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198.57 1705 2011 正義 : 一場思辨之旅
540.21 1010 2011 社會正義要素
540.21 1108 2010 轉型期的社會公正 : 問題與前景
541.9 715 2010 制度公正與人性完善= Zhidu gongzheng yu renxing wanshan
549.2 910 2009 正義的中斷 : 對 後社會主義 狀況的批判性反思
570.112 804 2008 正義與公民 = Justice and citizenship
578 910 2009 正義的尺度 : 全球化世界中政治空間的再認識 = Scales of justice : reimagining political space in a globalizing world
CL 581.0952 1721 2009 美國憲政民主下的司法與資本主義經濟發展
CL 588.16092 715 2011 政治中的司法 : 中國行政訴訟的法律社會學考察
CL 589.9238 1305 2009 司法大革命 : 打破傳統司法壟斷還我平等公義 : 民間公議庭
CL 589.9239 1307 2010 澳門司法制度與基本法的實施 : (專題研究報告)
CL 589.928/2 1309 2010 香港特别行政區法院研究
148 SAN Liberalism and the limits of justice / Michael J. Sandel.
170 HOL 2010 Persons, interests, and justice / Nils Holtug.
172.2 GLO 2007 Global justice, global institutions / edited by Daniel Weinstock.
172.2 SAN 2009 Justice : what's the right thing to do? / Michael J. Sandel.
306.36 ECO 2010 Economic justice, labor and community practice / edited by Louise Simmons and Scott Harding.
320.011 FRA 2009 Scales of justice : reimagining political space in a globalizing world / Nancy Fraser.
320.011 GLO 2008 Global responsibilities / [edited by] Thomas Pogge, Darrel Moellendorf.
320.011 GLO 2008 Global responsibilities / [edited by] Thomas Pogge, Darrel Moellendorf.
320.011 LOV 2011 Rawls's A theory of justice : a reader's guide / Frank Lovett.
320.011 MAN 2009 Rawls's A theory of justice : an introduction / Jon Mandle.
320.011 POG 2007 John Rawls : his life and theory of justice / Thomas Pogge translated by Michelle Kosch.
320.011 RAW 1999 A theory of justice / John Rawls.
320.011 SEN 2009 The idea of justice / Amartya Sen.
320.011 VOI 2011 Rawls explained / Paul Voice.
320.092 FRE 2007 Rawls / Samuel Freeman.
320.51 RAW 1996 Political liberalism / John Rawls.
320.51 RAW 2006 Rawls's law of peoples : a realistic utopia? / edited by Rex Martin and David A. Reidy.
321.8 KUP 2006 Democracy beyond borders : justice and representation in global institutions / Andrew Kuper.
323 MAN 2006 Global justice / Jon Mandle.
L 340.112 DWO 2006 Justice in robes / Ronald Dworkin.
L 340.114 THE 2012 Theories of justice / edited by Tom Campbell, Alejandra Mancilla.

其他相關書目 - (TOP)

