Time:2009/04/01 - 2009/06/30

Venue:5/F Exhibition Area

[Book Title] [Videos] [Web Links]

Book Title

Call No. Title
650.1 ADA 1999 The joy of work : Dilbert's guide to finding happiness at the expense of your co-workers / Scott Adams.
650.1 CAM 2005 The business student's handbook : learning skills for study and employment / Sheila Cameron.
650.1 GOR 2007 The energy bus : 10 rules to fuel your life, work, and team with positive energy / Jon Gordon.
650.1 HAR 2004 Career patterns : a kaleidoscope of possibilities / Liz Harris-Tuck, Annette Price, Marilee Robertson.
650.1 KOT 2006 Our iceberg is melting : changing and succeeding under any conditions / by John Kotter and Holger Rathgeber.
650.1 LYO Successful careers in Hong Kong / Paul Lyons.
650.1 MAR 2002 BusinessThink : rules for getting it right--now, and no matter what! / Dave Marcum, Steve Smith, Mahan Khalsa
650.1 SAL 2006 Shake that brain : how to create winning solutions (and have fun while you're at it) / Joel Saltzman.
650.1 SMI Discover your sales strengths : how the world's greatest salespeople develop winning careers / Benson Smith, Tony Rutigliano.
650.1 STE 2004 Just enough : tools for creating success in your work and life / Howard Stevenson and Laura Nash.
650.1 TRA The 100 absolutely unbreakable laws of business success / Brian Tracy.
650.1 TRA/CRE 2002 Create your own future : how to master the 12 critical factors of unlimited success / Brian Tracy.
650.1 WAL 2006 Personal development for life and work / Harold R. Wallace, L. Ann Masters.
650.1 WEB 2002 Polar bear pirates and their quest to reach Fat City : a grown-up's book for kids at work / Adrian Webster
650.11 TIM 2005 Time management : increase your personal productivity and effectiveness.
650.13 ACU 2004 The relationship edge in business : connecting with customers and colleagues when it counts / Jerry Acuff.
650.13 BEL 2004 Building your network through communication / Arthur H. Bell, Dayle M. Smith.
650.13 DUB 1988 Human relations for career and personal success Andrew J. Dubrin
650.13 SOL Working with difficult people / Muriel Solomon.
650.1302854678 TET 2005 The virtual handshake : opening doors and closing deals online / David Teten and Scott Allen.
650.14 BEA 2002 The five-minute interview : a job hunter's guide to a successful interview / Richard H. Beatty.
650.14 BEA 2003 The interview kit / Richard H. Beatty.
650.14 BEL 2004 Interviewing for success / Arthur H. Bell, Dayle M. Smith.
650.14 BUL 2003 Building professionals : creating a successful portfolio / Dianne J. Orton ...
650.14 CAR Career development and planning : a comprehensive approach / Robert C. Reardon ...
650.14 DAL 2004 Career warfare : 10 rules for building a successful personal brand and fighting to keep it / David F. D'Alessandro
650.14 DOR 2000 The complete idiot's guide to the perfect interview / by Marc Dorio.
650.14 FOX 2001 Don't send a resume : and other contrarian rules to help land a great job / Jeffrey J. Fox.
650.14 FRY 101 great answers to the toughest interview questions / by Ron Fry.
