Printed Books

Call No. Title
006.71 405鄧小平論新時期黨風廉政建設 / 中央紀委研究室編.
198.48 1616 2005中國金融市場的利益衝突與倫理規制 / 戰穎著.
494 711 2008企業管治 : 上市公司問題分析 = Corporate governance : analysis of listed company problems / 何順文, 高衍璋著.
525.9238 805 2012大學歧途 : 高尚學府變貪腐王國 / 林本利著.
541.612 1110國際大肅貪 : 國外腐敗與反腐敗鬥爭紀實 / 張核, 仇新華編.
541.612 1310 1997中外職務經濟罪案實錄 / 楊書文等著.
541.612 1311 2007合謀腐敗機制的經濟學審視 / 葉國英著.
541.612 606 1993權錢交易錄 / 西西編著.
541.9 1106 1988中國人的權力遊戲 / 黃光國編 .
548.092 1108 1990步履艱難的中國 / 張周著.
548.545 910 1994黑錢市場 / 英格.沃爾特著 ; 虞虹譯.
548.546 1713 1996防制洗錢之研究 : 理論與實務 / 謝福源著.
548.546 808 2006誰劫走了全球經濟 / 摩伊希斯.奈姆著 ; 吳國卿譯.
552.1 513 2009貨幣陰謀 : 全球化背後的帝國陰謀與金融潛規則 = A game as old as empire / 史蒂文.希亞特主編 ; 王少國, 楊永恒譯.
553.0952 1714 2014资本主义大变形 = The great deformation: the corruption of capitalism in America / 戴维.斯托克曼著 ; 张建敏译.
553.65 805 1998公共事業手冊 : 監管理論和實踐 / 林本利著.
558.164092 1515 2011誰害怕賴昌星回國 : 重審遠華案 / 劉劍敏, 周惟
567.073 412 2016巴拿馬文件 / 巴斯提昂。歐伯邁爾, 弗雷德瑞克。歐伯麥爾著 ; 竇強翻譯工作小組譯
572.14 805 2000公共政策評論 / 林本利著.
572.42 411國外公務員從政道德法律法規選編 / 中國監察學會秘書處等編譯.
572.8 1508 1994外國監察制度 : 國外是怎樣反腐敗的 / 劉明波編著
572.907 1608 2002紀念澳門廉政十載 : 「倡廉守法」研討會論文集 = Colectânea de comunicaçôes do Seminário sobre “A Incorruptibilidade e o Cumprimento da Lei” : em comemoraçâo dos 10 anos em prol da honestidade e transparência em Macau / [澳門]廉政公署]
572.918 1010 2008轉型期中國腐敗問題比較研究 / 馬海軍著
572.918 1108 2014習近平反腐肅貪大解密 / 萬晶琳, 聞立等編.
572.918 1109 2008權力監督與腐敗預防 : 懲治與預防職務犯罪百題 / 張亮編著.
572.918 1115 2011賴昌星案全解密 / 張賢華, 莊東賢.
572.918 1301 2010中共官場色.戒 / 楊一飛編著.
572.918 1311 2014靜默革命 : 香港廉政百年共業 / 葉健民著.
572.918 1311 2015禁奢令只是一場荒謬戲碼? : 習近平, 強權主導,大力闊斧展現「改革」決心! / 時代編輯部編著.
572.918 1411 2011中国贪官录 : 2000-2010 : 250位贪官档案 = Corrupted officials / 凤凰周刊编.
572.918 1510 1999依法治國與廉政建設 / 主編: 劉海年, 李林, 張廣興
572.918 1605 1998北京廉政風暴 / 曉冲主編
572.918 1607 2011要案直通中南海 / 曉沖主編.
572.918 1711 2010官場色禍檔案 / 鍾偉.
572.918 1808 2015简明中国反贪史 / 王春瑜主编
572.918 406 2004公共部門及機構廉潔守則製作建議.
572.918 411 1998中國韓國行政倫理與廉政建設研究 / 王偉, 車美玉, [韓]徐源錫著.
572.918 411 2011 no.1中国反腐倡廉建设报告 = Report on combating corruption and upholding integrity in China / 中国社会科学院中国廉政研究中心编
572.918 411 2012 no.2中国反腐倡廉建设报告 = Report on combating corruption and upholding integrity in China / 中国社会科学院中国廉政研究中心编
572.918 411 2013 no.3中国反腐倡廉建设报告 = Report on combating corruption and upholding integrity in China / 中国社会科学院中国廉政研究中心编
572.918 411 2014 no.4中国反腐倡廉建设报告 = Report on combating corruption and upholding integrity in China / 中国社会科学院中国廉政研究中心编
572.918 511 2010中國權貴最後瘋狂 / 外參編輯部
572.918 609 2009腐败与反腐败 : 理论, 模型和方法 = Corruption and anti-corruption : theory, model and approach / 任建明, 杜治洲著.
572.918 708 2007廉政體系的國際比較 = International comparison of the national integrity systems / 主編李秀峰
572.918 708 2011劉志軍的紅樓夢 / 杜知根, 方延鴻
572.918 710 2006各國廉政建設比較研究 / 宋振國 ... [et al.]著.
572.918 817 2004中華民國反貪史 : 其制度變遷與運行的衍異 / 邱濤著
572.918 916 2010香港反腐敗制度體系研究 = A research on the anti-corruption institution system in Hong Kong / 段龍飛, 任建明著.
572.918092 1214 1991中國廉政史 / 單遠慕 , 劉益安等著 .
