful world / edited by Douglas H. Boucher.
372.357044 STO 2009Smart by nature : schooling for sustainability / by Michael K. Stone.
384 TRA 2002  Transforming communication : technology, sustainability, and future generations / edited by Sohail Inayatullah and Susan Leggett.
388 DEVDeveloping world transport / [editor-in-chief, Margaret J. Heraty].
388.094 TRA 2003  Transport projects, programmes and policies : evaluation needs and capabilities / edited by Alan Pearman, Peter Mackie, and John Nellthorp.
394.1 MIN 1996Tasting food, tasting freedom : excursions into eating, culture, and the past / Sidney W. Mintz.
394.16 SIM 1994Eat not this flesh : food avoidances from prehistory to the present / Frederick J. Simoons.
428.24951 NAT /CRE 2009Creativity in environmental protection.
577 MAC 2011Our changing planet : an introduction to earth system science and global environmental change / Fred T. Mackenzie.
577.22 LOV 2006The revenge of Gaia : earth's climate in crisis and the fate of humanity / James Lovelock ; foreword by Crispin Tickell.
581.5 RIC Plants, agriculture, and human society / William Norman Richardson, Thomas Stubbs ; [drawings by Fran Milner].
613.2 GOU 2009 Super immunity foods : a complete program to boost wellness, speed recovery, and keep your body strong / Frances Sheridan Goulart.
613.25 CLO 2006  The French don't diet plan : 10 simple steps to stay thin for life / Will Clower.
616.8526 ABR  Emotional eating : a practical guide to taking control / Edward Abramson.
616.852606 BAY 2009Mindful eating : a guide to rediscovering a healthy and joyful relationship with food / Jan Chozen Bays ; foreword by Jon Kabat-Zinn.
616.852606 CAR 2013  Healing eating disorders with psychodrama and other action methods : beyond the silence and the fury / Karen Carnabucci and Linda Ciotola.
621.042 FAN 2004  Energy : technology and directions for the future / by John R. Fanchi
621.042 FAN 2013Energy in the 21st century / John R. Fanchi, Texas Christian University, USA with Christopher J. Fanchi.
621.042 INT 2014 Introduction to renewable energy / Skills2learn.
621.042 WAL 2002  Alternative energy / Marek Walisiewicz
621.4 HOTNew energy technology : some facts and assessments [by] H. C. Hottel and J. B. Howard.
628 ALL 2012  Sustainable materials with both eyes open / Julian M. Allwood, Jonathan M. Cullen ; with Mark A. Carruth ... [et al.]
630.951 STR 1986  The stubborn earth : American agriculturalists on Chinese soil, 1898-1937 / Randall E. Stross.
631.58 BLO 2015Practical permaculture for home landscapes, your community, and the whole earth / Jessi Bloom & Dave Boehnlein ; with illustrations by Paul Kearsley.
631.58 HEM 2015  The permaculture city : regenerative design for urban, suburban, and town resilience / Toby Hemenway
635 CAR 2012 The sociology of food and agriculture / Michael Carolan.
640 SCH 2009Making the good life last : four keys to sustainable living/ Michael A. Schuler.
641.5 LAW 2007  How to eat : the pleasures and principles of good food / Nigella Lawson.
641.824809 TRU 2010Pizza globale : ein Lieblingsessen erklärt die Weltwirtschaft / Paul Trummer.
658.4012 WER 2009Strategy for sustainability: a business manifesto / Werbach, Adam.
658.4012 WHE 2010Strategic management and business policy : achieving sustainability / Wheelen, Thomas L. & Hunger, J. David
658.404 SOV 2013The governance of energy megaprojects : politics, hubris and energy security / Benjamin K. Sovacool, Christopher J. Cooper.
658.4063 HOQ 2014Everything connects : how to transform and lead in the age of creativity, innovation, and sustainability / Hoque, Faisal & Baer, Drake.
658.4083 STA 2004  Stakeholders, the environment, and society / edited by Sanjay Sharma, Mark Starik.
658.4083 ZHE 2014Overfished ocean strategy : powering up innovation for a resource-deprived world / Nadya Zhexembayeva.
658.5 HEI 2014Operations management : sustainability and supply chain management / Jay Heizer, and Barry Render.
658.5 LYO 2015A roadmap to green supply chains : using supply chain archaeology and big data analytics / Lyons, Kevin L.
662 HIDHidden waste : potentials for energy conservation edited by David B. Large.
720.103 INS 2011  Instant culture : architecture and urbanism as a collective process / edited by Eric Schuldenfrei and Marisa Yiu.
O 333.72 OWE Natural resource conservation : management for a sustainable future / Oliver S. Owen, Daniel D. Chiras.
O 363.7 CHIEnvironmental science: action for a sustainable future / Chiras, Daniel D.
O 621.042 SMI 1993  Energy : sources, applications, alternatives / by Howard Bud Smith.
Links Title
e-bookA declaration of energy independence: how freedom from foreign oil can improve national security, our economy, and the environment / Jay Hakes.
e-bookA friendly rest room : developing toilets of the future for disabled and elderly people / edited by Johan F.M. Molenbroek, John Mantas and Renate de Bruin.
e-bookA journey in the future of water / Terje Tvedt; translated by Richard Daly.
e-bookA new blueprint for a green economy / Edward B. Barbier and Anil Markandya.
e-bookA practical approach to water conservation for commercial and industrial facilities / Mohan Seneviratne.
e-bookA prosperous way down : principles and policies / Howard T. Odum and Elisabeth C. Odum.
e-bookA sustainability challenge : food security for all : report of two workshops / National Research Council of the National Academies.
e-bookAccounting for biodiversity / edited by Michael Jones.
e-bookAchieving global sustainability  : policy recommendations / edited by Takamitsu Sawa, Susumu Iai and Seiji Ikkatai.
e-bookAdvanced building technologies for sustainability / Asif Syed.
e-bookAdvanced materials for agriculture, food, and environmental safety / edited by Ashutosh Tiwari and Mikael Syvajarvi.
e-bookAgrarian dreams : the paradox of organic farming in California / Julie Guthman.
e-bookAgricultural production : organic and conventional systems / Okoro M. Akinyemi.
e-bookAgricultural sustainability : progress and prospects in crop research / edited by Gurbir S. Bhullar and Navreet K. Bhullar.
e-bookAgricultural wastes / Geoffrey S. Ashworth and Pablo Azevedo, editors.
e-bookAllergy information for teens : health tips about allergic reactions to food, pollen, mold, and other substances : including facts about diagnosing, treating, and preventing allergic responses and complications / edited by Karen Bellenir.
e-bookAmbiguous ambitions in the meuse theatre : the impact of the water framework directive on collective-choice rules for integrated river basin management / Leo Santbergen.
e-bookAmerica's water and wastewater crisis : the role of private enterprise / Lewis D. Solomon.
e-bookAn unreal estate : sustainability & freedom in an evolving community / Lucinda Carspecken.
e-bookAnalyzing food security using household surveys : streamlined analysis with ADePT software / Ana Moltedo [and three others] ; Kim Vilov, cover design.
e-bookAnimal health and welfare in organic agriculture / edited by M. Vaarst ... [et al.].
e-bookApplications of natural products in food / Supayang Piyawan Voravuthikunchai and Wumi Ifesan.
e-bookArtful rainwater design : creative ways to manage stormwater / by Stuart Echols and Eliza Pennypacker.
e-bookAsian water development outlook 2013 : measuring water security in Asia and the Pacific / Asian Development Bank.
e-bookBeyond sustainability : a thriving environment / Tim Delaney and Tim Madigan.
e-bookBeyond the carbon economy: energy law in transition / edited by Donald N. Zillman ... [et al.].
e-bookBeyond the resource curse / edited by Brenda Shaffer and Taleh Ziyadov.
e-bookBicycle commuting / Eva Heinen.
e-bookBiodiversity and pests : key issues for sustainable management / edited by Geoff M. Gurr, Steve D. Wratten, William E. Snyder ; with Donna M.Y. Read.
e-bookBioremediation and sustainability : research and applications / edited by Romeela Mohee and Ackmez Mudhoo.
e-bookBiotreatment of industrial effluents / Mukesh Doble and Anil Kumar.
e-bookBlack and green : black insights for the green movement / Jamal Ali.
e-bookBlue future : protecting water for people and the planet forever / Maude Barlow.
e-bookBreakthrough : corporate South Africa in a green economy / edited by Godwell Nhamo.