650.14 FRY 101 smart questions to ask on your interview / by Ron Fry.
650.14 GRE 2004 The ultimate job hunter's guidebook / Susan D. Greene, Melanie C.L. Martel.
650.14 HAR 2002 Harvard business review on managing your career.
650.14 HES 2006 Career excellence / Peter M. Hess adapted by Leo Sevigny.
650.14 IBA 2004 Working identity : unconventional strategies for reinventing your career / Herminia Ibarra.
650.14 MAP Mapping your career : the book that can help you find the job you want ... / The Crisp editors
650.14 POO Building your career portfolio / by Carol A. Poore.
650.14 RYA 2001 Career success : a lifetime investment / Jerry Ryan, Roberta Ryan.
650.14 SOL Reinvent your career : attain the success you desire and deserve / by Susan Wilson Solovic.
650.14 SUK 2004 The career fitness program : exercising your options / Diane Sukiennik, William Bendat, Lisa Raufman.
650.14 VER 2002 Succeeding at interviews / Judith Verity.
650.14 WAL 2001 Maximum success : changing the 12 bad business habits before they break you / James Waldroop and Timothy Butler.
650.14 WEN Kick off your career : write a winning resume, ace your interview, negotiate a great salary / Kate Wendleton.
650.1405 BOL What color is your parachute? : a practical manual for job-hunters and career-changers / by Richard Nelson Bolles
650.142 BEA 2004 The perfect cover letter / Richard H. Beatty.
650.142 BER Designing creative resumes / Gregg Berryman.
650.142 BET 2005 Perfect phrases for resumes / Michael Betrus.
650.142 FRY 101 great resumes : winning resumes for any situation, any job, any career / by Ron Fry.
650.142 LEI CVs and job applications / Judith Leigh cartoons by Beatrice Baumgartner-Cohen.
650.144 NIE 2005 Winning the interview game : everything you need to know to land the job / Alan H. Nierenberg.
651.7 GUF Business communication : process and product / Mary Ellen Guffey.
651.7 HAR Harvard business essentials : business communication.
651.7 LOC 2004 Business communication : building critical skills / Kitty O. Locker, Stephen Kyo Kaczmarek.
651.7 ZAR Organizational communication : foundations for business & collaboration / Alan Jay Zaremba.
651.74 HEM 2001 Business communication with writing improvement exercises / Phyllis Davis Hemphill, Donald W. McCormick, Robert D. Hemphill.
651.74 LES 2005 Basic business communication : skills for empowering the internet generation / Raymond V. Lesikar, Marie E. Flatley.
651.74 SHA 2002 Business correspondence and report writing : a practical approach to business and Technical communication / R.C. Sharma, Krishna Mohan.
172.2 1505 勝任自己 : 培養心力, 沃壯人生 / 鄭石岩著.
173.741 1514 2006 贏一場人生 : 助人提昇的42種教練規律 / 劉遠章, 陶兆輝.
173.75 808 直擊人心, 決勝職場 : 有效破解人際關係盲點, 增強人際互動, 化危機為轉機的九大性格剖析 / 作者金潔.拉佩德.伯格達 ; 譯者辛一立.
176.5 1212 情緒與壓力管理 / 黃惠惠著.
176.54 1205 泰然駕馭都市壓力 / 黃以謙著.
176.54 1810 2005 面臨壓力, 你如何解壓 / 蕭峰, 鍾劍莉等編著.
176.54 915 我要放鬆 : 實用身心鬆弛法 / 胡潔瑩.
177 1106 怎樣學會應變 / 張光義著.
177.2 1012 2004 謀略 : 安身立命的生存法則 / 作者高華.
177.2 1012 2004 觀念 : 成功人士的終極修練 / 作者高華.