572.918092 411 2013 v.1中国反贪史 / 王春瑜主编
572.918092 411 2013 v.2中国反贪史 / 王春瑜主编
572.918092 411 2013 v.3中国反贪史 / 王春瑜主编
572.95092 1309 1989廉政手冊 / 廉政手冊編輯組編.
572.9509238 1810 1990香港廉政 / 聶振光, 呂銳鋒, 曾映明編著
573.0708 907治理能力與行政革新 : 香港行政革新的經驗與啟示 / 孫同文著.
573.1 1112 2014泛權力 : 透視中國歷史上的權力法則 / [張程著].
573.4 709 2009潛規則 : 中國歷史上的進退遊戲 / 吳思著.
573.431 403 2001反腐敗 : 來自古代中國的啟示 : 以北魏官吏收入與監察機制為例 / 王大良著.
573.8023 405領導幹部收入申報,禮品登記,廉潔自律規定釋義 / 中央紀委法規室, 監察部法規室編.
573.807 711加大辦案力度的探索與實踐 : 全國省區市紀檢監察案件檢查工作研討會論文集 / 祈培文主編
574.09 1604 2012中共深喉大爆料 : 中共體制內人士「樵夫」海量披露中共高層內幕 / [作者: 樵夫]
574.1 714 2011世界老二不好當 / 宋趙來著
574.109 1309 2013薄熙來王立軍案被掩藏的內幕 / 新紀元周刊編輯部.
574.109 1509 2013薄熙來的”幫凶” / 劉飛.
574.109 508 2012薄熙來大罪 / 北雨[編著].
574.109 608 2013中共失去香港 / 江易編著.
574.109 709 2013薄熙來事件的黑手 / 谷政斌.
574.32 1010 1997誰在判決總統 : 全斗煥, 盧泰愚案審判紀實 / 夏海強著.
574.338 1212 2000香港廉政公署 / 程景民編著.
575.233 2011 2009收拾廣東官 / 鐘偉主编.
575.238 1109 2006公共管治策略 : 特區八年政策得失 / [張炳良]
575.238 703 2012求變 : 下屆政府不能迴避的議題 / 作者: 呂大樂 ... [et al.]
575.238 805 2002公共政策的事實與謊言之泡沫與失誤 / 林本利著.
575.238 805 2015政策失衡的反思 : 是誰拿走了社會的公義與你口袋裡的錢? / [作者: 林本利].
576.254 405中國共產黨紀律檢查工作現行條規匯編 1989-1992 / 中央紀委法規室編
576.25416 405 2002中國共產黨反腐倡廉文獻選編 / 中央紀委紀檢監察研究所編.
576.2544 1011 2013周永康炸彈 : 習近平打虎受挫後患無窮 / 高強編著.
610.4 709 2004潛規則 : 中國歷史中的眞實遊戲 / 吳思著.
626.7 1104萬曆十五年 = 1587, a year of no significance / 黃仁宇著.
628.77 308 2011朱鎔基叫陣溫家寶 : 中共內鬼和官商關係 / 《大事件》編輯部.
628.77 511 2011中國特殊利益集團 : 中共太子黨和貪官 / 《外參》編輯部.
782.28 1011 1988 v.1奸臣傳 / 高敏主編.
782.28 1011 1988 v.2奸臣傳 / 高敏主編.
785.738 808 2003別為我哭泣 : 為上帝遺棄的國度奮戰 = Rage au coeur = Until death do us part / 英格麗.貝坦古特 (Ingrid Betancourt) 自傳 ; 林怡君, 何修瑜, 杜志娟譯.
857.75 1108 1998 v.1天怒人怨 : 江澤民 vs 陳希同 / 陳放著.
857.75 1108 1998 v.2天怒人怨 : 江澤民 vs 陳希同 / 陳放著.
857.85 1409一個記者筆下的肅貪報告 / 趙信著.
861.57 705 2013紙之月 / 角田光代 ; 譯者李璦祺.
875.57 1113 1999風中綠李 / 荷塔. 慕勒著 ; 陳素幸譯.
881.357 509 2008龍紋身的女孩 / 史迪格.拉森 (Stieg Larsson)著 ; 顏湘如譯.
881.357 509 2010直搗蜂窩的女孩 = Luftslottet som sprngdes / 史迪格・拉森(Stieg Larsson)著 ; 顏湘如譯.
895.78 1213 v.1新聞與揭醜 / [美]林肯.斯蒂芬斯(Lincoln Steffens)著 ; 展江, 萬勝主譯.
895.78 1213 v.2新聞與揭醜 / [美]林肯.斯蒂芬斯(Lincoln Steffens)著 ; 展江, 萬勝主譯.
CL 582.9 1210 1991建國以來反貪污賄賂法規資料選編 / 最高人民檢察院反貪污賄賂法研究起草小組編
CL 584.161 812 1997權力腐敗與權力制約 / 林喆著.
CL 585.24 1115 1996徇私舞弊罪 偽證罪 / 曹慶晨主編
CL 585.24 1210 1989重大貪污受賄瀆職罪案案例選編 / 最高人民檢察院編輯組編.