e-bookBridging boundaries : making scale choices in multi-actor policy analysis on water management / Sonja Karstens.
e-bookBringing in the future : strategies for farsightedness and sustainability in developing countries / William Ascher.
e-bookBringing it to the table : on farming and food / Wendell Berry ; introduction by Michael Pollan.
e-bookBubble economy : is sustainable growth possible? / Robert U. Ayres.
e-bookBuilding from waste : recovered materials in architecture and construction / by Dirk E. Hebel, Marta H. Wisniewska, Felix Heisel.
e-bookBuilding with water : concepts, typology, design / Zoe Ryan ; [editor: Ria Stein].
e-bookBusiness strategy and sustainability / edited by Aras Güler, David Crowther.
e-bookCardboard in architecture / edited by Mick Eekhout, Fons Verheijen, Ronald Visser.
e-bookCaring for corporate sustainability / Maria Eidenskog.
e-bookCases on the diffusion and adoption of sustainable development practices / Helen E. Muga and Ken D. Thomas, editors.
e-bookCash for your trash : scrap recycling in America / Carl A. Zimring.
e-bookChallenging consumption : pathways to a more sustainable future / edited by Anna Davies, Frances Fahy and Henrike Rau.
e-bookCheap and clean : how Americans think about energy in the age of global warming / Stephen Ansolabehere and David M. Konisky.
e-bookChemicals without harm : policies for a sustainable world / Ken Geiser.
e-bookChina-EU green cooperation / editors, Etienne Reuter, Jing Men.
e-bookCities of the future : towards integrated sustainable water and landscape management / edited by Vladimir Novotny
e-bookCities, nature and development : the politics and production of urban vulnerabilities / edited by Sarah Dooling and Gregory Simon.
e-bookCity futures in the age of a changing climate / Tony Fry.
e-bookCity water, city life : water and the infrastructure of ideas in urbanizing Philadelphia, Boston, and Chicago / Carl Smith.
e-bookClean energy nation: freeing America from the tyranny of fossil fuels / Jerry McNerney and Martin Cheek.
e-bookClean energy/ Ronald M. Dell, David A.J. Rand
e-bookClean energy nation : freeing America from the tyranny of fossil fuels / Jerry McNerney and Martin Cheek.
e-bookCleaner power: the benefits and costs of moving from coal to natural gas power generation.
e-bookClimate change and environmental hazards related to shipping : an international legal framework : proceedings of the Hamburg International Environmental Law Conference 2011 / Edited by Hans-Joachim Koch ... [et al.].
e-bookClimate change and global energy security : technology and policy options / Marilyn A. Brown and Benjamin K. Sovacool.
e-bookClimate change, water and agriculture : towards resilient systems / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
e-bookClimate impacts on energy systems: key issues for energy sector adaptation / Jane Ebinger, Walter Vergara.
e-bookCoal combustion waste : management and beneficial uses / Daniel D. Lowell, editor.
e-bookCommons, sustainability, democratization : action research and the basic renewal of society / edited by Hans Peter Hansen ... [et al.].
e-bookCommunity campaigns for sustainable living : health, waste & protest in civil society / by Liam Leonard.
e-bookCommunity-based water law and water resource management reform in developing countries / edited by Barbara van Koppen, Mark Giordano and John Butterworth.
e-bookCompany law and sustainability : legal barriers and opportunities / edited by Beate Sjåfjell, Benjamin J. Richardson.
e-bookCompliance for green IT : a pocket guide / Alan Calder.
e-bookComputational intelligent data analysis for sustainable development / edited by Ting Yu, Nitesh Chawla, Simeon Simoff.
e-bookComputing research for sustainability / Lynette I. Millett and Deborah L. Estrin, editors ; Committee on Computing Research for Environmental and Societal Sustainability ; Computer Science and Telecommunications Board ; Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences ; National Research Council of the National Academies.
e-bookConcepts & elements of sustainability  / Marhta Harbin.
e-bookConcrete and sustainability / Per Jahren, Tongbo Sui.
e-bookConflict resolution of the Boruca hydro-energy project: renewable energy production in Costa Rica / Jürgen Carls and Warren Haffar.
e-bookConfronting climate uncertainty in water resources planning and project design : the decision tree framework / Patrick A. Ray, Casey M. Brown.
e-bookConstructing green : the social structures of sustainability / Rebecca L. Henn and Andrew J. Hoffman ; foreword by Nicole Woolsey Biggart.
e-bookConsumer product innovation and sustainable design : the evolution and impacts of successful products / Robin Roy.
e-bookConversion of large scale wastes into value-added products / edited by Justin S.J. Hargreaves, Ian D. Pulford, Malini Balakrishnan, Vidya S. Batra.
e-bookCooperation in the energy futures of China and the United States/ National Research Council, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Engineering.
e-bookCo-producing knowledge for sustainable cities : joining forces for change / edited by Merritt Polk.
e-bookCorporate social responsibility and natural resource conflict / Kylie McKenna.
e-bookCorporate social responsibility, sustainability and public relations : negotiating multiple complex challenges / Donnalyn Pompper.
e-bookCourtyard housing and cultural sustainability : theory, practice, and product / by Donia Zhang.
e-bookCreating a sustainable brand : a guide to growing the sustainability top line / Henk Campher.
e-bookCreating a sustainable and desirable future : insights from 45 global thought leaders / editors, Robert Costanza, Ida Kubiszewski.
e-bookCrisis and opportunity : sustainability in American agriculture / John E. Ikerd.
e-bookCritical reflections on nuclear and renewable energy : environmental protection and safety in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear accident / Way Kuo ; cover design by Russell Richardson.
e-bookCultural heritage and the challenge of sustainability / Diane Barthel-Bouchier.
e-bookCultures of energy : power, practices, technologies / edited by Sarah Strauss, Stephanie Rupp, Thomas Love.
e-bookCycling and sustainability / edited by John Parkin.
e-bookDecision making for a sustainable environment : a systemic approach / Chris Maser.
e-bookDelivering sustainable buildings : an industry insider's view / Mike Malina.
e-bookDepletion and abundance : life on the new home front / Sharon Astyk.
e-bookDesign for water : rainwater harvesting, stormwater catchment, and alternate water reuse / Heather Kinkade-Levario.
e-bookDesigning our future : local perspectives on bioproduction, ecosystems and humanity / edited by Mitsuru Osaki, Ademola K. Braimoh, and Ken'ichi Nakagami.
e-bookDesigning sustainability : making radical changes in a material world / Stuart Walker.
e-bookDeveloping economies : innovation, investment and sustainability / Joanne M. Carcillo, editor.
e-bookDiscourses of global climate change : apocalyptic framing and political antagonisms / Jonas Anshelm and Martin Hultman.
e-bookDriven by demand : how energy gets its power / Jimmy Y. Jia and Jason Crabtree.
e-bookDry run : preventing the next urban water crisis / Jerry Yudelson; foreword by Sharon B. Megdal.
e-bookEating earth : environmental ethics and dietary choice / Lisa Kemmerer.
e-bookEco-business : a big-brand takeover of sustainability / Peter Dauvergne and Jane Lister.
e-bookEco-innovation and sustainability management / Bart Bossink.
e-bookEcological and energy economics / Libby Nutt, Robt Wiley
e-bookEcological technologies for industrial wastewater management : petrochemicals, metals, semi-conductors, and paper industries / edited by Victor M. Monsalvo , PhD ; contributors, Iran Alemzadeh [and forty five others].
e-bookEcologies of urbanism in India : metropolitan civility and sustainability / Anne Rademacher and K. Sivaramakrishnan.
e-bookEcology, sustainable development and accounting / Seleshi Sisaye.
e-bookEconomics and world study of energy / Abdiel Worthy, Aaliyah Warren.
e-bookEconomies of recycling : the global transformations of materials, values and social relations / edited by Catherine Alexander & Joshua Reno.
e-bookEcosystem services : charting a path to sustainability : interdisciplinary research team summaries : Conference, Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center, Irvine, California, November 10-13, 2011 / The National Academies Keck Futures Initiative.
e-bookEcosystem services come to town : greening cities by working with nature / Gary Grant.
e-bookEdison to Enron: energy markets and political strategies / Robert L. Bradley, Jr.
e-bookEffects of urbanization on groundwater : an engineering case-based approach for sustainable development / sponsored by Urbanization Effects on Groundwater Task Committee, Groundwater Hydrology Committee, Groundwater Council, Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers ; edited by Ni-Bin Chang.