078 712 盲目的正義
083.11 0231-234 韓非子 韓非子集解 中國古代法理學 法律
083.11 0240-243 國際法典 國際法庭 國際聯盟 國際聯合會之目的及其組織
083.12 131-133 國際司法問題 領事裁判權問題 中國憲法問題
083.12 150 犯罪學及刑罰學
083.6 1502 2009 當代中國的公安工作 = Contemporary China. Public security work
083.6 1502 2009 當代中國的司法行政工作 = Contemporary China. Judicial administration
083.6 1502 2009 當代中國的審判工作= Contemporary China. The people's judicial work
083.6 1502 2009 當代中國的審判工作= Contemporary China. The people's judicial work
143.61 504 1989 洛爾斯
143.9 1105 2011 馬克思與古人 : 古典倫理學、社會正義和19世紀政治經濟學 = Marx and the ancients: classical ethics, social justice and nineteenth-century political economy
244.93 1311 1991 無能者的大能
540.21 1712 正義及其相關問題 (1991年)
548.5952 809 2006 控制的文化 : 當代社會的犯罪與社會秩序
552.52 916 2009 美好社會 : 人類議程
570.112 1505 2009 哈耶克社会理论
570.112 513 2007 自由主義者與社群主義者 = Liberals and communitarians
570.9407 907 2007 馬克思與諾齊克之間 : G. A.柯亨文選
628.77 317 2011 大國是
673.82 1114 1995 97後中港新面貌
CL 578.155 1105 1977 國際法院 : 訴訟案與諮詢意見案
CL 579.27 1106 人權呼應
CL 579.27 808 1994 人權保障與司法審查 : 憲法專論 (二)
CL 580.1 708 1993 法制的理念與行為
CL 580.92 1009 中國法治發展報告 = The development report of rule of law in China
CL 580.92 1009 2005 皇恩浩蕩: 皇帝統治的另一面
CL 580.92939 405 2010 明清澳门涉外法律研究 = A research on foreign-related laws in Macal of the Ming and early Qing dynasties
CL 580.9338 1508 1992 香港法制, 憲政, 司法
CL 585.01 508 1991 犯罪與刑罰新論
CL 585.7809238 1621 2009 香港的復和司法 : 在少年司法制度中的應用﹑發展與限制
CL 585.92 1116 2004 中國刑事政策檢討: 以嚴打刑事政策為視角
CL 586.5092 709 2004 清代中央司法審判制度
CL 589 1115 2003 司法改革 : 分析與展開
CL 589 1406 2003 司法制度與司法改革
CL 589 1606 1990 改革司法
CL 589 1704 2003 司法與人權
CL 589.092 407 2001 司法改革研究 = Research on judicial reform
CL 589.09205 312 1992 宋代司法制度
CL 589.09205 312 1992 宋代司法制度
CL 589.192 1905 2000 中國司法改革研究
CL 589.192 711 1996 你不知道的司法黑暗
CL 589.9 1410 2006 國際司法制度初論= An introduction to international judicial institutions
CL 589.92 1109 2000 中國的司法制度 = Judicial system in China
CL 589.92 1109 2002 中國的司法制度 = Judicial system in China
CL 589.92 1512 1998 走向司法公正 : 司法腐敗紀實
CL 589.92 1905 2003 中國司法改革理論與制度創新
CL 589.92 205 2004 人民法院司法為民措施實用指南
CL 589.92 411 2002 新編中華人民共和國常用司法解釋全書
CL 589.92 515 2000 變遷與改革 : 法院制度現代化硏究
CL 589.92/1 1409 2000 司法文書學
CL 589.92/21 911 2003 人民法院審判監督實務
CL 589.9207 1115 2002 司法改革論評 = Judicial reform review
CL 589.9238 807 2006 司法陷阱. 第1擊 = Legal traps in Hong Kong. 1
170 KAU Without guilt and justice : from decidophobia to autonomy / Walter Kaufmann.
172.2 LUC On justice / J.R. Lucas.
172.4 GLO 2002 Global justice and transnational politics : essays on the moral and political challenges of globalization / edited by Pablo De Greiff and Ciaran Cronin.
179.9 PER The idea of justice and the problem of argument / by Ch. Perelman, with an introduction by H. L. A. Hart translated from the French by John Petrie.
320.01 BRO Modern political philosophy : theories of the just society / Alan Brown.
320.011 FER Justice and judgment : the rise and the prospect of the judgment model in contemporary political philosophy / Alessandro Ferrara.
320.011 HAM Justice is conflict / Stuart Hampshire.
320.011 HEL Beyond justice / Agnes Heller.
320.011 JUS Justice / edited by Milton Fisk.
320.011 MUL Liberals and communitarians / Stephen Mulhall and Adam Swift.
320.011 POG 1989 Realizing Rawls / Thomas W. Pogge.
320.011 RAF Habermas, Lyotard and the concept of justice / Stanley Raffel.
320.011 RAW A theory of Justice / John Rawls.
320.011 RAW 2001 Justice as fairness : a restatement / John Rawls edited by Erin Kelly.
320.011 REA Reading Rawls : critical studies on Rawls' A theory of justice / edited with an introduction by Norman Daniels.
320.5 JUS 1992 Justice : alternative political perspectives / [edited by] James P. Sterba.
321.07 HAR 2000 Spaces of hope / David Harvey.
321.8 BAR Democracy, power, and justice : essays in political theory / Brian Barry.
L 340 CAH The sense of injustice / Edmond Cahn.
L 340.01 BIR The idea of justice / by Otto A. Bird.