CL 585.24 1312 1996挪用公款罪 / 葉惠倫主編
CL 585.24 1505 1996賄賂罪 / 劉立憲主編
CL 585.24 1506 1996貪污賄賂罪的認定與處理 / 劉光顯, 張泗漢主編 ; 王晨等撰
CL 585.24 1510 2005職務犯罪懲治法律分解適用集成 / 主編劉家琛/td>
CL 585.24 710 1996權與法的較量 : 各國反腐敗要案紀實 / 宋振國, 衛靈主編./td>
CL 585.24 712 1994賄賂犯罪研究 / 肖揚主編
CL 585.2401 1017 1994職務犯罪監督論 / 孫謙主編
CL 585.2401 1514 1994職務犯罪的法律對策及治理 / 樊鳳林, 宋濤主編
CL 585.24029 1510 1998中國歷代貪賄案例選注 / 劉海年, 韓延龍主編.
CL 585.24036 1103 1996私放罪犯罪 / 陳大豪主編
CL 585.24036 810 1996玩忽職守罪 / 周振想主編
CL 585.2407 411 1989懲治貪污賄賂犯罪論文集 / 中國檢察學會編
CL 585.24092 1108 2000中國反腐敗二十年 / 陳波著
CL 585.24092 1512 2004問題官員 : 中國當代腐敗官員問題啟示錄 / 歐陽逸飛著.
CL 585.2409238 1109 2010反貪停不了 : 廉政公署啟示錄 / 張俊峰著.
CL 585.491 807 1998跨國洗錢的法律控制 / 邵沙平著.
CL 585.7308 1309當前貪污賄賂, 拒不說明巨額財產來源違法違紀犯罪的政策法律界限與認定處理 / 當前懲治經濟違法違紀犯罪叢書編委會編
CL 585.8 405 1995正義與邪惡 : 懲治腐敗最新大案要安查處紀實 / 中央紀委辦公廳編
CL 585.8 405 1995當代中國肅貪實錄 / 伊人編著
CL 585.8 710 1990共和國發出最後通牒 : 五萬貪官自首記 / 吳海民著.
CL 585.8 717 1994中央國家機關黨內違紀案例選編 / 李鍾英, 王家禮主編
CL 586.952/72 805 2009正義,從站上被告席開始 : 美國第一律師丹諾在被告席上的自我辯護 =Justice, Clarence Darrow / 林正編著
CL 588.948/13 604 1987俄羅斯聯邦行政違法行為法典 / 任允正, 馬驤聰譯
Call No. Title
174 SUL 2005Work and integrity : the crisis and promise of professionalism in America / William M. Sullivan ; foreword by Lee S. Shulman.
241.4 FRA 2013The way of humility : Corruption and sin ; On self-accusation / Jorge Cardinal Bergoglio ; translated by Helena Scott.
306.095125 WAL 1972Under the whitewash / J. Walker.
306.2 GIR 1997Corruption, capitalism and democracy / John Girling
320.951 LO 1993Corruption and politics in Hong Kong and China / T. Wing Lo.
320.95957 QUA 1985Government and politics of Singapore / edited by Jon S.T. Quah [and others].
322.30951 COM 2010Complicity, campaigns, collaboration, and corruption : strategies and responses to European corporations and lobbyists in China / Au Loong Yu ... [et al.]
324.25125012 YOU 2010Electing Hong Kong's Chief Executive / Simon N.M. Young & Richard Cullen
327.730538 UNG 2004House of Bush, house of Saud : the secret relationship between the world’s two most powerful dynasties / Craig Unger.
328.73 PEAThe case against Congress; a compelling indictment of corruption on Capitol Hill, by Drew Pearson and Jack Anderson.
328.73076 CLAPublic trust, private lust : sex, power, and corruption on Capitol Hill / Marion Clark and Rudy Maxa.
328.730762092 BARThe ambition and the power / John M. Barry.
329.00973 WINThe Washington pay-off; an insider’s view of corruption in government [by] Robert N. Winter-Berger.
330.0511 BAT 2007The new golden age : the coming revolution against political corruption and economic chaos / Ravi Batra.
330.973 STO 2013The great deformation : the corruption of capitalism in America / David A. Stockman.
332.6092 BRO 2015Red notice : how I became Putin’s no. 1 enemy / Bill Browder.
338.762136092 WOO 2012Exposure : inside the Olympus scandal : how I went from CEO to whistleblower / Michael Woodford.
351.5125 SCO 2005Public administration in Hong Kong : regime change and its impact on the public sector / Ian Scott.
351.5125 SCO 2010The public sector in Hong Kong / Ian Scott.
351.95125 PUBPublic sector reform in Hong Kong : into the 21st century / edited by Anthony B.L. Cheung and Jane C.Y. Lee.
352.68 CAI c2015State and agents in China : disciplining government officials / Yongshun Cai.
354.512500994 LET 1985Hard graft in Hong Kong : scandal, corruption, the ICAC / H.J. Lethbridge.
364 CRI 2009Crimes of the powerful : a reader / edited by David Whyte.
364.1320973 LASIt didn’t start with Watergate / Victor Lasky.
364.1323 HOL 2015Corruption : a very short introduction / Leslie Holmes.
364.1323 LEGLegal guide for investors in Guangdong and Hong Kong / published by Guangdong Provincial People’s Procuratorate Independent Commission Against Corruption Hong Kong.
364.1323 LUI 1979Corruption in China during the early Ch’ing period, 1644-1660 / Adam Y. C. Lui.
364.1323095 JOI 2001Progress in the fight against corruption in Asia and the Pacific : papers presented at the joint ABD-OECD Conference on Combatting Corruption in the Asia-Pacific Region, Seoul, Korea, 11-13 December 2000.
364.13230951 MAN 2004Corruption by design : building clean government in mainland China and Hong Kong / Melanie Manion.
364.135 KEL 2005Illicit trafficking : a reference handbook / Robert J. Kelly, Jess Maghan, Joseph D. Serio.
364.168 BLO 2004All is clouded by desire : global banking, money laundering, and international organized crime / Alan A. Block and Constance A. Weaver.