e-bookElectric power and energy in China / Zhenya Liu.
e-bookElectricity from renewable resources : status, prospects, and impediments / America's Energy Future Panel on Electricity from Renewable Resources, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, National Research Council of the National Academies.
e-bookEnding the fossil fuel era / edited by Thomas Princen, Jack P. Manno and Pamela L. Martin.
e-bookEnergizing green cities in Southeast Asia : applying sustainable urban energy and emissions planning / Dejan R. Ostojic [and four others].
e-bookEnergizing our future : rational choices for the 21st century / John R. Wilson, Griffin Burgh.
e-bookEnergy & climate: how to achieve a successful energy transition / Alexandre Rojey.
e-bookEnergy : its use and the environment / Roger A. Hinrichs, Merlin Kleinbach.
e-bookEnergy : overdevelopment and the delusion of endless growth / edited by Tom Butler and George Wuerthner ; introduction by Richard Heinberg.
e-bookEnergy and electricity in industrial nations: the sociology and technology of energy / Allan Mazur.
e-bookEnergy and the politics of the North Atlantic / George A. Gonzalez.
e-bookEnergy and transport in green transition : perspectives on ecomodernity / edited by Atle Midttun and Nina Witoszek.
e-bookEnergy capitals : local impact, global influence / edited by Joseph A. Pratt, Martin V. Melosi, and Kathleen A. Brosnan.
e-bookEnergy costs, international developments and new directions/ Leszek Kowalczyk and Jakub Piotrowski, editors.
e-bookEnergy economics / Abdulkadir Develi, Selahattin Kaynak (eds.).
e-bookEnergy efficiency and renewable energy handbook / edited by D. Yogi Goswami and Frank Kreith.
e-bookEnergy explained / Vikram Janardhan and Bob Fesmire.
e-bookEnergy for development: twenty-first century challenges of reform and liberalization in developing countries / Rangaswamy Vedavalli.
e-bookEnergy for the 21st century (2rd Ed.) : a comprehensive guide to conventional and alternative sources / Roy L. Nersesian.
e-bookEnergy in a changing climate/ Martin Nicholson.
e-bookEnergy in the 21st century (3rd Ed.) / John R. Fanchi with Christopher J. Fanchi.
e-bookEnergy resources : availability, management, and environmental impacts / Kenneth J. Skipka, Louis Theodore.
e-bookEnergy Revolution: the physics and the promise of efficient technology / Mara Prentiss.
e-bookEnergy security and geopolitics in the Arctic : challenges and opportunities in the 21st century / editor, Hooman Peimani.
e-bookEnergy technology innovation : learning from historical successes and failures / edited by Arnulf Grübler, Charlie Wilson.
e-bookEnergy transition in Africa/ edited by Thokozani Simelane and Mohamed Abdel-Rahman.
e-bookEnergy in the 21st century / John R. Fanchi with Christopher J. Fanchi.
e-bookEnergy, environment, natural resources and business competitiveness: the fragility of interdependence / Dimitris N. Chorafas.
e-bookEnergy, resources, and the long-term future/ John Scales Avery.
e-bookEnergy, the environment and climate change/ Peter E. Hodgson.
e-bookEnergy... beyond oil / [edited by] Fraser Armstrong and Katherine Blundell.
e-bookEngineering for sustainability / Dennis F.X. Mathaisel, Joel M. Manary, Ned H. Criscimagna.
e-bookEngineering solutions for sustainability : materials and resources : workshop report and recommendations / organizer, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers ; co-sponsors, American Society for Civil Engineers, American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
e-bookEnhancing the climate resilience of Africa's infrastructure : the power and water sectors / Raffaello Cervigni [and three others], editors.
e-bookEntrepreneurship and sustainability : business solutions for poverty alleviation from around the world / e dited by Daphne Halkias and Paul Thurman.
e-bookEntrepreneurship, innovation and sustainability / edited by Marcus Wagner.
e-bookEnvironment and enforcement : regulation and the social definition of pollution / Keith Hawkins.
e-bookEnvironmental and energy law/ edited by Karen E. Makuch, Ricardo Pereira.
e-bookEnvironmental anthropology engaging ecotopia : bioregionalism, permaculture, and ecovillages / edited by Joshua Lockyer and James R. Veteto.
e-bookEnvironmental Change and Sustainable Social Development : Social Work-Social Development Volume II.
e-bookEnvironmental data exchange network for inland water / edited by Palle Haastrup, Jørgen Würtz.
e-bookEnvironmental engineering laboratory manual for first year engineering students (common to all branches) / R.C. Gaur.
e-bookEnvironmental management: : revision guide for the IEMA associate membership exam and NEBOSH diploma in environmental management / Adrian Belcham.
e-bookEnvironmental policies for agricultural pollution control / edited by J.S. Shortle and D.G. Abler.
e-bookEnvironmental protection of international watercourses under international law / Owen McIntyre.
e-bookEnvironmental sustainability at historic sites and museums / Sarah Sutton.
e-bookEnvironmentally-friendly food processing ‪‬ / edited by Berit Mattsson and Ulf Sonesson.
e-bookEssence of sustainability / Carroll Paine.
e-bookEssence of sustainability and environmentalism / Astrid Harless, Carroll Paine.
e-bookEssential concepts of global environmental governance / edited by Jean-Frédéric Morin and Amandine Orsini.
e-bookEssential guide to food additives .
e-bookEstablishing a resource-circulating society in Asia : challenges and opportunities / edited by Tohru Morioka, Keisuke Hanaki and Yuichi Moriguchi.
e-bookEthical eating in the postsocialist and socialist world / edited by Yuson Jung, Jakob A. Klein, Melissa L. Caldwell.
e-bookEU environmental policy : its journey to centre stage / Nigel Haigh.
e-bookEvolution of debt sustainability analysis in low-income countries : some aggregate evidence / prepared by Benedicte Baduel and Robert Price.
e-bookFair shared cities : the impact of gender planning in Europe / by Inés Sanchez de Madariaga and Marion Roberts.
e-bookFarming Cuba : urban farming from the ground up / Carey Clouse.
e-bookFeedstock recycling of plastic wastes / Jos⥠Aguado, David P. Serrano.
e-bookFinance fundamentals for nonprofits : building capacity and sustainability / Woods Bowman.
e-bookFinancing corporate growth in the renewable energy industry / Christoph Ettenhuber.
e-bookFiscal sustainability : a 21st century guide for the perplexed / prepared by Evan Tanner.
e-bookFit sigma : a lean approach to building sustainable quality beyond Six Sigma / Ron Basu.
e-bookFood allergy : adverse reactions to foods and food additives / edited by Dean D. Metcalfe [and three others].
e-bookFood and development / E.M. Young.
e-bookFood Safety and food security / edited by John G. Voeller.
e-bookFood safety behaviour and its implications.
e-bookFood safety management : a practical guide for the food industry / edited by Yasmine Motarjemi, Huub Lelieveld.
e-bookFor love of lakes / Darby Nelson.
e-bookGame Changers: Energy on the Move.
e-bookGarbage in, garbage out : solving the problems with long-distance trash transport / Vivian E. Thomson.
e-bookGender and sustainability : lessons from Asia and Latin America / María Luz Cruz-Torres and Pamela McElwee, editors.
e-bookGender equality and sustainable development / edited by Melissa Leach.
e-bookGlobal challenges of emerging contaminants : Environmental, health, and safety Issues / editor by Gordon C.C. Yang
e-bookGlobal development of organic agriculture : challenges and prospects / edited by Niels Halberg ... [et al.]
e-bookGlobal energy : issues, potentials, and policy implications / Paul Ekins, Mike Bradshaw, and Jim Watson.
e-bookGlobal nuclear energy partnership / Alan N. Bernstein, editor.
e-bookGlobal sustainable communities handbook : green design technologies / edited by Woodrow W. Clark II.
e-bookGlobal warming mitigation strategies and water management technologies / Rhea Jorgensen.
e-bookGlobal water : issues and insights / edited by R. Quentin Grafton [and three others].
e-bookGoing organic : mobilizing networks for environmentally responsible food production / Stewart Lockie ... [et al.].
e-bookGovernance for justice and environmental sustainability  : lessons across natural resource sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa / edited by Merle Sowman and Rachel Wynberg.