電子書 - (TOP)

Balancing reasonable justice [electronic resource] : John Rawls and crucial steps beyond / Ville Päivänsalo
Bound by recognition [electronic resource] / Patchen Markell.
Bounds of justice [electronic resource] / Onora O'Neill.
Civil passions [electronic resource] : moral sentiment and democratic deliberation / Sharon R. Krause.
Communities of peace [electronic resource] : confronting injustice and creating justice / edited by Danielle Poe.
Fairness and groups [electronic resource] / edited by Elizabeth A. Mannix, Margaret A. Neale, Elizabeth Mullen.
Fairness in international law and institutions [electronic resource] / Thomas M. Franck.
Fairness versus welfare [electronic resource] / Louis Kaplow, Steven Shavell.
How law works [electronic resource] : the machinery and impact of civil justice / Ross Cranston.
Illiberal justice [electronic resource] : John Rawls vs. the American political tradition / David Lewis Schaefer.
John Rawls [electronic resource] / Catherine Audard.
Justice [electronic resource] / edited by Karen A. Hegtvedt, Jody Clay-Warner.
Justice and democracy [electronic resource] : essays for Brian Barry / edited by Keith Dowding, Robert E. Goodin and Carol Pateman.
Justice and fairness in international negotiation [electronic resource] / Cecilia Albin.
Justice and public administration [electronic resource] / Charles F. Abel and Arthur J. Sementelli.
Justice and the American metropolis [electronic resource] / Clarissa Rile Hayward and Todd Swanstrom, editors.
Justice and the social contract [electronic resource] : essays on Rawlsian political philosophy / Samuel Freeman.
Justice and world order [electronic resource] : a philosophical inquiry / Janna Thompson.
Justice in the risk society [electronic resource] : challenging and re-affirming justice in late modernity / Barbara Hudson.
Law's task [electronic resource] : the tragic circle of law, justice, and human suffering / by Louis E. Wolcher.
Natural justice [electronic resource] / Ken Binmore.
Profiles, probabilities, and stereotypes [electronic resource] / Frederick Schauer.
Property and justice [electronic resource] / J.W. Harris.
Rawls, Dewey, and constructivism [electronic resource] : on the epistemology of justice / Eric Thomas Weber.
Rawls's A theory of justice [electronic resource] : a reader's guide / Frank Lovett.
Respect, pluralism, and justice [electronic resource] : Kantian perspectives / Thomas E. Hill, Jr.
Scales of justice [electronic resource] : reimagining political space in a globalizing world / Nancy Fraser.
Supplement to Epitome of the synthetic philosophy (concluding the 'The principles of ethics').
The Cambridge companion to Rawls [electronic resource] / edited by Samuel Freeman.
The idea of justice [electronic resource] / Amartya Sen.
The justice motive in everyday life [electronic resource] : essays in honor of Melvin J. Lerner / edited by Michael Ross, Dale T. Miller.
The justice of mercy [electronic resource] / Linda Ross Meyer.
The legacy of John Rawls [electronic resource] / edited by Thom Brooks and Fabian Freyenhagen.
The philosophy of the active and moral powers of man, Vol 2.
The principles of ethics (Vol 1).
The principles of ethics (Vol 2).
The reign of the stoics: History, religion, maxims of self-control, self-culture, benevolence, justice, philosophy
Top ten global justice law review articles 2007 [electronic resource] / edited and selected by Amos N. Guiora.
Whispered consolations [electronic resource] : law and narrative in African American life / Jon-Christian Suggs.
Who is the client? The ethics of psychological intervention in the Criminal Justice System [electronic resource].

網上資源 - (TOP)

John Rawls & Theory of Justice
John Rawls (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
John Rawls on Justice
John Rawls' Theory of Blind "Justice"
Justice as Fairness: John Rawls and His Theory of Justice
The antipolitical philosophy of John Rawls
Michael Sandel
Harvard University’s Justice with Michael Sandel
Michael Sandel 談失落的民主論辯藝術