384.55320951 BAI 2015Staging corruption : Chinese television and politics / Ruoyun Bai.
658.42 TRI 2009Corporate governance : principles, policies, and practices / Bob Tricker.
658.422 NAD 2006Building better boards : a blueprint for effective governance / David A. Nadler, Beverly A. Behan, Mark B. Nadler, editors ; foreword by Jay W. Lorsch.
658.422 STI 2002Boards at work : how directors view their roles and responsibilities / Philip Stiles and Bernard Taylor.
658.4220971 LEB 2005Inside the boardroom : how boards really work and the coming revolution in corporate governance / Richard Leblanc, James Gillies.
658.473 BON 2007Mobs, messiahs, and markets : surviving the public spectacle in finance and politics / William Bonner, Lila Rajiva.
813.54 CON 2012The drop : a novel / Michael Connelly.
813.54 LUDTrevayne / [by] Robert Ludlum.
813.54 RAS 2009Serena / Ron Rash.
813.54 TURPleading guilty / Scott Turow.
818.409 TWAI 2010 v.4The gilded age / Mark Twain & Charles Dudley Warner ; foreword, Shelley Fisher Fishkin ; introduction, Ward Just ; afterword, Gregg Camfield.
820.912 ORW /BUR 1989Burmese days / George Orwell.
823.914 LEC 2011Our kind of traitor / John le Carré.
833.914 MUL 1996The land of green plums : a novel / Herta Müller ; translated by Michael Hofmann.
839.738 LAR 2008The girl with the dragon tattoo / Stieg Larsson ; translated from the Swedish by Reg Keeland.
839.738 LAR 2009 v.3The girl who kicked the hornets’ nest / Stieg Larsson ; translated from the Swedish by Reg Keeland.
945.8092 ROB 1999Midnight in Sicily / Peter Robb.
951.25 BLO 1985Scandals and disasters of Hong Kong / [by] Frena Bloomfield.
956.70443 MOO 2004Bush’s war for reelection : Iraq, the White House, and the people / James Moore.
956.704431 ISI 2006Hubris : the inside story of spin, scandal, and the selling of the Iraq War / Michael Isikoff and David Corn.
973.9 STEThe bosses
973.911 PHIThe treason of the senate / by David Graham Phillips.
973.9230924 BAKWheeling and dealing : confessions of a Capitol Hill operator / by Bobby Baker, with Larry L. King.
973.924092 WOO 2005The secret man : the story of Watergate’s Deep Throat / Bob Woodward.
973.9240924 AGNGo quietly ... or else / Spiro T. Agnew.
973.9240924 COHA heartbeat away; the investigation and resignation of Vice President Spiro T. Agnew / [by] Richard M. Cohen [and] Jules Witcover.
973.9270924 JENMy capitol secrets / Rita Jenrette.
973.928092 PHI 2004American dynasty : aristocracy, fortune, and the politics of deceit in the house of Bush / Kevin Phillips.
973.931 HUB 2003The Bush-hater’s handbook : a guide to the most appalling presidency of the past 100 years / Jack Huberman.
973.931 PAL 2006Armed madhouse : who’s afraid of Osama Wolf?, China floats, Bush sinks, the scheme to steal ‘08, no child’s behind left, and other dispatches from the front lines of the class war / Greg Palast.
L 340.3095125 REF 2014Reforming law reform : perspectives from Hong Kong and beyond / edited by Michael Tilbury, Simon N.M. Young, and Ludwig Ng.
L 342.202 LO 2014The judicial construction of Hong Kong’s Basic Law : courts, politics and society after 1997 / Lo Pui Yin.
L 345.410268 PAR 2012Mastering anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing : a compliance guide for practitioners / Tim Parkman.
L 345.42 MOU 2009Actions against public officials : legitimate expectations, misstatements and misconduct / by Richard Moules ; with a foreword by Lord Bingham
Links Title
eBookA better way to think about business : how personal integrity leads to corporate success / Robert C. Solomon.
eBookA discourse analysis of corruption : instituting neoliberalism against corruption in Albania, 1998-2005 / by Blendi Kajsiu.
eBookA game as old as empire : the secret world of economic hit men and the web of global corruption / edited by Steven Hiatt ; introduction by John Perkins.
eBookA primer on corporate governance : China / Jean Jinghan Chen.
eBookA secret trial : Brian Mulroney, Stevie Cameron, and the public trust / William Kaplan.
eBookA short guide to fraud risk : fraud resistance and detection / Martin Samociuk, Nigel Iyer ; edited by Helenne Doody.
eBookAnti-bribery laws in common law jurisdictions / Stuart H. Deming.
eBookAnticorruption in transition 2 : corruption in enterprise-state interactions in Europe and Central Asia, 1999-2002 / Cheryl Gray, Joel Hellman, Randi Ryterman.
eBookAnticorruption in transition 3 : who is succeeding ... and why? / James H. Anderson, Cheryl W. Grey.
eBookBank Secrecy Act/anti-money laundering / Lilian B. Klein.
eBookBanking secrecy and offshore financial centres : money laundering and offshore banking / Mary Alice Young.
eBookBorder wars / Tom Barry.
eBookBribery and corruption casebook : the view from under the table / edited by Joseph T. Wells, Laura Hymes.
eBookBuilding a trustworthy state in post-socialist transition / edited by János Kornai and Susan Rose-Ackerman.