e-bookGreen alternatives and national energy strategy : the facts behind the headlines / Philip G. Gallman.
e-bookGreen chemistry for environmental remediation / edited by Rashmi Sanghi and Vandana Singh.
e-bookGreen cities of Europe : global lessons on green urbanism / edited by Timothy Beatley.
e-bookGreen growth and travelism : letters from leaders / edited by Geoffrey Lipman ... [et al.].
e-bookGreen illusions : the dirty secrets of clean energy and the future of environmentalism / Ozzie Zehner.
e-bookGreen petroleum : how oil and gas can be environmentally sustainable / edited by M.R. Islam, M.M. Khan, and A.B. Chhetri.
e-bookGreen power already out of breath? why do German consumers not switch to green electricity? / Sarah Herz.
e-bookGreen property : buying, developing and investing in eco-friendly property, and becoming more energy efficient / Catherine Dawson.
e-bookGreen supply chain management / Joseph Sarkis
e-bookGreening libraries / edited by Monika Antonelli and Mark McCullough.
e-bookGroundwater contamination / Geophysics Study Committee [for the] Geophysics Research Forum.
e-bookGrowing better cities : urban agriculture for sustainable development / by Luc Mougeot.
e-bookHandbook of food processing : food preservation / edited by Theodoros Varzakas, Constantina Tzia.
e-bookHandbook of recycled concrete and demolition waste / edited by F. Pacheco-Torgal [and four others].
e-bookHandbook of sustainability for the food sciences / Rubén O. Morawicki.
e-bookHandbook of Sustainability and Sustainable Development / Allyssa Lee.
e-bookHealth benefits of organic food : effects of the environment / edited by D. Ian Givens ... [et al.].
e-bookHigh speed passenger rail : viability, challenges and federal role / Augelli Biocchetti, editor.
e-bookHistories of the dustheap : waste, material cultures, social justice / edited by Stephanie Foote and Elizabeth Mazzolini.
e-bookHistory, principles and concepts of sustainability / Latashia Kingsley.
e-bookHow to boil an egg : a fresh look at sustainable energy for everyone / Ad van Wijk.
e-bookHuman-environmental interactions in cities : challenges and opportunities of urban land use planning and green infrastructure / edited by Nadja Kabisch [and three others] ; contributors Jose Ignacio Aguirre [and twenty one others].
e-bookHydrogen energy : challenges and prospects / D.A.J. Rand, R.M. Dell.
e-bookICSDC 2011 : integrating sustainability practices in the construction industry : proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Sustainable Design and Construction, March 23-25, 2011, Kansas City, Missouri / sponsored by Construction Institute (CI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers [and] University of Kansas ; edited by Wai Kiong Oswald Chong, Christopher Hermreck.
e-bookImproving import food safety / edited by Wayne Ellefson, Lorna Zach, Darryl Sullivan.
e-bookIncreasing climate change resilience of urban water infrastructure : based on a case study from Wuhan City, People's Republic of China / Asian Development Bank.
e-bookIndia's organic farming revolution : what it means for our global food system / Sapna E. Thottathil ; design by April Leidig.
e-bookInfrastructure sustainability and design / edited by Spiro Pollalis ... [et al.].
e-bookInnovation For sustainability : African and European perspectives / edited by Mammo Muchie and Angathevar.
e-bookInnovation in healthy and functional foods  / edited by Dilip Ghosh ... [et al.].
e-bookInnovations in sustainability : fuel and food / Alfred A. Marcus, University of Minnesota.
e-bookInnovative energy systems for CO₂ stabilization/ edited by Robert G. Watts.
e-bookInspirational guide for the implementation of PRME : placing sustainability at the heart of management education / [co-editors, Manuel Escudero ... [et al.]].
e-bookInstruments for waste prevention and promoting material efficiency : a nordic review / Kaarina Huhtinen.
e-bookIntegrated Water resources management, institutions and livelihoods under stress : bottom-up perspectives from Zimbabwe / by Collin Calvin Mabiza.
e-bookInternational law for energy and the environment/ Patricia Park.
e-bookIntroduction to environmental engineering / Stefan Fränzle, Bernd Markert, and Simone Wünschmann.
e-bookIntroduction to plastics recycling / Vannessa Goodship.
e-bookIntroduction to sustainable transports / Bernard Favre.
e-bookJust transitions : explorations of sustainability in an unfair world / Mark Swilling, Eve Annecke.
e-bookKicking the carbon habit : global warming and the case for renewable and nuclear energy / William Sweet.
e-bookLand, water, and development : sustainable management of river basin systems / Malcolm Newson.
e-bookLeading sustainable change : an organizational perspective / edited by Rebecca Henderson, Ranjay Gulati, and Michael Tushman.
e-bookLibrary Consortia : models for collaboration and sustainability / Valerie Horton, Greg Pronevitz.
e-bookLights on! : the science of power generation / Mark Denny.
e-bookLinkages of sustainability  / edited by Thomas E. Graedel and Ester van der Voet.
e-bookLiquid power : contested hydro-modernities in twentieth-century Spain, 1898-2010 / Erik Swyngedouw.
e-bookLiving streets : strategies for crafting public space / Lesley Bain, Barbara Gray, Dave Rodgers.
e-bookLocal economic development and the environment : finding common ground / Susan M. Opp and Jeffery L. Osgood, Jr.
e-bookLocal food systems : background and issues / Christopher L. Waltz, editor.
e-bookLow impact development and sustainable stormwater management / Thomas H. Cahill.
e-bookLow-carbon development for Mexico/ Todd M. Johnson ... [et al.].
e-bookMaking the most of scarcity : accountability for better water management results in the Middle East and North Africa.
e-bookMaking waste : leftovers and the eighteenth-century imagination / Sophie Gee.
e-bookManaging energy, nutrients, and pests in organic field crops / edited by Ralph C. Martin and Rod MacRae.
e-bookManaging food safety risks in the agri-food industries / Jan Mei Soon, Richard Baines.
e-bookManaging human resources for environmental sustainability / Susan E. Jackson, Deniz S. Ones, Stephan Dilchert, editors ; foreword by Allen I. Kraut.
e-bookManaging water for all : an OECD perspective on pricing and financing.
e-bookManaging water resources past and present / edited by Julie Trottier and Paul Slack.
e-bookMarketing trends for organic food in the 21st century / editor, George Baourakis.
e-bookMechanisms of landscape rehabilitation and sustainability / authors, Valentin Kefeli, Winfried Blum ; editor, Narcin Palavan-Unsal.
e-bookMeeting the energy needs of future warriors / Committee on Soldier Power/Energy Systems, Board on Army Science and Technology, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council of the National Academies.
e-bookMetaphors for environmental sustainability  : redefining our relationship with nature / Brendon Larson.
e-bookMetropolitan sustainability : understanding and improving the urban environment / edited by Frank Zeman.
e-bookModeling water quality in distribution systems / Robert M. Clark.
e-bookMoney and sustainability : the missing link : a report from the Club of Rome - EU Chapter to Finance Watch and the World Business Academy / Bernard Lietaer ... [et al.].
e-bookMoving people : sustainable transport development / Peter Cox.
e-bookNatural food additives, ingredients and flavourings / edited by David Baines and Richard Seal.
e-bookNatural houses : the residential architecture of Andersson-Wise / Arthur Andersson and Chris Wise.
e-bookNeeds and feasibility : a guide for engineers in community projects : the case of Waste for Life / Caroline Baillie ... [et al.].
e-bookNo waste : managing sustainability in construction / Uly Ma.
e-bookNuclear energy in the 21st century: the World Nuclear University primer / Ian Hore-Lacy.
e-bookNutrition and feeding of organic pigs / by Robert Blair.
e-bookNutrition and feeding of organic poultry / Robert Blair.
e-bookOf limits and growth : the rise of global sustainable development in the twentieth century / Stephen J. Macekura.
e-bookOne goal, two paths: achieving universal access to modern energy in East Asia and the Pacific.
e-bookOperating and planning electricity grids with variable renewable generation review of emerging lessons from selected operational experiences and desktop studies / Marcelino Madrigal and Kevin Porter.
e-bookOrder of buildings and cities : a paradigm of open systems evolution for sustainable design / Yan Gu.
e-bookOrganic agriculture : African experiences in resilience and sustainability / edited by Raymond Auerbach, Gunnar Rundgren and Nadia El-Hage Scialabba.