177.2 1102 2005 贏在職場的100個箴言 / 張力夫著.
177.2 1111 2002 經營大師的22堂課 : 價值億萬的商業智慧 / 作者Robert McCord 譯者傅振焜.
177.2 1116 2006 AQ啟示錄 : 生物逆境實驗的震撼啟示 : 14則讓人性底片曝光的[逆境啟示錄 / 張璞著.
177.2 1210 1998 開發高潛能 / 博恩.崔西著 ; 蔡憶勤譯
177.2 1212 邁向成熟 : 青年的自我成長與生涯規劃 / 黃惠惠著.
177.2 1213 2006 贏盡生命 / 黃經國著.
177.2 1304 2003 一次讀完十五部成功經典 / 作者楊文軒
177.2 1307 2005 縱橫天下點石成金 / 楊志強著.
177.2 1509 2004 i主義 : 把老闆變不見 / 劉威麟著.
177.2 2009 2006 35 x 33 : 35歲前該有的33種態度 / 蘇美靜, 流川美加, 張軍編著.
177.2 2110 2006 成功人少林寺 / 顧修全著.
177.2 402 2005 生活成功學 : 職場上位全攻略 / 王一峰著.
177.2 504 2006 想成功, 必須要知道的100個秘笈 : 100個實現成功人生的簡單技巧 / 大衛.尼文著 ; 張瓊丹譯.
177.2 510 美麗人生十大守則 3 : 追求圓滿之旅 / 雪莉.卡特史考特(Cherie Carter-Scott) ; 譯者朱衣.
177.2 606 2008 做好人會成功 / 艾因霍恩 ; 譯者鍾慧元
177.2 705 2006 一生成就看職商 : 一流員工的職業素養 / 吳甘霖著.
177.2 705 2006 方法總比問題多 : 打造不找借口找方法的一流員工 / 吳甘霖著.
177.2 705 2006 沒有理由做不大 : 破譯一流企業家做大事業之謎 / 吳甘霖著.
177.2 708 2006 時間管理高手 / 呂宗昕著.
177.2 708 2007 圖解卡耐基成功心理學 / 吳金嶺編著.
177.2 713 2008 李安的成功法則 : 從Google到安藤忠雄都是這樣成功的 / 李達翰著.
177.2 716 2003 工作逆境, 心理自強 : 療癒經濟不景傷痕, 提升工作生活素質 / 李穎明.
177.2 804 2006 夢現力 : 引發你內心深處無限的可能性, 實現夢想的5大能力 / 和仁達也著 ; 邱麗娟譯.
177.2 816 2002 成功你敢嗎? : 升職加薪第一步 / 周融.
177.2 914 史蒂芬.柯維的成功金律 : 給年輕人的15條人生準則 / 舒天戈編著.
177.2 914 第8個習慣 : 從成功到卓越 / 史蒂芬.柯維著 ; 殷文譯.
177.2 914 與成功有約 / 柯維著 顧淑馨譯.
177.2 916 2007 贏在今天 : 掌握成功的12個操練 / 約翰.麥斯威爾(John C. Maxwell)著 ; 林明貞譯.
177.3 1007 2007 管理你的野蠻波士 / ?克.霍思福著 ; 駱詠藍譯.
177.3 401 2006 生活成功學 : 職場上的快樂人際 / 王一峰著.
177.3 912 2007 新丁一百天 / 紀富思著 ; 駱詠藍譯.
177.5 1911 2002 給一個 A : 開發心智潛境與領導藝術 / 羅莎姆.史東.山德爾, 班傑明.山德爾著 ; 江麗美譯.
177.7 1508 JOB : 勇氣, 承諾與事業 / 瑞克.傑諾(Rick Jarow)著 ; 劉怡伶譯.
192 1014 勵志文集 / [美]馬爾騰著 ; 林語堂譯.
192.1 1221 富蘭克林的人生信條 : 給年輕人的12條修身忠告 / 孫思忠編著.
192.1 707 2002 人生中不可不想的事 / 克里希那穆提著 ; 葉文可譯."
192.3 1914 2007 商業午餐的藝術 : 善用午餐時間創造訂單 / 作者羅賓.潔 (Robin Jay) ; 譯者丁惠民
192.31 1113 2002 OL禮儀全攻略 : 一本令你不再失儀的書 / Mrs. Sue Young."
192.31 1113 2007 細節決定成敗 : 這樣做便不會失禮 / Karen著."
192.31 1120 2008 禮貌的力量 / 露辛達.赫德佛斯(Lucinda Holdforth)著 ; 郭寶蓮譯.
192.31 1608 1990 洋相 : 英美社交禮儀 / 蕭芳芳 .
192.32 1312 2006 你的口才價值百萬 / 楊凱文編著
192.32 1913 2005 讓人無法說No的攻心說話術 : 教你謀定而後言的101則攻心關鍵策略 / 羅毅著.
192.32 1915 2006 公關專家不告訴你的101則攻心策略 / 羅毅.
192.6 810 2008 好習慣 VS 壞習慣 / 林格主? 養成教育課題組編.
198 714 2007 管理自己, 才能管理別人 / 利嘉敏著
244.9 1604 逆境不放棄 / 穆丹(Dan Montgomery)著 ; 黃富英譯.
244.9 510 2008 從永富到永富 : 做個聰明的生命投資者 / 司徒永富著.
493.6 1119 2006 英文商業書信 & 電子郵件寫作技巧與範例 / 雪麗.泰勒 (Shirley Taylor) 著 ; 劉秋枝, 羅明珠譯.
493.6 1311 2004 英漢對照商貿文書手冊 / 靳涵身編著.
494.35 1015 2007 職場AQ : 激化你的工作 DNA / 孫廣春著.
494.35 1104 2008 經營者的思考 : 讓自己成為企業存在的理由 / 御手洗?士夫, 丹羽宇一郎原 ; 江裕?譯
494.35 2009 2001 職場魅力高手 : 塑造權力與影響力的10大秘訣 / 蘇珊.馬歇爾 (Susan Marshall) 著 ; 李金梅譯.
494.35 805 有效共事之道 / 芭比.林可默(Bobbi Linkemer)著 ; 江麗美譯.
494.54 1006 24/7新工作運動 : 核心,非線性,量身訂做,社群,風格,節奏 / 莎莉.海吉森(Sally Helgesen)著 ; 王秀婷譯.
494.54 1012 80/20法則 : 成功,快樂和進步的秘訣 / 理查.高訶 ; 譯者謝綺蓉
494.54 514 工作學習地圖 / [美]W.提摩西.加爾韋著 ; 郭寶蓮譯.
542.75 1106 逆市求職Guide / 主編張宇程
542.75 409 2005 求職面試王 / 作者王俊源
542.75 510 2005 笑傲職場 / 司徒永富等著.
542.75 808 自聘秘笈 : 自由職業者手冊 / 炎林著.
542.77 1509 求職總冠軍 / 潘恆旭著.
542.77 1912 有效求職 / 珍妮.羅傑思(Jenny Rogers)著 ; 江麗美譯.
542.77 401 2006 生活成功學 : 求職面試大奮戰 : 下一個職場新人王可能是你 / 王一峰著.
542.77 815 2006 你的表現會說話 : 細心使求職更成功 / 林慶昭著.