eBookBureaus of efficiency : reforming local government in the progressive era / by Mordecai Lee.
eBookChallenging corruption in Asia : case studies and a framework for action / [compiled by] Vinay K. Bhargava and Emil Bolongaita.
eBookConfronting corruption in business : trusting leadership, civic engagement / edited by Alan T. Belasen and Roxana Toma.
eBookConfronting the weakest link : aiding political parties in new democracies / Thomas Carothers.
eBookCongressional misconduct / Jack Maskell.
eBookCorporate accountability in the context of transitional justice / edited by Sabine Michalowski.
eBookCorporate governance and anti-bribery : critical board and company secretary issues / by Rosamund Thomas ; Centre for Business and Public Sector Ethics (Cambridge, England).
eBookCorrupt Illinois : patronage cronyism and criminality / Thomas J. Gradel and Dick Simpson foreword by Jim Edgar.
eBookCorruption & democracy in Latin America / edited by Charles H. Blake & Stephen D. Morris.
eBookCorruption : anthropological perspectives / edited by Dieter Haller and Cris Shore.
eBookCorruption and development in Africa : lessons from country case-studies / edited by Kempe Ronald Hope, Sr., and Bornwell C. Chikulo.
eBookCorruption and human rights in India : comparative perspectives on transparency and good governance / C. Raj Kumar.
eBookCorruption and legislatures / Riccardo Pelizzo and Frederick Stapenhurst.
eBookCorruption and reform : lessons from America’s economic history / edited by Edward L. Glaeser and Claudia Goldin.
eBookCorruption and technology-induced private sector development / prepared by Jean-François Ruhashyankiko and Etienne B. Yehoue.
eBookCorruption and the secret of law : a legal anthropological perspective / edited by Monique Nuijten and Gerhard Anders.
eBookCorruption as a last resort : adapting to the market in Central Asia / Kelly M. McMann.
eBookCorruption as an empty signifier : politics and political order in Africa / by Lucy Koechlin.
eBookCorruption by design : building clean government in mainland China and Hong Kong / Melanie Manion.
eBookCorruption in America : from Benjamin Franklin’s snuff box to Citizens United / Zephyr Teachout.
eBookCorruption in contemporary politics / edited by Martin J. Bull and James L. Newell.
eBookCorruption in international business : the challenge of cultural and legal diversity / Sharon Eicher.
eBookCorruption in the contemporary world : theory, practice, and hotspots / edited by Jonathan Mendilow and Ilan Peleg.
eBookCorruption in the energy sector : the dangers of bcef (Bribery, Crime, Exploitation, Fraud) / Marc-Jöel Fortelny.
eBookCorruption, capitalism and democracy / John Girling
eBookCorruption, competition, and contracts : a model of vote buying / John Morgan and Felix Várdy.
eBookCorruption, contention and reform : the power of deep democratization / Michael Johnston.
eBookCorruption, global security, and world order / Robert I. Rotberg, editor.
eBookCorruption, good governance and economic development : contemporary analysis and case studies / editors, R. N. Ghosh & M. A. B. Siddique.
eBookCorruption, inequality, and the rule of law : the bulging pocket makes the easy life / Eric M. Uslaner.
eBookCorruption, politics and development : the role of the World Bank / Heather Marquette.
eBookCountering terrorist financing : the practitioner’s point of view / Mark Pieth, Daniel Thelesklaf, Radha Ivory (eds.).
eBookCourt patronage and corruption in early Stuart England / Linda Levy Peck.
eBookCrony capitalism : corruption and development in South Korea and the Philippines / David C. Kang.
eBookCrossing the Rubicon : the decline of the American empire at the end of the age of oil / Michael C. Ruppert ; foreword by Catherine Austin Fitts.
eBookCulture of corruption : Obama and his team of tax cheats, crooks, and cronies / Michelle Malkin.
eBookDead last : the public memory of Warren G. Harding’s scandalous legacy / Phillip G. Payne.
eBookDiagnosing corruption in Ethiopia : perceptions, realities, and the way forward for key sectors / Janelle Plummer, editor.
eBookDifferent paths to curbing corruption : lessons from Denmark, Finland, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Singapore / edited by Jon S.T. Quah, Anti-Corruption Consultant, Singapore.
eBookDirty entanglements : corruption, crime, and terrorism / Louise I. Shelley.
eBookDraining development? : controlling flows of illicit funds from developing countries / edited by Peter Reuter.
eBookDrivers of corruption : a brief review / Tina Søreide.
eBookDrugs and money : laundering Latin America’s cocaine dollars / Robert E. Grosse.
eBookEconomic and financial crimes commission in Nigeria : an appraisal / Patrick Edobor Igbinovia, Blessing A. Edobor-Igbinovia.
eBookEconomic gangsters : corruption, violence, and the poverty of nations / Raymond Fisman and Edward Miguel.
eBookElecting Hong Kong’s Chief Executive / Simon N.M. Young & Richard Cullen
eBookEmerging trends in asset recovery / Gretta Fenner Zinkernagel, Charles Monteith & Pedro Gomes Pereira, Basel Institute on Goverance.
eBookFew and far : the hard facts on stolen asset recovery / Larissa Gray [and three others].
eBookFighting corruption in Asia : causes, effects, and remedies / editors, John Kidd, Frank-Jürgen Richter.
eBookFighting corruption in East Asia : solutions from the private sector / Jean-François Arvis, Ronald Berenbeim.
eBookFighting corruption in public services : chronicling Georgia’s reforms.