e-bookOrganic coffee : sustainable development by Mayan farmers / Maria Elena Martinez-Torres.
e-bookOrganic crop breeding / editors, Edith T. Lammerts van Bueren, James R. Myers.
e-bookOrganic farming : an international history / William Lockeretz, editor.
e-bookOrganic fruit growing / K. Lind ... [et al.].
e-bookOrganic meat production and processing / edited by Steven C. Ricke ... [et al.].
e-bookOrganic production and food quality : a down to earth analysis / Robert Blair.
e-bookOrganic struggle : the movement for sustainable agriculture in the United States / Brian K. Obach.
e-bookOur energy future : resources, alternatives, and the environment / Christian Ngo, Joseph B. Natowitz.
e-bookOut of the energy labyrinth: uniting energy and the environment to avert catastrophe / by David Howell and Carole Nakhle.
e-bookOut of water : design solutions for arid regions / Liat Margolis, Aziza Chaouni.
e-bookOutage: investment shortfalls in the power sector in Eastern Europe and Central Asia / Ani Balabanyan ... [et al.].
e-bookOutsmart waste : the modern idea of garbage and how to think our way out of it / by Tom Szaky.
e-bookOverfished ocean strategy : powering up innovation for a resource-deprived world / Nadya Zhexembayeva ; cover design, Wes Youssi.
e-bookPathways to a hydrogen future/ Thomas E. Drennen, Jennifer E. Rosthal.
e-bookPhilosophy and synergy of information : sustainability and security / edited by Paata J. Kervalishvili and Sousana A. Michailidis.
e-bookPlace, ecology and the sacred : the moral geography of sustainable communities / Michael S. Northcott.
e-bookPlastics waste : feedstock recycling, chemical recycling and incineration / A. Tukker.
e-bookPollution limits and polluters' efforts to comply : the role of government monitoring and enforcement / Dietrich H. Earnhart and Robert L. Glicksman.
e-bookPower to the people: energy in Europe over the last five centuries / Astrid Kander, Paolo Malanima, Paul Warde.
e-bookPowerdown : options and actions for a post-carbon world / Richard Heinberg.
e-bookPowering planet Earth : energy solutions for the future / Nicola Armaroli, Vincenzo Balzani, and Nick Serpone.
e-bookPreparing urban water use efficiency plans : a best practice guide / Lisa Maddaus, William Maddaus and Michelle Maddaus.
e-bookPrinciples and strategies to balance ethical, social and environmental concerns with corporate requirements / edited by Liam Leonard, Maria Alejandra Gonalez-Perez.
e-bookProcess Intensification : engineering for efficiency, sustainability and flexibility / David Reay, Colin Ramshaw, Adam Harvey.
e-bookProgress in food preservation  / edited by Rajeev Bhat, Abd Karim Alias, Gopinadhan Paliyath.
e-bookPromoting walking and cycling : new perspectives on sustainable travel / Colin G. Pooley.
e-bookRace for sustainability : energy, economy, environment and ethics / Ken Hickson.
e-bookRecycling and deinking of recovered paper / Pratima Bajpai.
e-bookRecycling and reuse of materials and their products / edited by Yves Grohens ... [et al.].
e-bookRecycling and re-use of waste rubber / Martin Forrest.
e-bookRecycling reconsidered : the present failure and future promise of environmental action in the United States / Samantha MacBride.
e-bookRegional planning for a sustainable America : how creative programs are promoting prosperity and saving the environment / edited by Carleton Montgomery.
e-bookRegulating energy and natural resources/ edited by Barry Barton ... [et al.].
e-bookRenewable energy in China : towards a green economy / [edited by] Manhong Mannie Liu, Mike Henry, Huang Haifeng.
e-bookResearch in early childhood education for sustainability : international perspectives and provocations / edited by Julie Davis and Sue Elliott.
e-bookResource accounting for sustainability assessment : the nexus between energy, food, water and land use / edited by Mario Giampietro ... [et al.].
e-bookResource recovery to approach zero municipal waste / editors, Mohammad J. Tasherzadeh, Tobias Richards.
e-bookResponsible management : understanding human nature, ethics, and sustainability / Kemi Ogunyemi.
e-bookResponsible Management Accounting and Controlling : a Practical Handbook for Sustainability, Responsibility, and Ethics.
e-bookRethinking water management : innovative approaches to contemporary issues / [edited by] Caroline M. Figuères, Cecilia Tortajada and Johan Rockström.
e-bookReutilization of industrial effluents and waste / editors, R.K. Basiaas, Alok K. Srivastava.
e-bookRiver, space, design : planning strategies, methods and projects for urban rivers / Martin Prominski, Antje Stokman, Susanne Zeller, Daniel Stimberg, Hinnerk Voermanek
e-bookSafe management of wastes from health-care activities : a practical guide / edited by Yves Chartier [and 8 others].
e-bookSafety evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants / prepared by the Seventy-first meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA).
e-bookSafety evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants / prepared by the Seventy-seventh meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Addivities (JECFA).
e-bookSaving global fisheries : reducing fishing capacity to promote sustainability / J. Samuel Barkin and Elizabeth R. DeSombre.
e-bookShaping the future of water for agriculture : a sourcebook for investment in agricultural water management.
e-bookSharing cities : a case for truly smart and sustainable cities / Duncan McLaren and Julian Agyeman.
e-bookSite design for multifamily housing : creating livable, connected neighborhoods / by Nico Larco, Kristin Kelsey and Amanda West.
e-bookSkinny boy : a young man's battle and triumph over anorexia / by Gary A. Grahl.
e-bookSmall, gritty, and green : the promise of America's smaller industrial cities in a low-carbon world / Catherine Tumber.
e-bookSmart power : climate change, the smart grid, and the future of electric utilities / Peter Fox-Penner.
e-bookSociological perspectives of organic agriculture : from pioneer to policy / edited by Georgina Holt and Matthew Reed.
e-bookSoils and human health / edited by Eric C. Brevik, Lynn C. Burgess.
e-bookSolar energy technologies: from research to deployment / Liam G. White, editor.
e-bookSolar revolution : the economic transformation of the global energy industry / Travis Bradford.
e-bookSolid waste recycling and processing : planning of solid waste recycling facilities and programs / Marc J. Rogoff, PhD.
e-bookSouthern waters : the limits to abundance / Craig E. Colten ; designer, Laura Roubique Gleason.
e-bookSparking a worldwide energy revolution : social struggles in the transition to a post-petrol world / edited by Kolya Abramsky.
e-bookSpoiling Tibet : China and resource nationalism on the roof of the world / Gabriel Lafitte.
e-bookState of the world 2012 : moving toward sustainable prosperity : a Worldwatch Institute report on progress toward a sustainable society / Linda Starke, editor.
e-bookStewardship of the built environment : sustainability, preservation, and reuse / Robert A. Young.
e-bookSustainability : a history / Jeremy L. Caradonna.
e-bookSustainability : utilizing lean Six Sigma techniques / edited by Tina Agustiady, Adedeji B. Badiru.
e-bookSustainability accounting and accountability / edited by Jan Bebbington, Jeffrey Unerman and Brendan O'Dwyer.
e-bookSustainability and environmental management / Tiana Culbertson.
e-bookSustainability and poverty alleviation : confronting environmental threats in Sindh, Pakistan / Ernesto Sánchez--Triana [and four others] ; with contributions from Elena Strukova Golub [and three others].
e-bookSustainability and transformation in European social policy / Jordi Garcés, Irene Monsonís Payá (eds.).
e-bookSustainability economics : an introduction / Peter Bartelmus ; with illustrations by Arik Bartelmus.
e-bookSustainability for healthcare management : a leadership imperative / Carrie R. Rich, J. Knox Singleton and Seema S. Wadhwa.
e-bookSustainability in project management / by Gilbert Silvius ... [et al.].
e-bookSustainability integration for effective project management / Gilbert Silvius and Jennifer Tharp, editor.
e-bookSustainability measurement handbook / Ambrose Messina.
e-bookSustainable and resilient communities : a comprehensive action plan for towns, cities, and regions / [edited by] Stephen Coyle ; foreword by Andrés Duany.
e-bookSustainable and water engineering : theory and practice / Ramesha Chandrappa, Diganta B. Das.
e-bookSustainable business : key issues / Helen Kopnina and John Blewitt.
e-bookSustainable development in Amazonia : paradise in the making / Kei Otsuki.