Videos - (TOP)

Call No. Title
AVC 650.13 ZHOU 職業生涯規劃與自我管理
AVC 650.14 QIU 求職攻略
AVC 658.301 ZHANG 如何選、育、用、留人才
AVC 658.311 LONG 如何選?頂尖銷售人才多媒體課件包
AVC 658.3112 GAO 跨國公司如何選拔和培養職業經理人
AVC 658.3112 ZHANGX 招聘與面試技巧
AVC 658.31124 WEI 基於勝任力的面試技術
AVC 658.3124 LI 工作能力訓練
AVD 658.31242 GET Get a good start
AVV 658.302 CHENG 人際關係在你手
AVV 658.302 CHENG 有效之溝通
AVV 658.302 CHENG 建立團隊
AVV 658.302 CHENG 紀律執行
AVV 658.302 CHENG 時間管理
AVV 658.302 CHENG 授權
AVV 658.302 CHENG 處事得法
AVV 658.302 CHENG 策劃與跟進
AVV 658.302 CHENG 領導技巧
AVV 658.302 CHENG 激勵你的員工
AVV 658.4 CHE 行政人員形象
AVV 658.4 CHE 求職信與面試
AVV 658.4 CHE 招聘職員之道
AVV 658.4 CHE 現代管理策略

Useful Web Links on Job Searching - (TOP)

Job Advertisements
51job Alljobsuk.com A-Performers.com
Canadajobs.com Career Time for Hong Kong Economic Times Classified Post of South China Morning Post
European Job Mobility Portal HKJobs.com Hotjobs
Jobaccess.com JobMarket 求職廣場 JobsDB.com
Jobweb.com Labour Department (Interactive Employment Service from) Monster.com.hk
Oriental-Tech Executive Search Consultants Overseasjob.com (International jobs databases) Pandacareer
Worktrain Zhaopin.com 招職
明報招聘 廣東人才網  
Interview and Job Application
About.com Bradley CVs CareerPerfect.com
EmploymentGuide.com Gradview.com HKSAR Civil Service Bureau (includes the recruitment of civil service vacancies)
Job Boom Job-interview net Quintcareers.com
The Interview Caoch The Riley Guide 求職動力
Qualifications and Professional Examinations
ACCA Hong Kong Examinations Authority Hong Kong Library Association
Language Proficiency Test
British Council (Hong Kong) International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
Graduate School Entrance
Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC)
Other Resources From Test Publishers, HR Consultancy, etc
CubiksPractice Morrisby Organization SHL People Performance

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