eBookFinancial crime and money laundering / Robert J. Souster.
eBookFinancial crimes : fraud, theft and embezzlement / Jonathan G. McDougal, editor.
eBookForeign Corrupt Practices Act : a practical resource for managers and executives / Aaron G. Murphy.
eBookFundamental principles of EU law against money laundering / by Emmanuel Ioannides.
eBookFuture perspectives on the economic development of Asia / John Malcolm Dowling.
eBookGeorgia : detailed assessment report on anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism.
eBookGlobal corruption report 2004 / Transparency International.
eBookGlobal corruption report 2006 / Transparency International.
eBookGlobal criminal and sovereign free economies and the demise of the Western democracies : dark Renaissance / edited by Robert J. Bunker and Pamela Ligouri Bunker.
eBookGod the politician / Peterkins Manyong.
eBookGood Italy, bad Italy : why Italy must conquer its demons to face the future / Bill Emmott.
eBookGovernance, accountability and sustainable development / edited by David Crowther, Mourad Oubrich, Redouane Barzi and Sara Abdaless.
eBookGovernance, corruption & economic performance / George T. Abed, Sanjeev Gupta, editors.
eBookGovernment of the shadows : parapolitics and criminal sovereignty / edited by Eric Wilson.
eBookGreece : from exit to recovery? / Theodore Pelagidis, Michael Mitsopoulos.
eBookGunboats, corruption, and claims : foreign intervention in Venezuela, 1899-1908 / Brian S. McBeth.
eBookHandbook of anti money laundering / Dennis Cox.
eBookHigh crimes and misdemeanors : the case against Bill Clinton / Ann H. Coulter.
eBookHold your nose and vote : why do some democracies tolerate corruption? / prepared by Marco Pani.
eBookHonest patriots : loving a country enough to remember its misdeeds / Donald W. Shriver, Jr.
eBookHot money and the politics of debt / R.T. Naylor.
eBookHow corrupt is Britain? / edited by David Whyte ; contributors, David Beetham [and seventeen others].
eBookHow Russia really works : the informal practices that shaped post-Soviet politics and business / Alena V. Ledeneva.
eBookHow to improve governance : a new framework for analysis and action / David de Ferranti ... [et al.].
eBookIncome and asset disclosure : case study illustrations.
eBookInfiltrated : how to stop the insiders and activists who are exploiting the financial crisis to control our lives and our fortunes / by Jay W. Richards.
eBookInsider dealing and money laundering in the EU : law and regulation / R.C.H. Alexander.
eBookInternational anti-corruption norms : their creation and influence on domestic legal systems / Cecily Rose.
eBookIntimacy or integrity : philosophy and cultural difference / Thomas P. Kasulis
eBookIt’s legal but it ain’t right : harmful social consequences of legal industries / Nikos Passas and Neva Goodwin, editors.
eBookJustice in Japan : the notorious Teijin scandal / Richard H. Mitchell.
eBookKanyeihamba’s commentaries on law, politics and governance / George W. Kanyeihamba.
eBookKing of the Bowery : Big Tim Sullivan, Tammany Hall, and New York City from the Gilded Age to the Progressive Era / Richard F. Welch.
eBookLeft out of the bargain : settlements in foreign bribery cases and implications for asset recovery / Jacinta Anyango Oduor [and seven others].
eBookll-gotten money and the economy : experiences from Malawi and Namibia / Stuart Yikona ... [et al.]./td>
eBookMeasuring corruption / edited by Charles Sampford ... [et al.]./td>
eBookMexico : democracy interrupted / Jo Tuckman.
eBookMoney laundering : a concise guide for all business / Doug Hopton.
eBookMoney laundering : a new international law enforcement model / Guy Stessens.
eBookMoney laundering in Canada : chasing dirty and dangerous dollars / Margaret E. Beare and Stephen Schneider.
eBookMoney laundering prevention : deterring, detecting, and resolving financial fraud / Jonathan E. Turner.
eBookMy grandfather’s prison : a story of death and deceit in 1940s Kansas City / Richard A. Serrano.
eBookNew advances in experimental research on corruption / edited by Danila Serra, Leonard Wantchekon.
eBookNon-state actors in asset recovery / Daniel Thelesklaf, Pedro Gomes Pereira (eds.).
eBookOn the eve of conquest : the Chevalier de Raymond’s critique of New France in 1754 / Joseph L. Peyser, editor and translator.
eBookOperation pretense : the FBI’s sting on county corruption in Mississippi / James R. Crockett.
eBookOrganized crime and politics in Jamaica : breaking the nexus / Anthony Harriott.
eBookOverseas Chinese Christian entrepreneurs in modern China : a case study of the influence of Christian ethics on business life / Joy Kooi-Chin Tong.
eBookParty games : getting, keeping, and using power in Gilded Age politics / Mark Wahlgren Summers.
eBookPayoffs in the cloakroom : the greening of the Michigan Legislature, 1938-1946 / Bruce A. Rubenstein and Lawrence E. Ziewacz.
eBookPeculiar dynamics of corruption : religion, gender, EU membership, and others / Omer Gokcekus with Kevin Bengyak.
eBookPendergast! / Lawrence H. Larsen and Nancy J. Hulston.
eBookPerformance accountability and combating corruption / edited by Anwar Shah
eBookPolitical booms : local money and power in Taiwan, East China, Thailand, and the Philippines / Lynn T. White.
eBookPolitical bribery in Japan / Richard H. Mitchell.
eBookPolitical corruption in Canada : cases, causes, and cures / edited by Kenneth M. Gibbons and Donald C. Rowat.