e-bookSustainable development in China / edited by Curtis Andressen, Mubarak A.R. and Wang Xiaoyi.
e-bookSustainable food / Michael Mobbs.
e-bookSustainable healthcare / Knut Schroeder ... [et al.].
e-bookSustainable hospitality and tourism as motors for development : case studies from developing regions of the world / edited by Philip Sloan, Claudia Simons-Kaufman and Willy Legrand.
e-bookSustainable lifeways : cultural persistence in an ever-changing environment / edited by Naomi F. Miller, Katherine M. Moore, and Kathleen Ryan.
e-bookSustainable living, sustainable buildings and ecovillages / Alexandrea Ramirez, Viki Norman.
e-bookSustainable logistics and supply chain management / David B. Grant, Alexander Trautrims and Chee Yew Wong.
e-bookSustainable London? : the future of a global city / edited by Rob Imrie and Loretta Lees.
e-bookSustainable low-carbon city development in China / edited by Axel Baeumler, Ede Ijjasz-Vasquez, and Shomik Mehndiratta.
e-bookSustainable nuclear power/ editors, Galen J. Suppes, Truman S. Storvick.
e-bookSustainable plastics : environmental assessments of biobased, biodegradable, and recycled plastics / Joseph P. Greene.
e-bookSustainable preparation of metal nanoparticles : methods and applications / edited by Rafael Luque, Rajender S. Varma.
e-bookSustainable transport for Chinese cities / edited by Roger L. Mackett ... [et al.].
e-bookSustainable transportation planning / Jeffrey Tumlin.
e-bookSustainable wastewater management in developing countries : new paradigms and case studies from the field / Carsten Hollander Laugesen and Ole Fryd ; with Thammarat Koottatep and Hans Brix.
e-bookSustainable design : towards a new ethic in architecture and town planning / Marie-Hélène Contal, Jana Revedin
e-bookTeaching sustainability, teaching sustainably / edited by Kirsten Allen Bartels and Kelly A. Parker.
e-bookTechnological trajectories and the human environment/ edited by Jesse H. Ausubel and H. Dale Langford.
e-bookThe advanced smart grid : edge power driving sustainability / Andres Carvallo, John Cooper.
e-bookThe Australian green consumer guide : choosing products for a healthier home, planet, and bank balance / Tanya Ha.
e-bookThe A-Z of food safety / by Jeremy Stranks.
e-bookThe business guide to sustainability : practical strategies and tools for organizations / Darcy Hitchcock and Marsha Willard.
e-bookThe business of sustainable mobility : from vision to reality / edited by Paul Nieuwenhuis, Philip Vergragt and Peter Wells.
e-bookThe business of waste : Great Britain and Germany, 1945 to the present / Raymond G. Stokes, University of Glasgow, Roman K{uml}oster, University of Glasgow, Stephen C. Sambrook, University of Glasgow.
e-bookThe carbon crunch : how we're getting climate change wrong--and how to fix it / Dieter Helm.
e-bookThe city as fulcrum of global sustainability  / by Ernest J. Yanarella and Richard S. Levine.
e-bookThe common agricultural policy and organic farming / K. Lynggaard.
e-bookThe culture of energy/ edited by Mogens Rudiger.
e-bookThe Earth : natural resources and human intervention / Friedrich Schmidt-Bleek ; translated by Sandra Lustig ; Klaus Wiegandt, general editor.
e-bookThe ecological hoofprint : the global burden of industrial livestock / Tony Weis.
e-bookThe economic and environmental sustainability of dual sourcing / Heidrun Rosic
e-bookThe economic competitiveness of renewable energy : pathways to 100% global coverage / Winfried Hoffmann ; cover design by Russell Richardson.
e-bookThe economics of green growth : new indicators for sustainable societies / edited by Shunsuke Managi.
e-bookThe entropy crisis / Guy Deutscher.
e-bookThe field and the forge: population, production, and power in the pre-industrial West / John Landers.
e-bookThe final energy crisis / edited by Andrew McKillop with Sheila Newman.
e-bookThe future is not what it used to be climate change and energy scarcity / Jörg Friedrichs.
e-bookThe future is not what it used to beclimate change and energy scarcity / Jörg Friedrichs.
e-bookThe future of food business : the facts, the impacts, the acts / Marcos Fava Neves.
e-bookThe future of planning : beyond growth dependence / by Yvonne Rydin.
e-bookThe future of sustainable cities : critical reflections / edited by John Flint and Mike Raco.
e-bookThe future of value : how sustainability creates value through competitive differentiation / Eric Lowitt ; foreword by William Sarni.
e-bookThe future of water : a startling look ahead / by Steve Maxwell ; with Scott Yates ; foreword by Bruce Babbitt.
e-bookThe future of water in African cities : why waste water? / Michael Jacobsen, Michael Webster, and Kalanithy Vairavamoorthy, editors.
e-bookThe global food crisis : governance challenges and opportunities / Jennifer Clapp and Marc J. Cohen, editors.
e-bookThe global water crisis : a reference handbook / David E. Newton.
e-bookThe globalization of energy: China and the European Union / edited by M. Parvizi Amineh and Yang Guang.
e-bookThe handbook of organic and fair trade food marketing / edited by Simon Wright and Diane McCrea.
e-bookThe international energy experience : markets, regulation and the environment / editors: G. MacKerron, P. Pearson.
e-bookThe international monetary system, energy and sustainable development / edited by Sung Jin Kang and Yung Chul Park.
e-bookThe law of energy underground : understanding new developments in subsurface production, transmission, and storage/ Donald N. Zillman, Aileen McHarg, Adrian Bradbrook, and Lila Barrera-Hernandez.
e-bookThe National energy modeling system / Committee on the National Energy Modeling System, Energy Engineering Board, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems in cooperation with the Committee on National Statistics, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council.
e-bookThe nature of a house : building a world that works / George M. Woodwell.
e-bookThe Oxford book of health foods  : a comprehensive guide to natural remedies / J.G. Vaughan and P.A. Judd.
e-bookThe politics of sustainability : philosophical perspectives / edited by Dieter Birnbacher and May Thorseth.
e-bookThe power of science: economic research and European decision-making : the case of energy and environment policies / Domenico Rossetti di Valdalbero.
e-bookThe price of food / Meredith N. Fisher, editor.
e-bookThe price of thirst : global water inequality and the coming chaos / Karen Piper.
e-bookThe railway game : a study of socio-technological obsolescence / J. Lukasiewicz.
e-bookThe return of nature : sustaining architecture in the face of sustainability / edited by Preston Scott Cohen and Erika Naginski.
e-bookThe risk pivot : great powers, international security, and the energy revolution / Bruce Jones, David Steven.
e-bookThe river of life : sustainable practices of native Americans and indigenous peoples / Michael E. Marchand [and nine others]; with contributions by Wendell George [and five others].
e-bookThe roads more traveled : sustainable transportation in America-or not / by F. Kaid Benfield and Michael Replogle.
e-bookThe role of the individual / Rebecca Ferguson.
e-bookThe story of N : a social history of the nitrogen cycle and the challenge of sustainability / Hugh S. Gorman.
e-bookThe struggle for sustainability in rural China : environmental values and civil society / Bryan Tilt.
e-bookThe sustainable renovation of buildings and neighbourhoods / edited by Pilar Mercader-Moyano ; contributors, Alberto Vilches [and thirty-two others].
e-bookThe sustainable university : green goals and new challenges for higher education leaders / James Martin, James E. Samels & associates.
e-bookThe three levels of sustainability / Elena Cavagnaro and George Curiel.
e-bookThe value of water in a drying climate / editors, Tor Hundloe and Christine Crawford.
e-bookThe water sensitive city / Gary Grant.
e-bookThinking with water / edited by Cecilia Chen, Janine MacLeod, Astrida Neimanis ; contributor Elab Gisl̈e Trudel [and twenty-two others].
e-bookThird millennium capitalism : convergence of economic, energy, and environmental forces / Wyatt M. Rogers, Jr.
e-bookTo subsidise my income : urban farming in an East-African town / by Dick Foeken.
e-bookToilet : public restrooms and the politics of sharing / edited by Harvey Molotch and Laura Norén.
e-bookTotal water management : practices for a sustainable future / Neil S. Grigg.
e-bookTourism, climate change and sustainability / edited by Maharaj Vijay Reddy and Keith Wilkes.
e-bookToward a sustainable and secure water future : a leadership role for the U.S. Geological Survey / Committee on Water Resources Activities at the U.S. Geological Survey, Water Science and Technology Board, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies.
e-bookToward sustainability : soil and water research priorities for developing countries / Committee on International Soil and Water Research and Development, Water Science and Technology Board, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, Board on Science and Technology for International Development, Office of International Affairs, National Research Council.
e-bookToward sustainable agricultural systems in the 21st century / Committee on Twenty-First Century Systems Agriculture, Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources, Division on Earth and Life Sciences.
e-bookTowards a greener economy : the social dimensions / International Labour Organization, International Institute for Labour Studies.
e-bookTransforming cities with transit : transit and land-use integration for sustainable urban development / Hiroaki Suzuki, Robert Cervero, Kanako Iuchi.
e-bookTransport revolutions : moving people and freight without oil / Richard Gilbert & Anthony Perl.
e-bookTrash culture : objects and obsolescence in cultural perspective / edited by Gillian Pye ; with the assistance of Simone Schroth.
e-bookU.S. energy and the environment: an overview and comparative analysis / Roland H. Terrison, editor.
e-bookUnderstanding energy and energy policy / Timothy F. Braun and Lisa M. Glidden.
e-bookUnderstanding the global energy crisis / edited by Eugene D. Coyle and Richard A. Simmons.
e-bookUnion Pacific : the reconfiguration : America's greatest railroad from 1969 to the present / Maury Klein.
e-bookUnleashing the potential of renewable energy in India / Gevorg Sargsyan ... [et al.].
e-bookUnquenchable : America's water crisis and what to do about it / Robert Glennon.
e-bookUrban crisis : culture and the sustainability of cities / edited by M. Nadarajah and Ann Tomoko Yamamoto.
e-bookUrban heritage, development and sustainability : international frameworks, national and local governance / edited by Sophia Labadi and William Logan.
e-bookUrban recycling and the search for sustainable community development / Adam S. Weinberg, David N. Pellow, and Allan Schnaiberg.
e-bookUrban regeneration & social sustainability : best practice from European cities / Andrea Colantonio, Tim Dixon.
e-bookUrban sustainability : a global perspective / edited by Igor Vojnovic.
e-bookUrban water reuse : handbook / edited by Saeid Eslamian.
e-bookUrbanization and sustainability : linking urban ecology, environmental justice and global environmental change / Christopher G. Boone, Michail Fragkias, editors.
e-bookUrbanization, energy, and air pollution in China: the challenges ahead : proceedings of a symposium / Development, Security, and Cooperation, Policy and Global Affairs, National Research Council of the National Academies, National Academy of Engineering, Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
e-bookUser integration in sustainable product development : organisational learning through boundary-spanning processes / Esther Hoffmann.
e-bookVegetarianism / Jill Hamilton, book editor.
e-bookVirtual water : tackling the threat to our planet's most precious resource / Tony Allan.
e-bookWaste gas treatment for resource recovery / edited by Piet N.L. Lens [and three others].
e-bookWaste to energy / edited by S. Syngellakis, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK.
e-bookWater : global common and global problems / editor, Velma I. Grover.
e-bookWater : local-level management / by David B. Brooks.
e-bookWater and energy : threats and opportunities / Gustaf Olsson.
e-bookWater audits and loss control programs .
e-bookWater centric sustainable communities : planning, retrofitting, and building the next urban environment / Vladimir Novotny, John Ahern, Paul Brown.
e-bookWater conservation for small- and medium-sized utilities / Deborah Green.
e-bookWater conservation in urban households : roles of prices, policies and technologies / Sonia Ferdous Hoque.
e-bookWater conservation programs : a planning manual.
e-bookWater conservation, reuse, and recycling : proceedings of an Iranian-American workshop.
e-bookWater contamination emergencies : can we cope? / edited by K.C. Thompson, J. Gray.
e-bookWater efficiency in buildings : theory and practice / edited by Kemi Adeyeye.
e-bookWater for energy and fuel production / Yatish T. Shah.
e-bookWater for life : making it happen / WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation.
e-bookWater harvesting for agriculture in the dry areas / Theib Y. Oweis, Dieter Prinz, Ahmed Y. Hachum.
e-bookWater pollution control / edited by Surech T. Nesaratnam.
e-bookWater quality and agriculture : meeting the policy challenge.
e-bookWater recycling and water management / Daniel M. Carrey, editor ; [contributors, Osvaldo Salazar ... [et al.]].
e-bookWater resources planning : manual of water supply practices / American Water Works Association.
e-bookWater reuse : potential for expanding the nation's water supply through reuse of municipal wastewater / Committee on the Assessment of Water Reuse as an Approach for Meeting Future Water Supply Needs, Water Science and Technology Board, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies.
e-bookWater transmission and distribution : student workbook.
e-bookWater transmission and distribution .
e-bookWater watching / Edmund W. Jupp.
e-bookWater  : towards a culture of responsibility / Antoine Frérot.
e-bookWater resources  : an integrated approach / edited by Joseph Holden.
e-bookWater-efficient landscaping in the Intermountain West : a professional and do-it-yourself guide / Heidi A. Kratsch, editor.
e-bookWetland birds : habitat resources and conservation implications / Milton W. Weller.
e-bookWhat is water? : the history of a modern abstraction / Jamie Linton ; foreword by Graeme Wynn.
e-bookWind power  : the struggle for control of a new global industry / Ben Backwell.
e-bookWorld environmental and water resources congress 2010 : challenges of change : proceedings of the congress : May 16-20, 2010, Providence, Rhode Island / sponsored by Environmental and Water Resources Institute (EWRI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers ; edited by Richard N. Palmer.
Links Title
電子書Vega鹼回健康 = Learn how you can reduce nutritional stress to look great, feel great and perform better at work, home and play : 透過植物性完整營養, 獲取健康的最佳指南 / 布藍登.布瑞茲(Brendan Brazier)作 ; 黃秀貞譯.
電子書一生就減一次肥 / 黃愛玲著.
電子書一輩子最重要的飲食習慣 / 梁素娟編著.
電子書千里步道. 3, 高雄,慢漫遊, : 一本令人難忘的旅行故事書 / 周聖心等共同執筆.
電子書女人一生中不可錯過的100大超級好食物 / 策馬入林文化編著.
電子書不生病要懂飲食細節 / 孫海鷹作.
電子書中國文化與香港可持續發展的公共房屋 / 李綺雯
電子書中國創新綠色發展 / 胡鞍鋼.
電子書中華人民共和國環境保護法實用問題版 / 法律出版社大眾出版編委會編.
電子書今天的飲水習慣,決定你10年後的健康狀況 / 左振素, 郇宜俊編著.
電子書水的反思 / 李焯芬.
電子書世界遺產旅遊可持續發展研究 : 以九寨溝為例 / 章小平, 任嘯著.
電子書台灣可再生能源發電保價收購政策研析與探討 = The analysis of feed-in tariff renewable deployment policy in Taiwan / 王京明作
電子書永續觀光 = Sustainable tourism / 李宗鴻編著.
電子書生態永續的藝術想像和實踐 = Insights into the eco-art of britain / 周靈芝作
電子書再生能源政策與法律概論 / 高銘志等合著.
電子書吃了會死?食品添加物速查 / 李馥著.
電子書吃的真相 / 崧博右灰編輯部著.
電子書舌尖上的謠言粉碎機 : 教你識破現代食品的騙術,確保吃得安心與健康 / 雲無心作.
電子書低碳建筑綠色城市的守望 : 巔峰閱讀文庫低碳科普館 / 侯紅霞.
電子書我們只有一個選擇:一個既能保存現有文明成就,又能推動人類與地球永續生存的新時代願景 / 海雲繼夢作.
電子書抗暖化, 我也可以 : 氣候變遷與永續發展 / 張瑞剛著.
電子書男人一生中不可錯過的100大超級好食物 / 策馬入林文化編著.
電子書走向低碳運輸 : 台灣綠色燃料與載具發展前景 / 左峻德主編.
電子書美國綠色能源市場商機及拓銷策略調查報告 / 黃彥婷作
電子書食物安全吃健康 / 超級電視臺作.
電子書食物安全攻略 / 馬志英著.
電子書食物安全就要這樣吃 = How to make sure your food is safe / 陳彥甫著.
電子書恐怖的10大食品添加物 / 江晃榮著.
電子書健康生活的管理師 : 諾麗酵素NONI / 張慧敏, 蕭子鳳合著.