eBookPolitical finance and corruption in Eastern Europe : the transition period / edited by Daniel Smilov and Jurij Toplak.
eBookPolitical power and corporate control : the new global politics of corporate governance / Peter Alexis Gourevitch and James J. Shinn.
eBookPolitically exposed persons : preventive measures for the banking sector / Theodore S. Greenberg ... [et al.].
eBookPolitically exposed persons : preventive measures for the banking sector / Theodore S. Greenberg ... [et al.].
eBookPoor Richard’s principle : recovering the American dream through the moral dimension of work, business, and money / Robert Wuthnow.
eBookPublic administration Singapore-style / by Jon S.T. Quah.
eBookPreventing money laundering and terrorist financing : a practical guide for bank supervisors / Pierre-Laurent Chatain ... [et al.].
eBookReference guide to anti-money laundering and combating the financing of terrorism / [Paul Allan Schott].
eBookReforming the African public sector : retrospect and prospects / Joseph R.A. Ayee.
eBookReforming the unreformable : lessons from Nigeria / Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.
eBookReign of the quisling-rodents / Ngolle-Metuge.
eBookRepositioning the Hong Kong government : social foundations and political challenges / edited by Stephen Wing-kai Chiu and Siu-lun Wong.
eBookRomania and the European Union : how the weak vanquished the strong / Tom Gallagher
eBookRussia after the global economic crisis / Anders ꁳlund, Sergei Guriev, and Andrew Kuchins, editors.
eBookSaving the Reagan presidency : trust is the coin of the realm / David M. Abshire ; foreword by Richard E. Neustadt.
eBookScandal : the sexual politics of the British constitution / Anna Clark.
eBookScandals and party moots : mass protests during the Ceauşescu regime in Romania / Adriana Mica.
eBookSecession : how Vermont and all the other states can save themselves from the empire / by Thomas H. Naylor; foreword by Kirkpatrick Sale.
eBookShifting obsessions : three essays on the politics of anticorruption / by Ivan Krastev ; with a foreword by Aryeh Neier.
eBookState and agents in China : disciplining government officials / Yongshun Cai.
eBookState crime : governments, violence and corruption / Penny Green and Tony Ward.
eBookStealing elections : how voter fraud threatens our democracy / John Fund.
eBookThe 3 power values : how commitment, integrity, and transparency clear the roadblocks to performance / by David Gebler.
eBookThe 35 articles of impeachment and the case for prosecuting George W. Bush / the full text of Congressman Dennis Kucinich’s 35 articles of impeachment a list of the criminal violations in the articles produced by Elizabeth De la Vega an original introd
eBookThe anti-corruption handbook : how to protect your business in the global marketplace / William P. Olsen.
eBookThe art of the watchdog : fighting fraud waste abuse and corruption in government / Daniel L. Feldman and David R. Eichenthal.
eBookThe beast / by Ben B. Lindsey and Harvey J. O’Higgins.
eBookThe best democracy money can buy : an investigative reporter exposes the truth about globalization, corporate cons and high finance fraudsters / Greg Palast.
eBookThe best system money can buy : corruption in the European Union / Carolyn M. Warner.
eBookThe dialectics of transformation in Africa / Elias Kifon Bongmba.
eBookThe disruption of international organised crime : an analysis of legal and non-legal strategies / by Angela Leong.
eBookThe end of authority : how a loss of legitimacy and broken trust are endangering our future / Douglas E. Schoen.
eBookThe erotics of corruption : law, scandal, and political perversion / Ruth A. Miller.
eBookThe European Union’s fight against corruption : the evolving policy towards member states and candidate countries / Patrycja Szarek Mason.
eBookThe Fitzgerald legacy : reforming public life in Australia and beyond / edited by Colleen Lewis, Janet Ransley, and Ross Homel.
eBookThe global anti-money laundering regulatory landscape in less developed countries / Norman Mugarura.
eBookThe gospel of progressivism : moral reform and labor war in Colorado, 1900-1930 / R. Todd Laugen.
eBookThe hidden order of corruption : an institutional approach / Donatella della Porta and Alberto Vannucci.
eBookThe history of corruption in central government = L’histoire de la corruption au niveau du pouvoir central / edited by Seppo Tiihonen.
eBookThe international law of responsibility for economic crimes : holding state officials individually liable for acts of fraudulent enrichment / by Ndiva Kofele-Kale.
eBookThe internationalisation of corruption : scale, impact and countermeasures / Clare Fletcher and Daniela Herrmann.
eBookThe Kansas City investigation : Pendergast’s downfall, 1938-1939 / Rudolph H. Hartmann ; edited with an introduction by Robert H. Ferrell.
eBookThe Lebanese connection : corruption, civil war, and the international drug traffic / Jonathan V. Marshall.
eBookThe liberty of servants : Berlusconi’s Italy / Maurizio Viroli ; translated by Antony Shugaar with a new preface by the author.
eBookThe many faces of corruption : tracking vulnerabilities at the sector level / edited by J. Edgardo Campos, Sanjay Pradhan.
eBookThe money laundry : regulating criminal finance in the global economy / J.C. Sharman.
eBookThe myth of voter fraud / Lorraine C. Minnite.
eBookThe new environmentalism? : civil society and corruption in the enlarged EU / Davide Torsello.
eBookThe politics of corruption in dictatorships / Vineeta Yadav, Penn State University, Bumba Mukherjee, Penn State University.
eBookThe public sector in Hong Kong / Ian Scott.
eBookThe quiet power of indicators : measuring governance, corruption, and the rule of law / edited by Sally Engle Merry, New York University, Kevin E. Davis, New York University, Benedict Kingsbury, New York University.
eBookThe road to 9/11 : wealth, empire, and the future of America / Peter Dale Scott.
eBookThe role of parliament in curbing corruption / edited by Rick Stapenhurst, Niall Johnson, Riccardo Pelizzo.
eBookThe role of the public bureaucracy in policy implementation in five Asean countries / edited by Jon S. T. Quah.
eBookThe scandal of empire : India and the creation of imperial Britain / Nicholas B. Dirks.
eBookThe scandal of reform : the grand failures of New York’s political crusaders and the death of nonpartisanship / Francis S. Barry.
eBookThe spirit of despotism : invasions of privacy in the 1790s / John Barrell.
eBookThe sport of kings and the kings of crime : horse racing, politics, and organized crime in New York, 1865-1913 / Steven A. Riess.
eBookThe state and illegality in Indonesia / edited by Edward Aspinall and Gerry van Klinken.
eBookTrends in corruption and regulatory burden in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
eBookTying the autocrat’s hands : the rise of the rule of law in China / Yuhua Wang.
eBookVeering right : how the Bush administration subverts the law for conservative causes / Charles Tiefer.
eBookVice and virtue : men of history, great crooks for the greater good / Paul Lombard.
eBookWages of corruption / Sammy Oke Akombi.
eBookWages of crime : black markets, illegal finance, and the underworld economy / R.T. Naylor.
eBookWall Street Values : Business Ethics and the Global Financial Crisis / Michael A. Santoro, Ronald J. Strauss.
eBookWhat mama said : an epic drama / Osonye Tess Onwueme ; introduction by Maureen N. Eke.
eBookWhat transparency can do when incentives fail : an analysis of rent capture / prepared by Era Dabla-Norris and Elisabeth Paul.
eBookWhy elections fail / Pippa Norris, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
eBookWhy governments and parties manipulate elections : theory, practice, and implications / Alberto Simpser
eBookWMD, nukes and nuns : a sequel to Prophets without honor : a requiem for moral patriotism / by William M. Strabala.
eBook九十年代以來中國大陸地方政府貪腐現象之研究 / 陳政一著
eBook三秒風暴 / 安德許.陸斯隆(Anders Roslund), 博爾熱.赫史東(Borge Hellstrom)著 ; 林立仁譯.
eBook中共官場淫亂圖 / 李華清.
eBook中國官商暴富 / 劉民濤編輯.
eBook中國政治大戲 / 張佑平著.
eBook反貪停不了 : 廉政公署啟示錄 / 張俊峰.
eBook反貪劍指大老虎 / 王啟海編著
eBook太子黨亂政 : 北京政局謎離 / 吳興山編
eBook太子黨搶攤 : 習團隊接替胡團派 / 吳家興編
eBook可惡又成功的奸臣們 / 娟芷著.
eBook石油帝國 : 曾慶紅與周永康 / 金木子編
eBook局長當道 : 官場一個局 多貪多色多黑 / 周峰著.
eBook周永康黑幫 / 樊菊媗著
eBook官場公敵王岐山 / 莫一潭著.
eBook官場色禍檔案 / 鍾偉著
eBook玩忽職守犯罪的認定與處理. / 姜黎豔主編
eBook紅二代 / 呂家意編.
eBook習王聯手抓貪 / 紀文靜編著
eBook貪官巨商的幕後大佬 / 吳小娟編著
eBook賄賂犯罪偵查研究 / 蘇雲著.
eBook誰是大老虎 / 金少康著
eBook聯合國反腐敗公約與國內法協調機制研究 / 慕平, 甄貞.
eBook薄熙來大審實錄 / 齊楠婉編.
eBook曝光貪官 / 劉琪平編
Global Infrastructure Anti-Corruption Centre
Internet Center for Corruption Research
Interpol Group of Experts on Corruption
The World Bank Governance and Anti-Corruption Resource Center
Transparency International
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
College for Criminal Law Science, Beijing Normal University, China 北京師範大學 刑事法律科學研究院
School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, China 清華大學廉政與治理研究中心
China Against Corruption Law Association 中國廉政法制研究會
Centre of Anti-Corruption Studies, ICAC, HK SAR 廉政建設研究中心
Hong Kong Business Ethics Development Centre 香港商業道德發展中心
Independent Commission Against Corruption, HK SAR 香港特別行政區廉政公署
Commission Against Corruption, Macao SAR 澳門特別行政區廉政公署
Ageny Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice, Taiwan 臺灣法務部廉政署
Anti-Corruption Summit 2016
The GAN Business Anti-Corruption Portal
European Research Centre for Anti-Corruption and State-Building
Commonwealth Africa Anti-Corruption Centre

United Nations Convention Against Corruption
OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions
African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption
Independent Commission Against Corruption Ordinance (Cap 204), HK SAR 廉政公署條例(香港法例第204章)
Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap 201), HK SAR 防止賄賂條例(香港法例第201章)
Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance (Cap 554), HK SAR 選舉(舞弊及非法行為)條例(香港法例第554章)
Prof Jon S. T. Quah
Prof Michael JOHNSTON, Colgate U, US
Prof Paul HEYWOORD, U of Notthingham, UK
Prof Ting GONG, CityU HK
Prof Simon YOUNG, HKU

Exhibition area:
5/F Library Complex

Display period:
27 Sept – 28 Oct 2016

Students may borrow the books on display.