電子書國際科技動態跟蹤 : 能源. 環境與低碳經濟 / 呂志堅, 申紅豔主編.
電子書基於可持續發展的環境管理與會計方法研究 / 謝琨.
電子書從泥土冒出的有機人生:黃仁棟和他創辦的柑仔店 / 朱慧芳著.
電子書排毒力 : 吃對食物就能輕鬆提升排毒力! / 我是角色編輯部作
電子書無毒保健康 : 如何在充滿毒物的生活中自保 / 陳修玲著.
電子書無毒保健康. 2, 減法生活DIY : 減毒.減廢.減費 / 陳修玲著.
電子書發展永續的再生能源 / 經濟部能源局編輯
電子書超人氣輕食美味好料理 = Tasty, light recipes and healthy meal ideas popular for all : 健康窈窕滿點 / 羅荷絲著.
電子書飲食健康站. 上 / 卉子作.
電子書飲食健康站. 下 / 卉子作.
電子書愛.幸福綠好宅 : 劉志鵬建築師的平民防震綠建築家園 / 劉志鵬著.
電子書暖化戰爭. 二部曲 : 能源與環境問題 / 郭箴誠文字總編輯
電子書暖化戰爭. 三部曲 : 綠色新希望-再生能源 / 郭箴誠文字總編輯
電子書暖化戰爭首部曲 : 全球暖化與氣候變遷 / 郭箴誠, 商鼎科普編輯小組編著.
電子書當代國際新能源政策與法制發展/ 蔡岳勳主編.
電子書節能減碳教育 : 國際觀點與案例 / 王如哲等作 ; 王如哲, 黃月純主編.
電子書經濟發展、環境保護與民主參與 : 我國環境影響評估的功能與挑戰 / 湯京平, 蕭代基主編.
電子書資源節約社會監測評價研究 朱孔來, 王如燕著.
電子書綠色可持續人工環境 / 史密斯, 懷特萊格, 威廉姆斯著 ; 王占忠, 王海銀, 崔丹丹譯.
電子書綠色競爭力 / 湯瑪斯.佛里曼(Thomas Friedman)原著.
電子書綠色競爭力[有聲書] / 湯瑪斯.佛里曼(Thomas Friedman)原著.
電子書臺灣有機廢棄物的再利用 : 有機質肥料之生產及應用研究 / 楊秋忠等作.
電子書臺灣農家經濟史之重新詮釋 / 葉淑貞著.
電子書製造,有機的幸福生活 / 駱亭伶文字 ; 何忠誠攝影.
電子書酵素廚房 : 66道享樂主義的輕食佳餚 / 邵麗華著.
電子書廚房裡的秘密 : 飲食的科學及文化 / 徐明達著
電子書歐洲綠生活 : 向歐洲學習過節能.減碳.廢核的日子 / 歐洲華文作家協會著.
電子書懶妞的純味食計 : 這樣吃,就很健康 / 王乙童著.
Links Title
online video《全球暖化生存指南》 / 梁文道
online video打造生態綠化城市
online video全球氣候變化與中國綠色發展
Organization/ Agency/ Event/ Campaign
Circles of Sustainability
Earth Policy Institute
Eat Wisely, US Dept. of Veterans Affairs' Campaign, HK Dept. of Health
Food Wise Hong Kong, HK Environmental Protection Dept.
Friends of the Earth (HK)
Green Education and Resource Centre, HK Lesiure and Cultural Services Dept.
Green Power, HK
Greenliving Information Platform, Taiwan
Greenpeace Hong Kong
Greenpeace International
International Decade for Actin 'Water for Life' 2005-2015
Organic Farming in Hong Kong, HK Agriculture, Fisheries, and Conservation Dept.
Produce Green Foundation, HK
Renewable Energy World
Renewable Energy, US Department of Energy
Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform, United Nations
Sustainable Development Online Resource Centre, HK Envionment Bureau
World Watch Institute
WWF Seafood Sustainability
Waste Expo
Plastic Recycling
Sustainable Development Solutions Network, United Nations
HK Green Building Technology Net, HK Electrical and Mechancial Services Dept.
Be Hanson, Energy Saving for All 2016, HK Electrical and Mechanical Services Dept.
EnergyLand, HK Electrical and Mechanical Services Dept.
China Green Building (Hong Kong) Council
Sustainable Design for Buildings (Teaching Kits), HK Architectural Services Dept
Cultural Heritage and Build Environment, HK Architectural Services Dept.
Understanding the Building Process and Teamwork, HK Architectural Services Dept.
CBD2 - Energizing Kowloon East, HK Development Bureau
HK Renewable Energy Net, HK Electrical and Mechanical Services Dept.
Energy Watch Group
International Renewable Energy Agency
International Energy Agency
Hong Kong Waste Reduction Website, HK Environmental Protection Dept.
Recycling Fund Management Board, Environmental Protection Administration of Excutive Yuan, Taiwan
T. PARK, HK Environmental Protection Department
International Union for Conservation of Nature
Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union
Ocean Conservancy
United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP)
International Coral Reef Initiative
Global Coral Reef Alliance
Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute
McDonough Braungart Design Chemistry, MBDC
The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education
The Hong Kong Sustainable Campus Consortium
Green Food, Green Food Development Center, China
Japan for Sustainability
Planet Friendly (People and Planet)
Green Ottawa, Canada
可持續消費指數, 香港消費者委員會

Academics/ Institutes/ Research Centres
Prof. Kin-chung Ho 何建宗教授, OUHK
Dr Edward YIP 姚松炎博士, HK LegCO
Prof. LAM Chiu Ying 林超英教授, CUHK
Prof. Yeh, Shin-cheng 葉欣誠教授, 國立臺灣師範大學
Dr Gro Harlem BRUNDTLAND, Former Director-General, World Health Organization
Dr Rita, Y M LI, HKSYU
HKU Sustainable High Density Cities lab
Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development, PolyU
Sustainability at CUHK
Green Campus, PolyU
HKUST Sustainability
HKBU Sustainability
臺灣教育部 校園節能減碳資訊平台
The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education
Office of Sustainability, MIT
The Nutrition Source, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Sustainable Stanford Portal, Stanford University
Havard University Sustainability, US
UBC Sustainability, Canada
University of Washington Sustainability, US
Institute for Sustainable Energy, U of Toronto
Sustainability at Princeton, US
Research Center of Climate Change and Sustainable Development, National Taiwan University
Office of Envionmental Sustainability, National U of Singapore
Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, U of Cambridge
Sustainable Real Estate Research Center, HKSYU
The Product-Life Institute, Switzerland
Algalita Marine Research Foundation
Rocky Mountain Institute
The MIT Energy Initiative
Sustainability at McMaster, Canada
Sustainability at BCIT, Canada
UofT Sustainability Conference

Conventions/ Declarations/ Laws/ Standards/ Reports
Talloires Declaration
Organic Argriculture Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Organic Farming, EU Agriculture and Rural Development
Compliance Guides, HK Environmental Protection Dept.
Environmental Guide for Smart Business, HK Environmental Protection Dept.
Summary of Environmental Legislation, HK Environmental Protection Dept.
International Conventions, HK Environmental Protection Dept.
Requirements and Procedure for Application of Environmental Permits/ Licences, HK Environmental Protection Dept.
Rio Declaration on Envionment and Development, United Nations
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, United Nations
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), International Martime Orgination
Basel Convention
Singapore Declaration on Climate Change, Energy and the Environment, East Asia Summit
Cebu Declaration on East Asian Energy Security, East Asia Summit
Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, United Nations
The Sustainable business: A practitioner's guide to achieving long-term profitability and Competitiveness (2nd Ed.) / Jonathan T. Scott. (2015)
Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future / Brundtlan, Gro H. (1987)
Kyoto Protocol (2012)
The Paris Agreement at COP21 (2016)
The Millennium Development Goals
 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
《关于推动执行保护海洋环境免受陆上活动污染全球行动纲领的 马尼拉宣言》(2012)
Honolulu Commitment (2011)
Honolulu Strategy (2011)
The Convention on Biological Diversity (1992)
The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (2000)
Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment ('Stockholm Declaration')
Report of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Stockholm (1972)
World Conservation Strategy : Living Resource Conservation for Sustainable Development (1980)

Exhibition area:
5/F Library Complex

Display period:
13 Feb – 7 Apr 2017

You are welcomed to borrow the books on display.